Drawing on bitmap with mouse is spaced out by the speed of the mouse - vb.net

Im making a Drawing/Editing program. I have made a drawing tool, using this code on the MouseMove event:
If down = True Then
Using br = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(ColorA, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB))
GFX.FillEllipse(br, e.X, e.Y, size, size)
End Using
End If
GFX is graphics from a bitmap called IMG.
IMG is projected on a PictureBox.
The color integers are for the color channels, ColorA is for the alpha channel.
The down boolean is to check if the mouse is down.
SolidBrush br is the brush used to render the color of the stroke
e is MouseEventArgs
Now that I explained the code I will head on the problem that im facing:
I tried to draw a cricle with the drawing tool and I've noticed the "dots" were spaced out. It seems its more spaced out if the mouse is moving at a fast speed.
Do I need to get the raw input from the mouse? I really don't know, so how do I fix this?


How to smooth canvas drawing in Android?

I'm using Canvas for drawing in my Android application. But the result has bad quality (see the picture)
So, canvas drawing don't draw additional pixels with more dark color between "stairs pixels" for smoothing.
Like this
But I'm interesting how to do it.
Are there some preferences or methods for smoothing the picture? Thanx!
Edited: I've founded here
Use the ANTI-ALIAS flag for drawing smooth edges.
Paint p = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
Paint p = new Paint();

Draw Image to Picture Box using AutoScroll but keep a Header Visible

I have a Picturebox which I draw a view to (Gantt View in this case) and it works OK - i.e., the view is drawn and the AutoScroll property allows the image in the PictureBox to be smoothly scrolled.
My problem is, the header of the image (e.g., the date headers in this case) scroll off the top of the display when I scroll down the image.
What I can't work out is how to fix a header to the top. I thought about simply drawing a header into another Picturebox, but then I am not sure how to sync the header with the left-right scrolling of the main PictureBox
Can someone suggest the best approach to handling this, or do I need to revert to doing a direct draw and handle the scrolling myself?
I am using VB with VS 2015.
Many thanks
Updated - I am now using an off-screen Bitmap, but can someone look at the code below and let me know if there is a faster/better way to do this? It all works, but still learning and so always looking to do things the best way
Public Sub MoveViewPoint(G As Graphics)
' G passed in from controls Paint
' _Plan is off-screen bitmap of image
' _HeaderHeight is height of the Header area in _Plan
Dim Header_src_rect As New Rectangle(_HScroll.Value, 0, _Plan.Width, _HeaderHeight)
Dim Header_dst_rect As New Rectangle(0, 0, _Plan.Width, _HeaderHeight)
G.DrawImage(_Plan, Header_dst_rect, Header_src_rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
Dim src_rect As New Rectangle(_HScroll.Value, _HeaderHeight + 1 + _VScroll.Value, _Plan.Width, _Plan.Height)
Dim dst_rect As New Rectangle(0, _HeaderHeight + 1, _Plan.Width, _Plan.Height)
G.DrawImage(_Plan, dst_rect, src_rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
_HScroll.LargeChange = G.ClipBounds.Width * 0.9
_VScroll.LargeChange = G.ClipBounds.Height * 0.9
End Sub
I would do all your drawing to an off-screen bitmap using the GDI graphics system. You can draw your headers and the rest of the chart as 2 distinct stages in the same bitmap. You would have to handle the scrolling yourself by watching the MouseMove event and checking the buttons status.

Place a picture box inside another: VS2008

hope i can get some help here.
For a VB app, I try to place one picturebox over GDI+ drawn image (or another picturebox) in visual studio 2008, and the picturebox includes transparent areas which don't come up transparent.
I have looked through many methods but they don't suit my situation:
a background is drawn using GDI, and for my app I need a picturebox stationary upon it. (the stationary image cant be GDI+ drawn too, because the background updates every while, which causes it to disappear. tried to redraw image also but it makes an ugly flickering effect).
when i try to use picturebox as background, and assign it as parent for the overlaying image for transparency effect, the above image doesn't show at all. here is the VB code:
Dim back As PictureBox
Dim silhouetteAs PictureBox
Dim img As Bitmap = New Bitmap(imgPath)
back = New PictureBox()
silhouette= New PictureBox()
silhouette.Parent = back
silhouette.Size = New Point(width, height)
silhouette.Location = New Point(xpos, ypos)
silhouette.Image = img
silhouette.BackColor = Color.Transparent
back.Parent = MAIN
back.Size = New Point(width, height)
back.Location = New Point(xpos, ypos)
back.BackColor = Color.Blue
where back is the background and silhouette is the on-top image.
can someone please provide an example of how transparency achieved through parenting pictureboxes? or any other solution to this situation?
Never mind, found out what was wrong - when I assigned another picturebox as a parent, I didn't update the location of the overlaying picturebox relatively. the correction would be to
silhouette.location=new point(0,0)
forgot that the coordinates are relative to the parent and not the form anymore.

DrawToBitmap makes a blurry image

I am using GDI+ to draw the initial image on PictureBox - which renders a clean image. I am trying to then capture that drawing and draw it on a PDF using PDFSharp which works, but comes out blurry. I am sure it has something to do with the fact I have changed the destination Rectangle's size. What do i need to do to clean it up?
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(pb.Width, pb.Height)
Dim pdf As New PdfDocument
Dim page As PdfPage = pdf.AddPage
Dim g As XGraphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page)
pb.DrawToBitmap(bmp, New Rectangle(pb.ClientRectangle.X, pb.ClientRectangle.Y, pb.Width, pb.Height + 20))
g.SmoothingMode = XSmoothingMode.AntiAlias
g.DrawImage(bmp, New XRect(New RectangleF(20, 0, 600, 800)))
It's the anti-aliasing that makes images blurry.
AFAIK Adobe Reader draws images with anti-aliasing when used with PDFsharp.
With PDFsharp create an XImage from your BMP and then set
image.Interpolate = false;
for that XImage. This will give a hint to Adobe Reader that anti-aliasing is not wanted for that image.
With respect to screen shots, anti-aliasing is useful when scaling down (e.g. when taking a 400x300 bitmap from an 800x600 screen), but not when scaling up (like Adobe Reader will do with images embedded in PDF files).
See also:
If you scale an image up, it will come out blurred. There is no other way since there are no additional information in the image and it will just be interpolated in some way. There is no "Zoom in and ENHANCE"-button. :-)
What I did in one of my programs where I wanted to save a controls current look to a file, was to first scale the control to the desired size, then draw it to the bitmap, then resize it down again.
If this works depends on the content of the control of course, wether it's scalable or not and so on.
In the example below I have a Chart control that I work with in my export dialog called workingChart.
The steps that are used are:
Save old size
Resize chart to the desired size
Draw control to bitmap
Resize chart back to the old size
This works well and the image comes out crisp, since you do not resize the image itself.
Private Function GetChartScaledImage(wantsize As Size) As Bitmap
Dim oldsize As Size = workingChart.Size
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(wantsize.Width, wantsize.Height)
workingChart.Size = wantsize
workingChart.DrawToBitmap(bmp, New Rectangle(0, 0, wantsize.Width, wantsize.Height))
workingChart.Size = oldsize
Return bmp
End Function

Clear Part of Bitmap to Transparent

I am creating program with multileyered picturebox, the image of picturebox is update dynamically from bitmap in memory, and i want to clear the selected part on bitmap to transparent color so i can see image of picturebox behind it.
Here is my code
Dim gBmp As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(GraphLayer(LayerArray))
Dim TileSrcCrop As New Rectangle(nVal(xTile), nVal(yTile), TileSize, TileSize)
Dim TileDrawSize As New Rectangle(nVal(H), nVal(V), TileSize, TileSize)
gBmp.DrawImage(GraphImage(LayerArray), TileDrawSize, TileSrcCrop, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
PicMap(LayerArray).Image = GraphLayer(LayerArray)
What I'm about to say may only be for Windows icons, but IIRC, the top left pixel must be assigned the color that you want to designate as the color for transparency. You'll usually see MS use Magenta (255, 0, 255). This is called a transparency mask. Then, anywhere you want the color to be transparent, you use the color you placed in the top left pixel.
HTH -- and let me know if it's only for icons, but I think it's for Windows bitmap files, too.