Is it possible to have locomotive.js infinite loop when scrolling down? - locomotivejs

I'm wondering if it's possible to make locomotive.js infinite loop to the start of the content when you reach the bottom?


how to change the self-loop properties in jgraphx?

When I draw an edge that has the same source and target vertex it shows as a loop, and this loop is drawn always on the right of the vertex
that becomes a problem when there is and edge that exits or enters from the right too
the loop that has 6/9 in this image presents the problem
Is there a way to manage the position where the loop is drawn?
I have tried to change it using mxConstants.STYLE_LOOP but still nothing.

Content offset while Inserting item in UICollectionView?

I'm using performBatchUpdates: to insert a new section to my collection view. This comes with the default fade in animation that I'd like to keep. The item I'm inserting is always the last item, so I'd like to offset my collection view to the bottom to make it visible.
Right now I'm able to achieve this by using scrollRectToVisible: in the completion callback of the batch update method. However, by the time it scrolls, the fade in animation already happened out of frame.
I'd like for both to happen simultaneously. Is this possible?
One approach I've tried is pre-calculating the new size manually ahead of the updates and scrolling first, but then the cells get reused right on screen, appearing and disappearing, which is not ideal.
Any ideas?

Checking an SKNode is onscreen and visible

Is there a way to check when a SKSpriteNode / SKNode is onscreen (i.e. visible) I have a large scrolling background where I am spawning mobs, but I want to limit their animations and sounds if they are not visible. Is there a way to do this, I could write something in the update loop but I wanted to see if there was anything I could test before I start querying mob positions every frame?
I think you are doing this wrong. You should stick to the MVC pattern. As such, you only have data/points that are moving in a large area and in update method, if any data is within screen area, only would you draw them. If it is out, remove them.

How to pause execution for few seconds and continue the loop?

I am creating a small applicaiton for simulating dice roll. To simulate bounces I change the position of the picture randomly. Now to simulate more than one bounce, I used a for loop to continuously change the position of the picture box. But it is not happening as I planned, the form only displays the position of the last loop. I even tried using System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) hoping to show the bounces, but even they show the last loop only.
For bounceCount As Integer = 1 To bounces
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000) 'I need to pause here and show the recent change in position then continue after 3 seconds
the bounce method changes the position of the PictureBox.
How can I pause my for loop, display the newly positioned dices, and then continue after 3 seconds?
Controls don't refresh their graphics until event handlers finish executing. Otherwise, if several changes were made to one or more controls, they would refresh repeatedly when all you really want is the end result.
To force a control to refresh it's graphics, you need to insert the following line before sleeping:
You may have to change PictureBox1 to the name of another control, of course. Also, it may be worth refreshing the parent control (ie. the control that contains the dice.)
I guess you should use Application.DoEvents() before calling Sleep().

Slider set to continuous seems to block main thread

I'm using a slider to resize some thumbnails in an app. I've set the slider to continuous so it updates as you move the slider instead of when you finish moving it. Works great, except for one thing:
The view that contains the thumbnails the slider resizes in in a split view. When the user starts sliding, i want to maximize said splitview for better usability. The only issue is, while the slider is being moved, it appears to be blocking any resizing operations of the UI. Anyone know how I can un-block it?
Or perhaps know of a different approach?
I figured it out!
Dragging the slider changes the run loop mode. I was maximizing my split view using an animation which has an NSTimer as it's backbone. I was adding the timer to the default run loop mode, when i should have been doing this:
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];