vue unexpected reactivity from props - vue.js

I just noticed an unexpected behaviour and now I don't know if it is normal or not.
I have a component named follows and a child component named follow-list-modal
I'm passing a followList (pagination ) from follows to its child component follow-list-modal
In the follow-list-modal I store the paginated array in the variable members
export default {
props: {
dataset: {
type: Object,
default: {},
<button #click="fetchMore"> More </button>
export default {
props: {
followList: {
type: Object,
default: {},
data() {
return {
dataset: this.followList,
methods: {
fetchMore() {
let nextPage = parseInt(this.dataset.current_page) + 1;
.get(this.dataset.path + '?page=' + nextPage)
.then(({ data }) => this.refresh(data))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
refresh(paginatedCollection) {
this.dataset = paginatedCollection;
this.members = this.members.concat(;
When I click the button More in the follow-list-modal to get more data, I then want to append the new data to the members array.
The unexpected behaviour ( for me at least ). is that if I use push in the refresh method
It appends data not only to members but also to followList which is data that comes from the parent component follows
But if I use concat instead of push, it appends data only to members variable and not to followList
this.members = this.members.concat(;
Is this behaviour normal ?
I don't get why the followList changes when the members variable changes, I thought that reactivity is one way.
In other words, the members changes when the followList changes, but not the other way around
P.S I don't emit any events from follow-list-modal to follows or change the data of the follows component in any way from the follow-list-modal

In JavaScript, the properties of an Object that are also Objects themselves, are passed by reference, and not by value. Or you might say that they are shallow copied.
Thus, in your example, this.members and are pointing to the same variable in memory.
So, if you mutate this.members, it will mutate as well.
You could avoid this by doing a deep copy of the objects. The easiest method, and arguably the fastest, would be to use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)), but look at this answer for more examples.
data() {
return {
members: [],
dataset: [],
created() {
this.members = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
this.dataset = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.followList));

You instantiate your data with a direct link to the (initially undefined) property of your prop. This property is a complex entity like an Object (Arrays are Objects), and is thus called via reference. Since members references the same thing in memory as, when you're calling members, it will follow the reference to the same entity as This doesn't have to do with Vue2 reactivity, but here's a link nontheless.
push mutates the array it is called on; it will follow the reference through members and change, updating its value when called through followList as well. Because the data key is not present on instantiation of the component, Vue can't watch it (just like you need to use Vue.set when adding a new key to a data object).
concat returns a new array of merged elements, and then replaces
the reference in members with the new array. Therefore from this point on you'll
no longer mutate, even with a push, as the reference has changed to a new entity.
When trying to set your initial members and dataset, I suggest using an initialization method that creates a clone of your followList and writes that to dataset, and running this on the created() or mounted() hook of your component lifecycle. Then create a computed property for members, no need to store thrice and potentially have dataset and members diverge.


Updates to object inside array do not trigger updates

In my root Vue instance, I have an array of objects with some data, which I use to render a set of components. These components have a watcher on the object of data provided to them, which is supposed to make an asynchronous call every time the object is updated.
The problem is that when I update a property of one of the objects in my array, the watcher is not called. It shouldn't fall into any of Vue's caveats because a) I'm not adding a new property, just updating an existing one and b) I'm not mutating the array itself in any way. So why is this happening? And how do I fix it?
My main Vue instance:
let content = new Vue({
el: '#content',
data: {
testData: [
{ name: 'test1', params: {
testParam: 1
} },
{ name: 'test2', params: {
testParam: 1
} },
{ name: 'test3', params: {
testParam: 1
} }
The code which I use to render my components:
<div id="content">
<div v-for="item in testData">
<test-component v-bind="item"></test-component>
And my component:
Vue.component('test-component', {
props: {
name: {
type: String,
required: true
params: {
type: Object,
required: true
data: function() {
return { asyncResult: 0 };
watch: {
params: function(newParams, oldParams) {
// I use a custom function to compare objects, but that's not the issue since it isn't even being called.
if(!this.compareObjs(newParams, oldParams)) {
// My async call, which mutates asyncResult
template: `
<span>{{ asyncResult }}</span>
My goal is to mutate the properties of the params property of a given object and trigger the watcher to rerender the corresponding component, but when I try to mutate it directly it doesn't work.
Example (and the way I'd like my component to work):
content.testData[2].params.testParam = 5;
Unfortunately, it doesn't. Using Vue.set doesn't work either:
Vue.set(content.testData[2].params, 'testParam', 5);
The only thing I found which does work is to assign a new object entirely (which is not something I'd like to do every time I have to mutate a property):
content.testData[2].params = Object.assign({}, content.testData[2].params, { testParam: 5 });
I also tried using a deep watcher, as suggested in a similar question, but it didn't work in my case. When I use the deep watcher the function is called, but both newParams and oldParams are always the same object, no matter which value I set to my property.
Is there a solution to this that will allow me to mutate the array items just by setting a property? That would be the most desirable outcome.
First things first.
Using Vue.set isn't going to help. Vue.set is used to set the values of properties that Vue's reactivity system can't track. That includes updating arrays by index or adding new properties to an object but neither of those apply here. You're updating an existing property of a reactive object, so using Vue.set won't do anything more than setting it using =.
Vue does not take copies of your objects when passing them as props. If you pass an object as a prop then the child component will get a reference to the same object as the parent. A deep watcher will trigger if you update a property within that object but it's still the same object. The old and new values passed to the watcher will be the same object. This is noted in the documentation:
Note: when mutating (rather than replacing) an Object or an Array, the old value will be the same as new value because they reference the same Object/Array. Vue doesn’t keep a copy of the pre-mutate value.
As you've noticed, one solution is to use a totally new object when performing the update. Ultimately, if you want to compare the old and new objects then you have no choice but to make a copy of the object somewhere. Taking a copy when mutating is a perfectly valid choice, but it's not the only option.
Another option would be to use a computed property to create the copy:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
params: {
name: 'Lisa',
id: 5,
age: 27
computed: {
watchableParams () {
return {...this.params}
watch: {
watchableParams (newParams, oldParams) {
console.log(newParams, oldParams)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input v-model="">
<input v-model="">
<input v-model="params.age">
A few notes on this:
The computed property in this example is only creating a shallow copy. If you needed a deep copy it would be more complicated, something like JSON.stringify/JSON.parse might be an option.
The computed property doesn't actually have to copy everything. If you only want to watch a subset of the properties then only copy those.
The watch doesn't need to be deep. The computed property will create dependencies on the properties it uses and if any of them changes it will be recomputed, creating a new object each time. We just need to watch that object.
Vue caches the values of computed properties. When a dependency changes the old value is marked as stale but it isn't immediately discarded, so that it can be passed to watchers.
The key advantage of this approach is where the copying is handled. The code doing the mutating doesn't need to worry about it, the copying is performed by the same component that needs the copy.
As you said, you will need to use deep property in watch.
Using Vue.set you should remounting the entire object inside your array, like:
const newObj = {
name: 'test1',
params: {
testParam: 1,
Vue.set(yourArray, newObj, yourIndex);
Note you are setting some value inside your array and in this case the array contains objects.

Computed function running without to call it

I'm setting an array in my data property through a computed function and it's working. But I wonder how is possible if I don't call it anywhere?
If I try to add a console.log in my function it doesn't print anything, but it's still setting my data, how is that possible?
My data:
data() {
return {
projects: []
My computed:
computed: {
loadedProjects() {
console.log("Hello there")
this.projects = this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
I expect that it doesn't run because I'm not calling, and if it is running(I don't know why) to print the console.log before to set my data. Any clarification?
You're confusing computed props with methods. If you want to have a method like above that sets a data value of your vue instace, you should use a method, not a computed prop:
data() {
return {
projects: []
methods: {
loadProjects() {
console.log("Hello there")
this.projects = this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
This would get the value of this.$store.getters.loadedProjects once and assign it to your local projects value. Now since you're using Vuex, you probably want your local reference to stay in sync with updates you do to the store value. This is where computed props come in handy. You actually won't need the projects in data at all. All you need is the computed prop:
computed: {
projects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
Now vue will update your local reference to projects whenever the store updates. Then you can use it just like a normal value in your template. For example
<div v-for='item in projects' :key='item.uuid'>
Avoid side effects in your computed properties, e.g. assigning values directly, computed values should always return a value themselves. This could be applying a filter to your existing data e.g.
computed: {
completedProjects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects.filter(x => x.projectCompleted)
projectIds() {
return this.$ => x.uuid)
You get the idea..
More about best practices to bring vuex state to your components here:
Computed props docs:
You should check Vue docs about computed properties and methods
and shouldn't run methods inside computed property getter
Instead of a computed property, we can define the same function as a method. For the end result, the two approaches are indeed exactly the same. However, the difference is that computed properties are cached based on their reactive dependencies. A computed property will only re-evaluate when some of its reactive dependencies have changed.

Mutiple Data Source for a component

I am in a process to support multiple data source to show data in a component via props & store.
The idea is to build a list component, which will load the data from the store if no props present. Otherwise, show the data from props. Thus, I am ensuring reusability in the context of search functionality and normal listing view.
Here is the code looks like,
<li v-for="user in this.dataSource" :key="user.age">
{{ }}
export default {
props: {
userData: {
type: Array,
default: null,
created() {
// dispatch action to get user data
data() {
return {
dataSource: this.userData !== null ? this.userData: this.$store.state.users
As of now, the store holds just static data. But in the context of REST it will be async in nature. So sometimes, I see no data.
So my question is that is this logic of dataSource can be improved further?
You should change dataSource to computed property. It will automatically re-computed when this.userData is changed or this.$store.state.users is changed
computed: {
dataSource() {
return this.userData !== null ? this.userData: this.$store.state.users
For more information about computed in Vuejs, please check the document
This is a bad approach anyways.
Store should be used to contain the data and components should just "show" it and manipulate it through actions and mutations.
So in this case, I'd remove the props, created and data part and add a getter to the store which should be implemented in a computed in the component. Nothing fancy here.
You shouldn't need to manually load the data with a proper store setup. Always make a getter and "load" it into the component with a computed.

Vue - instance data is not defined

I have a menu of topics (e.g. "About us", "Support") and I want to be able to tell what topic is active right now. When a topic is clicked it will become the active one. Think of it as a substitute for a router that will set an active route. This is not possible in my case since I'm working in SharePoint 2010... in a content editor. So I made the decision to have an activeTopic variable in my Vue instance.
The Vue instance
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
activeTopic: '',
This is because the activeTopic has to update another component and show some data based on the active topic. Like a router showing a child route.
The topic component
Vue.component('topic', {
props: ["title"],
methods: {
setActiveTopic: function (title) {
activeTopic = title;
isActiveTopic: function (title) {
return activeTopic == title;
template: `
<div v-bind:class="{active: isActiveTopic(title)}" v-on:click="setActiveTopic(title)">
<p v-text="title"></p>
The setActiveTopic function works as it should when I click it; it updates the activeTopic. But the isActiveTopic function gives me this error:
Error in render: "ReferenceError: activeTopic is not defined"
What I don't understand is that I can edit the activeTopic variable but I can't make a comparison? I've tried setting a default value but it still says it is undefined.
activeTopic should be assigned to the Vue component by setting and reading this.activeTopic. As is, you have two independent activeTopic variables scoped within each of your component methods.
You'll also want to include activeTopic in the component's data block, rather than on the Vue object itself, since it's specific to the component.
(If there's a reason to put that variable on the Vue object you would either want to pass it down to the component as a prop, or else access it directly as Vue.activeTopic instead of this.activeTopic. I'm honestly not certain whether Vue would treat that last structure as a reactive value within components -- I've never had a reason to try that, and can't think of a situation where that'd be a reasonable architecture.)
Vue.component('topic', {
props: ["title"],
data() { return {
activeTopic: ''
methods: {
setActiveTopic(title) {
this.activeTopic = title;
isActiveTopic(title) {
return this.activeTopic == title;
template: `
<div v-bind:class="{active: isActiveTopic(title)}" v-on:click="setActiveTopic(title)">
<p v-text="title"></p>
I am new to Vue, and have seen data being defined as an object in several examples.
But apparently, as per the documentation, you have to use data as a function that returns an object.
This is to ensure that all instances will have it's own version of the data object, and is not shared with all instances.
Instead of
data: {
count: 0
data: function () {
return {
count: 0
However I still don't know why in one of my component, data as an object worked, and in a child component with it's own data as an object, I got the error count is undefined;
I am assuming, the root element, (defined by new Vue({}) has to be a singleton, and is not intended to have several instances.
And since components, can have instances, the data in that needs to be defined as a function.

How to Initialize Data Properties with Prop Values

Still a little bit young in VueJS but I'm loving every bit of it. But now, fixated somewhere.
I want to initialize some values in data() using values passed via props. This is so that I can be able to mutate them later on, since it is not recommended to mutate props inside a component. In fact the official docs recommend this property initialization using prop values as shown below:
props: ['initialCounter'],
data: function () {
return { counter: this.initialCounter }
I have something like the one below:
<div class="well">
<!-- Use Prop value directly on the template: works (but of no help in initializing data) -->
Department: {{}}
<!-- Use prop value but gotten via computed property: Works inside the template but not in the initialization -->
Department: {{}}
<!-- Use the array I initialized with the prop value: Does not work -->
Department: {{}}
export default {
name: 'test',
props: ['department'],
data() {
return {
this_department: this.department
// below does not work either
//this_department: this.fetchDepartment
created() {
// shows empty array
mounted() {
// shows empty array
computed: {
fetchDepartment() {
return this.department
As seen in the commented sections above, the initialization is not successful. Neither does the value of this.department appear either from the created() or the mounted() hooks. And note, I can see it is defined using the Chrome Vue Devtools. So my question is, how exactly should I initialize data() attributes using props values, or which is the best way of going around this issue?
I know my answer comes in late but it helps me and hopefully someone else coming here. When props' data are async:
// in the parent component
<child :foo="bar" v-if="bar" />
That way, you render the component when props are already available making it safer to follow the guide's recommended ways to initialize data value with props as so:
props: ['initialCounter'],
data: function () {
return {
counter: this.initialCounter
Happy coding!
You CAN modify a prop. Use the '.sync' modifier. I use it frequently because it is convenient and intuitive. This requires emitting an event to update the value on the parent. I am not really sure the warning of how it results in maintenance issues.
Another method I use if I want to modify a value and not update the parent is using Lodash clone. For example (assuming its available on mounted)
this_department = _.clone(this.department)
If you consistently want to mutate the prop and have it change with the parent, then use a computed property. However, in most cases you will want to depend on the state of that data within the component and change it using other functions and thus a computed property will not be what you need.
A computed property is the simplest way to provide a mutable version of a prop, but you might not want to lose data when the prop is updated. You could use an explicit watch.
While computed properties are more appropriate in most cases, there
are times when a custom watcher is necessary. That’s why Vue provides
a more generic way to react to data changes through the watch option.
This is most useful when you want to perform asynchronous or expensive
operations in response to changing data.
This is most useful when you want to perform asynchronous or expensive
operations in response to changing data.