Setting Accent Color on Xamarin.Mac Big Sur - msbuild

In macOS Big Sur you can set an accent color of the app. In XCode you can do that by changing the color in the Assets catalog.
After a lot of research this does not appear to be possible in Xamarin. However it seems that there is a possible workaround which is vaguely documented:
Did someone manage to use this workaround or knows how to actually do something based on this description?


How do I fix garbled text in my react-pdf viewer?

I have created a pdf viewer using react-pdf. When I display certain pdfs, the text is choppy and unreadable. I have tried zooming in and out of the document and it is choppy in different ways at different scales. Sometimes the text even looks okay at a certain scale after zooming out and then zooming back in.
(Sample at 1.5 scale)
(Sample at 1.6 scale)
At first, I thought it might be an issue with react-pdf, but I saw that react-pdf is basically a wrapper around PDF.js. I found that I can replicate the issue in the PDF.js demo page.
Unfortunately, I'm working with a pdf that contains identifying information, so I can't share the full pdf or full screenshot. I'll include as much as I can figure out to share.
What I have tried
My initial thought was that maybe the component was rendering small initially and then had issues scaling up. So I made the initial size really large, but that didn't fix it.
I made sure that standard fonts were included following the instructions on the react-pdf home page
I tried using pdf repair tools online to maybe fix the pdf itself. That didn't help.
I tried changing the renderMode to 'svg' as detailed in the Document api documentation. This was the most helpful fix, as it does render the text correctly, but it then makes it so the images on the pdf don't load.
Thanks for your help/suggestions.
If I can find a way to edit the pdf to not have sensitive information, I'll try to find a place to make it available for testing. I apologize that I cannot provide that at this time. I know it's difficult to give advice when you can't replicate it yourself. I'll work on that.
From a programming point of view there is only "Providing a standardFontDataUrl and disabling the font face" (see later), however it affects many pdf.js based code developers outputs, thus I consider as still "OnTopic"
This issue is still open in react-pdf, though I have seen it mentioned by other pdf.js users since mid year (MS or Chrome update ?) , so unsure if it is not a wider fail affecting Mozilla PDF.js code users.
There semes to be earlier reports back in Early March and then later suggestions to change win 10 drivers. However also reported by win 11 Pro users. PDF.js versions from 2.8.335 to 2.14.305, and it doesn't affect version 2.7.570. so partially down to updated versions ! But seen only in Chromium.
It is entirely possible that we started doing something that trips Chrome,
The symptoms seem to be hardware or settings orientated since it is reportedly seen on some identical groups of users but not affecting others.
toggling back and forth between single page and multi-page views the issue resolves. It also seems dependent on the resolution or appears on some machines and not others so it is a little tricky to repro.
I am not getting it personally, but a guy in my team get it.
Unclear which browsers are affected but looks like its a chromium / web kit rendering bug ?
Several browsers have been tested and only chrome faces this.
My colleague gets the same in Edge Version 101.0.1210.47 (Official build) (64-bit) and Brave (1.38.118 Chromium 101.0.4951.67) Will edit the issue
The suggested workaround is :-
Providing a standardFontDataUrl and disabling the font face fixes the issue.
if we disable Accelerated 2D canvas in chrome://flags then the preview appears nice and okay. But since this flag is on by default so user see the pixelated preview. Unless we ask them to turn off this flag.
Figured out that this only happens when hardware acceleration is enabled in your Chrome settings.
When its turned off the issue does not happen.
In address bar paste chrome://gpu or edge://gpu etc (its a long report of current onboard fixes) in my case (currently unconfirmed via reboot for my Edge) is showing Accelerated 2D canvas is unavailable: either disabled via blocklist or the command line. Disabled Features: 2d_canvas, thus I cannot see problems.
To change setting you can use
but its a manual choice between options.
so on reboot I see
Graphics Feature Status
Canvas: Hardware accelerated
Canvas out-of-process rasterization: Disabled
but have little problem with the domo (except normal fuzzy text as pixels) so either Edge update or my hardware is not visibly affected or my default settings are reasonable.
This issue has been finally fixed in the latest version of react-pdf library. Check here:
I also faced the same error and I fixed it by setting render mode to canvas (earlier it was SVG) and scale value to more than 1. Try scale = 1.5

Change style of PivotItemHeader

I currently try to change the visual style of my pivot control in UWP.
I would like to change the plain default style of "just text" to something like this:
This is just an example I quickly found on the web. But it is a good representation of what I want to achieve.
I would like to make the pivot items to look like they are tabs.
They should be visibly seperated from another and when one of the items is selected I want to make it visually stand out from the others.
I'm really new to styling controls. I actually just started to read about it yesterday. But it really helps to make an app visually interesting instead of just the plain default styles.
I would really appreciate some help or guidance here :)
Greetings :)
We can modify the PivotHeaderItem default style to implement the effect. Here is also a similar thread that describes how to achieve it : Pivot Header style
Please note that: the PivotHeaderItem default style is based on the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 10, Version 1511 (Windows SDK version 10.0.10586.0). If your app target on other version, the styles and resources may be have different values. But the approach to implement the effect is similar. You can find the corresponding source in the path of your Windows SDK installation such as:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\DesignTime\CommonConfiguration\Neutral\UAP\10.0.16299.0\Generic.

What is the name of this NetBeans Theme property?

I am customizing a NetBeans themes to find set up the right colour balance for my eyes.
I would like to change the colour of the default PHP functions in the suggestion (auto-complete box) to something different as I find the dark blue is hard to read.
I haven't had much like finding the name of the property to do so.
To explain further. I know where to change the colours. I just can't find this particular one.
Tools > Options > Fonts & Colours.
I am using 7.4 nightly build version (2013-06-19_17-09-51/ that I got here:
I have changed my look & feel and using Dark Metal theme for the Tool itself.
(Tools > Options > Misc. > Windows (tab)
If I find the answer myself, I'll post it here.
It seems like it's not actually the Fonts&Colour theme that sets the colour.
Changing the theme from my custom one to e.g. Desert theme doesnt change the colour of the auto-completion box. So I was looking at the wrong place... nevertheless, I would still like to change the default colour of the text depicted below.
If anyone knows how, please share! :)
It turns out that this is a bug.
I asked about the same issue on the NetBeans forum and got a reply.
Please see here for details:

Use custom fonts in

I am trying to make a GUI like a iPad/iPhone, so to be able to make it look good, of course you need to use a font like Apple. I have downloaded it - MyriadPro-Semibold and put it in the control panel font's folder, but when selecting a font, it is not there. I found this online:
Label1.Font = Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.MyriadPro-Semibold)
I suspect it is C (minus the ";" at the end of the line), but I don't know. Should I have to put the font in the resources or what?
Thanks in advance.
Myriad Pro is an OpenType font. Only WPF supports such fonts, Winforms requires a TrueType font.
Just one hint, when you copy Apple fonts then be sure to not be successful. Apple has a lot of lawyers and isn't afraid to use them. Especially when the font is used for their corporate logo.

Display klingon text on iOS

Is it possible to display Klingon text (it doesn't have to be editable) on iOS?
If yes, what's the recommended way?
Somebody has come up with a "standard" mapping of Klingon to the private usage area of Unicode. All you need to do is find a font for Klingon (or use bitmaps) and away you go. There will be some work needed to install your font onto the device.