How can I use SumAsync to calculate sum of a customized value object in Asp.Net core -

I have a Model with a property of a value object type as following:
public class Course : AggregateRoot, ISpModel
public UnsignedNumber MaximumCapacity { get; private set; }
with UnsignedNumber being a value object containing a short value:
public class UnsignedNumber : BaseValueObject<UnsignedNumber>
public short Value { get; }
What I need to do is to sum all the MaximumCapacities of courses which correspond with certain conditions, but when I try to add a SumAsync(x => x.MaximumCapacity) at the end of the query, I get a syntax error
the syntax error
and when I try to do the same with it's value, I get a linq error in runtime.
"The LINQ expression '(int)(EntityShaperExpression: \r\n EntityType: Course\r\n ValueBufferExpression: \r\n (ProjectionBindingExpression: Outer)\r\n IsNullable: False\r\n).MaximumCapacity.Value' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync(). See for more information."
Here's the Linq Expression that encounters the problem:
var query = _dbContext.Courses.AsQueryable();
query = query.Include(x => BunchOfIncludes(x));
var res = await query.Where(x => BunchOfClauses(x)).SumAsync(x => x.MaximumCapacity.Value);
Edit2: the classes mentioned above:
public abstract class AggregateRoot : Entity
private readonly List<IDomainEvent> _events;
protected AggregateRoot() => _events = new List<IDomainEvent>();
public AggregateRoot(IEnumerable<IDomainEvent> events)
if (events == null) return;
foreach (var #event in events)
protected void AddEvent(IDomainEvent #event) => _events.Add(#event);
public IEnumerable<IDomainEvent> GetEvents() => _events.AsEnumerable();
public void ClearEvents() => _events.Clear();
public interface ISpModel
public abstract class BaseValueObject<TValueObject> : IEquatable<TValueObject>
where TValueObject : BaseValueObject<TValueObject>
public static bool operator ==(BaseValueObject<TValueObject> right, BaseValueObject<TValueObject> left)
if (right is null && left is null)
return true;
if (right is null || left is null)
return false;
return right.Equals(left);


FluentValidation - Validate interfaced child properties

I'm trying to apply FluentValidation (v 9.1.1) on a tree structure, using the visitor pattern. The special thing about it is, that a couple of different tree elements all implement an interface and the child properties of the elements are of this interface type. In other words, the child properties are not strongly typed. Simplified model see below. Each validator goes on the specific implementation and I don't get the point, how to attach child validators for interface children.
Here is a demo model (working code):
public interface IElement
Type ResultType { get; }
TResult Accept<TResult>(IElementVisitor<TResult> visitor);
public class ConstElement : IElement
public object Value { get; set; }
public Type ResultType => Value?.GetType();
public TResult Accept<TResult>(IElementVisitor<TResult> visitor)
return visitor.VisitElement(this);
public class BinaryElement : IElement
// Child properties are not strongly typed.
public IElement Left { get; set; }
public IElement Right { get; set; }
public Operand Operand { get; set; }
public Type ResultType => Operand switch
Operand.Equal => typeof(bool),
Operand.GreaterThan => typeof(bool),
Operand.Plus => Left.GetType(),
Operand.Multiply => Left.GetType(),
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),
public TResult Accept<TResult>(IElementVisitor<TResult> visitor)
return visitor.VisitElement(this);
public enum Operand { Equal, GreaterThan, Plus, Multiply }
public class ConstElementValidator : AbstractValidator<ConstElement>
public ConstElementValidator()
RuleFor(ele => ele.Value).NotNull().Must(value => (value is double) || (value is TimeSpan));
public class BinaryElementValidator : AbstractValidator<BinaryElement>
public BinaryElementValidator()
// Rules for the element itself
RuleFor(ele => ele.Left).NotNull();
RuleFor(ele => ele.Right).NotNull();
RuleFor(ele => ele).Must(ele => IsValidResultTypeCombination(ele.Left.ResultType, ele.Right.ResultType, ele.Operand));
// Add rules for child elements here? How?
private bool IsValidResultTypeCombination(Type left, Type right, Operand operand)
if (left == typeof(bool) && right != typeof(bool))
return false;
// other result type validations...
return true;
public interface IElementVisitor<TResult>
TResult VisitElement(ConstElement element);
TResult VisitElement(BinaryElement element);
public class ValidationVisitor : IElementVisitor<ValidationResult>
public ValidationResult VisitElement(ConstElement element)
return new ConstElementValidator().Validate(element);
public ValidationResult VisitElement(BinaryElement element)
// How to add validation of element.Left and element.Right,
// taking into account, that their type is IElement, while Validators are bound to the implementation type?
var result = new BinaryElementValidator().Validate(element);
var leftResult = element.Left.Accept(this);
var rightResult = element.Right.Accept(this);
// merge leftResult and rightResult with result
return result;
In general, there are two ways to add child validation. Either calling child validators directly in the validators, which would make the ValidationVisitor obsolete, or let focus the validators on their own logic and adding child validation in the ValidationVisitor, as shown in the code.
The only way I am able to proceed right now is by using the visitor and merging the validation results of an element and its child elements.
Is there a way to add child validators to the BinaryElement in this scenario? Either in the visitor or in the BinaryElementValidator directly.
There's a couple of different ways to do this. You can either define multiple rules for each of the interface implementors, or you can use a custom property validator to do runtime inspection on the type. This is similar to this answer.
Option 1: Multiple rule definitions with a type filter
With this option, you create a specific rule definition for each potential implementor of the interface:
// Inside your BinaryElementValidator use a safe cast inside the RuleFor definition.
// If it isn't the right type, the child validator won't be executed
// as child validators aren't run for null properties.
RuleFor(x => x.Left as BinaryElement).SetValidator(new BinaryElementValidator());
RuleFor(x => x.Left as ConstElement).SetValidator(new ConstElementValidator());
RuleFor(x => x.Right as BinaryElement).SetValidator(new BinaryElementValidator());
RuleFor(x => x.Right as ConstElement).SetValidator(new ConstElementValidator());
This is the simplest approach, but by having a more complex expression within the call to RuleFor you will be bypassing FluentValidation's expression cache, which will be a performance hit if you're instantiating the validator many times. I'll leave it for you to decide if that would be an issue in your application.
You may need to call OverridePropertyName for each rule too, as FluentValidation won't be able to infer the name of the property with this approach.
Option 2: A custom property validator
A slightly more complex solution, but means you can stick with simple property expressions inside RuleFor, meaning you won't bypass the cache. This makes use of a custom validator called PolymorphicValidator, which will inspect the type of the property at runtime.
RuleFor(x => x.Left).SetValidator(new PolymorphicValidator<BinaryElement, IElement>()
.Add<BinaryElement>(new BinaryElementValidator())
.Add<ConstElement>(new ConstElementValidator())
RuleFor(x => x.Right).SetValidator(new PolymorphicValidator<BinaryElement, IElement>()
.Add<BinaryElement>(new BinaryElementValidator())
.Add<ConstElement(new ConstElementValidator())
And here's the code for the PolymorphicValidator:
public class PolymorphicValidator<T, TInterface> : ChildValidatorAdaptor<T, TInterface> {
readonly Dictionary<Type, IValidator> _derivedValidators = new Dictionary<Type, IValidator>();
// Need the base constructor call, even though we're just passing null.
public PolymorphicValidator() : base((IValidator<TInterface>)null, typeof(IValidator<TInterface>)) {
public PolymorphicValidator<T, TInterface> Add<TDerived>(IValidator<TDerived> derivedValidator) where TDerived : TInterface {
_derivedValidators[typeof(TDerived)] = derivedValidator;
return this;
public override IValidator<TInterface> GetValidator(PropertyValidatorContext context) {
// bail out if the current item is null
if (context.PropertyValue == null) return null;
if (_derivedValidators.TryGetValue(context.PropertyValue.GetType(), out var derivedValidator)) {
return new ValidatorWrapper(derivedValidator);
return null;
private class ValidatorWrapper : AbstractValidator<TInterface> {
private IValidator _innerValidator;
public ValidatorWrapper(IValidator innerValidator) {
_innerValidator = innerValidator;
public override ValidationResult Validate(ValidationContext<TInterface> context) {
return _innerValidator.Validate(context);
public override Task<ValidationResult> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext<TInterface> context, CancellationToken cancellation = new CancellationToken()) {
return _innerValidator.ValidateAsync(context, cancellation);
public override IValidatorDescriptor CreateDescriptor() {
return _innerValidator.CreateDescriptor();
This approach is actually going to be added to the library in a future version - you can track its development here if you're interested:

How to change the collection name on an index

When I save a document that has a generic type DataView<Customer>, I'm manually setting the collection name to "customers". However, I'm having some trouble making an index using AbstractIndexCreationTask with a non-default collection name. Here's my index:
public class customers_Search
: AbstractIndexCreationTask<DataView<Customer>, customers_Search.Result>
public class Result
public string Query { get; set; }
public customers_Search()
Map = customers =>
from customer in customers
where customer.Data != null
select new
Query = AsDocument(customer.Data).Select(x => x.Value)
Index(x => x.Query, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
When this gets deployed, it looks like this:
from customer in docs.DataViewOfCustomer
where customer.Data != null
select new {
Query = customer.Data.Select(x => x.Value)
This doesn't work obviously, and if I change DataViewOfCustomer to "customers" it works just fine.
I'd rather not have to use non-type-checked (string) indexes to deploy. Is there a way to set the collection name that from the AbstractIndexCreationTask class?
Since my data class is generic, I made a generic index which fixes up the names.
public class DataViewQuery<TEntity>
: AbstractIndexCreationTask<DataView<TEntity>, DataViewQueryResult>
private readonly string _entityName;
private readonly string _indexName;
// this is to fix the collection name for the index name
public override string IndexName { get { return _indexName; } }
// this is to fix the collection name for the index query
public override void Execute(IDatabaseCommands databaseCommands, DocumentConvention documentConvention)
var conventions = documentConvention.Clone();
conventions.FindTypeTagName =
type =>
typeof(DataView<TEntity>) == type
? _entityName
: documentConvention.FindTypeTagName(type);
base.Execute(databaseCommands, conventions);
public DataViewQuery(string entityName)
_entityName = entityName;
_indexName = String.Format("{0}/{1}", entityName, "Query");
Map = items =>
from item in items
where item.Data != null
select new
Query = AsDocument(item.Data).Select(x => x.Value)
Index(x => x.Query, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
public class DataViewQueryResult
public string Query { get; set; }
Then I can create a specific index which has all the configuration in it.
// sets the collection type (DataView<Customer>) for the index
public class CustomerQuery : DataViewQuery<Customer>
// sets the collection name for the index
public CustomerQuery() : base(EntityName.Customers) { }
You need to configure this in the conventions.
The property to configure is FindTypeTagName

Automapper resolveusing not returning nulls

I'm working on an MVC 4 project and trying to convert a value in a KeyValue list to a nullable DateTime. I have used the following line in the mapper (I've not included the other properties as there are a lot)
.ForMember(d => d.Deadline, m => m.ResolveUsing<DeadlineResolver>())
My resolver looks like this:
public class DeadlineResolver : ValueResolver<Booking, DateTime?>
protected override DateTime? ResolveCore(Booking source, ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
KeyValue keyValue = source.KeyValues.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Key.KeyId == "DEADLINE");
return (keyValue != null) ? DateTime.Parse(keyValue.Value) : (DateTime?)null;
The value of deadline which is defined as shown below is never returned as null but DateTime.MinDate instead. I need it to be null when I'm the binding the result in a view so that I only show a value when there is a date.
public DateTime? Deadline { get; set; }
How do I make these values null without going over the values after mapping to look for min dates and set to null (temp hack I've put in place so the code runs)?
Using LinqPad and AutoMapper 2.2.1 the following gives me a valid date when KeyValue has a date, and a null DateTime when KeyValue is null. (Note there are minor changes to the resolver to simplify it as the class definitions weren't provided).
void Main()
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<Booking, dest>()
.ForMember(d => d.Deadline, m => m.ResolveUsing<DeadlineResolver>());
// Gives a valid DateTime
var booking = new Booking { KeyValue = "2013-01-01" };
var rc = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<Booking, dest>(booking);
// Gives a null DateTime
booking = new Booking { KeyValue = null };
rc = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<Booking, dest>(booking);
// Define other methods and classes here
public class Booking
public string KeyValue { get; set; }
public class dest
public DateTime? Deadline { get; set; }
public class DeadlineResolver : AutoMapper.ValueResolver<Booking, DateTime?>
protected override DateTime? ResolveCore(Booking source)
return (source.KeyValue != null)
? DateTime.Parse(source.KeyValue)
: (DateTime?)null;
Is this the functionality you were after? If so, then the issue could be with an older version of AutoMapper, or an unexpected KeyValue value.

How to automap a collection of components with Fluent NHibernate?

All of my entities and value objects implement marker interfaces IEntity and IValueObject. I have set them up to be treated as components like so:
public override bool IsComponent(Type type)
return typeof(IValueObject).IsAssignableFrom(type);
public override bool ShouldMap(Type type)
return typeof(IEntity).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(IValueObject).IsAssignableFrom(type);
Unfortunately, this does not seem to allow entities that have collections of value objects to be automapped as component collections. For example:
public class MyEntity : IEntity
public IList<MyValueObject> Objects { get; set; }
public class MyValueObject : IValueObject
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
Is there any way to define a convention such that, any time an IEntity has an IList of a type that implements IValueObject, it gets mapped as if I had specified:
HasMany(x => x.Objects)
.Component(x => {
x.Map(m => m.Name);
x.Map(m => m.Value);
What I don't want to do is have to manually do these overrides for every class and write out each property for the value object again and again.
Create a new class that inherits from HasManyStep (FluentNHibernate.Automapping.Steps).
Override the ShouldMap() method with something like :
return base.ShouldMap(member) && IsCollectionOfComponents(member)
Add your logic to :
public void Map(ClassMappingBase classMap, Member member)
{ ... }
Replace the default step with your new one :
public class MyMappingConfiguration : DefaultAutomappingConfiguration
public override IEnumerable<IAutomappingStep> GetMappingSteps(AutoMapper mapper, IConventionFinder conventionFinder)
var steps = base.GetMappingSteps(mapper, conventionFinder);
var finalSteps = steps.Where(c => c.GetType() != typeof(FluentNHibernate.Automapping.Steps.HasManyToManyStep)).ToList();
var idx = finalSteps.IndexOf(steps.Where(c => c.GetType() == typeof(PropertyStep)).First());
finalSteps.Insert(idx + 1, new MyCustomHasManyStep(this));
return finalSteps;
Note : You could also get the original source code of HasManyStep.cs and copy it to your project to introduce your custom logic.

AutoMapper map IdPost to Post

I'm trying to map int IdPost on DTO to Post object on Blog object, based on a rule.
I would like to achieve this: BlogDTO.IdPost => Blog.Post
Post would be loaded by NHibernate: Session.Load(IdPost)
How can I achieve this with AutoMapper?
You could define AfterMap action to load entities using NHibernate in your mapping definition. I'm using something like this for simmilar purpose:
mapperConfiguration.CreateMap<DealerDTO, Model.Entities.Dealer.Dealer>()
.AfterMap((src, dst) =>
if (src.DepartmentId > 0)
dst.Department = nhContext.CurrentSession.Load<CompanyDepartment>(src.DepartmentId);
if (src.RankId > 0)
dst.Rank = nhContext.CurrentSession.Load<DealerRank>(src.RankId);
if (src.RegionId > 0)
dst.Region = nhContext.CurrentSession.Load<Region>(src.RegionId);
you can do this easily with the ValueInjecter
it would be something like this:
//first you need to create a ValueInjection for your scenario
public class IntToPost : LoopValueInjection<int, Post>
protected override Post SetValue(int sourcePropertyValue)
return Session.Load(sourcePropertyValue);
// and use it like this
post.InjectFrom(new IntToPost().SourcePrefix("Id"), postDto);
also if you always have the prefix Id than you could set it in the constructor of the IntToPost
and use it like this:
Create a new Id2EntityConverter
public class Id2EntityConverter<TEntity> : ITypeConverter<int, TEntity> where TEntity : EntityBase
public Id2EntityConverter()
Repository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<Repository<TEntity>>();
private IRepository<TEntity> Repository { get; set; }
public TEntity ConvertToEntity(int id)
var toReturn = Repository.Get(id);
return toReturn;
#region Implementation of ITypeConverter<int,TEntity>
public TEntity Convert(ResolutionContext context)
return ConvertToEntity((int)context.SourceValue);
Configure AM to auto create maps for each type
public class AutoMapperGlobalConfiguration : IGlobalConfiguration
private AutoMapper.IConfiguration _configuration;
public AutoMapperGlobalConfiguration(IConfiguration configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
public void Configure()
//add all defined profiles
var query = this.GetType().Assembly.GetExportedTypes()
.Where(x => x.CanBeCastTo(typeof(AutoMapper.Profile)));
foreach (Type type in query)
//create maps for all Id2Entity converters
private static void MapAllEntities(IProfileExpression configuration)
//get all types from the my assembly and create maps that
//convert int -> instance of the type using Id2EntityConverter
var openType = typeof(Id2EntityConverter<>);
var idType = typeof(int);
var persistentEntties = typeof(MYTYPE_FROM_MY_ASSEMBLY).Assembly.GetTypes()
.Where(t => typeof(EntityBase).IsAssignableFrom(t))
.Select(t => new
EntityType = t,
ConverterType = openType.MakeGenericType(t)
foreach (var e in persistentEntties)
var map = configuration.CreateMap(idType, e.EntityType);
Pay attention to MapAllEntities method. That one will scan all types and create maps on the fly from integer to any type that is of EntityBase (which in our case is any persistent type).
RecognizePostfix("Id") in your case might be replace with RecognizePrefix("Id")