How ShipStation is generating order shipment tracking URL using tracking_number and carrier? - bigcommerce

ShipStation is showing only shipment tracking_number on UI it is not displaying tracking URL and not returning this tracking URL in API response as well.

This could be happening if you're omitting both tracking_carrier and shipping_method. If these are not included, there will be no tracking link.
A tracking link is always generated if either (not mutually exclusively) shipping_provider or tracking_carrier is supplied alongside a tracking number and as long as the value for either carrier code is valid according to our supported list.
It is recommended for you to reach out to Shipstation about this to verify if Shipstation is seeing unexpected results via the API. If that is happening, please let me know so I can provide the next steps to this. Thank you!


Shopify Webhooks: Is there a way to determine whether or not an order came from Shopify POS?

I'm receiving a Webhook for every order that has been maid, but I do not know if it came from POS or from the website.
You can inspect the order, and there is indeed a property known as the source of the order. That will tell you where the order originated from. Some Apps generate orders so their source will be a number. POS is pos. You should have no trouble figuring out the source from the attribute in the order.
In GraphQL parlance, you look for the app { name } and for example you'd see something "Draft Order" or "POS". In RestAPI is it probably still just source or source_name.

Paypal REST API returning 404 Not Found only in live mode

Having a weird problem with Paypal API. I'm using the Subscriptions API an before creating a subscription, I need to create a plan. In the Sandbox enviroment, the resource /billing/plans ( works fine, but in Live mode ( I get ´404 Not Found´ with an empty body. Didn't found any hint at the docs. Any ideas?
Paypal's customer service is very poor. We will not get any answer from them.
Temporary, we can use backend to create via
I contacted the Merchant Technical Support (, they made a correction and now it's working again.
A couple of easy mistakes you could have made which I made which give rise to 'the blank screen'. A very easy one: Check that your country codes comply with the iso standards. I was using UK instead of GB. Particularly your shipping address. You can replicate this error by putting in the wrong country code.
Also ensure that your start_date is greater than the current date. The test samples contain old start dates which are behind current dates. Increment the date function with 36000 instead of 3600 to ensure that your start date is greater than an extra hour from your current date or just hardcode a very late date. Your server might be operating at a different timezone.
The token passed was not found in the system....If you have a blank screen it is likely that the access token is not being passed after the 'first run' because you do not have an approval link as a result of the pre-passing error. It sounds like it could be a basic content error but you have likely checked for this.
Check the runtime log file and look out for the approval link. A successful 201 pass will give you something like the following.
These are some of the errors that I have encountered which might be of use to you perhaps.

eBay LMS Trading API AddFixedPriceItemRequest returns 'SKU already in use' error

I've been working on an automatized eBay-upload-item module for a while now and every time I think it could work, eBay comes up with a new non-sense error. Currently the error is:
SKU already in use
I have 0 items in my listing, (active, ended, unsold etc), literally, 0 items anywhere. And when i try to make a BULK upload via the Trading API using individual AddFixedPriceItemRequest per item (including variations), I get the above error, which makes no sense.
All my SKUs are uniquely generated and then checked for against a database that stores them so as to avoid duplication. There is no documentation anywhere, and just basing my debugging on eBay's error reporting can drive anyone into insanity.
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
First of all, make sure that the item you're trying to upload is not a Multi-SKU item. This error can appear for multiple problems related to any part of your listing.
It would be also great if you can post API request and response here.

Is data validation in Shopify templates or elsewhere?

We're using the Shopify API to grab data from orders, but we're having some trouble with data validation on the fulfillment side. Is there any way we can add data validation to our checkout page? Even just Javascript validation would be a huge improvement. By the time we see an error, the customer is out of the loop, so we're having to make assumptions about our user's data which is potentially dangerous.
One example is that user typed in a phone number that began with a 1 e.g. (xxx)-1xx-xxxx, which is invalid. Another typed an address that was too long for the shipping API we send it to. We don't want to truncate arbitrary addresses so is there a way to present an error to the customer?
The checkout server is a black box as far as the API is concerned. This is mainly for security reasons.
Unfortunately, this prevents you from doing the kind of extra validation you're asking about during the checkout process.

Clickbank - Create products for testing (in Sandbox)

I am new to Clickbank.
I want to try out the API for the same.
But I am stuck in between.
Can anyone guide me through the steps to successfully create a product.
I am getting some errors
You must make a test purchase before submiting this request.
A footer disclaimer is required for all Pitch and Thank You pages.
Also wanted to know, like how can I setup the sandbox account?
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
This question was asked a very long time ago but I just happened across it and know the answers.
First, however I think anyone starting on ClickBank, technical or otherwise, will benefit from the following:
Now, to answer the question(s):
Test Purchase:
• Can't do this without creating a product first
• To create a product you do the following:
Login to the account
Click: Vendor Settings -> My Products
On this page locate the list of ADD NEW buttons & Click Product
The product editor pretty well walks you through the process
AND now for the test purchase.
That process is described here:
This is what is known as the ClickBank Trust Badge currently, (not sure about 9years ago).
It's a little element that you copy and paste into your webpage, after configuring what you want it to look like & where you want it to be, from the available options.
To find and set it up:
Login to the account
Click Vendor Settings -> My Site
Scroll down to the section with the title "ClickBank Trust Badge - Injection Code"
If you like the default setup you can copy what's in the Javascript Snippet field
If you want to change where it's located and colors click the Configure Settings button (not going to describe everything here as it's pretty straight forward as well)
ClickBank APIs
Last, you mentioned wanting to use the ClickBank API, which I happen to know very well. However, the documentation for it is also actually pretty good so let me start off with that:
General ClickBank API documentation
Additionally each APIs primary endpoint is self documenting. Additionally this documentation tends to be the most relevant for a programmer
Example of self documenting endpoint:
So, it's worth noting the following that are required to use the API:
You must have an HTTP header of "Authorization" and it must be set to both of the API keys for an account.
Both keys refers to the API- "Clerk Key" as well as the DEV- "Developer Key"
Enter them both, separated by a colon ":" as the value of the Authorization key with the DEV- key first (DEV-A23478C...:API-IA23456...)
You must also use the correct HTTP request type for the query you are wanting to make (the only two that are utilized are GET and POST)
Examples:(NOTE: ACCOUNT_NAME_HERE is the ClickBank "nickname" or account name)
Single transaction:
List transactions by date range and specific account:
Count of transactions by date range:
Monetary value of transactions by date range:
Sending shipping data for physical products (POST):