Getting language from browser doesn't work with SSR - spartacus-storefront

I have a website with multi language ['de', 'fr', 'it', 'en']
Current behaviour:
When I enter without a previous session I am redirected to (first value in the array)
Wanted behaviour:
I want to be redirected to the browser's language I have (in case there is none in session)
I have extended the service LanguageService to override the initialize() function as follows:
initialize(): void {
let value;
.subscribe((val) => (value = val))
if (value) {
// don't initialize, if there is already a value (i.e. retrieved from route or transferred from SSR)
const languages = this.getLanguages();
const sessionLanguage = this.sessionStorageCustom && this.sessionStorageCustom.getItem('language');
if (sessionLanguage && languages?.includes(sessionLanguage)) {
} else {
const browserLanguage = this.getBrowserLanguage();
if (browserLanguage && languages?.includes(browserLanguage)) {
private getLanguages(): string[] | null {
let languages = this.siteContextParamsService.getParamValues('language');
// Removing English from options
languages = languages.filter((l) => !(l.toLowerCase() === 'en'));
if (languages) return languages;
return null;
private getBrowserLanguage(): string | null {
let language = this.winRef.nativeWindow?.navigator.language;
if (language) {
language = language.slice(0, 2);
return language;
return null;
private sessionStorageCustom: Storage | undefined;
protected store: Store<StateWithSiteContext>,
protected winRef: WindowRef,
protected config: SiteContextConfig,
protected siteContextParamsService: SiteContextParamsService
) {
super(store, winRef, config);
// cannot use default variable because it's private
this.sessionStorageCustom = winRef.sessionStorage;
On CSR everything works as expected but when in SSR I always go to the default language.
(Because on server side there is no browser's language. I assume.)
How can I force this code be executed at the client side? or what can I do to accomplish this?

By default the Spartacus siteContext will always default to the SSR transfer state if it is present before running the browser language logic.
I can see two solutions you could try:
You can remove the SSR transfer state. This way Spartacus will run your logic in browser every time. You can do it with:
state: {
ssrTransfer: {
keys: { [SITE_CONTEXT_FEATURE]: false },
This solution is not ideal because the SSR page will contain the default falback language which might not be the one the user is using so the page might flicker.
You can add custom logic in the LanguageService that will run only in the server and use the Accept-Language header to set the language. This header is set by the browser to let the server know what language the user wants. You can read this article which provides a great example on how to use this mechanism in Angular. The example is not in Spartacus but the same logic can be used.
One final thought, the Spartacus siteContext persistence will be updated in 4.0 to use the global state persistence mechanism.


vscode `provideCompletionItem` in Middleware not getting triggered for string

I am trying to implement embedded language support for SQL in vscode extension using request forwarding mechanism.
According to the documentation we can hijack the completion using middleware option and provide the sub-language completion using an existing language server. As an example user can get CSS language support inside HTML using this mechanism.
In my scenario, I want get SQL Language support inside another language (new language) when writing a SQL query.
Sample Code
let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
documentSelector: [{ scheme: 'file', language: '.mylang' }],
middleware: {
provideCompletionItem: async (document, position, context, token, next) => {
if (
) {
return await next(document, position, context, token);
const originalUri = document.uri.toString();
getSQLVirtualContent(myLanguageService, document.getText())
const vdocUriString = `embedded-content://sql/${encodeURIComponent(originalUri)}.sql`;
const vdocUri = Uri.parse(vdocUriString);
return await commands.executeCommand<CompletionList>(
Here the provideCompletionItem get triggered each time we write a new character in the editor but it seems that it is not getting triggered when user writes " or single quote.
Is there a way to get provideCompletionItem when single or double quotes is being entered ?

Shopware 6 custom element type image not showing any data on storefront

I have created my component to add some desired config fields in Shopware 6. Everything is working fine but one problem that is image is looking as it is being saved in the administration but is not showing any src or else in dump.
And here is my dump preiew having #data null.
can anyone tell what should I do else here?
I will be very thankful.
There is a guide in the docs that explains exactly what your case is.
You can likely extend the \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\Cms\ImageCmsElementResolver and override the getType function:
public function getType(): string
return 'my-component-name';
The important part of the default ImageCmsElementResolver is the loading the media information. For that you also need in your CMS element resolver. I explain some parts of the existing ImageCmsElementResolver so you can see which steps you need:
public function collect(CmsSlotEntity $slot, ResolverContext $resolverContext): ?CriteriaCollection
// read the configuration, that is defined in the Admin JS. Likely also media for you
$mediaConfig = $slot->getFieldConfig()->get('media');
// if this config is NOT containing useful info
if (
$mediaConfig === null
|| $mediaConfig->isMapped()
|| $mediaConfig->isDefault()
|| $mediaConfig->getValue() === null
) {
// return nothing
return null;
// otherwise use the configured value as mediaId to load the media entry from the database
$criteria = new Criteria([$mediaConfig->getStringValue()]);
$criteriaCollection = new CriteriaCollection();
$criteriaCollection->add('media_' . $slot->getUniqueIdentifier(), MediaDefinition::class, $criteria);
// return the criterias to execute later, when all needed entities for the CMS page are fetched
return $criteriaCollection;
Now the data is fetched and as next step you need to put it into a variable accessible from the Twig template. For this you write into the same CMS element resolver this:
public function enrich(CmsSlotEntity $slot, ResolverContext $resolverContext, ElementDataCollection $result): void
$config = $slot->getFieldConfig();
$image = new ImageStruct();
// this is important for accessing data in Twig
// read the config again
$mediaConfig = $config->get('media');
// if the configuration looks promising
if ($mediaConfig && $config->isStatic() && $mediaConfig->getValue()) {
// look up the media from the entity loading step
$searchResult = $result->get('media_' . $slot->getUniqueIdentifier());
if (!$searchResult) {
/** #var MediaEntity|null $media */
$media = $searchResult->get($config->getValue());
// if we do not have a media, then skip it
if (!$media) {
// set the media entity to the slot data we just assigned to the slot
After that you should have more info in the slot variable in Twig to embed a media.

How can I have my Ember app support multiple api hosts, based on the user?

In my Ember app, I want the url to the api be based on the user that is logged in. For example, user 1 may need to use and user 2 may need to use
Can I have set the host on the adapter based on a function? For example something like this:
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
host: () => {
if (user1) { return ''; }
else { return ''; }
Instead of using a function and trying to set something manually (imperatively) on your adapter, I’d suggest using a computed property and your user service, as you are then declaring how things should act as properties change. Something like this should work pretty well:
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
user: service(),
host: computed(‘user.isWhitelabeled’, function() {
if (this.get(‘user.isWhitelabeled’)) {
return '';
} else {
return '';

Aurelia: how to manage sessions

I'm trying to develop a website where the nav-bar items depend on the role of the user who is logged in.
As Patrick Walter suggested on his blog, I was thinking to create a session.js file where I would store information about the current user: their username and role. I would then inject this file in nav-bar.js and create a filter for the routes, for which the user does not have access to. Everything worked fine until I hit the refresh button... In fact, it creates a new session object and I loose all the information store in the previous one.
I have seen in the docs the singleton method, but I'm not sure how to use it. If I insert it in my code such as below, I get the message: aurelia.use.singleton is not a function.
import config from './auth-config';
export function configure(aurelia) {
console.log('Hello from animation-main config');
.plugin('paulvanbladel/aurelia-auth', (baseConfig) => {
aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot());
export class Session {
username = '';
role = '';
reset() {
console.log('Resetting session');
this.username = '';
this.role = '';
My last idea would be to encrypt the role/username and use the browser's session to store the information. But I wanted to ask to more experienced developers their opinion about the topic.
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: Here is my code for session.js
export class Session {
username = '';
role = '';
reset() {
console.log('Resetting session');
this.username = '';
this.role = '';
And this is how I inject it:
import {Session} from './services/session';
export class RoleFilterValueConverter {
constructor(session) {
console.log('Hello from RoleFilter constructor', session)
this.session = session;
toView(routes, role) {
console.log('Hello from view', role, this.session)
if (this.session.role == 'Superuser')
return routes;
return routes.filter(r => {
var res = !r.config.role || (r.config.role == this.session.role);
return res
In the main entry point (let's assume it's index.html) you should have something like this:
<body aurelia-app="path/to/main">
<script src="jspm_packages/system.js"></script>
<script src="config.js"></script>
This imports the entire aurelia enviorment and so when it reaches the export function configure(aurelia) { ... } it should pass an instance of type Aurelia and bind it to the aurelia parameter and should resolve your aurelia.use.singleton is not a function. error. After that, in your session.js file when using #inject(Session) it should pass the same instance you declared at startup.
I also implemented a singleton session object to store user data and have chosen this method because it's more convenient to rely on dependency injection rather than always calling a method to get user data from a cookie.
Though Laurentiu's answer is not bad, there are better ways to handle this that do not add complexity to your app.
You do not need to need to specify this as a singleton. This particular function is more for an edge case where you would want to expose a particular item to the dependency injection container as a singleton before startup.
In fact, the Aurelia dependency injection framework treats all modules as singletons unless specified otherwise. Thus, the code should work as you have it written there, without the configure function.
I've written up an in-depth blog that you maay find helpful here:

Prevent duplicate routes in express.js

Is there a nice way to prevent duplicate routes from being registered in express? I have a pretty large application with hundreds of routes across different files, and it gets difficult to know if I've already registered a certain route when I go to add a new one. For example, I'd like to throw an error when express gets to routes487.js:
File: routes1.js
var ctrl = require('../controllers/testctrl');
var auth = require('../libs/authentication');
module.exports = function (app) {
app.get('/hi', auth.getToken, ctrl.hi);
app.get('/there', auth.getToken, ctrl.there);
File: routes487.js
var ctrl = require('../controllers/testctrl487');
var auth = require('../libs/authentication');
module.exports = function (app) {
app.get('/hi', auth.getToken, ctrl.hi487);
You could try a custom solution by wrapping express methods with the validation. Consider the following modification to your express app:
// route-validation.js
module.exports = function (app) {
var existingRoutes = {}
, originalMethods = [];
// Returns true if the route is already registered.
function routeExists(verb, path) {
return existingRoutes[verb] &&
existingRoutes[verb].indexOf(path) > -1;
function registerRoute(verb, path) {
if (!existingRoutes[verb]) existingRoutes[verb] = [];
// Return a new app method that will check repeated routes.
function validatedMethod(verb) {
return function() {
// If the route exists, app.VERB will throw.
if (routeExists(verb, arguments[0]) {
throw new Error("Can't register duplicate handler for path", arguments[0]);
// Otherwise, the route is saved and the original express method is called.
registerRoute(verb, arguments[0]);
originalMethods[verb].apply(app, arguments);
['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'all'].forEach(function (verb) {
// Save original methods for internal use.
originalMethods[verb] = app[verb];
// Replace by our own route-validator methods.
app[verb] = validatedMethod(verb);
You just need to pass your app to this function after creation and duplicate route checking will be implemented. Note that you might need other "verbs" (OPTIONS, HEAD).
If you don't want to mess with express' methods (we don't know whether or how express itself or middleware modules will use them), you can use an intermediate layer (i.e., you actually wrap your app object instead of modifying its methods). I actually feel that would be a better solution, but I feel lazy to type it right now :)