Minecraft Modding - with Fabric - minecraft

I have just started minecraft modding and I am a bit unsure of how to do something. I am trying to add Platinum into the Fabric modded minecraft game and that all worked but I am unsure how to make my platinum ore generate randomly like other ones. I have looked at lots of videos but none I saw have been very helpful at all.
My question at the end is:
How do I randomly generate my platinum ore at y = 12 - 15 without having to place it by hand?

You need to create a ConfiguredFeature. Make sure to register your ConfiguredFeature at onInitialize. Feel free to change the values to suit your mod.
public class ExampleMod implements ModInitializer {
private static ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> ORE_WOOL_OVERWORLD = Feature.ORE
.configure(new OreFeatureConfig(
9)) // vein size
.decorate(Decorator.RANGE.configure(new RangeDecoratorConfig(
.repeat(20); // number of veins per chunk
public void onInitialize() {
RegistryKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> oreWoolOverworld = RegistryKey.of(Registry.CONFIGURED_FEATURE_WORLDGEN,
new Identifier("tutorial", "ore_wool_overworld"));
Registry.register(BuiltinRegistries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE, oreWoolOverworld.getValue(), ORE_WOOL_OVERWORLD);
BiomeModifications.addFeature(BiomeSelectors.foundInOverworld(), GenerationStep.Feature.UNDERGROUND_ORES, oreWoolOverworld);
(Took from https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:ores )


Optaplanner: NullPointerException when calling scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged in a simple custom move

I am building a Capacited Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, but with one small difference when compared to the one provided in examples from the documentation: I don't have a depot. Instead, each order has a pickup step, and a delivery step, in two different locations.
(like in the Vehicle Routing example from the documentation, the previousStep planning variable has the CHAINED graph type, and its valueRangeProviderRefs includes both Drivers, and Steps)
This difference adds a couple of constraints:
the pickup and delivery steps of a given order must be handled by the same driver
the pickup must be before the delivery
After experimenting with constraints, I have found that it would be more efficient to implement two types of custom moves:
assign both steps of an order to a driver
rearrange the steps of a driver
I am currently implementing that first custom move. My solver's configuration looks like this:
SolverFactory<RoutingProblem> solverFactory = SolverFactory.create(
new SolverConfig()
.withEntityClasses(Step.class, StepList.class)
.withScoreDirectorFactory(new ScoreDirectorFactoryConfig()
.withTerminationConfig(new TerminationConfig()
new LocalSearchPhaseConfig()
My CustomMoveListFactory looks like this (I plan on migrating it to an MoveIteratorFactory later, but for the moment, this is easier to read and write):
public class CustomMoveListFactory implements MoveListFactory<RoutingProblem> {
public static MoveListFactoryConfig getConfig() {
MoveListFactoryConfig result = new MoveListFactoryConfig();
return result;
public List<? extends Move<RoutingProblem>> createMoveList(RoutingProblem routingProblem) {
List<Move<RoutingProblem>> moves = new ArrayList<>();
// 1. Assign moves
for (Order order : routingProblem.getOrders()) {
Driver currentDriver = order.getDriver();
for (Driver driver : routingProblem.getDrivers()) {
if (!driver.equals(currentDriver)) {
moves.add(new AssignMove(order, driver));
// 2. Rearrange moves
return moves;
And finally, the move itself looks like this (nevermind the undo or the isDoable for the moment):
protected void doMoveOnGenuineVariables(ScoreDirector<RoutingProblem> scoreDirector) {
assignStep(scoreDirector, order.getPickupStep());
assignStep(scoreDirector, order.getDeliveryStep());
private void assignStep(ScoreDirector<RoutingProblem> scoreDirector, Step step) {
StepList beforeStep = step.getPreviousStep();
Step afterStep = step.getNextStep();
// 1. Insert step at the end of the driver's step list
StepList lastStep = driver.getLastStep();
scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(step, "previousStep"); // NullPointerException here
scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(step, "previousStep");
// 2. Remove step from current chained list
if (afterStep != null) {
scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(afterStep, "previousStep");
scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(afterStep, "previousStep");
The idea being that at no point I'm doing an invalid chained list manipulation:
However, as the title and the code comment indicate, I am getting a NullPointerException when I call scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged. None of my variables are null (I've printed them to make sure). The NullPointerException doesn't occur in my code, but deep inside Optaplanner's inner workings, making it difficult for me to fix it:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.drools.core.common.NamedEntryPoint.update(NamedEntryPoint.java:353)
at org.drools.core.common.NamedEntryPoint.update(NamedEntryPoint.java:338)
at org.drools.core.impl.StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl.update(StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl.java:1579)
at org.drools.core.impl.StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl.update(StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl.java:1551)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.stream.drools.DroolsConstraintSession.update(DroolsConstraintSession.java:49)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.stream.ConstraintStreamScoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(ConstraintStreamScoreDirector.java:137)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.variable.inverserelation.SingletonInverseVariableListener.retract(SingletonInverseVariableListener.java:96)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.variable.inverserelation.SingletonInverseVariableListener.beforeVariableChanged(SingletonInverseVariableListener.java:46)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.variable.listener.support.VariableListenerSupport.beforeVariableChanged(VariableListenerSupport.java:170)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.AbstractScoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(AbstractScoreDirector.java:430)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.AbstractScoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(AbstractScoreDirector.java:390)
at test.optaplanner.solver.AssignMove.assignStep(AssignMove.java:98)
at test.optaplanner.solver.AssignMove.doMoveOnGenuineVariables(AssignMove.java:85)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.heuristic.move.AbstractMove.doMove(AbstractMove.java:35)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.heuristic.move.AbstractMove.doMove(AbstractMove.java:30)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.AbstractScoreDirector.doAndProcessMove(AbstractScoreDirector.java:187)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.localsearch.decider.LocalSearchDecider.doMove(LocalSearchDecider.java:132)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.localsearch.decider.LocalSearchDecider.decideNextStep(LocalSearchDecider.java:116)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.localsearch.DefaultLocalSearchPhase.solve(DefaultLocalSearchPhase.java:70)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.AbstractSolver.runPhases(AbstractSolver.java:98)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolver.solve(DefaultSolver.java:189)
at test.optaplanner.OptaPlannerService.testOptaplanner(OptaPlannerService.java:68)
at test.optaplanner.App.main(App.java:13)
Is there something I did wrong? It seems I am following the documentation for custom moves fairly closely, outside of the fact that I am using exclusively java code instead of drools.
The initial solution I feed to the solver has all of the steps assigned to a single driver. There are 15 drivers and 40 orders.
In order to bypass this error, I have tried a number of different things:
remove the shadow variable annotation, turn Driver into a problem fact, and handle the nextStep field myself => this makes no difference
use Simulated Annealing + First Fit Decreasing construction heuristics, and start with steps not assigned to any driver (this was inspired by looking up the example here, which is more complete than the one from the documentation) => the NullPointerException appears on afterVariableChanged instead, but it still appears.
a number of other things which were probably not very smart
But without a more helpful error message, I can't think of anything else to try.
Thank you for your help

Minecraft Bukkit Server

I have created my own Craft Bukkit Minecraft server, and have everything almost set up but have run into a problem. You see, I wish for the server to automatically say something like this every 45 seconds or so:
[Server] Remember to follow the rules! (ETC.)
But I am not sure how to do it. I think I'll require a script, but I have no idea how I'd go about writing it.
Thanks for any help.
If you are looking to make your own plugin you can do a scheduler task every X time and Bukkit.broadcastMessage.
public void onEnable() {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("[Server] This is the message.");
}.runTaskTimer(this, 20, 20*60*10); // 20*60*10 = 10 minutes
But if you want a already coded plugin you can download it from spigotmc.org

How do I map a texture onto an Entity in a Minecraft Plugin

I'm trying to write a plugin to brand cattle and thought it would be pretty easy, but I'm stuck looking for the information that would help me do this.
Where can I find information that will help me map a texture (from a png, for example) onto an Entity. While there's information about built-in textures for Players etc, I haven't found a resource that would help me understand how I could get something to render on the side of an Entity.
I'm guessing that I'd use something like the following calls...
Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("tc:textures/gui/my-icon.png"));
Not certain how I'd enforce them into the drawing of a cow or a horse.
This isn't possible while using Bukkit, since Bukkit is server-side and can't change textures. There's one exception, though: Servers can send players resource packs. However, there does not appear to be a way to create a unique texture based off of any data, so you'd have to make all cows look the same. It wouldn't really do what you want. (Players are another exception, but protocol-wise, their skins are arbitrary anyways).
However, if you want to use Minecraft Forge, this is far more manageable. You can subclass the entity and change some of the rendering code. Perhaps you can also have an item of some sort (a branding iron, maybe) to convert existing cows into branded cows (they would still spawn as normal cows). I'm not too much of a Forge dev, but something like this should work (though I haven't tested it). This is more of an outline; things like converting the entity and creating an item I'll leave to you.
Here's a basic outline for an entitiy that tracks a texture between the server and the client:
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityCow;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
public class EntityBrandedCow extends EntityCow {
protected void entityInit() {
// Data watcher lets you track data between the server and client
// without handling packets yourself
// http://wiki.vg/Entities
this.dataWatcher.addObject(14, "minecraft:textures/entity/cow/cow.png");
public void setTexture(ResourceLocation texture) {
this.dataWatcher.updateObject(14, texture.toString());
public ResourceLocation getTexture() {
return new ResourceLocation(this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectString(14));
You'll need to register a custom renderer for your new entity. This would go in the client proxy.
RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityBrandedCow.class, new RenderBrandedCow(Minecraft.getRenderManager(), new ModelCow(), .7f));
And here's such a render you can use:
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderLiving;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager;
public class RenderBrandedCow extends RenderLiving {
public RenderBrandedCow(RenderManager manager, ModelBase model, float shadowSize) {
super(manager, model, shadowSize);
protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity entity) {
return ((EntityBrandedCow)entity).getTexture();
That renderer only changes the texture, and doesn't actually overlay anything. This, among other things, means that texture packs won't change branded cows without creating additional textures. An alternative would be to create a second layer. (This is based off of the way sheep wool works - see net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.layers.LayerSheepWool and net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderSheep). You can change the renderer to this:
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderLiving;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager;
public class RenderBrandedCow extends RenderCow {
public RenderBrandedCow(RenderManager manager, ModelBase model, float shadowSize) {
super(manager, model, shadowSize);
this.addLayer(new LayerCowBrand(this));
And here's the start of some kind of layer rendering code. This won't work on its own; you'll need to write a ModelBrand (see ModelSheep1 for the basis of that).
public class LayerCowBrand implements LayerRenderer {
private final BrandedCowRenderer renderer;
private final ModelBrand model = new ModelBrand();
public LayerCowBrand(BrandedCowRenderer renderer) {
this.renderer = renderer;
public void doRenderLayer(EntityBrandedCow entity, float p_177162_2_, float p_177162_3_, float p_177162_4_, float p_177162_5_, float p_177162_6_, float p_177162_7_, float p_177162_8_) {
// It's common to write a second method with the right parameters...
// I don't know off my hand what the parameters here are.
this.model.setLivingAnimations(p_177162_1_, p_177162_2_, p_177162_3_, p_177162_4_);
this.model.render(p_177162_1_, p_177162_2_, p_177162_3_, p_177162_5_, p_177162_6_, p_177162_7_, p_177162_8_);
public boolean shouldCombineTextures() {
// I don't know
return true;
public void doRenderLayer(EntityLivingBase p_177141_1_, float p_177141_2_, float p_177141_3_, float p_177141_4_, float p_177141_5_, float p_177141_6_, float p_177141_7_, float p_177141_8_) {
// This is the actual render method that implements the interface.
this.doRenderLayer((EntityBrandedCow)p_177141_1_, p_177141_2_, p_177141_3_, p_177141_4_, p_177141_5_, p_177141_6_, p_177141_7_, p_177141_8_);
Hopefully this at least lets you get started. As I said, I'm not a forge dev, but this should be the basics. If you want to ask more questions about forge, post here on Stack Overflow using minecraft-forge (Gaming Stack Exchange also has a minecraft-forge tag but that's for mod usage, not development).

How do I gradually apply velocity in Spigot?

I am using player.setVelocity(player.getLocation().getDirection().multiply(Main.instance.getConfig().getDouble("velocity_multiplier")).setY(Main.instance.getConfig().getInt("Y_axis"))); to set velocity to a player. It allows high configuration of movement via config, but the problem is that when you set it too high, Spigot blocks it. I do not want to enable:
server.properties: allow_flight.
So how can I avoid this? I bumped up the multiplier to 30 just for a test, and it would start to move you, glitch, and pull you back down. It also says that the player moved too quickly in console even from smaller amounts of velocity. I was thinking of making it gradually apply the velocity. When you jump, it applies the starting velocity and as you go it goes higher(Y_axis) and farther(velocity_multiplier), but I do not know how to do that.
You can enable just for the player before applying the velocity and in a delayed task disabled it
public void blabla(Player player){
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(this, 20 * 5);
In the code I used 20 * 5 to disable the flight after 5 seconds, you can change it to what you want.
Beyond code, you likely would be best situated to address your issue by allowing flight in the Spigot file and installing or developing an anti-cheat in the game. Spigot's flight protection works poorly with many plugins and does not successfully block many players who attempt to fly.
Best advice would be to look beyond a makeshift code solution and rather create your own anti-fly.
The maximum velocity in bukkit (and spigot) is 10 blocks per tick. This is all directions combined.
If your initial velocity is to high, you can use the scheduler to repeatedly calculate the next velocity.
To calculate this, we need some magic values: The following values come from The Minecraft Wiki.
private final static double DECELERATION_RATE = 0.98D;
private final static double GRAVITY_CONSTANT = 0.08D;
private final static double VANILA_ANTICHEAT_THRESHOLD = 9.5D; // actual 10D
We first need to calculate the spot the player would reach using those speeds, and then teleport him while applying the velocity for the first part.
We are going to use a BukkitRunnable to run a task that calculates the above:
Vector speed = ...;
Player player = ...;
new BukkitRunnable() {
double velY = speed.getY();
Location locCached = new Location(null,0,0,0);
public void run() {
player.getLocation(locCached).setY(locCached.getY() + velY);
player.setVelocity(new Vector(0,ANILA_ANTICHEAT_THRESHOLD,0));
} else {
player.setVelocity(new Vector(0,velY,0));
The above code will then handle the velocity problems for us and can be used in place of setVelocity.

Dealing with code duplication in tests

At work I practice Test Driven Development as much as possible. One thing I often end up in though is having to set up a bunch of DTO's and when these have a slightly complex structure this becomes quite alot of code. The problem with this is that the code is often quite repettetive and I feel it distracts from the main purpose of the test. For instance using a slightly contrieved and condensed example (in java, jUnit + mockito):
class BookingServiceTest {
private final static int HOUR_IN_MILLIS = 60 * 60 * 1000;
private final static int LOCATION_ID = 1;
private BookingLocationDao bookingLocationDao;
private BookingService service = new BookingService();
public void yieldsAWarningWhenABookingOverlapsAnotherInTheSameLocation() {
// This part is a bit repetetive over many tests:
Date now = new Date()
Location location = new Location()
Booking existingBooking = new Booking()
// To here
// Then again setting up a booking :\
Booking newBooking = new Booking();
newBooking.setDuration(HOUR_IN_MILLIS / 2);
// Actual test...
BookingResult result = service.book(newBooking);
assertThat(result.getWarnings(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(result.getWarnings().get(0).getType(), is(BookingWarningType.OVERLAPING_BOOKING));
In this example the setup is not that complicated so I wouldn't think of it too much. However, when more complicated input is required the code for the setup of the input to methods tend to grow. The problem gets exacerbated by similar input being used in several tests. Refactoring the setup code into a separate TestUtil class helps a bit. The problem then is that it is a bit hard to find these utility classes when writing new tests a couple of month's later, which then leads to duplication.
What is a good way of dealing with this kind of "complex" DTOs in order to minimize code duplication in test setups?
How do you ensure that extracted TestUtilities are found when working with similar code?
Am I doing it wrong? :) Should I build my software in another way as to avoid this situation altogether? If so, how?
There are a couple of patterns which are of interest for handling this type of situation:
Object Mother
Test Data Builder
For an in-depth discussion about these patterns, take a look at the excellent book "Growing Object-oriented Software Guided by Tests"
Test Data Builder
A builder class is created for each class for which you want to facilitate instantiation/setup. This class contains a bunch of methods which set up the object being built in specific states. Usually these helper methods return an instance to the builder class, so that the calls can be chained in a fluent style.
// Example of a builder class:
public class InvoiceBuilder {
Recipient recipient = new RecipientBuilder().build();
InvoiceLines lines = new InvoiceLines(new InvoiceLineBuilder().build());
PoundsShillingsPence discount = PoundsShillingsPence.ZERO;
public InvoiceBuilder withRecipient(Recipient recipient) {
this.recipient = recipient;
return this;
public InvoiceBuilder withInvoiceLines(InvoiceLines lines) {
this.lines = lines;
return this;
public InvoiceBuilder withDiscount(PoundsShillingsPence discount) {
this.discount = discount;
return this;
public Invoice build() {
return new Invoice(recipient, lines, discount);
// Usage:
Invoice invoiceWithNoPostcode = new InvoiceBuilder()
.withRecipient(new RecipientBuilder()
.withAddress(new AddressBuilder()
Object Mother
An object mother is a class that provides pre-made test data for different common scenarios.
Invoice invoice = TestInvoices.newDeerstalkerAndCapeInvoice();
The examples above are borrowed from Nat Pryce's blog.
As Erik rightly points out the frequently used patterns to solve this are TestDataBuilder and ObjectMother. These are also covered in depth in: Mark Seemans advanced unit testing course as well as growing object oriented software guided by tests, both are very good.
In practice I find that the Test Data Builder pattern almost always leads to better, more readable tests than the ObjectMother pattern except in the simplest cases (as you often need a surprising number of overloads for the objectmother pattern).
Another trick that you can use is to bunch together sets of setups with the test object builder pattern into single methods e.g.
Invoice invoiceWithNoPostcode = new InvoiceBuilder()
.withRecipient(new RecipientBuilder()
.withAddress(new AddressBuilder()
Could become:
new InvoiceBuilder().WithNoPostCode().Build();
And in some cases that can lead to even simpler test setups, but doesn't work in all cases.