How to localize the Authorization Right Description? - objective-c

I am trying to set a right with a custom description. When calling AuthorizationCopyRights(), I expect to see my localized string but I see the key kDescription. I can confirm that my application is correctly setup for localization by showing the localized string on the NSTextField in the window. I have seen this technical documentation by apple but it seems like I am doing something incorrect? This is a sample code I have written in a Cocoa app to demonstrate it:
#define kRightName "TryingToLocalizePrompt"
- (IBAction) button : (id) sender
AuthorizationRef authRef;
OSStatus error = errAuthorizationSuccess;
AuthorizationItem oneRight = { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 };
AuthorizationRights rights = { 1, &oneRight };
AuthorizationFlags flags = kAuthorizationFlagDefaults |
kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed |
kAuthorizationFlagPreAuthorize |
if (error == errAuthorizationSuccess) {
error = AuthorizationCreate(NULL, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, flags, &authRef);
if (error == errAuthorizationSuccess) {
error = AuthorizationRightSet(
(__bridge CFStringRef) #"kDescription", // <---- Not localizing?
NULL, // I tried passing CFBundleGetMainBundle()
NULL // I have also tried (__bridge CFStringRef) #"Localizable"
if (error == errAuthorizationSuccess) { = kRightName;
error = AuthorizationCopyRights(
kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed,
// Testing that localizable.strings file is correctly set into build:
[self.label setStringValue: NSLocalizedString(#"kDescription", NULL)];
error = AuthorizationRightRemove(authRef, kRightName);
This is my Localizable.strings file:
Created by Brandon Fong on 6/19/21.
"kDescription" = "Hello World!";
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!


RSA public key decryption on OS X using SecTransform API (or other system API)

I'm trying to replace my use of OpenSSL, which was long ago deprecated and has been removed from the 10.11 SDK with the Security Transform API. My use of OpenSSL is simply for license key verification. The problem I've run into is that license keys are generated (server side) using OpenSSL's rsa_private_encrypt() function, rather than the (probably more appropriate) rsa_sign(). In the current OpenSSL code, I verify them using rsa_public_decrypt() like so:
int decryptedSize = RSA_public_decrypt([signature length], [signature bytes], checkDigest, rsaKey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
BOOL success = [[NSData dataWithBytes:checkDigest length:decryptedSize] isEqualToData:[digest sha1Hash]])
Unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate this using the SecTransform APIs. I have the following:
SecTransformRef decryptor = CFAutorelease(SecDecryptTransformCreate(pubKey, &error));
if (error) { showSecError(error); return NO; }
SecTransformSetAttribute(decryptor, kSecTransformInputAttributeName, (CFDataRef)signatureData, &error);
if (error) { showSecError(error); return NO; }
CFDataRef result = SecTransformExecute(decryptor, &error);
if (error) { showSecError(error); return NO; }
return CFEqual(result, (CFDataRef)[digest sha1Hash]);
The call to SecTransformExecute() fails with a CSSMERR_CSP_INVALID_KEY_CLASS error.
Am I missing something, or is there no equivalent to OpenSSL's RSA_public_decrypt() in Security.framework? Perhaps a SecVerifyTransform can be used (I have been unable to get this to work either, but then the same is true of OpenSSL's RSA_sign()). I am certainly willing to use another system API (e.g. CDSA/CSSM) if it will enable me to do this.
Unfortunately, as this code needs to verify existing license codes, I can not simply change my license generation code to use RSA_sign() or similar instead.
I figured out how to do this using CDSA/CSSM. Code below:
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
NSData *ORSDecryptDataWithPublicKey(NSData *dataToDecrypt, SecKeyRef publicKey)
const CSSM_KEY *cssmPubKey = NULL;
SecKeyGetCSSMKey(publicKey, &cssmPubKey);
SecKeyGetCSPHandle(publicKey, &handle);
CSSM_DATA inputData = {
.Data = (uint8_t *)[dataToDecrypt bytes],
.Length = [dataToDecrypt length],
CSSM_DATA outputData = {
.Data = NULL,
.Length = 0,
memset(&credentials, 0, sizeof(CSSM_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS));
CSSM_CC_HANDLE contextHandle;
CSSM_RETURN result = CSSM_CSP_CreateAsymmetricContext(handle, cssmPubKey->KeyHeader.AlgorithmId, &credentials, cssmPubKey, CSSM_PADDING_PKCS1, &contextHandle);
if (result) { NSLog(#"Error creating CSSM context: %i", result); return nil; }
.AttributeLength = sizeof(UInt32),
.Attribute.Uint32 = CSSM_ALGMODE_PUBLIC_KEY,
result = CSSM_UpdateContextAttributes(contextHandle, 1, &modeAttribute);
if (result) { NSLog(#"Error setting CSSM context mode: %i", result); return nil; }
CSSM_SIZE numBytesDecrypted = 0;
CSSM_DATA remData = {
.Data = NULL,
.Length = 0,
result = CSSM_DecryptData(contextHandle, &inputData, 1, &outputData, 1, &numBytesDecrypted, &remData);
if (result) { NSLog(#"Error decrypting data using CSSM: %i", result); return nil; }
outputData.Length = numBytesDecrypted;
return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:outputData.Data length:outputData.Length freeWhenDone:YES];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
Note that as documented here, while CDSA is deprecated, Apple recommends its use "if none of the other cryptographic service APIs support what you are trying to do". I have filed radar #23063471 asking for this functionality to be added to Security.framework.

How verify account's password

I am asking account's password(password for login in mac) in my application. How can I verify password which is entered user?
I think something like it, but it doesn't work:
-(BOOL)authenticatePassword:(char *)password adminName:(char *)userName
BOOL retValue = NO;
OSStatus status,status1;
AuthorizationFlags flag;
AuthorizationItem items[2];
items[0].name = kAuthorizationEnvironmentPassword;
items[0].value = password;
items[0].valueLength = strlen(password);
items[0].flags = 0;
items[1].name = kAuthorizationEnvironmentUsername;
items[1].value = userName;
items[1].valueLength = strlen(userName);
items[1].flags = 0;
AuthorizationItemSet itemSet = {2,items};
status = AuthorizationCreate(NULL, &itemSet, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &authorization_);
if(status == errAuthorizationSuccess) {
AuthorizationRights rights = {2,&items};
//AuthorizationEnvironment kEnviroment = {2, items};
AuthorizationFlags flag1 = kAuthorizationFlagDefaults;
status1 = AuthorizationCopyRights(authorization_, &rights,NULL, flag1, NULL);
if(status1 == errAuthorizationSuccess) {
retValue = YES;
return retValue;
In the AuthorizationCopyRightscall the user credentials for the validation should be in the environment parameter (your commented out line) and the rights parameter really should contain the rights you would like to gain using this user credentials.
The rights can contain built in rights or user created rights, it's simpler to use a built in one because creating a user defined right requires admin privilege.
This code bellow will do the trick for you, just call AuthenticateForRight with the username/password parameter and it will try to gain the allow right that is a built in one in the authorizationDB and requires a valid user credential.
To use with a custom right you should once call SetupAuthorizationForRight with admin rights for the right be created in the authenticationDB, after that you can check the user credentials anytime via AuthenticateForRight as a normal user just pass the rightName param also you passed for SetupAuthorizationForRight first time.
// original code:
bool SetupAuthorizationForRight(const char* rightName)
// Called as the application starts up. Creates a connection
// to Authorization Services and then makes sure that our
// right is defined.
OSStatus err;
// Connect to Authorization Services.
AuthorizationRef authorization = NULL;
err = AuthorizationCreate(NULL, NULL, 0, &authorization);
// Set up our rights.
if (err == noErr) {
// Check whether our right is already defined.
err = AuthorizationRightGet(rightName, NULL);
if (err == noErr) {
// A right already exists, either set up in advance by
// the system administrator or because this is the second
// time we've run. Either way, there's nothing more for
// us to do.
} else if (err == errAuthorizationDenied) {
// The right is not already defined. Let's create a
// right definition based on the custom (not canned) rule defined
// in the dictionary below.
// The system administrator can modify this right as they
// see fit.
CFStringRef keys[2] = {CFSTR("class"), CFSTR("group")};
CFStringRef values[2] = {CFSTR("user"), CFSTR("everyone")};
// Allow access for every user - all of local and remote users are in the
// 'everyone' group, so this is a safe rule
CFDictionaryRef aDict = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, (const void **)keys, (const void **)values, 2,
err = AuthorizationRightSet(
authorization, // authRef
rightName, // rightName
aDict, // rightDefinition
CFSTR("Authenticate to log in via YourAppName."), // descriptionKey
NULL, // bundle, NULL indicates main
NULL // localeTableName,
); // NULL indicates "Localizable.strings"
if (aDict) {
if (err != noErr) {
NSLog(#"Cannot set up authorization entry. Error: %d", err);
} else {
NSLog(#"Cannot open authorization database. Error: %d", err);
return (err == noErr);
bool AuthenticateForRight(const char* username, const char* password, const char* rightName)
OSStatus status = noErr;
if (rightName) {
if ((status = SetupAuthorizationForRight(rightName)) != noErr)
return false;
rightName = "allow"; // Allow right rule always defined by default and only authenticated users has this right
AuthorizationRef authRef = 0;
AuthorizationItem environment[2] = {{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}};
int numItems = 0;
if (username) {
AuthorizationItem item = { kAuthorizationEnvironmentUsername, strlen(username), (char*)username, 0 };
environment[numItems++] = item;
if (password) {
AuthorizationItem passItem = { kAuthorizationEnvironmentPassword, strlen(password), (char*)password, 0 };
environment[numItems++] = passItem;
AuthorizationItem right = {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}; = rightName;
right.valueLength = 0;
right.value = 0;
AuthorizationRights rightSet = { 1, &right };
AuthorizationRights environmentSet = { static_cast<unsigned int>(numItems), environment };
status = AuthorizationCreate(NULL, &environmentSet, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &authRef);
if (status != noErr) {
NSLog(#"Cannot create authorization reference. Error: %d", status);
return false;
AuthorizationFlags flags = kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights | kAuthorizationFlagPreAuthorize; // | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed; <- Just for debugging, will display the OS auth dialog if needed!!!
status = AuthorizationCopyRights(authRef, &rightSet, &environmentSet, flags, NULL );
return (status == noErr);
authorization services API will verify and prompt again if password is wrong.
Here is my code for your reference.
char *password = "password";
char *userName = "account";
AuthorizationRef authorization = NULL;
AuthorizationItem items[2];
items[0].name = kAuthorizationEnvironmentPassword;
items[0].value = password;
items[0].valueLength = strlen(password);
items[0].flags = 0;
items[1].name = kAuthorizationEnvironmentUsername;
items[1].value = userName;
items[1].valueLength = strlen(userName);
items[1].flags = 0;
AuthorizationRights rights = {2, items};
AuthorizationEnvironment enviroment = {2, items};
// Creates a new authorization reference and provides an option to authorize or preauthorize rights.
AuthorizationCreate(NULL, &enviroment, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &authorization);
AuthorizationFlags flag = kAuthorizationFlagDefaults| kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights;
OSStatus status = AuthorizationCopyRights(authorization, &rights, &enviroment, flag, NULL);
if(status == errAuthorizationSuccess)

LDAP Authentication, ldap_sasl_bind_s not working but ldap_simple_bind_s works

I have a problem where in ldap_sasl_bind_s does not work, but ldap_simple_bind_s works.
The strange thing is, ldap_sasl_bind_s works even with wrong passwords and gives user the feeling that he has entered a correct password.
PFA code snippet of the problem and suggest me if anything is wrong with my approach.
int rc, aReturnVal = 0;
NSString *aUserDN = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"uid=%s,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com", username];
char* userDN = (char*)[aUserDN UTF8String];
rc = ldap_simple_bind_s (
// TODO: ldap_simple_bind_s is a deprecated method and should not be used for long. ldap_sasl_bind_s is the right method, but is not working for now.
// Find the reason and get this code up and running.
// struct berval *servcred;
// struct berval cred;
// cred.bv_val = password; // my password
// cred.bv_len = strlen(password);
// rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s (
// ld,
// userDN,
// "DIGEST-MD5",
// &cred,
// NULL,
// NULL,
// &servcred
// );
if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ldap_sasl_bind: %s\n", ldap_err2string( rc ) );
} else {
aReturnVal = 1;
return aReturnVal;
I have initialized the LDAP using following code SNIP:
rc = ldap_initialize(&ld, HOSTNAME);
version = LDAP_VERSION3;
ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version );
ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0 );
I need to be able to login with correct user name and when user tries to enter wrong user name, ldap should say so.
I have referred to following links and their related links to get to this conclusion:
LDAP - How to check a username/password combination?
How to do password authentication for a user using LDAP?
Digest-MD5 auth is more complicated than just sending a bind DN and password. You'll need to use ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s and provide a callback so the SASL library can combine your credentials with the server-provided nonce.
This code (adapted from this blog post) works for me against an Active Directory server:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ldap.h>
#include <sasl/sasl.h>
typedef struct
char *username;
char *password;
} my_authdata;
int my_sasl_interact(LDAP *ld, unsigned flags, void *defaults, void *in)
my_authdata *auth = (my_authdata *)defaults;
sasl_interact_t *interact = (sasl_interact_t *)in;
if(ld == NULL) return LDAP_PARAM_ERROR;
while(interact->id != SASL_CB_LIST_END)
char *dflt = (char *)interact->defresult;
dflt = NULL;
dflt = auth->username;
dflt = auth->password;
printf("my_sasl_interact asked for unknown %ld\n",interact->id);
interact->result = (dflt && *dflt) ? dflt : (char *)"";
interact->len = strlen((char *)interact->result);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if(argc < 3)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: dmd5-bind [username] [password]\n");
return -1;
int rc;
LDAP *ld = NULL;
static my_authdata auth;
auth.username = argv[1];
auth.password = argv[2];
char *sasl_mech = ber_strdup("DIGEST-MD5");
char *ldapuri = ber_strdup("ldap://");
int protocol = LDAP_VERSION3;
unsigned sasl_flags = LDAP_SASL_QUIET;
char *binddn = NULL;
rc = ldap_initialize(&ld, ldapuri);
if(rc != LDAP_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr, "ldap_initialize: %s\n", ldap_err2string(rc));
return rc;
if(ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &protocol) != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not set LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION %d\n", protocol);
return -1;
rc = ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s(ld,
if(rc != LDAP_SUCCESS)
ldap_perror(ld, "ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s");
ldap_unbind_ext_s(ld, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
fprintf(stdout, "Authentication succeeded\n");
rc = ldap_unbind_ext_s(ld, NULL, NULL);
return rc;

SecKeychain load item

I want to store SMTP-Data from my Mac OSX application using the keychain. I read the Keychain Services Programming Guide of Apple and wrote this method to store the data:
- (BOOL)saveSMPTData
OSStatus err;
SecKeychainItemRef item = nil;
SecProtocolType protocol = kSecProtocolTypeSMTP;
const char *accessLabelUTF8 = [KEYCHAIN_NAME UTF8String];
const char *serverNameUTF8 = [self.serverName UTF8String];
const char *usernameUTF8 = [self.username UTF8String];
const char *passwordUTF8 = [self.password UTF8String];
SecAccessRef access = createAccess(KEYCHAIN_NAME);
SecKeychainAttribute attrs[] = {
{ kSecLabelItemAttr, (int)strlen(accessLabelUTF8), (char *)accessLabelUTF8 },
{ kSecAccountItemAttr, (int)strlen(usernameUTF8), (char *)usernameUTF8 },
{ kSecServerItemAttr, (int)strlen(serverNameUTF8), (char *)serverNameUTF8 },
{ kSecProtocolItemAttr, sizeof(SecProtocolType), (SecProtocolType *)&protocol }
SecKeychainAttributeList attributes = { sizeof(attrs) / sizeof(attrs[0]), attrs };
err = SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent(kSecInternetPasswordItemClass,
if (access) CFRelease(access);
if (item) CFRelease(item);
return (err == noErr);
SecAccessRef createAccess(NSString *accessLabel)
OSStatus err;
SecAccessRef access = nil;
NSArray *trustedApplications = nil;
SecTrustedApplicationRef myself;
err = SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath(NULL, &myself);
trustedApplications = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(__bridge id)myself, nil];
err = SecAccessCreate((__bridge CFStringRef)accessLabel,
(__bridge CFArrayRef)trustedApplications, &access);
if (err) return nil;
return access;
Of course I also want to load them. My first try looks like this:
- (BOOL)loadDataFromKeychain
uint32_t serverNameLength = 0;
const char *serverName = NULL;
uint32_t usernameLength = 0;
const char *username = NULL;
uint32_t passwordLength = 0;
void **password = NULL;
OSStatus err = SecKeychainFindInternetPassword(NULL,
serverNameLength, serverName,
0, NULL,
usernameLength, username,
0, NULL,
0, 0,
&passwordLength, password,
NULL); // How do I get the ItemRef?
return (err == noErr);
But this does not work, and I think I know why not. I don’t know how to get the SecKeychainItemRef for the SecKeychainFindInternetPassword method.
Maybe anyone can help me?
Instead of declaring password a void **, declare it a void * and pass &password for the second-to-last parameter.
You probably don't need the SecKeychainItemRef for what you're trying to accomplish.
By the way, have you tried using Keychain Access to verify the items are getting into the keychain?

How to badge file and folder using Cocoa

I want to badge a file and folder with some color (image). How can this be achieved?
I tried with icon service, and it works for files, but it is not working with folders.
I saw this behavior working Dropbox (10.4, 10.5 and 10.6)- how can this be done?
The blog post Cocoa Tutorial: Custom Folder Icons was very close one for me, but it was not working as expected.
Is there another solution other than icon service?
The following function is the solution I found for the problem
BOOL AddBadgeToItem(NSString* path,NSData* tag)
FSCatalogInfo info;
FSRef par;
FSRef ref;
Boolean dir = false;
if (tag&&(FSPathMakeRef([path fileSystemRepresentation],&par,&dir)==noErr))
HFSUniStr255 fork = {0,{0}};
sint16 refnum = kResFileNotOpened;
if (dir)
NSString *name = #"Icon\r";
((FileInfo*)(&info.finderInfo))->finderFlags = kIsInvisible;
OSErr error = FSCreateResourceFile(&par,[name lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding],(UniChar*)[name cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding],kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo,&info,fork.length, fork.unicode,&ref,NULL);
if( error == dupFNErr )
// file already exists; prepare to try to open it
const char *iconFileSystemPath = [[path stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"\000I\000c\000o\000n\000\r"] fileSystemRepresentation];
OSStatus status = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)iconFileSystemPath, &ref, NULL);
if (status != noErr)
fprintf(stderr, "error: FSPathMakeRef() returned %d for file \"%s\"\n", (int)status, iconFileSystemPath);
}else if ( error != noErr)
return NO;
if (FSCreateResourceFork(&ref,fork.length,fork.unicode,0)!=noErr)
if (FSOpenResourceFile(&ref,fork.length,fork.unicode,fsRdWrPerm,&refnum)!=noErr) {
return NO;
if (refnum!=kResFileNotOpened) {
if (FSGetCatalogInfo(&par,kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo,&info,NULL,NULL,NULL)==noErr) {
((ExtendedFileInfo*)(&info.extFinderInfo))->extendedFinderFlags = kExtendedFlagsAreInvalid;
//Test end
return NO;
OSErr errorr = FSOpenResourceFile(&ref,fork.length,fork.unicode,fsRdWrPerm,&refnum);
if (errorr!=noErr) {
return NO;
if (refnum!=kResFileNotOpened) {
CustomBadgeResource* cbr;
int len = [tag length];
Handle h = NewHandle(len);
if (h) {
BlockMoveData([tag bytes],*h,len);
h = NewHandle(sizeof(CustomBadgeResource));
if (h) {
cbr = (CustomBadgeResource*)*h;
cbr->version = kCustomBadgeResourceVersion;
cbr->customBadgeResourceID = 128;
if (FSGetCatalogInfo(&par,kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo,&info,NULL,NULL,NULL)==noErr) {
((ExtendedFileInfo*)(&info.extFinderInfo))->extendedFinderFlags = kExtendedFlagHasCustomBadge;
return NO;
You can do this using the -setIcon:forFile:options: method on NSWorkspace, which lets you just specify an NSImage to apply to the file/folder at the path you give it.
The intended approach is to create a Finder Sync app extension.