Google play console Closed Testing link sent to accepted testers taking infinite time load the the app. (React native) - react-native

I uploaded an app a react native app on google play console for closed testing. The release was approved and I followed the steps to add testers inside closed testing and send them the join from the android link on their email. One of them was my own for testing.
Whenever I am clicking on the link it is taking an infinite time to load the app. And the app is not going to the download page on the Google play store where it is supposed to take me.
Is this a usual problem does it always takes that much time. Or I am missing anything here.


React Native send email with link to web app or mobile app

I am trying to implement deep linking into this app. The app is a React Native Expo app, and is served on web, iOS and Android. There are a bunch of things we want to achieve with this i.e. link to specific things in the app such as certain messages etc. But currently my primary focus is just to navigate to general screens like 'Home', 'Messages', 'Login' etc.
I have been testing and so far, I can enter the URIs such as exp://host:port/--/login and they work as expected.
However, I know and understand that this will not work in a web browser on my laptop for example.
So my question is, how do I send an email to a user let's say after they have verified their account, prompting them to login, with a link that will for one, take them to the web app if they are on desktop, and two open the mobile app if they have it installed on their phone?
And just as an example, let's imagine my deep link URI is myapp://login
Thanks for any help.
After looking around some more, I am deciding to consider the possibility of linking to the web app, and upon the web app loading, linking to the mobile app if they have it installed.
Given this, what is the best way to handle this?
You can follow one of the next approaches.
Validate the request origin and based on that generate the link for
an specific platform.
Generate as much links as platform are currently serving you app.
Like: Link to iOS, Link to Android and Link To web
You can design image buttons for each one to make it prettier

Open page via web if app is not installed in react native

The best example that I can think of to describe this is how VSCO does this, if you click someone's VSCO profile link, from an Instagram bio or something, you get the page via web, at the bottom of the webpage it asks you if you would rather use the app, if its installed, clicking yes will open, if its not it will link to the download page. I really don't even know where to start with the development of this so really any links and terms that I can look into are helpful.
Sorry for the somewhat open-ended question but at a loss as to where to start. If it is all using the same firebase database, could I do this all in one react native code base? Or would I want a standalone web application. Thanks ahead of time.

Importing processing.js game to google play

I really wanna learn processing.js at Khanacademy, but im not sure if i can import a game made with processing.js and javascript to Google play or appstore. Is there anyone who can give me some answers about this specific topic?.
This is a pretty huge question, so it's not very fitting for Stack Overflow. But I'll try to answer in general terms.
First off, please try to understand the difference between a JavaScript application, an Android app, and an iPhone app.
Processing.js can generate a JavaScript app, which you can embed in a website. You can then visit that site in a mobile browser, but it's not an app you can upload to an app store.
You could create an Android or iPhone app that used something like a WebView component to display the website just like a browser would.
Or you could try to port your Processing sketch over to a native app. Processing can be deployed to Android using Processing for Android, but I'm not sure about iOS.
In the end I really wouldn't worry about whether you can upload a Processing sketch to the app store. Get something working first. Learn the basics. Don't worry about deployment until you understand what's going on.

Using Branch links to deeplink to unpublished app

I'm working as a web developer for a start-up that has a andriod app prototype. I'm not an app developer ( still learning) so I'm a little unsure how to approach this.
I wanted to deeplink the app to the webpage. I came across this solution called . It looks like exactly what we need but I'm not sure how to link it with an unpublished app. Maybe I'm missing something. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The Branch service actually doesn't depend on the App or Play Store at all. The link will first try to open up the app, but fallback to the store pages if not installed. You can override this fallback to any website, and the links will still function as usual.
To test an app not in the Play Store, first choose 'Custom URL' in the Link Settings dashboard, and fill in the page you'd like to send users when the app is not installed. It's common for people to send users to either their home page or TestFlight app.
Then, to test the deep linking through install and download tracking, just do the following:
Create a Branch link
Click it on your phone or on simulator and wait to be redirected
Run the app from Android Studio/Eclipse
Here are some more testing considerations. Happy linking.

Google hangout API console appear to be broken

I had a working hangout app until yesterday - but now now I can no longer launch the app in the developer sandbox.
In the process of diagnosing the problem I have tracked back to simply trying to launch one of the Google sample apps ( in the developer sandbox.
This fails in the same way as my app: the hangout says loading app along with a lovely animation but never loads.
I have tried this from different Google accounts and OS's but the problem is the same whatever.
The js console shows the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <…
Interestingly I can launch the hangout apps (mine and the sample ones) outside the sandbox. For example,
To me it seems as if Google has deployed a breaking change but I can't believe that there would be no activity on twitter or the google plus developer group if they had.
My questions are:
1) Can anyone launch an app in the developer sandbox
2) If not, anyone got any idea what the problem is.
Thanks in advance for any help. As usual in these situations, I was planning on demoing my app to my colleagues in a couple of days to show them how cool the hangouts api is :(
There was a problem on Google's side over the weekend and has now been corrected.