How to deal with arrays in the QuickMap function in Flowgear - flowgear

I need to match one field called defaultAddress in NetSuite into several fields (Address1, city, State, PostCode and Country) in Autotask.
IIF(ISEMPTY({defaultAddress}), "No Address is provided",SPLIT(REPLACE({defaultAddress}, "", ","), ","))
I have used several Quickmap functions and I have successfully split the original default address into an array. But I can't use array[index] to get a certain part.
Is there a better way that I can split the address and match it with the corresponding fields?

Quickmap is backed by VB script, so the way to use indexing is (0) instead of [0] for C#.
You can use:
IIF(ISEMPTY({defaultAddress}), "No Address is provided",SPLIT({defaultAddress}, ","))(0)
IIF(ISEMPTY({defaultAddress}), "No Address is provided",SPLIT({defaultAddress}, ","))(1)
You can see a simple example here:


extract text from documents like PAN and Aadhaar

I am using cloud google vision API to extract text from Aadhaar and PAN. How can I get exact user details like name, father's name, and address?
Raw Data
ଭାରତ ସରକାର
Government of India
ଜିତ୍ୟାନନ୍ଦ ଖେମୁକୁ
ପିତା : ସୀତାରାମ ଖେମୁକୁ
Father: Sitaram Khemudu
ଜନ୍ମ ତାରିଖ / DOB : 01.07.1999
ପୁରୁଷ / Male
ମୋ ଆଧାର, ମୋ ପରିଚୟ
I have built 5-6 OCR till date like aadhar, pan, ITR, Driving Linces etc., using google cloud vision API, I think you are looking for response like
to get such response you need to built your own logic, here are some logic's i can share with you
Perform OCR on your document using Google_cloud_vision API and store that response into one array (Goggle gives logic line by line)
Like in above case if you want to grab DOB first you can build logic like i) if "DOB" in (list of item) then grab the numeric values
To get the name what you can do is dropping the unnecessary items from list by if using if condition like (if "India" in i) or (if i.isdigit()) then drop it likewise you can drop the unnesseary items from main list to get the Name
to grab the Address what you can do is, 95% of the time address come with pincode at last, so what you can do is treat pincode as a last index of address and look of "Address" kind of keyword then add all the elements from "Add keyword index" to "pincode index" ( this can be easily done in list) to validate whether the pincode is valid or not you can use library like Pyzipin
There are multiple conditions that you can use, above are the very basic one i mentioned, if you need any specific logic then then you can ask me

How to keep translations separated where the same word is used in English but a different one in other languages?

Imagine I have a report, a letter actually, which I need to translate to several languages. I have created a greeting field in the form which is filled programatically by an onchange event method.
if self.partner_id.gender == 'female':
self.letter_greeting = _('Dear %s %s,') % ( # the translation should be "Estimada"
self.repr_recipient_id.title.shorcut, surname
elif self.partner_id.gender == 'male':
self.letter_greeting = _('Dear %s %s,') % ( # translation "Estimado"
self.repr_recipient_id.title.shorcut, surname
self.letter_greeting = _('Dear %s %s,') % ( # translation: "Estimado/a"
self.partner_id.title.shorcut, surname
In that case the word Dear should be translated to different Spanish translations depending on which option is used, this is because we use different termination depending on the gender. Exporting the po file I found that all the options are altogether, that make sense because almost all the cases the translations will be the same, but not in this case:
#. module: custom_module
#: code:addons/custom_module/models/
#: code:addons/custom_module/models/
#: code:addons/custom_module/models/
#, python-format
msgid "Dear %s %s,"
msgstr "Dear %s %s,"
Solutions I can apply directly
Put all the terms in different entries to avoid the same translation manually every time I need to update the po file. This can be cumbersome if you have many different words with that problem. If I do it and I open the file with poedit, this error appears: duplicate message definition
Put all the possible combinations with slashes, this is done y some other parts of Odoo. For both gender would be:
#. module: stock
msgid "Dear"
msgstr "Estimado/a"
This is just an example. I can think of many words that look the same in English, but they use different spelling or meanings in other languages depending on the context.
Possible best solutions
I don't know if Odoo know anything aboutu the context of a word to know if it was already translated or not. Adding a context manually could solve the problem, at least for words with different meanings.
The nicest solution would be to have a parameter to the translation module to make sure that the word is exported as an isolated entry for that especific translation.
Do you think that I am giving to it too much importance haha? Do you know if there is any better solution? Why is poedit not taking into account that problem at all?
I propose an extension of models res.partner.title and res.partner.
res.partner.title should get a translateable field for saving salutation prefixes like 'Dear' or 'Sehr geehrter' (German). Maybe it's worth to get something about genders, too, but i won't get into detail here about that.
You probably want to show the configuring user an example like "Dear Mr. Name" or something like that. A computed field should work.
On res.partner you should just implement either a computed field or just a method to get a full salutation for a partner record.
To some degree this is a linguistics problem. I believe the best solution would be to use a different "Source Language", one made up of keys, and then have English as another Translation. The word "Dear" in English does not have a gender context (and typically, much of English doesn't), while the word "Estimado" in Spanish does. The translation from that Spanish word to English is more appropriately "Masculine Dear." Therefore, using keys as your source language, you would have this:
SourceText (EnglishDescription) -> Translation (English) -> Translation (Spanish)
DearMasculine -> Dear -> Estimado
DearFeminine -> Dear -> Estimada
DearNuetral -> Dear -> Estimado/a

What does 'count' mean in Master API of Assign a file key?

I was reading this link about api:
but I didn't understand what will "count" option do.
Can you give an example about this option please?
count: how many file ids to assign. Use <fid>_1, <fid>_2 for the assigned additional file ids. e.g. 3,01637037d6_1, 3,01637037d6_2
Best regards
Sometimes you may want to reserve multiple file ids.
E.g., one picture may have multiple versions.
In a file id, <volume_id, key, cookie>.
For _1, _2, they will be translated to <volume_id, key+1, cookie>, <volume_id, key+2, cookie>

Extract IP Addresses from JSON file using

is there a way to extract only IPv4 from a file in JSON language using
For example I would like that when I open a JSON file from VB I can filter only IPv4 from this text for example:
& i expect the results like this i founded this website that he offer a tool to do that i put the link here to understand more what i mean but i don't want to use an external tool i want it to be converted from VB directly thanks for your help in advance.
Your "text" is JSON. Load it using the JSON parser of your choice (google VB.NET parse JSON), loop over the matches array and read the IP address from the property of each element.
Here is an example how to do it using the Newtonsoft.Json package (see it working here on DotNetFiddle):
' Assume that the variable myJsonString contains the original string
Dim myJObject = JObject.Parse(myJsonString)
For Each match In myJObject("matches")
If you want to extract only IPv4 and not IPv6, you can use a regular expression to check whether it matches:
Dim IPV4Regex = New Regex("^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$")
Dim ip = match("http")("host")
If IPV4Regex.Match(ip).Success Then
End If
Of course it's always recommended to parse the input data in a structured way, to avoid surprises such as false positives. But if you just want to match anything that looks like an IP address, regardless of the input format (even if you just put hello1.2.3.4world in the textbox), then you could use just the regular expression and skip the structured approach (see it working here on DotNetFiddle):
Dim IPV4RegexWithWordBoundary = New Regex("\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b")
Dim match = IPV4RegexWithWordBoundary.Match(myJsonString)
Do While match.Success
match = match.NextMatch()
Here I modified the regular expression to use \b...\b instead of ^...$ so that it matches word boundaries instead of start/end of string. Note however that now we get IP addresses twice with the input that you provided, because the addresses exist more than once:

Is there a way to search documents by trimmed values

I have a collection containing documents of users with contact numbers. For instance a contact number can look like this '082 807 0949' or this '082 8070 949'. I want to fetch user by contact number which is trimmed. Since the match function does a check on exact values, my query returns nothing.
Is there a way I can first trim the document data before I do the search or is there way I can create an index which would trim all the contact numbers for the index.
See code below the query that returns no data:
q.Match(q.Index('guests_by_contact_number'), '0828070949')
ReplaceStr($phone, " ", "") is the ticket. For instance:
db> ReplaceStr("082 8070 949", " ", "")
You can combine this with a binding to trim the phone number at write time. By making the term over the binding you can search using the normalized phone number.