I'm want to calculate an expected stock in the future for each day, but I'm stuck in the part where I want to avoid that the expected quantity gets below zero and then adds the newly received quantity. I want that when the quantity gets below 0 it gives me 0 and calculates from that point and not -XXX + new added quantity.
In short, I use the following data points for the calculation:
Stock today (qty on day 0)
Stockmutation (What I expect to sell & expect to receive as replenishment)
, date
SUM(stockToday + stockmutation)
ORDER BY date)
AS StockFC
Current output with code as above
I've several types of CASE WHEN, but unfortunately without the wished result. Can someone help me out?
Try this. It will summarize only non-negative values and return nulls for negative rows.
SUM(stockToday + stockmutation)
ORDER BY date, stockToday + stockmutation >= 0)
AS StockFC
or this. It will summarize values from all rows but replace negative values with 0.
SUM(IF(stockToday + stockmutation) >= 0, stockToday + stockmutation, 0)
ORDER BY date)
AS StockFC
I have a view consists of data from different tables. major fields are BillNo,ITEM_FEE,GroupNo. Actually I need to calculate the total discount by passing the groupNo. The discount calculation is based on the fraction of amount group by BillNo(single Bill no can have multiple entries). If there are multiple transactions for a single BillNo then discount is calculated if decimal part of sum of ITEM_FEE is greater than 0 and if there is only single transaction and the decimal part of ITEM_FEE is greater than 0 then the decimal part will be treated as discount.
I have prepared script and I am getting total discount for a particular groupNo.
declare #GroupNo as nvarchar(100)
set #GroupNo='3051'
SELECT Sum(disc) Discount
FROM --sum(ITEM_FEE) TotalAmoiunt,
WHEN ( Sum(item_fee) )%1 > 0 THEN Sum(( item_fee )%1)
FROM view_bi_sales VBS
WHERE VBS.billno = VB.billno
GROUP BY billno) Disc
FROM view_bi_sales VB
WHERE groupno = #GroupNo)temp
The problem is that it takes almost 2 minutes to get the result.
Please help me to find the result faster if possible.
Thank you for all your help and support , as I was already calculating sum of decimal part of ITEM_FEE group by BillNo , there was no need of checking greater than 0 or not. below query gives me the desired ouput in less than 10 sec
select sum(discount) from
(select sum((ITEM_FEE)%1) discount from view_BI_Sales
where groupno=3051
group by BillNo )temp
If I understand correctly, you don't need a JOIN. This might help performance:
SELECT SUM(disc) as Discount
FROM (SELECT (CASE WHEN SUM(item_fee % 1) > 0
THEN SUM(item_fee % 1)
END) as disc
FROM view_bi_sales VBS
WHERE groupno = #GroupNo
GROUP BY billno
) vbs;
I have a table with two fields
That table contains the accumulated total per month for the whole year.
I'd like a query retrieving the "unacumulated" total for each month.
For example, the total of 201806 would be equal to the total of 201806 minus the one of 201805.
Any tip please ? Thanks !
The window function LAG can be used to get a previous value based on an order.
And it seems you just want to subtract the previous month's total from the total.
FROM YourYearTotalsTable
You can use the analytic function LAG (starting from sql-server-2012) to compare values in the current row with values in a previous row.
,[current_total] = [total]
,[previous_total] = LAG([total], 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY [date_yyyymm])
,[unacumulated] = [total] - LAG([total], 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY [date_yyyymm])
FROM [your_table]
ORDER BY [date_yyyymm];
In my SSRS report there are 4 parameters StartDate, EndDate, MeterId, & DisplayBy
Start Date: datetime datatype
EndDate : datetime datatype
MeterId : is a drop down list and this will populate based on SQL query
DisplayBy: is a drop down list and this has the following values (Hour,day,Month & year)
The Database that stores hourly values for Meters, the following are the DB table columns: (MeterId,ReadingDate,Hours,Quantity,Price)
When I select the startdate, end date and the meter Id and display i want to show report based on the startdate & enddate and then by display values.
If the display is hour, the we got display all the 24 hour values for the MeterId,Quantity, Price for the date range.
If the display is day, we got display total quantity and total price for the MeterId for that date range.
If the display is Month, we got display total quantity and total price for the MeterId for that date range.
If the display is Year, we got display total quantity and total price for the MeterId for that date range. Say for example If i select start date as 1-1-2016 and end date as 12-31-2016. My result should show 12 rows for each month with their total Quantity, Total price for that particular MeterID.
my DB table stores all the hourly values i know how to show the values on screen if the user selects the display dropdown as hour. But, dont know how to show the result for day/month/year or how to group it. Do I need to use "case" statement and if so what should i need to give on display parameters.
Please suggest your idea...
Row Grouping:
SELECT I.CustomerName, I.ReadingDate, I.IntegratedHour, I.IntegratedUsage, I.IntegratedGeneration, DATEPART(dd, I.ReadingDate) AS [Reading Day], DATEPART(mm,
I.ReadingDate) AS [Reading Month], DATEPART(yyyy, I.ReadingDate) AS [Reading Year]
FROM IntegratedHour_MV90 AS I INNER JOIN
CustRptMeterExtract AS CT ON CT.CustomerName = I.CustomerName
WHERE (I.ReadingDate >= #StartDate) AND (I.ReadingDate <= #EndDate) AND (I.CustomerName IN (#FacilityName))
Expected Result:
SSRS Current Output: Doesnot match
Depending on your layout you could set row grouping to an expression something like this
Parameters!ReportBy.Value=1, Fields!Hour.Value,
Parameters!ReportBy.Value=2, Fields!Day.Value,
Parameters!ReportBy.Value=3, Fields!Month.Value,
Parameters!ReportBy.Value=4, Fields!Year.Value,
True, 0)
This assumes you have already have the hours/days/months/years in your dataset, if not then you would have to replace the field references with expressions to return the relevant month etc.
Based on what I can see above you'll need to add a grouping level for Customer before the group expression. Also, you Quantity expression should be a sum something like this
You may still have a problem though. I'm assuming Price is a unit price, so it does not make sense to sum that too. To get round this, you should calculate the LineValue (Qty * Price) in your dataset then change the price expression to be something like
and this will give you the average price.
However, this may be slow and personally I would do the work in your dataset. Again assuming you have the months, years in your table then you could do something like this.
--DECLARE #ReportBy int = 1 -- uncomment for testing
MeterID, Price
, CASE #ReportBy
WHEN 1 THEN [Month]
WHEN 2 THEN [Year]
END AS GroupByColumn
from dbo.MyDataTable
, SUM(Price) as Price
Group BY GroupByColumn
Order by GroupByColumn
This assumes your report parameter is called ReportBy, if not just swap the name out.
I have a table dbo.X with DateTime column Y which may have hundreds of records.
My Stored Procedure has parameter #CurrentDate, I want to find out the date in the column Y in above table dbo.X which is less than and closest to #CurrentDate.
How to find it?
The where clause will match all rows with date less than #CurrentDate and, since they are ordered descendantly, the TOP 1 will be the closest date to the current date.
WHERE x.date < #CurrentDate
Use DateDiff and order your result by how many days or seconds are between that date and what the Input was
Something like this
select top 1 rowId, dateCol, datediff(second, #CurrentDate, dateCol) as SecondsBetweenDates
from myTable
where dateCol < #currentDate
order by datediff(second, #CurrentDate, dateCol)
I have a better solution for this problem i think.
I will show a few images to support and explain the final solution.
In my solution I have a table of FX Rates. These represent market rates for different currencies. However, our service provider has had a problem with the rate feed and as such some rates have zero values. I want to fill the missing data with rates for that same currency that as closest in time to the missing rate. Basically I want to get the RateId for the nearest non zero rate which I will then substitute. (This is not shown here in my example.)
1) So to start off lets identify the missing rates information:
Query showing my missing rates i.e. have a rate value of zero
2) Next lets identify rates that are not missing.
Query showing rates that are not missing
3) This query is where the magic happens. I have made an assumption here which can be removed but was added to improve the efficiency/performance of the query. The assumption on line 26 is that I expect to find a substitute transaction on the same day as that of the missing / zero transaction.
The magic happens is line 23: The Row_Number function adds an auto number starting at 1 for the shortest time difference between the missing and non missing transaction. The next closest transaction has a rownum of 2 etc.
Please note that in line 25 I must join the currencies so that I do not mismatch the currency types. That is I don't want to substitute a AUD currency with CHF values. I want the closest matching currencies.
Combining the two data sets with a row_number to identify nearest transaction
4) Finally, lets get data where the RowNum is 1
The final query
The query full query is as follows;
; with cte_zero_rates as
Select *
from fxrates
where (spot_exp = 0 or spot_exp = 0)
cte_non_zero_rates as
Select *
from fxrates
where (spot_exp > 0 and spot_exp > 0)
,cte_Nearest_Transaction as
select z.FXRatesID as Zero_FXRatesID
,z.importDate as Zero_importDate
,z.currency as Zero_Currency
,nz.currency as NonZero_Currency
,nz.FXRatesID as NonZero_FXRatesID
,nz.importDate as NonZero_importDate
,DATEDIFF(ss, z.importDate, nz.importDate) as TimeDifferece
,ROW_NUMBER() Over(partition by z.FXRatesID order by abs(DATEDIFF(ss, z.importDate, nz.importDate)) asc) as RowNum
from cte_zero_rates z
left join cte_non_zero_rates nz on nz.currency = z.currency
and cast(nz.importDate as date) = cast(z.importDate as date)
--order by z.currency desc, z.importDate desc
select n.Zero_FXRatesID
,DATEDIFF(s, n.NonZero_importDate,n.Zero_importDate) as Delay_In_Seconds
from cte_Nearest_Transaction n
where n.RowNum = 1
and n.NonZero_FXRatesID is not null
order by n.Zero_Currency, n.NonZero_importDate
I want to see if the price of a stock has changed by 5% this week. I have data that captures the price everyday. I can get the rows from the last 7 days by doing the following:
select price from data where date(capture_timestamp)>date(current_timestamp)-7;
But then how do I analyze that and see if the price has increased or decreased 5%? Is it possible to do all this with one sql statement? I would like to be able to then insert any results of it into a new table but I just want to focus on it printing out in the shell first.
It seems odd to have only one stock in a table called data. What you need to do is bring the two rows together for last week's and today's values, as in the following query:
select d.price
from data d cross join
data dprev
where cast(d.capture_timestamp as date = date(current_timestamp) and
cast(dprev.capture_timestamp as date) )= cast(current_timestamp as date)-7 and
d.price > dprev.price * 1.05
If the data table contains the stock ticker, the cross join would be an equijoin.
You may be able to use query from the following subquery for whatever calculations you want to do. This is assuming one record per day. The 7 preceding rows is literal.
SELECT ticker, price, capture_ts
,MIN(price) OVER (PARTITION BY ticker ORDER BY capture_ts ROWS BETWEEN 7 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS min_prev_7_records
,MAX(price) OVER (PARTITION BY ticker ORDER BY capture_ts ROWS BETWEEN 7 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS max_prev_7_records
FROM data