Tracking process of unknown origin, on SQL Server - sql

I need some out-of-the-box thinking on this issue. It's weird.
I have a SQL Server environment (production) where I get a sporadic error executing a procedure.
begin try
SELECT #errmsg = 'failed to execute proc2_$sp'
EXEC proc2_$sp;
... etc
EXEC proc2_$sp fails.
It returns error
failed to execute proc2_$sp
to a process log table.
The problem is... I don't execute dbo.proc_1_$sp.
I want to find out what executes it. It could be a test environment pointing to production, it could be a test script someone left running.
I want to know the hostname, the login name, or whatever info I can catch on this process.
I can't leave SQL Server Profiler trace on. I tried, but it's a prod environment and I can't let the trace running for hours.
The only way I can think of is to update the error message with more info, as below.
The problem is, since I don't know the login name, I can't ensure the user will have access to sys.sysprocesses and I might get a crash instead.
Any other suggestions on how I can grab process information without worrying about permission issues?
begin try
SELECT #errmsg = 'failed to execute proc2_$sp'
select #errmsg = #errmsg + ' login_time:'+convert(nvarchar, login_time, 9)+' hostname:'+ltrim(rtrim(hostname)) + ' program_name:'+ltrim(rtrim(program_name))+' loginame:'+loginame
FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE spid = ##SPID
EXEC proc2_$sp;
... etc


SQL Developer DBMS_OUTPUT without 'PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.'

In SQL Developer, when running some PL/SQL, when the procedure is completed, the message 'PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.' is returned.
The PL/SQL that is run may return error messages to the user if the operation could not be completed for any reason through DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, however, the user will also see 'PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.', which could be misleading (especially if the Script Output window is small enough that the DBMS_OUTPUT is not visible).
Is there any way to have the DBMS_OUTPUT return what it should whilst also having the script not return 'PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.'?
If not, are there any alternatives in SQL Developer that I may be unaware of to provide instant personalised feedback to the user?
testex exception;
if 1=1 then
raise testex;
end if;
exception when testex then
dbms_output.put_line('Error msg');
Below code works in my end. Did you try to run your code like below?
Copied text from a website to explain the SET FEEDBACK OFF command.
Source link:
SET FEED[BACK] {6 | n | ON | OFF} -
Displays the number of records returned by a script when a script selects at least n records.
ON or OFF turns this display on or off. Turning feedback ON sets n to 1. Setting feedback to zero is equivalent to turning it OFF.
SET FEEDBACK OFF also turns off the statement confirmation messages such as 'Table created' and 'PL/SQL procedure successfully completed' that are displayed after successful SQL or PL/SQL statements.
Add a RAISE statement in the error handler to re-raise the exception so that any outer handler can deal with it:
testex exception;
if 1=1 then
raise testex;
end if;
exception when testex then
dbms_output.put_line('Error msg');
RAISE; -- re-raise the exception to an outer handler
Best of luck.
You have coded it explicitly to complete successfully in the event of a testex exception. The code says: if this happens, then print a message and end. If you want it to actually fail then it needs to raise an exception.
I would just use something like this:
if 1=1 then
raise_application_error(-20000, 'Bananas are not available on a Tuesday');
end if;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: Bananas are not available on a Tuesday
ORA-06512: at line 3
This will cause an actual error, rather than just printing out a message that happens to talk about an error, allowing you to control deployments and build scripts etc.
It will also roll back any uncommitted transactions within the block, which your current approach does not, and it will show the actual line number.

Linkserver update not working in Transaction

I am trying to do operation on my linked server
created one linked server , everything is ok
just observed one thing which I am not able to understand
if I run
update SERVER.testdb.[AAA].MyTable
set MyName= ''
where ID=999
This works fine ,but
when i execute same code in following way
update SERVER.testdb.[AAA].MyTable
set MyName= ''
where ID=999
It shows The parameter is incorrect
Can anyone tell me why this is hapeening and what is solution ?

Catch is not working in my Stored Procedure - What is wrong with my code?

-- Table does not exist; object name resolution
-- error not caught.
SELECT * FROM NonexistentTable;
,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;
When i am execute this procedure i get object name resolution error...
How to fix it
Assuming we're talking about MS SQL Server, TRY/CATCH blocks can only deal with certain types of errors. Your stored proc will cause a compile time error, whether or not you're using deferred name resolution. If you had a TRY/CATCH block encapsulating the call to this procedure, however, it would catch the error.
... interestingly, it looks like you've taken the code directly from the reference page I was about to direct you to.
The following types of errors are not handled by a CATCH block when
they occur at the same level of execution as the TRY…CATCH construct:
Compile errors, such as syntax errors, that prevent a batch from running.
Errors that occur during statement-level recompilation, such
as object name resolution errors that occur after compilation because
of deferred name resolution.
I would rather use this to check whether the table exists
AND TABLE_NAME = 'YourTable'))
PRINT 'NOT Exists';
-- Table does not exist; object name resolution
-- error not caught.
EXEC('SELECT * FROM NonexistentTable')
,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;
Execute the Select Query Using EXEC makes sense

SQL server mail function sp_send_cdontsmail

i wrote a procedure in which i tried to send mail using below command.
EXEC Sp_send_cdontsmail 'from','to','Test','TEST DATA'
After executing its showing "Command(s) completed successfully."
but i am not getting any mail.please help me on this.
You need to configure Database Mail and then use sp_send_dbmail to send mail. This is a supported procedure, part of the SQL Server.
PS. I am aware that out there some code sample circulates that advocates something along the lines of:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_send_cdontsmail]
EXEC #hr = master..sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', #MailID OUT
EXEC #hr = master..sp_OASetProperty #MailID, 'From',#From
EXEC #hr = master..sp_OASetProperty #MailID, 'Body', #Body
This is horrible code. As one can easily see there is absolutely 0 (zero, nada, zip) error checking in this code. Any failure will be reported as 'success'. COM interop will not raise T-SQL notification messages, is all in the HRESULT, which goes unchecked. Steer away from such code.

SQL Server Agent 2005 job runs but no output

Essentially I have a job which runs in BIDS and as as a stand lone package and while it runs under the SQL Server Agent it doesn't complete properly (no error messages though).
The job steps are:
1) Delete all rows from table;
2) Use For each loop to fill up table from Excel spreasheets;
3) Clean up table.
I've tried this MS page (steps 1 & 2), didn't see any need to start changing from Server side security.
Also for this page, no resolution.
How can I get error logging or a fix?
Note I've reposted this from Server Fault as it's one of those questions that's not pure admin or programming.
I have logged in as the proxy account I'm running this under, and the job runs stand alone but complains that the Excel tables are empty?
Here's how I managed tracking "returned state" from an SSIS package called via a SQL Agent job. If we're lucky, some of this may apply to your system.
Job calls a stored procedure
Procedure builds a DTEXEC call (with a dozen or more parameters)
Procedure calls xp_cmdshell, with the call as a parameter (#Command)
SSIS package runs
"local" SSIS variable is initialized to 1
If an error is raised, SSIS "flow" passes to a step that sets that local variable to 0
In a final step, use Expressions to set SSIS property "ForceExecutionResult" to that local variable (1 = Success, 0 = Failure)
Full form of the SSIS call stores the returned value like so:
EXECUTE #ReturnValue = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell #Command
...and then it gets messy, as you can get a host of values returned from SSIS . I logged actions and activity in a DB table while going through the SSIS steps and consult that to try to work things out (which is where #Description below comes from). Here's the relevant code and comments:
-- Evaluate the DTEXEC return code
SET #Message = case
when #ReturnValue = 1 and #Description <> 'SSIS Package' then 'SSIS Package execution was stopped or interrupted before it completed'
when #ReturnValue in (0,1) then '' -- Package success or failure is logged within the package
when #ReturnValue = 3 then 'DTEXEC exit code 3, package interrupted'
when #ReturnValue in (4,5,6) then 'DTEXEC exit code ' + cast(#Returnvalue as varchar(10)) + ', package could not be run'
else 'DTEXEC exit code ' + isnull(cast(#Returnvalue as varchar(10)), '<NULL>') + ' is an unknown and unanticipated value'
-- Oddball case: if cmd.exe process is killed, return value is 1, but process will continue anyway
-- and could finish 100% succesfully... and #ReturnValue will equal 1. If you can figure out how,
-- write a check for this in here.
That last references the "what if, while SSIS is running, some admin joker kills the CMD session (from, say, taskmanager) because the process is running too long" situation. We've never had it happen--that I know of--but they were uber-paranoid when I was writing this so I had to look into it...
Why not use logging built into SSIS? We send our logs toa database table and then parse them out to another table in amore user friendly format and can see every step of everypackage that was run. And every error.
I did fix this eventually, thanks for the suggestions.
Basically I logged into Windows with the proxy user account I was running and started to see errors like:
"The For each file enumerator is empty"
I copied the project files across and started testing, it turned out that I'd still left a file path (N:/) in the properties of the For Each loop box, although I'd changed the connection properties. Easier once you've got error conditions to work with. I also had to recreate the variable mapping.
No wonder people just recreate the whole package.
Now fixed and working!