Can the Image path for the AddImage method in MigraDoc be used for the Visual Studio project subfolders? - pdf

The following example shows a very simple construction for creating a PDF with MigraDoc. The most parts of it are taken from the examples provided in the MigraDoc - Wiki documentation.
I have commented all the most few steps for the job. The path for the "AddImage" points to the subfolder "Images" which is a subfolder of the folder "Resources" created in the root of the console application of a Visual Studio (VS) project.
The most recent MigraDoc library is added to the VS - project via "NuGet" just yesterday.
The application creates the PDF output file unfortunately without the provided image file, if it is used in another machine. Because the execution file has then no access to the subfolders created in VS project.
Is there any solution to this problem?
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a MigraDoc document
var document = new Document();
// Add a section the document
var section = document.AddSection();
// .....
------------------------------- NOTE -------------------------------
The path "../../Resources/Images/MigraDoc.png" is valid only for the developer machine!
A copy of the content of the "Debug" or "Release" folder any where else does not show the image in the output PDF.
Because such a copy has no access to the subfolder "/Resources/Images" of the Visual Studio project on the developer machine.
// Create a renderer for PDF that uses Unicode font encoding.
var pdfRenderer = new PdfDocumentRenderer(true);
// Set the MigraDoc document.
pdfRenderer.Document = document;
// Create the PDF document.
// Save the PDF document...
var filename = "Invoice.pdf";
// Create the output directory
// Create the ouptput file path
var savePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\PDF\\" + filename;
// Delete the output file if it already exists
if (File.Exists(savePath))
// Save the output file
// Start a the default PDF viewer from the operation system

A path beginning with ..\..\ relies on the current directory. For a portable solution, include the images you need in your deployment.
Recommended usage: The MigraDoc Document class has an ImagePath property. If your installation folder has an Images folder, just locate your .EXE file and set the ImagePath property accordingly.


A question regarding pptx files in react-native app

I have an application where I need to show the .pptx and .pdf files. For pdf files I am using react-native-pdf and file is opening fine in my App but when it comes to .pptx files we have 2 libraries:
react-native-doc-viewer is not being actively maintained and a lot of issues :(
But both of them were giving a prompt to select an app like Wps Office or Microsoft apps but they were not opening as Pdf files opened in my app. Whats the reason behind this? We cannot open pptx file in our app?
I read the react-native-doc-viewer android native code. it is actually is to download a doc not to view it. the following is the code:
public void openDoc(ReadableArray args, Callback callback) {
final ReadableMap arg_object = args.getMap(0);
try {
if (arg_object.getString("url") != null && arg_object.getString("fileName") != null) {
// parameter parsing
final String url = arg_object.getString("url");
final String fileName =arg_object.getString("fileName");
final String fileType =arg_object.getString("fileType");
final Boolean cache =arg_object.getBoolean("cache");
final byte[] bytesData = new byte[0];
// Begin the Download Task
new FileDownloaderAsyncTask(callback, url, cache, fileName, fileType, bytesData).execute();
} catch (Exception e) {
it uses FileDownloaderAsyncTask to download files. if you are familiar with it.
if you want to show excels, Docx, you can use the google doc line convert it to Html, then in the webView to show it. the format like it:[doc address], the same effect as ios.

How can I retrieve the contents a multi page editor plugin when selecting "Run as" in Eclipse Plugin Development?

An eclipse plugin is needed to allow users to input a script and run that script through the IDE. For this I've implemented an eclipse plugin, using the multi-page editor template. I added the extension org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts and provided a reference to my implementation of the interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchShortcut. This interface requires to provide an implementation of these methods:
public void launch(final ISelection selection, final String mode);
public void launch(final IEditorPart editor, final String mode);
When the user - e.g. me - right clicks the file from the project explorer, selects "run as" and selects the launcher I provided, then the implementation of this launch method is hit. The first method - i.e. the ISelection version - is hit when selecting the file from the project explorer. The second method - i.e. the IEditorPart version - is hit when right clicking the editor zone and selecting the launcher through the "run as" option from the context menu.
I now need to find out how I can retrieve the contents of that editor page. In the first method I believe I could retrieve the filename with the below code:
IFile file = (IFile) ((IStructuredSelection) selection).getFirstElement();
String path = file.getFullPath().makeAbsolute().toString();
However, the that path is relevant with respect to the root of the project. I don't know how to retrieve the path of the root of the project.
The implementation of the second method is more problematic given I don't know how to find the path based on the IEditorPart.
I hope you can help. Many thanks
If you are asking how to get the file that the editor is current editing you can use something like:
IPath filepath = null;
IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
IFile file = input.getAdapter(IFile.class);
if (file != null) {
filepath = file.getFullPath();
if (filepath == null) {
ILocationProvider locationProvider = input.getAdapter(ILocationProvider.class);
if (locationProvider != null) {
filepath = locationProvider.getPath(input);
which tries to get the IFile frpm the editor directly and if that fails tries for a location provider.

where is the created plugin (gtk) file?

I use the following script to create the plugin (gtk), but after I run the script, I do not know where is the created plugin (gtk) file?
I checked the folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Gatan\DigitalMicrograph\PlugIns
I do not know see any new created gtk file in the folder.
Is this script wrong or the created gtk file should be in somewhere else?
/ Define the necessary variables string base,menu,submenu,item,packageNAME,name
number maxitem,i,j,maxfolder taggroup tgFILES,tgFOLDERS,tg
// Just some starting text in the results window.
result("\n Automatic Installation of all scripts in a folder as Plugin:\n\n")
// First get the default folder. (In this case, the folder last opened within DM)
base = GetApplicationDirectory(2,0)
// Prompt the user with a dialog to choose a folder, with the default folder as first choice.
// If the user cancels the dialog, the script will stop.
If (!GetDirectoryDialog("Please select the folder containing the scripts",base,base)) exit(0)
// Ask the user for a package name
If (!GetString("Name of package file?","",packageNAME)) exit(0)
// Ask the user for a menu name
If (!GetString("Name of menu to install the scripts in","",menu)) exit(0)
// Get all files/folders in the folder as a tag-list
tgFILES = GetFilesInDirectory(base,1)
tgFOLDERS = GetFilesInDirectory(base,2)
// Install all files from the main folder as menu commands.
// Count Items in the folder
maxitem = tgFILES.TagGroupCountTags()
i = 0
// Loop through all items
while (i<maxitem)
// get taggroup of item
// get name of file
// Only if filename end with ".s" continue
If (right(item,2)==".s")
// use the name without the ending
name = left(item,len(item)-2)
result("\n Installing: "+item)
// install the menu command
// use the Try-Catch loop to detect problems during install
{ AddScriptToPackage(base+item,packageNAME,0,name,menu,"", 0) }
{ result(" \t ERROR DURING INSTALL") } }
i++ }
// Now install all files from sub-folder as sub-menu commands.
// Count subfolders in the folder
maxfolder = tgFOLDERS.TagGroupCountTags()
// Loop for all subfolders
for (j=0;j<maxfolder;j++)
// get taggroup of item
// get name of subfolder which is also the name of the submenu
// Get all files in the subfolder as a tag-list
tgFILES = GetFilesInDirectory(base+submenu,1)
// Count Items in the folder
maxitem = tgFILES.TagGroupCountTags()
i = 0
// Loop through all items as before for the main folder
while (i<maxitem)
If (right(item,2)==".s")
name = left(item,len(item)-2)
result("\n Installing <"+submenu+">: "+item)
try {
AddScriptToPackage(base+item,packageNAME,0,name,menu,submenu, 0) }
result(" \t ERROR DURING INSTALL") } }
i++ } }
You are probably running into the "Compatibility files" feature of Windows 7. GMS 1.x has only one variant of the AddScriptFileToPackage function and it always wants to save the resulting package file to the standard DM PlugIns folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Gatan\DigitalMicrograph\Plugins
But in Windows 7, such direct writing of files to subfolders of the Program Files directory is prevented and files are instead written to a user-specific local directory named as follows:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Gatan\DigitalMicrograph\Plugins
However, one can easily make such virtualized files visible by clicking on the "Compatibility files" button that appears in the tool bar of the Windows explorer window for the standard PlugIns folder.
This depends a little on the GMS version and the OS version you're running on. I assume you're using GMS 2.x on a Windows7 or Windows8 machine, then the command AddScriptFileToPackage can have two syntax versions:
void AddScriptFileToPackage( String file_path, String packageName, Number packageLevel, String packageLocation, String command_name, String menu_name, String sub_menu_name, Boolean isLibrary )
void AddScriptFileToPackage( String file_path, String packageName, Number packageLevel, String command_name, String menu_name, String sub_menu_name, Boolean isLibrary )
in the first version packageLocation could be user_plugin or plugin. If this parameter is omitted (2nd command version) then user_plugin is assumed.
For user_plugin you will find the created file in:
where USERNAME is the current windows user.
For plugin you will find the created file in the 'plugins' subfolder relative to the installation of the 'DigitalMicograph.exe', most likely in:
C:\Program Files\Gatan\Plugins

Stream pdfs from url and add it to Zip

I have a mvc 4.5 application where I show a grid. The first column of the grid is a document name. The document name is an hyper link to the actual document that is hosted on our site and is available via a url. The documents can be pdf or doc or ppt. I can access these documents only via url and I do not have access to the actual physical document on our server.
I am providing users an option to select one or many of these documents from the grid and then they can download them. What I am trying to achieve is read each of the selected documents via the url and write it to a zip file and make the zip file downloadable. So users will be downloading one file instead of multiple files.
I have tried to stream the documents via url in memory and then add it to the zip file using ZipArchive Library from Microsoft. This is not working for me.
I was able to add documents that was on disk to zip file using Zip Archive and it works great. But I do not have access to the physical document as I can access the documents only through URL. My next option is to download each of these documents into a temp location on server and then add it to zip file using Zip Archive.But I am trying to avoid downloading files into a temp location
Please suggest how I can achieve reading documents via url in memory and adding each of these document to zip file and make zip file downloadable.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you Cbroe for commenting. I figured the answer. The problem was I was reading the pdf from the url and convert it to a memory stream and then was trying to add the memory stream to ZipArchive which was not working but instead I extracted the byte array out of the memory stream and then added it to the zip archive and it worked.
Here is the code snippet that might be useful for some one. My first contribution to Stack OverFlow.
public FileResult DownloadZip()
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var archive = new ZipArchive(memoryStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
var demoFile = archive.CreateEntry("Pdf123.pdf");
var convertedStream = ConvertTobyte("");
using (var entryStream = demoFile.Open())
entryStream.Write(convertedStream, 0, convertedStream.Length);
demoFile = archive.CreateEntry("Pdf456.pdf");
convertedStream = ConvertTobyte("");
using (var entryStream = demoFile.Open())
entryStream.Write(convertedStream, 0, convertedStream.Length);
//This option is to write the zip to your local disk
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(#"C:\Temp\", FileMode.Create))
memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
//This option is to donload the zip via browser
memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return new FileStreamResult(memoryStream, "application/zip")
FileDownloadName = ""
private static byte[] ConvertTobyte(string fileUrl)
byte[] imageData = null;
using (var wc = new System.Net.WebClient())
imageData = wc.DownloadData(fileUrl);
return imageData;

Storing/Saving XML in local asset folder in AIR

AIR in general seems to be storing the xml file in the path where the app is installed.
I am generating an xml and I want to save/store a xml file in local asset folder of AIR application.
Any thoughts on doing this.
The File class has some static variables that point to local directories:
From the docs:
File.applicationStorageDirectory — a storage directory unique to each installed AIR application
File.applicationDirectory — the read-only directory where the application is installed (along with any installed assets)
File.desktopDirectory — the user's desktop directory
File.documentsDirectory — the user's documents directory
File.userDirectory — the user directory
Creating a pointer to the file
Usually you'll want to store files like these in File.applicationStorageDirectory.
So to create the file do:
Alternatively, you can let the user choose where to store the file by using File#browseForSave(), which will display a native 'save' window to choose the location.
Writing the content
Open a FileStream for the File in 'write' mode and write an XML string to the file.
var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.WRITE);
look at
var prefsFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
prefsFile = prefsFile.resolvePath("preferences.xml");
stream = new FileStream();, FileMode.WRITE);
Or something like:
var saveStr:String = xmlToSave.toXMLString();
var file:File = new File('app-storage:/data.xml');
var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.WRITE);