How to import exported auth data into Firebase emulators? - firebase-authentication

Can Firebase emulators import "exported Firebase auth data"?
Firebase emulators imports exported Firestore data, which is exported to gCloud then downloaded to my machine. The emulators can also import the auth data it exports, but I can't figure out how to import the data I've exported from Firebase.

firebaser here
There is currently no way to import the auth:export format back into the emulator in bulk. At the moment it only can read its own export format (which allows it to persist user accounts between runs of the emulator suite).
This is a feature we'd like to add to the emulator at some point, but for the moment you'd have to build it yourself by processing the export.


Firebase: Export users info from Auth emulator

I follow the step on the firebase documentation and I was able to export users successfully by executing the following command:
firebase auth:export ./test-data/auth/auth-data.json --format=JSON
But now, I'm running the auth emulator and I don't see any documentation explaining to me how to do it.
Does anyone know if that is supported or if there is a "hack" of doing it?

Adding auth with aws amplify to an existing javascript project

So I have working app hosted on aws as static website. Currently it is publicly available, but I wanted to have authentication mechanism, so when user is not currently logged in it will show him login page instead. From following the aws documentation it seems that process requires to have some of additional front end frameworks such as react, vue etc? Is it possible to just use plain javascript to achieve the same results?
You can use the built in components for React, Vue and Angular.
If your app does not use these frameworks, its still possible to use vanilla js.
You need to import
import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
Then you can use the methods on the Auth class ( independent of the react etc. controls.
For example, to sign up, you would use Auth.signUp and to sign in, you would use Auth.signIn
The AWS documentation for this is at

App won't run without google play services, which are not supported by your device Error while using firebase analytics for react native mobile app

I am trying to integrate firebase analytics on react native app, I have completed all the prerequisites and got a successful build running on Honeywell android Device, but when I open the app it gives above error. There are many such duplicate question but nothing works for me as I can't have play store as the target devices are Handheld android devices and not mobile devices. How to integrate firebase analytics without having to install google play service.
Thanks for Answer #JakeSteam
But I could get firebase integration working without google play service error.
Issue Details:
I was using react native firebase 5.x.x, which works fine but will give a pop up message mentioned in question if your device doesn't have google play service.
Upgrade react native firebase to version 6.x.x, the community has redeveloped this repo and I am not having issues with it now.
Without google play service on your device you can only use few firebase services like analytics, crashlytics etc.
As a Firebaser said:
Firebase as a platform requires Google Play Services, even though some Firebase products may be able to work without it.
If you cannot use Google Play Services, you may want to look into Google Analytics, which does not require it:
Note: Google Analytics can be used and will work on devices that do not have Google Play Services. In this case you still download and use the Google Play Services SDK and Google Analytics will automatically fall back to local dispatching.

Is there a way to manually edit AsyncStorage in React-native (like LocalStorage in DevTools)?

In web dev you can open up DevTools > Application and edit Local Storage manually.
Is there similar functionality in RN?
I've installed Reactotron, but doesn't have this functionality, it only displays what lives in AsyncStorage, no edits.

Can we integrate firebase analytics in old project which has google cloud messaging? so i want firebase-analytics and google cloud messaging also

I have tried to add fire base-analytics in old project which has google cloud messaging which i don't want to change, i am getting error for google cloud message for imports.
Google Cloud Messaging has been deprecated as of 10 April 2018.
You can import the old project into Firebase Console and generate a config file. Analytics is a core service and track most of the app data automatically with few lines of code required for initialization. Take a look at this doc.
Please note that the Analytics data will start populating on Firebase dashboard only from the point onwards you integrate the SDK in the app. Also you can easily transition to Firebase Cloud Messaging with that approach.