Looking for the best way to return pass in a parameter to allow me to return a specific customer or all customers in SQL - sql

I have the below query that could defenitely be optimized but I'm looking for the best way to add a parameter that allows me to return the same results and pass in a Parameter that would say if pass it in as "All" it would return all WO.BillTo records but if I passed in a value other than "All" it would compare that value to the WO.BillTo to only return records for that specific BillTo Customer.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
WO.BillTo ,
WO.ShipTo ,
WO.ShipName ,
WO.ClosedDate ,
WOParts.PartNo ,
WOParts.Description ,
WOParts.ShipQty ,
WOParts.SellRate ,
FROM WO,WOParts,Customer
((WO.ClosedDate >= #startdate ) AND (WO.ClosedDate < #closedate ) )
AND (WO.Disposition = 2 ) )
AND (WO.WONo = WOParts.WONo ) )
AND (WO.BillTo = Customer.Number ) )
AND WOParts.TransferWONoTo =''
and Woparts.shipqty <> 0
order by wo.ShipTo

This is known as a "catch all" query. I would suggest using NULL rather than 'all', but the syntax would be the same. The OPTION (RECOMPILE) is there to stop poor query plan caching. Also I've "updated" you to 1992's ANSI-92 explicit JOIN syntax, as it has been around for around 30 years now:
W.BillTo ,
W.ShipTo ,
W.ShipName ,
W.ClosedDate ,
WP.PartNo ,
WP.Description ,
WP.ShipQty ,
WP.SellRate ,
FROM dbo.WO W --Let's update to 1992!
JOIN dbo.Customer C ON W.BillTo = C.Number
WHERE W.ClosedDate >= #startdate AND W.ClosedDate < #closedate
AND W.Disposition = 2
AND WP.TransferWONoTo =''
AND WP.shipqty <> 0
AND (WO.BillTo = #YourParameter OR #YourParameter IS NULL)


SQL Select most recent record for each group

I am trying to get the most recent record for each user in my table:
FROM Orders
WHERE State = Active
ORDER BY Orders.DateTimePlanned DESC`
But this results me in the oldest record of each user, how can I get the most recent one!? Changing the DESC to ASC doesn't work!
Please let me know!
Your code is not valid standard SQL. Presumably, you are running MySQL with sql mode ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY disabled.
You need to filter the dataset rather than aggregate it. One option uses a subquery:
select *
from orders o
where state = 'Active' and datetimeplanned = (
select max(o1.datetimeplanned)
from orders o1
where o1.userid = o.userid and o1.state = 'Active'
You can also use window functions (available in MySQL 8.0 only):
select *
from (
select o.*, rank() over(partition by userid order by datetimeplanned desc) rn
from orders o
where state = 'Active'
) o
where rn = 1
I'd use a sub query
Have a look at this script, it uses a subquery and takes the last row and reduces it using the value of the previous row to project data growth of a database
declare #backupType char(1)
, #DatabaseName sysname
set #DatabaseName = db_name() --> Name of current database, null for all databaseson server
set #backupType ='D' /* valid options are:
D = Database
I = Database Differential
L = Log
F = File or Filegroup
G = File Differential
P = Partial
Q = Partial Differential
select backup_start_date
, backup_finish_date
, DurationSec
, database_name,backup_size
, PreviouseBackupSize
, backup_size-PreviouseBackupSize as growth
,KbSec= format(KbSec,'N2')
select backup_start_date
, backup_finish_date
, datediff(second,backup_start_date,b.backup_finish_date) as DurationSec
, b.database_name
, b.backup_size/1024./1024. as backup_size
,case when datediff(second,backup_start_date,b.backup_finish_date) >0
then ( b.backup_size/1024.)/datediff(second,backup_start_date,b.backup_finish_date)
else 0 end as KbSec
-- , b.compressed_backup_size
, (
select top (1) p.backup_size/1024./1024.
from msdb.dbo.backupset p
where p.database_name = b.database_name
and p.database_backup_lsn< b.database_backup_lsn
and type=#backupType
order by p.database_backup_lsn desc
) as PreviouseBackupSize
from msdb.dbo.backupset as b
where #DatabaseName IS NULL OR database_name =#DatabaseName
and type=#backupType
)as A
order by backup_start_date desc

SQL code is removing duplicate values in error

My SQL code is removing duplicate values of "Time" specific to Project Description. For example, if a time value for a specific project is included two or more times, the data is only pulling the value once skewing the results.
I've tried adding SUM(PMTT_DailyTime.Time) as 'Sum of Time" and this creates a different problem and inaccurate results. It multiplies the sum values by the number of an irrelevant field.
SELECT View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectDesc
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStartDate
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectType
, DatePart("yyyy", PMTT_DailyTime.ReportDate) AS [ReportYear]
, PMTT_DailyTime.Time
, PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectHealth
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.PrimaryBuilder
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.CurrentProjectStatus
FROM View_ProjectsInfoDecoded
LEFT JOIN View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded ON View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department = View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.Department AND View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr = View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr
LEFT JOIN PMTT_DailyTime ON (View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.Department = PMTT_DailyTime.Department) AND (View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr= PMTT_DailyTime.ProjectNbr)
WHERE (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department IN ('107'))
And (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus <>'Cancel')
And (dbo.View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd = 'N' OR dbo.View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND (PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd = 'N' OR PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND ((DATEDIFF(MONTH, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate,GETDATE()) <= 12) OR (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate IS NULL) OR (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate='' ))
GROUP BY View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectDesc, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.EstStartDate, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStartDate
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Complexity
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectType, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectHealth, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.PrimaryBuilder
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.CurrentProjectStatus, PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd
, DatePart("yyyy", PMTT_DailyTime.ReportDate), PMTT_DailyTime.Time
I think this is an easy fix in the Group function or the type of joins used. But not sure...
With a re-factoring of your query to use aliases, include line breaks and re-order columns, you will notice you have two additional GROUP BY fields that are not included in SELECT: EstStartDate and p.Complexity. As a result, the SELECT columns may show repeated values over the distinct groupings of these omitted two fields.
For a more readable aggregate query, consider including the same columns in GROUP BY also in SELECT clause without omitting any. Do note: per SQL standard, you cannot have a column in SELECT that does not appear in GROUP BY. However, the reverse as your query does is valid. Alternatively, simply run the analogous SELECT DISTINCT without GROUP BY.
SELECT p.ProjectNbr, p.Department, p.ProjectDesc, p.ProjectStartDate, p.ProjectCompletionDate,
p.VoidInd, p.ProjectStatus, p.ProjectType, DatePart("yyyy", d.ReportDate) AS [ReportYear],
d.Time, d.VoidInd, b.ProjectHealth, b.PrimaryBuilder, b.CurrentProjectStatus
FROM (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded p
LEFT JOIN View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded b
ON (p.Department = b.Department) AND (p.ProjectNbr = b.ProjectNbr))
ON (b.Department = d.Department) AND (b.ProjectNbr = d.ProjectNbr)
WHERE (p.Department IN ('107'))
AND (p.ProjectStatus <> 'Cancel')
AND (dbo.p.VoidInd = 'N' OR dbo.p.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND (d.VoidInd = 'N' OR d.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND ((DATEDIFF(MONTH, p.ProjectCompletionDate, GETDATE()) <= 12)
OR (p.ProjectCompletionDate IS NULL)
OR (p.ProjectCompletionDate='')
GROUP BY p.ProjectNbr, p.Department, p.ProjectDesc, p.ProjectStartDate, p.ProjectCompletionDate,
p.VoidInd, p.ProjectStatus, p.ProjectType, DatePart("yyyy", d.ReportDate),
d.Time, d.VoidInd, b.ProjectHealth, b.PrimaryBuilder, b.CurrentProjectStatus,
p.EstStartDate, p.Complexity -- ADDITIONAL NON-SELECT FIELDS
You are using the Group By clause, but have no aggregate function in your Select statement. This results in the same behavior as using Select Distinct. Removing the Group By clause will include the duplicate records you seem to be looking for.
SELECT View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectDesc, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStartDate, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectType, DatePart("yyyy", PMTT_DailyTime.ReportDate) AS [ReportYear], PMTT_DailyTime.Time, PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectHealth, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.PrimaryBuilder, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.CurrentProjectStatus
FROM (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded LEFT JOIN View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded ON (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department = View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.Department) AND (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr = View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr)) LEFT JOIN
PMTT_DailyTime ON (View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.Department = PMTT_DailyTime.Department) AND (View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr= PMTT_DailyTime.ProjectNbr)
WHERE (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department IN ('107')) And (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus <>'Cancel') And
(dbo.View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd = 'N' OR dbo.View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd IS NULL) AND (PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd = 'N' OR PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND ((DATEDIFF(MONTH, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate,GETDATE()) <= 12) OR (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate IS NULL) OR (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate='' ))

SQL Server Select one column by aggregate but not another

Not good with sql. Forgive me if the question isn't 100% clear. Here is my query
CASE WHEN MAX(CAST(HealthScoreSkipped as INT)) = 1
THEN '--'
ELSE MAX(DailyHealthScore)
END DailyHealthScore,
MAX(BloodPressure) BloodPressure,
MAX(SystolicAlert) SystolicAlert,
MAX(DiastolicAlert) DiastolicAlert,
MAX(BloodPressureSkipped) BloodPressureSkipped,
MAX(Pulse) Pulse,
MAX(PulseAlert) PulseAlert,
MAX(PulseSkipped) PulseSkipped,
MAX(BloodSugar) BloodSugar,
MAX(BloodSugarAlert) BloodSugarAlert,
MAX(BloodSugarSkipped) BloodSugarSkipped,
MAX(Steps) Steps,
MAX(StepsAlert) StepsAlert,
MAX(StepsSkipped) StepsSkipped,
MAX(O2) O2,
MAX(O2Alert) O2Alert,
MAX(O2Skipped) O2Skipped,
MAX(Weight) Weight,
MAX(WeightAlert) WeightAlert,
#BaselineWeight AS BaselineWeight,
MAX(WeightSkipped) WeightSkipped,
MAX(Temperature) Temperature,
MAX(TemperatureAlert) TemperatureAlert,
MAX(TemperatureUnit) TemperatureUnit,
MAX(TemperatureSkipped) TemperatureSkipped,
MAX(PEFAlert) PEFAlert,
MAX(PEFSkipped) PEFSkipped,
MAX(FEV1Alert) FEV1Alert,
MAX(FEV1Skipped) FEV1Skipped,
MAX(FEVRatio) FEVRatio,
MAX(FEVRatioAlert) FEVRatioAlert,
MAX(FEVRatioSkipped) FEVRatioSkipped,
#SpiroEnabled SpiroEnabled
FROM #bioAndScores
GROUP BY PatientId, Date, Time, ProtocolGroupName
The problem here is on the lines
MAX(Steps) Steps,
MAX(StepsAlert) StepsAlert
I want to select the max Steps but the stepalert value that goes with that row not the max of the stepAlert.
You can create a sub query in the select statement to get the steps alert that corresponds to your step.
something along the lines of the below (note that I'm not sure why you are grouping by patientId, if you are taking the max(patientId) if you do want to group by patient id, the where clause of the sub query should also match on patient Id
MAX(bas.Steps) Steps,
--sub query to get the StepsAlert that corresponds to max steps
#bioAndScores subBas
--This is the important part of finding the match for Max Steps
MAX(bas.Steps) = subBas.Steps AND
--commented out because the MAX(PatientId) was ambiguous
--bas.PatientId = subBas.PatientId AND
bas.[Date] = subBas.[Date] AND
bas.[Time] = subBas.[Time] AND
bas.ProtocolGroupName = subBas.ProtocolGroupName) as StepsAlert
#bioAndScores as bas
Remove the MAX() function from StepAlerts and add StepAlerts to your GROUP BY clause.
MAX(Steps) AS Steps,
StepsAlert AS StepsAlert
And in your GROUP BY:
GROUP BY PatientId, Date, Time, ProtocolGroupName, StepAlerts
Just add StepsAlert column to the group by clause and remove the MAX aggregate function.
GROUP BY PatientId, Date, Time, ProtocolGroupName,StepsAlert
I would suggest you go through this to better understand about how group by works.
You can do this using apply() to select the set of values that correspond to the highest Steps at the earliest StepsAlert like so:
, [Date]
, [Time]
, DailyHealthScore = case
when MAX(CAST(HealthScoreSkipped as int))= 1 then '--'
else MAX(DailyHealthScore)
, ProtocolGroupName
, BloodPressure = MAX(BloodPressure)
, SystolicAlert = MAX(SystolicAlert)
, DiastolicAlert = MAX(DiastolicAlert)
, BloodPressureSkipped= MAX(BloodPressureSkipped)
, Pulse = MAX(Pulse)
, PulseAlert = MAX(PulseAlert)
, PulseSkipped = MAX(PulseSkipped)
, BloodSugar = MAX(BloodSugar)
, BloodSugarAlert = MAX(BloodSugarAlert)
, BloodSugarSkipped = MAX(BloodSugarSkipped)
, Steps = x.Steps
, StepsAlert = x.StepsAlert
, StepsSkipped = MAX(StepsSkipped)
, O2 = MAX(O2)
, O2Alert = MAX(O2Alert)
, O2Skipped = MAX(O2Skipped)
, Weight = MAX(Weight)
, WeightAlert = MAX(WeightAlert)
, BaselineWeight = #BaselineWeight
, WeightSkipped = MAX(WeightSkipped)
, Temperature = MAX(Temperature)
, TemperatureAlert = MAX(TemperatureAlert)
, TemperatureUnit = MAX(TemperatureUnit)
, TemperatureSkipped = MAX(TemperatureSkipped)
, PEFAlert = MAX(PEFAlert)
, PEFSkipped = MAX(PEFSkipped)
, FEV1 = MAX(FEV1)
, FEV1Alert = MAX(FEV1Alert)
, FEV1Skipped = MAX(FEV1Skipped)
, FEVRatio = MAX(FEVRatio)
, FEVRatioAlert = MAX(FEVRatioAlert)
, FEVRatioSkipped = MAX(FEVRatioSkipped)
, SpiroEnabled = #SpiroEnabled
from #bioAndScores b
cross apply (
select top 1
, i.StepsAlert
from #bioAndScores i
where b.PatientId = i.PatientId
and b.[Date] = i.[Date]
and b.[Time] = i.[Time]
and b.ProtocolGroupName = i.ProtocolGroupName
order by i.Steps desc, i.StepsAlert asc
) x
group by
, date
, time
, ProtocolGroupName

Why I need Group by in this simple query?

the error might be in sum(si.amt_pd) from item table (as there is no relation) :
select SUM(si.amt_pd)amt_pd from [HMIS_REPORTING].HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.item i
is there a work around?
I am trying to run this query. The query just fetches the amount of a month based on some tables. It is just a part of a big query.
select s.sales_Contract_Nbr
, s.Sales_Id
, s.Sale_Dt
, YEAR(s.Sale_Dt) 'YEAR'
, MONTH(s.Sale_Dt) 'MONTH'
, s.Sales_Need_TYpe_Cd
, s.Sales_Status_Cd
, si.Posted
, s.location_Cd
, jan2011 = (
select SUM(si.amt_pd)amt_pd
from [HMIS_REPORTING].HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.item i
where i.Item_Id = si.Product_Item_ID
and i.Item_Cd <> '*INT'
and convert(varchar(10),SI.Sales_Item_Dt,126) >= '2011-01-01'
and convert(varchar(10),SI.Sales_Item_Dt,126) >= '2011-01-31'
) INTO dbo.#a_acomparision
WHERE SI.Sales_Id = S.Sales_Id
and s.Sales_Contract_Nbr in (
select distinct (Sales_Contract_Nbr)
from mountainviewContracts
where Sales_Contract_Nbr <> '')
but I am getting the following error message.
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'HMIS_REPORTING.HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.Sales.Sales_Contract_Nbr' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
I just can't understand why my query should have a group by for sales_contract_nbr and even if I put in the group by clause it tells me that inner query si.Product_item_id and SI.sales_item_dt should also be contained in group by clause.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance
This is a very subtle problem. However, I think the subquery should be:
select SUM(i.amt_pd)amt_pd from [HMIS_REPORTING].HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.item i
That is, the alias should be i not si.
What is happening is that the sum in the subquery is on a value in the outer query. So, the SQL compiler assumes an aggregation query. As soon as the first column is found that is not an aggregation, it complains with the message that you have.
By the way, you should use proper join syntax, so you from clause looks like:
on SI.Sales_Id = S.Sales_Id
As #Gordon Linoff says, this is almost certainly because the query optimizer is treating this like a SUM operation, normalizing away the subquery for "jan2001".
If the amt_pd column is present in the ITEM table, Gordon's solution is the right one.
If not, you have to add the group by statement, as below.
select s.sales_Contract_Nbr
, s.Sales_Id
, s.Sale_Dt
, YEAR(s.Sale_Dt) 'YEAR'
, MONTH(s.Sale_Dt) 'MONTH'
, s.Sales_Need_TYpe_Cd
, s.Sales_Status_Cd
, si.Posted
, s.location_Cd
, jan2011 = (
select SUM(si.amt_pd)amt_pd
from [HMIS_REPORTING].HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.item i
where i.Item_Id = si.Product_Item_ID
and i.Item_Cd <> '*INT'
and convert(varchar(10),SI.Sales_Item_Dt,126) >= '2011-01-01'
and convert(varchar(10),SI.Sales_Item_Dt,126) >= '2011-01-31'
) INTO dbo.#a_acomparision
WHERE SI.Sales_Id = S.Sales_Id
and s.Sales_Contract_Nbr in (
select distinct (Sales_Contract_Nbr)
from mountainviewContracts
where Sales_Contract_Nbr <> '')
GROUP BY s.sales_Contract_Nbr
, s.Sales_Id
, s.Sale_Dt
, s.Sales_Need_TYpe_Cd
, s.Sales_Status_Cd
, si.Posted
, s.location_Cd

SQL Query takes to long to return data

Looking for a better way to write this query and my SQL skills aren't great, basic really so looking for any pointers to make this better. This is only the first two columns and the full report will have a further 10.
I'm taking a specific set of repair types and doing analysis on them with counts and calculations. The 1st is jobs brought forward to the current financial year and the second is total amount of jobs currently received.
NVL (COUNT(jjo.jjobno), 0)
jjobh jjo
jjo.jclcode = 'L'
AND jjo.jstatus <> '6'
AND jjo.year_rec <> (
main_code = 'YEAR'
week_comp IS NULL
OR year_comp = (
main_code = 'YEAR'
AND jjo.jrepair_type = "Type"
) AS "B/F",
NVL (COUNT(jjo.jjobno), 0)
jjobh jjo
jjo.jclcode = 'L'
AND jjo.jstatus <> '6'
AND jjo.year_rec = (
main_code = 'YEAR'
AND jjo.jrepair_type = "Type"
) AS "Recvd"
rep.repair_type_code AS "Type"
repair_type rep
rep.client = 'L'
AND rep.work_centre = '004682'
Your code is a mess. I suspect you want something like:
SELECT jjo.jrepair_type, count(*) as valbf
FROM (SELECT coalesce(COUNT(jjo.jjobno), 0)
FROM jjobh jjo cross join
(SELECT sub_code
FROM code_table
WHERE main_code = 'YEAR'
) sc
WHERE jjo.jclcode = 'L' AND
jjo.jstatus <> '6' AND
jjo.year_rec <> sc.sub_code AND
(week_comp IS NULL OR
year_comp = sc.sub_code
) jjo join
(SELECT rep.repair_type_code AS "Type"
FROM repair_type rep
WHERE rep.client = 'L' AND
rep.work_centre = '004682'
) rtc
on jjo.jrepair_type = rtc.repair_type_code
group by jjo.jrepair_type;
It looks like you want to join the "jjo" table to the "repair type code" table, producing information about each repair type. The order by in the subquery is useless.
My suggestion is to move the "jjo" table to the outer "from". You should also move the WHERE clauses to the outermost WHERE clause (which I didn't do). I haven't quite figured out the date logic, but this might get you on the right track.