How to Receive Arguments from Telegram User through Telegram Bot in Afl Amibroker? - telegram-bot

I found how to send message in amibroker through telegram bot, but I don't found anyone discussing how to receive arguments from user. Is it possible to receive Telegram User Argument using Amibroker Afl?

For receiving argument from telegram you need the bot to handle, you can make argument matched with .APX or some Amibroker OLE.
usually bot programmed with python and waiting for some request and argument to execute depend what section to access that is chart or exploring section.


Can't receive WhatsApp message notifications via webhook

I set up a glitch service as described in the Meta doc to receive notifications of WhatsApp received messages via a webhook. However, messages notifications are not received at all, not even pressing the test button of the webhook. Please, note that it's not a general configuration problem, since other notifications (e.g., account_alerts) are properly received.
(I'm using the test phone number provided by Meta)
Any hints about this issue?
Turned out it was a bug:
(Now it seems fixed)

Telegram bot doesn't recieve messages from a channel

Private settings are turned off.
the bot is added to the channel and he is an admin.
i created another channel because maybe the other one had problems but it didn't helped too.
And it still can't see the messages i send in the channel , why?
(i tested it and he gets the messages everywhere except of channels)
consider that channel_post is a different update parameter than regular message parameter which is only for private chats and groups.
check more in:

how do I retrieve the latest telegram bot messages posted in a channel through the api?

I want to see the last post a bot makes to my channel through the API/https
I tried getUpdates and it only shows messages I sent to the bot. I'd like to see messages the bot broadcasts to my channel
The getUpdates method only retrieves messages that are sent to the bot by normal users. Bots cannot see other bot messages, that means it cannot see its own messages. However you can track messages sent by the bot in your code logic. E.g. in Node.js you would do something like:
bot.sendMessage(channelId, "The message sent to the channel").then(ctx => {
// ctx contains the details of the message sent to the channel
// you can do whatever you want with it

Is it possible to read bot Telegram messages

I have successfully created a bot with and am able to fetch messages from a chat using the getupdates method (long polling).
The getUpdates method is only showing user posted messages (clientside). When I post messages directly using the sendmessage method (serverside) these messages do appear in the chat, but do not in the getUpdates log.
This page
states it logs only when "An user messages your bot, either directly or in a group." and some other ways, but the sendMessage way is not mentioned.
I've read a bit on the setwebhook method (push) but am not sure this will fix my issue.
Is this possible?
According to Bot FAQ, bots will not be able to see messages from other bots regardless of mode.
The getUpdates method shows only updates from users, not from the bot itself. This means that when you fetch the new messages with the getUpdates method, the Telegram API will list only the messages sent by the users, not the messages sent by the bot via any method (e.g sendMessage, sendPhoto ...).
To get old messages you can store the entire update (or only the parts of the update you need) for each message (even those sent by the bot with the sendMessage method) in a file or in a database and when you need an old message you can simply fetch it form the database or the files.
I managed to get the bot messages using two bots.
One does the sendMessage method and the other one does the getUpdates method.
#Giolacca9 answer inspired me to try this workaround and it works, "not from the bot itself" :)

Facebook Messenger Delivery callback randomly missing

My bot can send a response in multiple messages. I use the delivery callback to know that a message is delivered and the next can be sent. (
It works great except that sometimes I didn't receive Facebook's callback. I see no exact schema, for the exact same conversation it can works perfectly or miss a callback.
Have you ever noticed this problem ?
Opened a bug on Facebook plateform, answer is 'well do not rely on this delivery callback as it works mysteriously'
Facebook ticket
The day after I closed this bug, new callbacks have been available on Messenger Platform, and the echo callback works exactly as intended.
Documentation of Echo callback here