How to type in the Windows Ubuntu terminal while a windows exe is processing? - windows-subsystem-for-linux

Typically in most terminals I've worked with (for instance, powershell or OSX's built-in "terminal") if you start typing your next command while the previous is still running, the terminal will receive your keyboard inputs and insert them anyway.
With the windows ubuntu terminal, all my keystrokes while the current command is running are lost.
This seems to only happen when I run a windows exe through the ubuntu terminal.
For example, this suppresses all my keyboard input: "ping.exe", while using ubuntu's ping does not: "ping"
Is there a fix to make it so that my keyboard input is not suppressed when running windows tools in the ubuntu terminal? I find this valuable since I often being typing the next command while the previous is still running.


Need to restart wsl everytime after Windows start before using vscode-remote

I'm running Windows 10 with WSL2. I'm using VSCode with the Remote - WSL extension to open the files from my wsl file system.
When I boot my Windows laptop, and open VSCode I get the following error:
When I perform a wsl.exe --shutdown in PowerShell, and restart Docker Desktop, Everything works fine. But I have to do this after every laptop restart.
Remote WSL extension version: v0.51.4
Visual Studio Code version: v1.51.1
Windows version: 10.0.19041 Build 19041
Someone any idea?
I have had this problem several times, and I have found that on Windows 10 20H2 one of the two options described below solves the problem.
Network reset
This option can make you lose your network configuration, so use it with discretion and read every warning. You can perform this task by going to Settings > Network & Internet > Status. There you need to click on the option "Network reset" after that, you can start the network reset by clicking on "Reset now" Picture of Windows 10 20H2 status section. Then you will need to wait some minutes until your PC is restarted automatically and try to execute Visual Studio Code under WSL2 again.
Reset Windows
This option is dangerous as it will remove either all your files and programs or all your installed programs. You select what you want to remove before starting the reset process. This option can be performed by going to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery. Then you have to click on the button "Get started" on the section "Reset this PC" and follow the instructions provided by the reset tool Picture of Windows 10 20H2 recovery section. After your Windows is reset, you will have to configure your WSL again because all your WSL files will be lost when executing this operation.

x2go issue with XFCE and Ubuntu 20.04

When I connect x2go with XFCE Ubuntu 20.04 (KVM VM) after ~10 minutes of idle time, x2go will lose its mouse focus and keyboard focus and there is no way to grab control of the session. Even restarting x2go will not bring the focus back.
The XFCE VM is still running because I can see the top output in the console.
I tried several key combinations to bring the focus back but it does not. I tried LXDE and it does not have this issue. I tried XFCE desktop 20.04 on its running in a KVM VM. I also tried installing Ubuntu server 20.04 and load Xubuntu-desktop (KVM VM) - the same issue. After ~10 minutes the x2go session-focus is lost.
What brings the session focus back is if I reboot the VM and then connect to the VM again using x2go. as I mentioned just restarting x2go will not bring the session focus back.
I tried uninstalling the screensaver and the power management features in XFCE but that did not fix this issue.
Update: this x2go bug report log suggests its screensaver related. Using the applications/settings/screensaver allowed me to turn off anything related to the screensaver, solving the problem for me. Issue appears to be solved here similarly: askubuntu forum
I've been having the same issue w/ XFCE and LXDE both after an idle period (10-15 minutes), and only on Ubuntu 20.04, not on 18.04 or earlier. In either desktop env, the session was not recoverable and required termination of the session either from the client side or via a separate terminal ssh session to kill <PID> the x2gocleansessio process on the server side (after seeing it was running using top). For a short period, I regained control in the new session until the cycle recurred.
Seems like a major problem for x2go in Ubuntu 20.04.
Just to save everyone the time of digging through the AskUbuntu forum... run this + restart and you should be good to go on Ubuntu 20.04 -
sudo apt-get remove xfce4-screensaver
If your are login via x2go and don't want to uninstall xfce4-screensaver, it's hard to solve the problem because there are intern script of xfce who launch xfce4-screensaver whatever you told him to do. I found my own workaround WITHOUT root privilege:
First activate screensaver on start-up :settings-manager -> Session and Startup->check screensaver(that sound weird but by this way you are sure to launch your xfce4-screensaver localy otherwise it's the root user who launch it which this own startup file which you can't edit without root)
Second : in ~/.config/autostart/xfce4-screensaver.desktop (if it doesn't exist uncheck then check screensaver in first step). Add to the end of this file:
Exec=sh -c "kill $(pgrep -u <YOUR-USERNAME> screen)"
This will launch it but auto-kill it after OnLogin
Edit: it's better than uninstall it because in my case that was the administrator that install for every user xfce4-screensaver so I can't uninstall it because the computer need a screensaver on the real sessions (I mean not in ssh on the physique machine). Maybe switch to Xscreensaver or other screensaver will solve this problem

Ubuntu on WSL doesn't launch

I have installed Ubuntu 18.04 for windows subsystem for linux on windows 10, after enabling WSL in Powershell (instructions here:
I've done this before on a desktop but now I'm doing it on a laptop. I had no issues with the previous installation but this time around ubuntu will not launch. I get the ubuntu console popping up briefly before disappearing.
Also trying to run bash.exe from the command line fails silently (doesn't hang, just exits with no message), which may be related.
I'm struggling to figure this out as I have no idea where any error messages might be logged. Does anyone know how I can investigate further why this is happening?
Setup is a windows 10 Pro, os build 17134.376, everything up to date.
I'm struggling to figure this out as I have no idea where any error messages might be logged. Does anyone know how I can investigate further why this is happening?
Check with wslconfig.exe /l all registered distros, try to deregister the one you have problem with ( e.g. wslconfig.exe /u Ubuntu [^1]) and run the ubuntu.exe in your distro once again. Just a wild guess, it might be also a problem, if you have more than one copy of the linux distribution in you home directory.
[^1]: Warning: deregistering will delete all the associated files!

install weblogic on VM with Solaris OS

I stuck in install weblogic on my vm solaris. i try that
java -d64 -jar fmw_12.
and i got an error
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. DISPLAY environment variable not set. Failed <<<<
Any solution for these error?
This happens if you want to do an graphical install of the system without having a X11 running. The error message is quite normal for such an situation.
You could:
Not running the installer in the graphical mode by doing a silent install (please refer to for information)
Install the nescessary package to have an X11 and stuff running in your VM with pkg install solaris-desktop. Then execute the java command again from the GUI . This obviously only works if you can get a the graphical output of the VM for example via VNC or other tools.
You could set the DISPLAY variable to an installed X11 implementation. For example i use Xquartz on my Apple notebook. Then configure DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY correctly. Or you could simply log into the Solaris system with ssh -X . I prefer the second one, as it does everything automatically.

How to get Sikuli working in headless mode

If we have a headless test server running sikuli (both ubuntu and windows configurations needed), how to get it work without a physical monitor and preferably for as many screen resolutions as possible.
I successfully got sikuli running in headless mode (no physical monitor connected)
Ubuntu: check Xvfb.
Windows: install display driver on the machine (to be headless) from virtualbox guest additions display drivers and use TightVNC to remotely set resolution from another machine.
Detailed steps for windows 7
Assume that:
Machine A: to be headless machine, windows 7, with vnc server ready (e.g. TightVNC server installed and waiting for connections).
Machine B: will be used to remotely setup the virtual display driver on machine A.
Download virtualbox guest additions iso file on Machine A from here (for latest version check latest version here and download VBoxGuestAdditions_x.y.z.iso)
Extract iso file (possibly with winrar) into a directory (let us call it folder D)
using command prompt cd to D folder
Driver extraction
-To extract the 32-bit drivers to "C:\Drivers", do the following:
VBoxWindowsAdditions-x86 /extract /D=C:\Drivers
-For the 64-bit drivers:
VBoxWindowsAdditions-amd64 /extract /D=C:\Drivers
Goto device manager
add hardware
Restart and connect with VNC viewer, now you should be able to change screen resolution
other valuable info on launchpad.
I got SikuliX working in a true headless mode in GCE with a Windows 2016 client system. It takes some duct tape and other Rube Goldberg contraptions to work, but it can be done.
The issue is that, for GCE (and probably AWS and other cloud environment Windows clients), you don't have a virtual video adapter and display, so, unless there's an open RDP connection to the client, it doesn't have a screen, and SikuliX/OpenCV will get a 1024x768 black desktop, and fail.
So, the question is, how to create an RDP connection without having an actual screen anywhere. I did this using Xvfb (X Windows virtual frame buffer). This does require a second VM, though. Xvfb runs on Linux. The other piece of the puzzle is xfreerdp 2.0. The 2.x version is required for compatibility with recent versions of Windows. 1.x is included with some Linux distros; 2.x may need to be built from sources, depending on what flavor Linux you're using. I'm using CentOS, which did require me to build my own.
The commands to establish the headless RDP session, once the pieces are in place, look something like this:
/usr/bin/Xvfb :0 -screen 0 1920x1080x24 &
export DISPLAY=:0.0
/usr/local/bin/xfreerdp /size:1920x1080 /u:[WindowsUser] /p:"[WindowsPassword]" /v:[WindowsTarget]
In our environment we automated this as part of the build job kicked off by Jenkins. For this to work under the Jenkins slave, it was also necessary to run the Jenkins slave as a user process, rather than a service... this can be accomplished by enabling auto admin login and setting the slave launch script as a run (on logon) command.
For those looking to automate on ec2 windows machines, this worked for me:
In summary, I used RDC to connect, put the following code in a batch file on remote desktop, double clicked it, and sikulix started working remotely (kicking me out of RDC at the same time). Note that ec2 windows machines default to 1024x768 when tscon takes over which may be too small so TightVnc can be used to increase the resolution to 1280x1024 before running.
tscon.exe 0 /dest:console
tscon.exe 1 /dest:console
tscon.exe 2 /dest:console
tscon.exe 3 /dest:console
START /DC:\Sikulix /WAIT /B C:\Sikulix\runsikulix.cmd -d 3 -r C:\test.sikuli -f C:\Sikulix\log.txt -d C:\Sikulix\userlog.txt
I just figure out a way to resolve similar issue.
My env:
local: windows pc
remote (for running sikulix + app I would like to test): windows ec2 instance
My way:
1.create a .bat file, its contents:
ping -n 15 > nul
for /f "skip=1 tokens=3" %%s in ('query user %USERNAME%') do (
%windir%\System32\tscon.exe %%s /dest:console
cd "\path\to\sikulix"
java -jar sikulixide-2.0.5.jar -r /path/to/sikulix -c > logfile.log
prepare your app
run the bat (right click > run as administrator)
ping will give your 10s, so that you can bring your app back to front
you will be disconnnected from rdp connection
ping is like "sleep"
for loop: kick out current user & keep session alive