Creating a loop to check the column enteries in pandas - pandas

Can anyone help me write a loop function for this use-case as I'm new to programming i don't get how to write this.
What i want is
A loop should check the the if the value of item_id column in the DATAFRAME (B) is same in the question_id column in the DATAFRAME (questions) , then it should compare user_answer entry (Dataframe B) to correct_answer (Dataframe questions) ,
if it matches then it should return True/Correct or set a counter to +1
if it doesn't match then it should return as False/InCorrect or set a counter to -1

You can try:
counter = 0
for key, item_id in B['item_id'].iteritems():
if B.loc[key, 'user_answer'] == questions.loc[questions['question_id'] == item_id, 'correct_answer'].values[0]:
counter += 1
pass # put here whatever you want to do if the answer is wrong
except Exception:
pass # put here whatever you want to do if the question id from DF(B) is not in DF(questions)


How can I optimize my for loop in order to be able to run it on a 320000 lines DataFrame table?

I think I have a problem with time calculation.
I want to run this code on a DataFrame of 320 000 lines, 6 columns:
index_data = data["clubid"].index.tolist()
for i in index_data:
for j in index_data:
if data["clubid"][i] == data["clubid"][j]:
if data["win_bool"][i] == 1:
if (data["startdate"][i] >= data["startdate"][j]) & (
data["win_bool"][j] == 1
NW_tot[i] += 1
if (data["startdate"][i] >= data["startdate"][j]) & (
data["win_bool"][j] == 0
NL_tot[i] += 1
The objective is to determine the number of wins and the number of losses from a given match taking into account the previous match, this for every clubid.
The problem is, I don't get an error, but I never obtain any results either.
When I tried with a smaller DataFrame ( data[0:1000] ) I got a result in 13 seconds. This is why I think it's a time calculation problem.
I also tried to first use a groupby("clubid"), then do my for loop into every group but I drowned myself.
Something else that bothers me, I have at least 2 lines with the exact same date/hour, because I have at least two identical dates for 1 match. Because of this I can't put the date in index.
Could you help me with these issues, please?
As I pointed out in the comment above, I think you can simply sum the vector of win_bool by group. If the dates are sorted this should be equivalent to your loop, correct?
import pandas as pd
dat = pd.DataFrame({
"clubid": [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2],
"date" : [1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6],
temp = dat[["clubid", "win_bool"]].groupby("clubid")
NW_tot = temp.sum()
NL_tot = temp.count()
NL_tot = NL_tot["win_bool"] - NW_tot["win_bool"]
If you have duplicate dates that inflate the counts, you could first drop duplicates by dates (within groups):
# drop duplicate dates
temp = dat.drop_duplicates(["clubid", "date"])[["clubid", "win_bool"]].groupby("clubid")

Pandas dataframe: grouping by unique identifier, checking conditions, and applying 1/0 to new column if condition is met/not met

I have a large dataset pertaining customer churn, where every customer has an unique identifier (encoded key). The dataset is a timeseries, where every customer has one row for every month they have been a customer, so both the date and customer-identifier column naturally contains duplicates. What I am trying to do is to add a new column (called 'churn') and set the column to 0 or 1 based on if it is that specific customer's last month as a customer or not.
I have tried numerous methods to do this, but each and every one fails, either do to tracebacks or they just don't work as intended. It should be noted that I am very new to both python and pandas, so please explain things like I'm five (lol).
I have tried using pandas groupby to group rows by the unique customer keys, and then checking conditions:
df2 = df2.groupby('customerid').assign(churn = [1 if date==max(date) else 0 for date in df2['date']])
which gives tracebacks because dataframegroupby object has no attribute assign.
I have also tried the following:
df2.sort_values(['date']).groupby('customerid').loc[df['date'] == max('date'), 'churn'] = 1
df2.sort_values(['date']).groupby('customerid').loc[df['date'] != max('date'), 'churn'] = 0
which gives a similar traceback, but due to the attribute loc
I have also tried using numpy methods, like the following:
df2['churn'] = df2.groupby(['customerid']).np.where(df2['date'] == max('date'), 1, 0)
which again gives tracebacks due to the dataframegroupby
df2['churn'] = np.where((df2['date']==df2['date'].max()), 1, df2['churn'])
which does not give tracebacks, but does not work as intended, i.e. it applies 1 to the churn column for the max date for all rows, instead of the max date for the specific customerid - which in retrospect is completely understandable since customerid is not specified anywhere.
Any help/tips would be appreciated!
IIUC use GroupBy.transform with max for return maximal values per groups and compare with date column, last set 1,0 values by mask:
mask = df2['date'].eq(df2.groupby('customerid')['date'].transform('max'))
df2['churn'] = np.where(mask, 1, 0)
df2['churn'] = mask.astype(int)

Problem in creating a new column using for loop

I have to create a new column 'Action' in a dataframe whose values are :
1 if the next day's Close Price is greater than the present day's
-1 if the next day's Close Price is less than the present day's
that is,
Action[i] = 1 if Close Price[i+1]>Close Price[i]
Action[i] = -1 if Close Price[i+1]
I have used the following code:
dt = pd.read_csv("C:\Subhro\ML_Internship\HDFC_Test.csv", sep=',',header=0)
df = pd.DataFrame(dt)
for i in df.index:
if(df['Close Price'][i+1]>df['Close Price'][i]):
elif(df['Close Price'][i+1]<df['Close Price'][i]):
But I am getting an error :
KeyError: 'Action'
in line:
Please help me out
You are getting the key error because you don't have a column called action. Any of the following before the loop will resolve the error:
df['Action'] = 0
df['Action'] = np.nan
However, you will get warnings because of the way you are assigning the cell values. (See here)
It is recommended that you instead use e.g.
df.loc[i, "Action"] = 1
Note that with this method, you won't even need to create an empty "Action" column before the loop.

Length of value issue with unique ids

I am trying to write a simple code and haven't found a simple answer for this. I am trying to assign a unique ID to each person based on when the file was amended and their employee ID. Then add the column of Unique IDs to the file.
excel1 = "Book1.xlsx"
df1 = pd.read_excel(excel1, header = 0)
time = time.strftime('%m%d%Y%H%m', time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime ("Book1.xlsx")))
unique_id=[df1["ID"] + time]
When I try to run it I keep getting an error of
ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index
Could anyone have an answer on this?

convert Int64Index to Int

I'm iterating through a dataframe (called hdf) and applying changes on a row by row basis. hdf is sorted by group_id and assigned a 1 through n rank on some criteria.
# Groupby function creates subset dataframes (a dataframe per distinct group_id).
grouped = hdf.groupby('group_id')
# Iterate through each subdataframe.
for name, group in grouped:
# This grabs the top index for each subdataframe
index1 = group[group['group_rank']==1].index
# If criteria1 == 0, flag all rows for removal
if(max(group['criteria1']) == 0):
for x in range(rank1, rank1 + max(group['group_rank'])):
hdf.loc[x,'remove_row'] = 1
I'm getting the following error:
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Int64Index'
I get the same error when I try to cast rank1 explicitly I get the same error:
rank1 = int(group[group['auction_rank']==1].index)
Can someone explain what is happening and provide an alternative?
The answer to your specific question is that index1 is an Int64Index (basically a list), even if it has one element. To get that one element, you can use index1[0].
But there are better ways of accomplishing your goal. If you want to remove all of the rows in the "bad" groups, you can use filter:
hdf = hdf.groupby('group_id').filter(lambda group: group['criteria1'].max() != 0)
If you only want to remove certain rows within matching groups, you can write a function and then use apply:
def filter_group(group):
if group['criteria1'].max() != 0:
return group
return group.loc[other criteria here]
hdf = hdf.groupby('group_id').apply(filter_group)
(If you really like your current way of doing things, you should know that loc will accept an index, not just an integer, so you could also do hdf.loc[group.index, 'remove_row'] = 1).
call tolist() on Int64Index object. Then the list can be iterated as int values.
simply add [0] to insure the getting the first value from the index
rank1 = int(group[group['auction_rank']==1].index[0])