PlaceHolderFormat doesn't replace the dollar sign for the parameter value during SQL using pgx driver for postgres - sql

I am new to Go and am trying to check a password against a username in a postgresql database.
I can't get dollar substitution to occur and would rather not resort to concatenating strings.
I am currently using squirrel but also tried it without and didn't have much luck.
I have the following code:
package datalayer
import (
sq ""
_ ""
var (
// for the database
db *sql.DB
func InitDB(sqlDriver string, dataSource string) error {
var err error
// Connect to the postgres db (sqlDriver is literal string "pgx")
db, err = sql.Open(sqlDriver, dataSource)
if err != nil {
return db.Ping()
// Create a struct that models the structure of a user, both in the request body, and in the DB
type Credentials struct {
Password string `json:"password", db:"password"`
Username string `json:"username", db:"username"`
func Signin(c *gin.Context) {
// Parse and decode the request body into a new `Credentials` instance
creds := &Credentials{}
err := json.NewDecoder(c.Request.Body).Decode(creds)
if err != nil {
// If there is something wrong with the request body, return a 400 status
query := sq.
Where("username = $1", creds.Username).
// The line below doesn't substitute the $ sign, it shows this: SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = $1 [rgfdgfd] <nil>
Where("username = $1", creds.Username).
rows, sqlerr := query.RunWith(db).Query()
if sqlerr != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("QueryRow failed: %v", sqlerr))
if err != nil {
// If there is an issue with the database, return a 500 error
// We create another instance of `Credentials` to store the credentials we get from the database
storedCreds := &Credentials{}
// Store the obtained password in `storedCreds`
err = rows.Scan(&storedCreds.Password)
if err != nil {
// If an entry with the username does not exist, send an "Unauthorized"(401) status
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
// If the error is of any other type, send a 500 status
// Compare the stored hashed password, with the hashed version of the password that was received
if err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(storedCreds.Password), []byte(creds.Password)); err != nil {
// If the two passwords don't match, return a 401 status
fmt.Printf("We made it !")
// If we reach this point, that means the users password was correct, and that they are authorized
// The default 200 status is sent
I see the following when I check pgAdmin, which shows the dollar sign not being substituted:

The substitution of the placeholders is done by the postgres server, it SHOULD NOT be the job of the Go code, or squirrel, to do the substitution.
When you are executing a query that takes parameters, a rough outline of what the database driver has to do is something like the following:
Using the query string, with placeholders untouched, a parse request is sent to the postgres server to create a prepared statement.
Using the parameter values and the identifier of the newly-created statement, a bind request is sent to make the statement ready for execution by creating a portal. A portal (similar to, but not the same as, a cursor) represents a ready-to-execute or already-partially-executed statement, with any missing parameter values filled in.
Using the portal's identifier an execute request is sent to the server which then executes the portal's query.
Note that the above steps are just a rough outline, in reality there are more request-response cycles involved between the db client and server.
And as far as pgAdmin is concerned I believe what it is displaying to you is the prepared statement as created by the parse request, although I can't tell for sure as I am not familiar with it.
In theory, a helper library like squirrel, or a driver library like pgx, could implement the substitution of parameters themselves and then send a simple query to the server. In general, however, given the possibility of SQL injections, it is better to leave it to the authority of the postgres server, in my opinion.
The PlaceholderFormat's job is to simply translate the placeholder to the specified format. For example you could write your SQL using the MySQL format (?,?,...) and then invoke the PlaceholderFormat(sql.Dollar) method to translate that into the PostgreSQL format ($1,$2,...).


How to implement a PATCH with `database/sql`?

Let’s say you have a basic API (GET/POST/PATCH/DELETE) backed by an SQL database.
The PATCH call should only update the fields in the JSON payload that the user sends, without touching any of the other fields.
Imagine the table (let's call it sample) has id, string_a and string_b columns, and the struct which corresponds to it looks like:
type Sample struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
StringA string `json:"stringA"`
StringB string `json:"stringB"`
Let's say the user passes in { "stringA": "patched value" } as payload. The json will be unmarshalled to something that looks like:
ID: 0,
StringA: "patched value",
StringB: "",
For a project using database/sql, you’d write the query to patch the row something like:
// `id` is from the URL params
query := `UPDATE sample SET string_a=$1, string_b=$2 WHERE id=$3`
row := db.QueryRow(query, sample.StringA, sample.StringB, id)
That query would update the string_a column as expected, but it’d also update the string_b column to "", which is undesired behavior in this case. In essence, I’ve just created a PUT instead of a PATCH.
My immediate thought was - OK, that’s fine, let’s use strings.Builder to build out the query and only add a SET statement for those that have a non-nil/empty value.
However, in that case, if a user wanted to make string_a empty, how would they accomplish that?
Eg. the user makes a PATCH call with { "stringA": "" } as payload. That would get unmarshalled to something like:
ID: 0,
StringA: "",
StringB: "",
The “query builder” I was theorizing about would look at that and say “ok, those are all nil/empty values, don’t add them to the query” and no columns would be updated, which again, is undesired behavior.
I’m not sure how to write my API and the SQL queries it runs in a way that satisfies both cases. Any thoughts?
I think reasonable solution for smaller queries is to build UPDATE query and list of bound parameters dynamically while processing payload with logic that recognizes what was updated and what was left empty.
From my own experience this is clear and readable (if repetitive you can always iterate over struct members that share same logic or employ reflection and look at struct tags hints, etc.). Every (my) attempt to write universal solution for this ended up as very convoluted overkill supporting all sorts of corner-cases and behavioral differences between endpoints.
func patchSample(s Sample) {
var query strings.Builder
params := make([]interface{}, 0, 2)
// TODO Check if patch makes sense (e.g. id is non-zero, at least one patched value provided, etc.
query.WriteString("UPDATE sample SET")
if s.StringA != "" {
query.WriteString(" stringA = ?")
params = append(params, s.StringA)
if s.StringB != "" {
query.WriteString(" stringB = ?")
params = append(params, s.StringB)
query.WriteString(" WHERE id = ?")
params = append(params, s.ID)
fmt.Println(query.String(), params)
//_, err := db.Exec(query.String(), params...)
func main() {
patchSample(Sample{1, "Foo", ""})
patchSample(Sample{2, "", "Bar"})
patchSample(Sample{3, "Foo", "Bar"})
EDIT: In case "" is valid value for patching then it needs to be distinguishable from the default empty value. One way how to solve that for string is to use pointer which will default to nil if value is not present in payload:
type Sample struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
StringA *string `json:"stringA"`
StringB *string `json:"stringB"`
and then modify condition(s) to check if field was sent like this:
if s.StringA != nil {
query.WriteString(" stringA = ?")
params = append(params, *s.StringA)
See full example in playground:
For what it's worth, I solved the issue by:
Converting the request payload to a generic map[string]interface{}.
Implementing a query builder that loops through the map's keys to create a query.
Part of the reason I went this route is it fit all my requirements, and I didn't particularly like having *strings or *ints laying around.
Here is what the query builder looks like:
func patchQueryBuilder(id string, patch map[string]interface{}) (string, []interface{}, error) {
var query strings.Builder
params := make([]interface{}, 0)
query.WriteString("UPDATE some_table SET")
for k, v := range patch {
switch k {
case "someString":
if someString, ok := v.(string); ok {
query.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" some_string=$%d,", len(params)+1))
params = append(params, someString)
} else {
return "", []interface{}{}, fmt.Errorf("could not process some_string")
case "someBool":
if someBool, ok := v.(bool); ok {
query.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" some_bool=$%d,", len(params)+1))
params = append(params, someBool)
} else {
return "", []interface{}{}, fmt.Errorf("could not process some_bool")
if len(params) > 0 {
// Remove trailing comma to avoid syntax errors
queryString := fmt.Sprintf("%s WHERE id=$%d RETURNING *", strings.TrimSuffix(query.String(), ","), len(params)+1)
params = append(params, id)
return queryString, params, nil
} else {
return "", []interface{}{}, nil
Note that I'm using PostgreSQL, so I needed to provide numbered parameters to the query, eg $1, which is what params is used for. It's also returned from the function so that it can be used as follows:
// Build the patch query based on the payload
query, params, err := patchQueryBuilder(id, patch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Use the query/params and get output
row := tx.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, params...)

How can i unlock the Database in Go

Im a newbie in go and not the best in sql.
I have a simple Table in my Database with the name of users. I store the SAM, First Name and Last Name in the table. When i now try to change something in the database, i get the error database is locked. Thats my code:
func createNewUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var user User
err := decodeJSONBody(w, r, &user)
if checkError(w, err) {
rows, err := mainDB.Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE SAM = ?", user.Sam)
if checkError(w, err) {
defer rows.Close()
if rows.Next() {
http.Error(w, "User already exists", http.StatusConflict)
_, err = mainDB.Exec("INSERT INTO users (SAM, Vorname, Nachname) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", user.Sam, user.Vorname, user.Nachname)
if checkError(w, err) {
decodeJSONBody and checkError work and have nothing to do with the database.
And as far as I've learned, rows.Close should close the columns so that I can write something back in
As per the comments SQLite has some limitations around locking/concurrency which means you need to take care when running multiple statements concurrently. Unfortunately I had not reviewed your code in detail when posting my comment so, despite seemingly solving the issue, it was in error.
You had added a defer rows.Close(); this will free up the database connection used to run the query but, due to the defer, this will only happen when the surrounding function returns. Normally this is not a big issue because looping through a result set in its entirety automatically closes the rows. The documentation states:
If Next is called and returns false and there are no further result sets, the Rows are closed automatically and it will suffice to check the result of Err.
In your code you do return if rows.Next() is true:
if rows.Next() {
http.Error(w, "User already exists", http.StatusConflict)
This means that adding an extra rows.Close() should not be needed. However as you say "added rows.Close() multiple times, and now it works" I suspect that your full code may have been a bit more complicated than that presented (and one of the added rows.Close() was needed).
So adding extra calls to rows.Close() should not be needed; it will not cause an issue (other than an unnecessary function call). However you should check for errors:
rows, err := mainDB.Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE SAM = ?", user.Sam)
if checkError(w, err) {
if rows.Next() {
http.Error(w, "User already exists", http.StatusConflict)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return // It's worth checking fort an error here
Note that the FAQ for go-sqlite3 includes information on dealing with "Error: database is locked" (and it's worth ensuring you follow the recommendations).
Note2: Consider using EXISTS instead of running the query and then attempting to fetch a row - it is likely to be faster and allows you to use QueryRow which simplifies your code.

gorm raw sql query execution

Am running a query to check if a table exists or not using the gorm orm for golang. Below is my code.
package main
import (
_ ""
// App sets up and runs the app
type App struct {
DB *gorm.DB
`const tableCreationQuery = `SELECT count (*)
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE (TABLE_SCHEMA = 'api_test') AND (TABLE_NAME = 'Users')`
func ensureTableExists() {
if err := a.DB.Exec(tableCreationQuery); err != nil {
The expected response should be either 1 or 0. I got this from another SO answer. Instead I get this
2020/09/03 00:27:18 &{0xc000148900 1 0xc000119ba0 0}
exit status 1
FAIL go-auth 0.287s
My untrained mind says its a pointer but how do I reference the returned values to determine what was contained within?
If you want to check if your SQL statement was successfully executed in GORM you can use the following:
tx := DB.Exec(sqlStr, args...)
if tx.Error != nil {
return false
return true
However in your example are using a SELECT statement then you need to check the result, which will be better suited to use the DB.Raw() method like below
var exists bool
return exists

making a general select function for sql library operations

well i am trying to make a select function which will work like this,
From main function i will call this select function with necessary variables. and the select function will run the query in the database and give me the reselt.
Now for go lang if we want to do a select query for the results we need a struct where we can get the results. Since the function will be called from main func and the variables can not be predicted we cant declare a struct before hand so i am stuck here. can anyone give me a solution?
so basically what i am trying to do is we can simply call the query like
-- select name,phone from users where userid=1 ---
so from the main func we will get the values like column name(name,phone), table name (users) and the condition (userid=1)
we will pass these info to the select func and it will run the query and give us back the results.
no matter what is the query is it should work like it. can anyone give me an sample or idea how to work with this
func select() {
type User struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age string `json:"age"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Phone string `json:"phone"`
Address string `json:"address"`
results, err := db.Query("SELECT Name, Age, Email, Phone, Address FROM `users` where personId=12 ")
if err != nil {
for results.Next() {
var user User
var email User
var age User
var phone User
var address User
err = results.Scan(&user.Name, &age.Age, &email.Email, &phone.Phone, &address.Address)
if err != nil {
Now as zou can see this is the code where we know the query so we made a struct according to it but what about the problem i described above?

"sql: no rows in result set"

I am handling user auth data posted to my Go backend through an HTML form. I am building on some boilerplate to learn Go better.
My problem is what the following func returns:
func (ctrl UserController) Signin(c *gin.Context) {
var signinForm forms.SigninForm
user, err := userModel.Signin(signinForm)
if err := c.ShouldBindWith(&signinForm, binding.Form); err != nil {
c.JSON(406, gin.H{"message": "Invalid signin form", "form": signinForm})
if err == nil {
session := sessions.Default(c)
session.Set("user_id", user.ID)
session.Set("user_email", user.Email)
session.Set("user_name", user.Name)
c.JSON(200, gin.H{"message": "User signed in", "user": user})
} else {
c.JSON(406, gin.H{"message": "Invalid signin details", "error": err.Error()})
The first if statement validates the input, and that works fine (error if the email isn't in proper email format, no error if it is). However, if input is properly validated, the else clause of the second statement is triggered, and the following JSON is returned:
error: "sql: no rows in result set",
message: "Invalid signin details"
It is probably useful to also post the relevant code in my User model:
//User ...
type User struct {
ID int `db:"id, primarykey, autoincrement" json:"id"`
Email string `db:"email" json:"email"`
Password string `db:"password" json:"-"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
UpdatedAt int64 `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"`
CreatedAt int64 `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
//UserModel ...
type UserModel struct{}
//Signin ...
func (m UserModel) Signin(form forms.SigninForm) (user User, err error) {
err = db.GetDB().SelectOne(&user, "SELECT id, email, password, name, updated_at, created_at FROM public.user WHERE email=LOWER($1) LIMIT 1", form.Email)
if err != nil {
return user, err
bytePassword := []byte(form.Password)
byteHashedPassword := []byte(user.Password)
err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(byteHashedPassword, bytePassword)
if err != nil {
return user, errors.New("Invalid password")
return user, nil
How do I resolve the sql: no rows in result set error?
You should change the order of operations in your code.
At first you need to get data from request with if err := c.ShouldBindWith(&signinForm, binding.Form); err != nil { and after that you need to try get data from database with user, err := userModel.Signin(signinForm)
There are good reasons for this. Ideally it tries to read paths by the separator, meaning /path/abcd/ and /path/abcd are different. abcd IS the resource in the latter while the resource lies somewhere within abcd in the former. With that in mind, then it will not be able to route properly to /path/abcd if you also have a path /path as well. In order to remove that ambiguity as to which handler to use, you need to mention the handler for the more specific path ie, /path/abcd before the more generic one /path.