error: unrecognized arguments: --nvmain-config - gem5

I am running gem5 patched with NVMain. But when I am going to run then getting error unrecognized element --nvmain-config. I have seen all the other article is using this argument and their program run also. I also changed script from to but still no good. Please help me how i can run it.
I have added the picture for better understanding .
usage: [-h] [--dtb DTB] [--kernel KERNEL]
[--disk-image DISK_IMAGE] [--script SCRIPT]
[--cpu {hpi,atomic,minor}] [--cpu-freq CPU_FREQ]
[--num-cores NUM_CORES]
[--mem-type {NVMainMemory,HBM_1000_4H_1x128,DRAMCtrl,DDR3_2133_8x8,HBM_1000_4H_1x64,GDDR5_4000_2x32,HMC_2500_1x32,LPDDR3_1600_1x32,WideIO_200_1x128,DDR4_2400_8x8,DDR3_1600_8x8,DDR4_2400_4x16,DDR4_2400_16x4,SimpleMemory,LPDDR2_S4_1066_1x32}]
[--mem-channels MEM_CHANNELS] [--mem-ranks MEM_RANKS]
[--mem-size MEM_SIZE] [--checkpoint] [--restore RESTORE] error: unrecognized arguments: --nvmain-config=./Configs/PCM_ISSCC_2012_4GB.config


DBT: How to fix Database Error Expecting Value?

I was running into troubles today while running Airflow and airflow-dbt-python. I tried to debug a bit using the logs and the error shown in the logs was this one:
[2022-12-27, 13:53:53 CET] {} ERROR - [0m12:53:53.642186 [error] [MainThread]: Encountered an error:
Database Error
Expecting value: line 2 column 5 (char 5)
Quite a weird one.
Possibly check your credentials file that allows DBT to run queries on your DB (in our case we run DBT with BigQuery), in our case the credentials file was empty. We even tried to run DBT directly in the worker instead of running it through airflow, giving as a result exactly the same error. Unfortunately this error is not really explicit.

How to decipher Erlang runtime error message

When I run an Erlang function using IntelliJ's "Run Configuration", I am getting the following error message. The error message contains lot of nested brackets. Please help me in understanding the message.
"C:\Program Files\Erlang OTP\bin\erl.exe" -pa F:/1TB/P/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang2/netconfClient/out/production/netconfClient -pa F:/1TB/P/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang2/netconfClient -eval netconfManager:open2(). -s init stop -noshell
init terminating in do_boot ({badarg,[{ets,select,[ct_attributes,[_]],[{_}]},{ct_config,get_key_from_name,1,[{_},{_}]},{ct_util,does_connection_exist,3,[{_},{_}]},{ct_gen_conn,do_start,4,[{_},{_}]},{ct_netconfc,open,4,[{_},{_}]},{erl_eval,do_apply,7,[{_},{_}]},{init,start_it,1,[{_},{_}]},{init,start_em,1,[{_},{_}]}]})
Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump...{"init terminating in do_boot",{badarg,[{ets,select,[ct_attributes,[{{ct_conf,'$1','_','_','_',undefined,'_'},[],['$1']}]],[{error_info,#{cause=>id,module=>erl_stdlib_errors}}]},{ct_config,get_key_from_name,1,[{file,"ct_config.erl"},{line,578}]},{ct_util,does_connection_exist,3,[{file,"ct_util.erl"},{line,577}]},{ct_gen_conn,do_start,4,[{file,"ct_gen_conn.erl"},{line,281}]},{ct_netconfc,open,4,[{file,"ct_netconfc.erl"},{line,424}]},{erl_eval,do_apply,7,[{file,"erl_eval.erl"},{line,744}]},{init,start_it,1,[{file,"init.erl"},{line,1234}]},{init,start_em,1,[{file,"init.erl"},{line,1220}]}]}}
Right click on a function in a .erl file and click on "Run ."
The error message consists of Error code and Stack trace.
Error code is badarg. Please refer to
Exit Reasons for the list of error code.
The stack trace contains one entry for each function call. Each call
provides file name, function name, line number. For example,
{init,start_em,1,[{file,"init.erl"},{line,1220}]} indicates that
init.erl is the file, start_em is the function and 1220 is line #.
After manual indentation, we could better visualize the stacktrace as follows.

What's a bad file descriptor?

I have the next system swi-prolog in a file call '';
helloWorld :- read(X), write(X).
And i want to test it, then, i write it;
:- begin_tests(helloWorld_test).
test(myTest, true(Output == "hello")) :-
with_output_to(string(Output), getEntry).
:- end_tests(helloWorld_test).
getEntry :-
open('testcase.test', read, Myfile),
process_create(path(swipl), ['-g', 'main', '-t', 'halt', ''], [stdin(stream(Myfile)), stdout(pipe(Stream))]),
copy_stream_data(Stream, current_output),
In testcase.test is contained the following;
Ok, now, when i call to swipl -g run_tests -t halt i get it;
% PL-Unit: helloWorld_test ERROR: -g helloWorld: read/1: I/O error in read on stream user_input (Bad file descriptor)
ERROR: c:/programasvscode/prolog/programasrandom/
test myTest: wrong answer (compared using ==)
ERROR: Expected: "hello"
ERROR: Got: ""
% 1 test failed
% 0 tests passed
ERROR: -g run_tests: false
Warning: Process "c:\swipl\bin\swipl.exe": exit status: 2
I tried use read/2 with current_input but i got the same with the difference of read/2 instead read/1
What does mean it? any solve?

An error occurred when executing Randomwalk2dmobility in NS3

I am a newbie to NS3. I want to understand the execution status of handover in the Randomwalk2d module and visualize it. The default is two Ue and two enb, but errors will always occur during execution. Can anyone help me solve the problem?
This is my code link:
When I execute the command : ./waf --run scratch/lte_handover --visualize, the following error appear
../scratch/ funtion 'int main(int, char**)':
../scratch/ error: expected ')' before ';' token
"Bounds",RectangleValue (Rectangle (0,2000,0,2000)));
Build failed
->task in 'lte_handover' failed with exit status 1 (run with -v to display more information)
Follow the instructions to enter the command :./waf --run scratch/lte_handover -v, and the following information appears
Several tasks use the same identifier. Please check the information on
object 'SuidBuild_task'(
{task 139759060979784: SuidBuild_task -> }) defined in 'tap-creator'
object 'SuidBuild_task'(
{task 139759060980008: SuidBuild_task -> }) defined in 'tap-creator'
object 'SuidBuild_task'(
{task 139759065638504: SuidBuild_task -> }) defined in 'tap-creator'
Seems that you have an extra ) in that line above. You are not closing this command as you commented all the lines
ueMobility.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::RandomRectanglePositionAllocator", // <-- close
ueMobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::RandomWalk2dMobilityModel","Bounds", RectangleValue (Rectangle (0,2000,0,2000)));

delete-access-config failed because of "unrecognized arguments: NAT"

gcloud compute instances delete-access-config gcc1 --access-config-name "External NAT"
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.delete-access-config) unrecognized
arguments: NAT
It's just like the whitespace who cause the error.
You cannot use a whitespace in the name. In the example given here, they use external-nat as the name. (Note the dash)