I am unable to click this dropdown and get the element item (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) can anyone help me out - automation

I am not able to write a selector for this dropdown I used code like:
const drop = cy.xpath("//div[#class='select-container']//select[#name='Time Zone']")
drop.select('Choose one').click()

cy.xpath() will be asynchronous, so you can't use it like this, you have to chain it like it's usually done in Cypress:
.xpath("//div[#class='select-container']//select[#name='Time Zone']")
Another problem is what string you sent to .select() method. If you want to choose some time value, you have to use e.g. a value or text of the appropriate option.
I'd also try to avoid xPath as much as I can, it's not very readable, this selector might work just fine:
.get("[name='Time Zone']")


Ignore case Xpath #Name attribute c# Selenium/Appium

I have a C# selenium/Appium project where I need to find a desktop Application window By.Xpath("").
This works:
However, some builds of the app have the window name be "ASDasd", which causes the Xpath above to not find the window element and the test fails.
Is it possible to Ignore the case of the #Name attribute whether it be "ASDASD", "ASDasd" or something else?
I did try using the XPath translate function, but I am not able to find the element, I assume I am doing it wrong.
What I tried:
By.XPath("//*[translate(name(),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') = 'asdasd']")
By.XPath("//*[translate(name(),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 'asdasd']")
By.XPath("//*[#Name='translate(.,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 'asdasd'']")
By.XPath("//*[#Name='translate(asdasd,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')']")
Maybe some other variations too, but I could not get it to work.
Some of the examples may have invalid formatting.
While other seems to be valid but could not find the element and it would timeout.
Thank you for the assistance, this worked:
By.XPath("//*[translate(#Name, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='asdasd']");
However, it added 60 seconds to the test somehow, it seems to stall for 60 seconds on one of the places where it looks for the main window.
Thanks for the help!
name() gives you the name of context node. In this case (//*), the name of whatever element you are currently looking at. You meant to write #Name, i.e. the attribute that happens to be called Name.
By.XPath("//*[translate(#Name, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') = 'asdasd']")
Using translate() is clunky and fails when the search string contains unanticipated characters.
Unfortunately, there is no lower-case() function in XPath 1.0. But you can work around this limitation with the help of the host language (such as C#).
The following will dynamically create an XPath expression which finds arbitrary values case-insensitively:
var searchValue = "asdasd";
var uc = searchValue.ToUpperInvariant();
var lc = searchValue.ToLowerInvariant();
var xpath = $"//*[translate(#Name, '{uc}', '{lc}') = '{lc}']";
// -> "//*[translate(#Name, 'ASDASD', 'asdasd') = 'asdasd']"

Protractor sendKeys issue with scripted input fields

I'm automating e2e tests with Protractor on an angular app.
However, I have an issue when sending keys on input fields.
The sendKeys would miss few characters everytime so I found a workaround :
static sendKeys(value, element){
value.split('').forEach((c) => element.sendKeys(c));
This works well but it takes more than 3 times the time the original sendKeys function would.
Well no problem my tests are still functionnal right ?
My app now has new fields with scripts behind them.
One of them is a datepicker input, you can either choose from the datePicker or type it manually. However, for today's date you would type 09022018 and the slashes are automatically appended at the right place (like so 09/02/2018). If you were to enter a wrong date the field is cleared.
Now back to the problem : it seems that both my implementation of sendKeys and the original one loose focus after each submitted key. This means that I can't enter a valid date in the input field as it's cleared after each simulated keypress.
I could use browser.executeScript to fix it but I wouldn't be able to test the functionnality adding slashes. Also, as you type, the datepicker is still open and refreshes after each keypress, you can select a date from it at any time and that is also a feature I want to test.
Thanks in advance
Use executeScript to set the date in backgrond, then use sendKeys to enter a space or Tab at the end to trigger the Keyborad event which will check the input and format the input with slash
function enterDate(date) {
var script = 'arguments[0].value=arguments[1]';
// input box for date
var dateBox = element(by.xxx(yyy));
browser.executeScript(script, dateBox, date);
dateBox.sendKeys(" ");
// or try send Tab
You can try this solution on other fields you fixed but take 3 more time.

QTP - Checking dynamic pages

I'm trying to check if a value is contained in the innertext of a webelement but I'm having a little problem: frames seem to change at every refresh of the pages.
These are the steps I've recorded:
Browser("SystemPage").Page("SystemP").Frame("dme2_header").Image("Gestione Anagrafiche").Click<br>
Browser("SystemPage").Page("SystemP").Frame("dme2_appl").WebEdit("pdrBean.pdrPod").Set parameter("POD")<br>
cctype = Browser("SystemPage").Page("SystemP").Frame("dme2_appl_7").WebElement("arrow_down").GetROProperty("innertext")<br>
DataAct = Browser("SystemPage").Page("SystemP").Frame("dme2_appl_7").WebElement("arrow_down_2").GetROProperty("innertext")<br>
Browser("SystemPage").Page("SystemP").Frame("dme2_header").Image("Gestione Anagrafiche").Click
The frames "dme2_appl6" and "dme2_appl7" changes at every refresh of the two pages.
The question is simple: how can I rewrite these two actions to make them universal?
I've tried to do something like:
Set objFrame = Frame("title:=dme2_appl_.")
and then
But QTP gives me an error in return: "property or method not supported by the object"
Please try using the below code
Avoid using the "Frame" and if you really want to use it, put regex for name property of Frame.
Go to Object Properties--> Click on the Frame object --> Mandatory Properties--> Change name property as
like iFrame_213123123 to i.*
Hope this will solve your problem.
I don't think you can use a frame object that way. When you write Page().Frame() UFT sets the frame's parent in different way than if you first create the Frame.
Think of Frame() as a function that behaves differently when called on a Page or as a free function.

Clear TextField rather than append

I'm using the following statement to clear text filed value:
But, instead of clearing and set new value, it is appending the new value to old value. ('abcdef').
Is there any way to clear the TextField, before setting new val?
You can clear using the selenium element:
And you can send keys using << like so:
input << "abc"
You can use the selenium Keys to backspace the texts that you already had entered. You can try many different ways to accomplish that. Here is a simple way to do that:
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys
input.value(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "A")+Keys.BACK_SPACE)
It should do the job. Let us know whether it worked for you or not!

Bootstrap DatePicker setDate method not updating calendar

I'm setting the value of a bootstrap datepicker by making use of the setValue method provided.
For example
But for some reason the calendar is not updated
'setValue' is replaced by 'setDate'.
Using a string as input for setDate can be tricky. It has to match with the dateformat, else you can get unexpected results. It is more safe to create a 'new Date(y,m,d)' from your input, e.g. new Date(2015,3,10) for '10 Apr 2015'. This will always work.
When using a date representation in seconds, e.g. 1428659901, then use 'new Date(value*1000)'. Note that datepicker will eat any value here, but only show the selected date in the calendar if hours, minutes and seconds are equal to 0. Took me a while to figure that out....
http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-datepicker/ is not much documented, you should try http://eternicode.github.io/bootstrap-datepicker/.
anyway the code below will work for you
$("#dp1").datepicker("update", "02-16-2012");
$("#dp1").datepicker("setValue", "02-17-2012");
where "#dpi" is the id of the text field on whcih datepicker is used.
After trying many things, I ended up using "update" method. The $("#dp1").datepicker("update", "02-02-2012") or $("#dp1").datepicker("update", "02/02/2012") works for me. Surprisingly no document about this method at author website. Thanks.