Is it possible to set multiple objectId to multiple document in one mongo update query? - mongodb-query

Suppose I have a MongoDB collection like this:
"_id": "id_1", // this is an objectId
"field_1" : 4,
"field_2" : "objectId_1" // this is an objectId
"_id": "id_2",
"field_1" : 3,
"field_2" : "objectId_2" // this is an objectId
"_id": "id_3",
"field_1" : 2,
"field_2" : "objectId_3" // this is an objectId
and now everytime I update a document, I want to update the second field "field_2" a new ObjectId (auto generated or whatever). But the value must be unique (like an id)
For an example, suppose when I run this query
{ "field_1" : { $lt : 4} },
{ $set: { "field_2": "new_ObjectId"} }// an objectId should be generated for every matched document
The result should update 2 document
"_id": "id_2",
"field_1" : 3,
"field_2" : "objectId_4" // a new objectId should be generate for this
"_id": "id_3",
"field_1" : 2,
"field_2" : "objectId_5" // and another objectId for this
Is it possible to archive that in one query? I am using .net mongo driver and it would be great if you could show me how to do this by C# code. Otherwise, it is fine with a raw query.


Postgreql json data how to list all elements of an array

I have a jsonB field in postgresql DB table, it has data like this
"units": [
"id": 299872379221376,
"unitNumber": "1",
"unitFloorSpace": 1,
"createdTimeStamp": 1587994498586
"id": 299872417011074,
"unitNumber": "2",
"unitFloorSpace": 2,
"createdTimeStamp": 1588001330085
I just want to list all unitNumbers like below, what would be the query for that?
I have tried below json query but that doesn’t list
Select form_data -> units -> unitNumbers from table where row_id =1;
here is one way:
select jsonb_array_elements(jsonb_extract_path(jdata,'units')) ->> 'unitNumber' as UnitNumber
from tableName;
db<>fiddle here

RavenDb facet search in string array field with wildcard

Is it possible to have a RavenDb faceted search, in a string[] field, where I would want to show facets (counts) for only values starting with a particular string, rather a range?
I'll try to explain myself better to with a simple example, imagine having an index with the below entries
ID | Values
1 | CatPersian, CatNormal, DogLabrador
2 | CatPersian, Camel, DogPoodle
3 | CatNormal, CatBengali, DogNormal
4 | DogNormal
I would perform a query on the above documents, and the Facet search would include a range of 'Cat*', on the 'Values' field. Is this possible? Then, I would get a result based on just the different values for cats, like:
CatPersian [2]
CatNormal [2]
CatBengali [1]
Yes, you can do that. Index the array, and then just use facets normally.
Let's see the full example. You have the following documents:
"Name": "John",
"FavoriteAnimals": [
"#metadata": {
"#collection": "Kids"
"Name": "Jane",
"FavoriteAnimals": [
"#metadata": {
"#collection": "Kids"
Now, you create the following index:
from k in docs.Kids
from animal in k.FavoriteAnimals
select new { Animal = animal }
And run this query:
from index 'YourIndex'
where startsWith(Animal , 'ca')
select facet('Animal')
And the result will be:
"Name": "Animal",
"Values": [
"Count": 2,
"Range": "cats"
Alternatively, you can use this index:
from k in docs.Kids
select new { k.FavoriteAnimals }
And run this query:
from index 'YourIndex'
where startsWith(FavoriteAnimals , 'ca')
select facet('FavoriteAnimals')
The difference here is that you'll get all matches for the documents that have a match.
So in this case
"Name": "Animal",
"Values": [
"Count": 2,
"Range": "cats"
"Count": 1,
"Range": "dogs"// also, snails, rabbits

Postgres query to return rows where json in the json column contains array elements more than one

We are using Postgres DB , in that we have one table contains column of type JSON , format is like below
"name" : "XXX",
"id" : "123",
"course" :[
"name" : "java",
"name" : "python",
"name" : "XXX",
"id" : "123",
"course" :[
"name" : "java",
"name" : "python",
like this for example we have two rows , and in the json column we have each like above
i want to Postgre query , which will check the number of elements in the course array and if it is more than one , then only return that row
am not getting how to count the array elements from inside the json key
can any please suggest
why not just json_array_length?.. eg:
f=# with c(j) as (values('{
"name" : "XXX",
"id" : "123",
"course" :[
"name" : "java",
"name" : "python",
select json_array_length(j->'course') from c;
(1 row)
so smth like
select * from table_name where json_array_length(j->'course') > 1

Parsing JSON polymorphic records with Elm

Probably it is a beginner's question. I have a JSON data format that holds polymorphic records and I need to parse it. These are vertices or edges of a graph
"records": [{
"id": 0,
"object": {
"id": "vertex1"
}, {
"id": 1,
"object": {
"id": "vertex2"
}, {
"id": 2,
"object": {
"from": "vertex1",
"to": "vertex2"
As you can see they all have id, but vertices and edges have different record structures.
I tried to find something on parsing such structures, but the only thing I found was Handling records with shared substructure in Elm, but I cannot translate the answer to Elm 0.17 (a simple renaming of data to type did not help)
In general there are 2 challenges:
defining a polymorphic record
decode JSON dynamically into a vertex or an edge
This is how far I got:
type alias RecordBase =
{ id : Int
type Records = List (Record RecordBase)
type Record o =
VertexRecord o
| EdgeRecord o
type alias VertexRecord o =
{ o | object : {
id : Int
type alias EdgeRecord o =
{ o | object : {
from : Int
, to : Int
but the compiler complains with
Naming multiple top-level values VertexRecord makes things
Apparently union already defined the VertexRecord and EdgeRecord types.
I really don't know how to proceed from here. All suggestions are most welcome.
Since you have the label id in multiple places and of multiple types, I think it makes things a little cleaner to have type aliases and field names that indicate each id's purpose.
Edit 2016-12-15: Updated to elm-0.18
type alias RecordID = Int
type alias VertexID = String
type alias VertexContents =
{ vertexID : VertexID }
type alias EdgeContents =
{ from : VertexID
, to : VertexID
Your Record type doesn't actually need to include the field name of object anywhere. You can simply use a union type. Here is an example. You could shape this a few different ways, the important part to understand is fitting both types of data in as a single Record type.
type Record
= Vertex RecordID VertexContents
| Edge RecordID EdgeContents
You could define a function that returns the recordID given either a vertex or edge like so:
getRecordID : Record -> RecordID
getRecordID r =
case r of
Vertex recordID _ -> recordID
Edge recordID _ -> recordID
Now, onto decoding. Using Json.Decode.andThen, you can decode the common record ID field, then pass the JSON off to another decoder to get the rest of the contents:
recordDecoder : Json.Decoder Record
recordDecoder =
Json.field "id"
|> Json.andThen \recordID ->
Json.oneOf [ vertexDecoder recordID, edgeDecoder recordID ]
vertexDecoder : RecordID -> Json.Decoder Record
vertexDecoder recordID =
Json.object2 Vertex
(Json.succeed recordID)
(Json.object1 VertexContents ( ["object", "id"] Json.string))
edgeDecoder : RecordID -> Json.Decoder Record
edgeDecoder recordID =
Json.object2 Edge
(Json.succeed recordID)
(Json.object2 EdgeContents
( ["object", "from"] Json.string)
( ["object", "to"] Json.string))
recordListDecoder : Json.Decoder (List Record)
recordListDecoder =
Json.field "records" Json.list recordDecoder
Putting it all together, you can decode your example like this:
import Html exposing (text)
import Json.Decode as Json
main =
text <| toString <| Json.decodeString recordListDecoder testData
testData =
"records": [{
"id": 0,
"object": {
"id": "vertex1"
}, {
"id": 1,
"object": {
"id": "vertex2"
}, {
"id": 2,
"object": {
"from": "vertex1",
"to": "vertex2"

MongoDB is slower than SQL Server

I have the same data of around 30 million record saved in a SQL Server table and a MongoDB collection. A sample record is shown below, I have set up the same indexes as well. Below are the queries to return the same data, one in SQL the other in mongo. The SQL query takes 2 seconds to compute and return, mongo on the other hand takes 50. Any ideas why mongo so much slower than SQL??
DATEPART(dy, datetime)
DATEPART(dy, datetime)
db.collection.aggregate([{$group:{ "_id": { $dayOfYear:"$datetime" }, IP: { $addToSet: "$IP"} }},{$unwind:"$IP"},{$group:{ _id: "$_id", count: { $sum:1} }}])
Sample Document, there are around 30 million of exact same data in both
"_id" : ObjectId("57968ebc7391bb1f7c2f4801"),
"IP" : "",
"userAgent" : "Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+LCTE;+rv:11.0)+like+Gecko",
"Country" : null,
"datetime" : ISODate("2016-07-25T16:50:18-05:00"),
"proxy" : null,
"url" : "/records/archives/archivesdb/deathcertificates/",
"HTTPStatus" : "302",
"HTTPResponseTime" : "218"
EDIT: added the explanation of both queries
"waitedMS" : NumberLong(0),
"stages" : [
"$cursor" : {
"query" : {
"fields" : {
"IP" : 1,
"datetime" : 1,
"_id" : 0
"queryPlanner" : {
"plannerVersion" : 1,
"namespace" : "IISLogs.pubprdweb01",
"indexFilterSet" : false,
"parsedQuery" : {
"$and" : [ ]
"winningPlan" : {
"stage" : "COLLSCAN",
"filter" : {
"$and" : [ ]
"direction" : "forward"
"rejectedPlans" : [ ]
"$group" : {
"_id" : {
"$dayOfYear" : [
"IP" : {
"$addToSet" : "$IP"
"$unwind" : {
"path" : "$IP"
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$_id",
"count" : {
"$sum" : {
"$const" : 1
"ok" : 1
SQL Server I don't have the permissions on it since I'm not a DBA or anything but it works fast enough that I'm not too concerned about its execution plan, the troublesome thing to me is that the mongo is using FETCH
The MongoDB version is slow because $group can't use an index (as evidenced by the "COLLSCAN" in the query plan), so all 30 million docs must be read into memory and run through the pipeline.
This type of real-time query (computing summary data from all docs) is simply not a good fit for MongoDB. It would be better to periodically run your aggregate with an $out stage (or use a map-reduce) to generate the summary data from the main collection and then query the resulting summary collection instead.