Error in SAP BI when trying to send report to destination [closed] - sap

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Closed 1 year ago.
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When I select a report and try to send it to a destination I get this HTTPS error but cant find more info as to why I am getting that.
HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error
Type Status Report
Message javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Error getting property 'dsGridContainer' from bean of type com.businessobjects.clientaction.shared.sendto.SendToDestinationBean
Description The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Apache Tomcat/8.5.13
Anyone had such or can point me in the right direction ?

It is saying that a setter(void) or getter(return type of its global variable of the same name and the variable it "returns") method with the name "dsGridContainer" in a bean class that is in a shared library application .jar file that has been loaded has an error when called.
*note a setter and getter (and also an "is" boolean method) have an associate global variable of the same name as the methods.
You may be able to get a better comprehensive error output in the server error.log file.


Does Karate Support displaying the assertions or failures in the html Report for Server side scenario of incoming API requests to a mock server? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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This might be a dumb question or may be already answered but i wasnt able to find any answers for this :
I have a requirement of testing a Micro Service that sends out an API request to a particular endpoint or a Consumer. I was able to successfully write the mocks using karate and send back response on required filter criteria and validations happening inside the "server-side" scenario.
If any assertion fails it does log that server-side scenario failed.
I wanted to know how i can add these to a report ( i currently use the cucumber reporting which can be integrated with Karate) and fail a test if any server side scenario fails?
Any help would be appreciated.
Great question, this is an unusual requirement - but you can be super-creative with Karate mocks.
Remember - a Karate mock is a legitimate REST server, so all you need to do is add one more request "route". You already know that you can "collect" data into global variables defined in the Background. So something like this:
* def errors = []
Scenario: pathMatches('/myapi')
* def result = karate.match("request == { foo: 'bar' }")
* if (!result.pass) errors.add(result)
* def response = { some: 'response' }
Scenario: pathMatches('/mytest')
* def response = errors
Now at the end of your test, just call the additional /mytest API and you get a nice JSON array of all errors.

How to hide connection string in app config from user [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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All my grids and combo boxes bound to dataset/adapter which the connection string set in app config, but the connection string is included in primary output when installed in my client. i tried to exclude it because the connection string contain my database password, but my app returned an exception.
<add name="HNBS_SALON_SPA.My.MySettings.dbhnbspapuaConnectionString"
connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="mydb.accdb";Persist Security Info=True;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=abcdefg"
providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />
thanks to #ashleedawg , I searched more threads and articles about encryption and found some :
ConnectionStrings in app.config. What about security?
Now I convert the code to and modify it to my need (section key) and i now be able to encrypt the app.config.
Private Sub EncryptConfigSection()
Dim Config As Configuration
Dim Section As ConfigurationSection
Config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)
Section = Config.GetSection("connectionStrings")
If (Section IsNot Nothing) Then
If (Not Section.SectionInformation.IsProtected) Then
If (Not Section.ElementInformation.IsLocked) Then
Section.SectionInformation.ForceSave = True
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
although it is needed to run the app for at least 1 time to make the encryption run but it's what i need right now.
You can hide the connection string by encrypting it in web.config.
See it with example here.
If you mean making web.config file invisible for system users, it would make in invisible for your application. If you make it visible for your application, it means any user having sufficient privileges will be able to read. You can only work-around it not having connection string at all in this file.
For example, you could specially design ciphered storage (say, based on XML file), decode it on the fly and code assignment of you connection string programmatically in your application.
Encryption will be the best approach to hide the information. Why the connection string kind of information stored in webconfig in, there is no need to compile the code again if its changed and its ease to access globally. If Encryption/Decryption method is followed be extra care while you changing the userid and password in the string.
For example you can refer this article.
More Information:
Stack Overflow : How to securely store a connection string in a WinForms application?

Returning dynamically generated error response with APIs

I have a question :
Currently in my API design, if a user tries to access a resource which isn't found (404 error), we return an error message along with the resource which the user tried to access.
${result?.log}</p> #
But some team members have concern that this can lead to phishing.
My question is : Is it the right practice to give a dynamic error message or should this be avoided?

Surveymonkey get_survey_details Status

I am wondering what the status actually means in the API call get_survey_details? I was thinking that this was an active / inactive / error type status but I don't think that is the case anymore. I have closed a collector on the survey so that no response's would be gathered and I am still getting status:0. We are looking for a way of knowing from our own internal app that if a survey is active or inactive and I am not sure how to do this from the SM API. Anyone out there doing something similar or know how to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance!
"status":0 is the error code status, i.e. no error occurred in calling the API.
Surveys can't be open or closed - just collectors can. If you call get_collector_list it has a field you can request called "open", which will return a boolean on whether a collector is open or not. You can check if any responses are being collected by requesting the list - if there are no collectors with "open":True then the survey is effectively closed.

What is the possible reason and fix for this exception regarding bitronix configuration in MOQUI

When I start the server I get an exception like :
cannot get this JVM unique ID. Make sure it is configured and you only use ASCII characters. Will use IP address instead (unsafe for production usage!)
What is the reason for this kind of exception and how can I fix this, when loading my component to production instance?
This is part of Bitronix configuration, the "" property in the file. See the docs for more details here: