STM32 USB CDC some data lost with Win 10 - usb

I use USB device - STMicroelectronics development board. Use firmware, that support usb hardware. Its works as USB serial port.
On host PC (win10 21H1) i use serial terminal ("Tera Term") for get data from my device. I use standart windows usbserial driver.
My device sending data. If data flow is small (1-2-5 kByte/s) - all work fine. But if i speed up (flow about 100 kByte/s or more) - i see data loss.
I communicated with STMicroelectronics support. We checked issue. We saw USB communication with USB analyzer. We think, than it's windows side problem.
Also, I use a custom port read utility. Data integrity problem persists.
In received data i saw lost 64 or 128... multiple of 64 bytes. 64bytes - endpoint size in my case. See linked data for more information.
I create USB_test project in CubeMx. And add simple code for sending data to PC. Loop data sending if previous CDC transmit complete. Adding delays is unacceptable: firstly, it is not 100% elimination of losses; secondly, it has a bad effect on the bandwidth of the channel.
//in main() function
uint8_t is_transmit = 0;
uint8_t Buf[2048];
uint8_t k = 48;
// fill the array with printable characters
for(uint16_t i=0; i<sizeof(Buf)-2; i++){
if(k > 100) {
k = 48;
Buf[i] = k++;
// array - is a one string line
Buf[sizeof(Buf)-2] = '\r';
Buf[sizeof(Buf)-1] = '\n';
while (1)
if(is_transmit == 0){
is_transmit = 1;
//HAL_Delay(1); // add delay on 1 ms reduces the likelihood of losses by an order of magnitude
CDC_Transmit_FS(Buf, sizeof(Buf));
In CDC_TransmitCplt_FS() i flash is_transmit.
static int8_t CDC_TransmitCplt_FS(uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t *Len, uint8_t epnum)
extern uint8_t is_transmit;
is_transmit = 0;
return result;
Information from ST support communication and USB analyzer log file.
How i fix this issue? I need data flow from device to host 500 kB/s or more.
Best regards, Andrey.


How will circular DMA periph to memory behave at the end of the transfer in STM32?

I wanted to ask, how will behave DMA SPI rx in STM32 in following situation.
I have a specified (for example) 96 Bytes array called A which is intended to store the data received from the SPI. I turn on my circular SPI DMA which operates on each Byte, is configured to 96 Byte.
Is it possible, when DMA will fill my 96 Bytes array, the Transfer Complete interrupt will went off, to quickly copy the 96 Byte array to another - B, before circular DMA will start writing to A(and destroy the data saved in B)?
I want to transfer(every time when I will get new data from A in B) data from B quickly over USB to PC.
I'm just thinking how to transmit continous data stream SPI from STM32 over USB to PC, because a block of 96 Bytes of data transferred by USB once per certain time is easier I think than stream in real time SPI to USB by STM32? I don't know it's even possible
For that to work, you would have to be able to guarantee that you can copy all the data before the next SPI byte is received and transferred to the start of the buffer. Whether that were possible would depend on the clock speed of the processor and the speed of the SPI, and be able to guarantee that no higher priority interrupts occur that might delay the transfer. To be safe it would need an exceptionally slow SPI speed, and in that case would probably not need to use DMA at all.
All in all it is a bad idea and entirely unnecessary. The DMA controller has a "half-transfer" interrupt for exactly this purpose. You will get the HT interrupt when the first 48 bytes are transferred, and the DMA will continue transferring the remaining 48 bytes while you copy lower half buffer. When you get the transfer complete you transfer the upper half. That extends the time you have to transfer the data from the receive time of a single byte to the receive time of 48 bytes.
If you actually need 96 bytes on each transfer, then you simply make your buffer 192 bytes long (2 x 96).
In pseudo-code:
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 96
char DMA_Buffer[2][BUFFER_LENGTH] ;
void DMA_IRQHandler()
if( DMA_IT_Flag(DMA_HT) == SET )
memcpy( B, DMA_Buffer[0], BUFFER_LENGTH ) ;
Clear_IT_Flag(DMA_HT) ;
else if( DMA_IT_Flag(DMA_TC) == SET )
memcpy( B, DMA_Buffer[1], BUFFER_LENGTH ) ;
Clear_IT_Flag(DMA_TC) ;
With respect to transferring the data to a PC over USB, first of all you need to be sure that your USB transfer rate is at least as fast or faster than the SPI transfer rate. It is likely that the USB transfer is less deterministic (because it is controlled by the PC host - that is you can only output data on the USB when the host explicitly asks for it), so even if the the average transfer rate is sufficient, there may be latency that requires further buffering, so rather then simply copying from the DMA buffer A to a USB buffer B, you may need a circular buffer or FIFO queue to feed the USB. On the other hand, if you already have the buffer DMA_Buffer[0], DMA_Buffer[1] and B you already effectively have a FIFO of three blocks of 96 bytes, which may be sufficient
In one of my projects I faced a similar problem. The task was to transfer data coming from an external ADC chip (connected with SPI) to PC over full speed USB. The data was (8 ch x 16-bit) and I was requested to achieve the fastest sampling frequency possible.
I ended up with a triple buffer solution. There is 4 possible states a buffer can be in:
READY: Buffer is full with data, ready to be send over USB
SENT: Buffer is already sent and outdated
IN_USE: DMA (requested by SPI) is currently filling this buffer
NEXT: This buffer is considered empty and will be used when IN_USE is full.
As the timing of the USB request can't be synchonized with with the SPI process, I believe a double buffer solution wouldn't work. If you don't have a NEXT buffer, by the time you decide to send the READY buffer, DMA may finish filling the IN_USE buffer and start corrupting the READY buffer. But in a triple buffer solution, READY buffer is safe to send over USB, as it won't be filled even the current IN_USE buffer is full.
So the buffer states look like this as the time passes:
Buf0 Buf1 Buf2
==== ==== ====
Of course, if the PC don't start USB requests fast enough, you may still loose a READY buffer as soon as it turns into NEXT (before becoming SENT). PC sends USB IN requests asynchronously with no info about the current buffer states. If there is no READY buffer (it's in SENT state), the STM32 responds with a ZLP (zero length package) and the PC tries again after 1 ms delay.
For the implementation on STM32, I use double buffered mode and I modify M0AR & M1AR registers in the DMA Transfer Complete ISR to address 3 buffers.
BTW, I used (3 x 4000) bytes buffers and achieved 32 kHz sampling frequency at the end. USB is configured as vendor specific class and it uses bulk transfers.
Generally using circular DMA only works if you trigger on the half full/half empty, otherwise you don't have enough time to copy information out of the buffer.
I would recommend against copying the data out the buffer during the interrupt. Rather use the data directly from the buffer without an additional copy step.
If you do the copy in the interrupt, you are blocking other lower priority interrupts during the copy. On a STM32 a simple naive byte copy of 48 bytes may take additional 48*6 ~ 300 clock cycles.
If you track the buffers read and write positions independently, you just need to update a single pointer and post a delayed a notification call to the consumer of the buffer.
If you want a longer period then don't use circular DMA, rather use normal DMA in 48 byte blocks and implement circular byte buffer as a data structure.
I did this for a USART at 460k baud that receives asynchronously variable length packets. If you ensure that the producer only updates the write pointer and the consumer only updates the read pointer you can avoid data races in most of it. Note that the read and write of an aligned <=32 bit variable on cortex m3/m4 is atomic.
The included code is a simplified version of the circular buffer with DMA support that I used. It is limited to buffer sizes that are 2^n and uses Templates and C++11 functionality so it may not be suitable depending on your development/platform constraints.
To use the buffer call getDmaReadBlock() or getDMAwriteBlock() and get the DMA memory address and block length. Once the DMA completes use skipRead() / skipWrite() to increment the read or write pointers by the actual amount that was transferred.
* Creates a circular buffer. There is a read pointer and a write pointer
* The buffer is full when the write pointer is = read pointer -1
template<uint16_t SIZE=256>
class CircularByteBuffer {
struct MemBlock {
uint8_t *blockStart;
uint16_t blockLength;
uint8_t *_data;
uint16_t _readIndex;
uint16_t _writeIndex;
static constexpr uint16_t _mask = SIZE - 1;
// is the circular buffer a power of 2
static_assert((SIZE & (SIZE - 1)) == 0);
CircularByteBuffer &operator=(const CircularByteBuffer &) = default;
CircularByteBuffer(uint8_t (&data)[SIZE]);
CircularByteBuffer(const CircularByteBuffer &) = default;
~CircularByteBuffer() = default;
static uint16_t wrapIndex(int32_t index);
* The number of byte available to be read. Writing bytes to the buffer can only increase this amount.
uint16_t readBytesAvail() const;
* Return the number of bytes that can still be written. Reading bytes can only increase this amount.
uint16_t writeBytesAvail() const;
* Read a byte from the buffer and increment the read pointer
uint8_t readByte();
* Write a byte to the buffer and increment the write pointer. Throws away the byte if there is no space left.
* #param byte
void writeByte(uint8_t byte);
* Provide read only access to the buffer without incrementing the pointer. Whilst memory accesses outside the
* allocated memeory can be performed. Garbage data can still be read if that byte does not contain valid data
* #param pos the offset from teh current read pointer
* #return the byte at the given offset in the buffer.
uint8_t operator[](uint32_t pos) const;
* INcrement the read pointer by a given amount
void skipRead(uint16_t amount);
* Increment the read pointer by a given amount
void skipWrite(uint16_t amount);
* Get the start and lenght of the memeory block used for DMA writes into the queue.
* #return
MemBlock getDmaWriteBlock();
* Get the start and lenght of the memeory block used for DMA reads from the queue.
* #return
MemBlock getDmaReadBlock();
// CircularByteBuffer
// ------------------
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::CircularByteBuffer(uint8_t (&data)[SIZE]):
_writeIndex(0) {
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline uint16_t CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::wrapIndex(int32_t index){
return static_cast<uint16_t>(index & _mask);
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline uint16_t CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::readBytesAvail() const {
return wrapIndex(_writeIndex - _readIndex);
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline uint16_t CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::writeBytesAvail() const {
return wrapIndex(_readIndex - _writeIndex - 1);
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline uint8_t CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::readByte() {
if (readBytesAvail()) {
uint8_t result = _data[_readIndex];
_readIndex = wrapIndex(_readIndex+1);
return result;
} else {
return 0;
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline void CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::writeByte(uint8_t byte) {
if (writeBytesAvail()) {
_data[_writeIndex] = byte;
_writeIndex = wrapIndex(_writeIndex+1);
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline uint8_t CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::operator[](uint32_t pos) const {
return _data[wrapIndex(_readIndex + pos)];
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline void CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::skipRead(uint16_t amount) {
_readIndex = wrapIndex(_readIndex+ amount);
template<uint16_t SIZE>
inline void CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::skipWrite(uint16_t amount) {
_writeIndex = wrapIndex(_writeIndex+ amount);
template <uint16_t SIZE>
inline typename CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::MemBlock CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::getDmaWriteBlock(){
uint16_t len = static_cast<uint16_t>(SIZE - _writeIndex);
// full is (write == (read -1)) so on wrap around we need to ensure that we stop 1 off from the read pointer.
if( _readIndex == 0){
len = static_cast<uint16_t>(len - 1);
if( _readIndex > _writeIndex){
len = static_cast<uint16_t>(_readIndex - _writeIndex - 1);
return {&_data[_writeIndex], len};
template <uint16_t SIZE>
inline typename CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::MemBlock CircularByteBuffer<SIZE>::getDmaReadBlock(){
if( _readIndex > _writeIndex){
return {&_data[_readIndex], static_cast<uint16_t>(SIZE- _readIndex)};
} else {
return {&_data[_readIndex], static_cast<uint16_t>(_writeIndex - _readIndex)};

Cannot send packets over USBSerial on KL25Z

I have tried many different drivers and cannot successfully send data from the uC to the computer over USBSerial. I am trying the mbed-official USBSerial driver but have had the same results with the KL25Z fork and the ST micro fork as well as mbed OS2 an OS5. I am able to receive bytes freely from the computer to the uC but I cannot send data the other direction.
I have tried 3 different methods to send data to the computer: _putc(), writeBlock(), and printf(). For all three methods, the first byte is sent back to the computer successfully but then the device gets stuck in an endless while loop on line 863 in USBDevice.cpp. This is the 'Wait for completion' portion of the USBDevice::write() function.
I do not feel that I have enough knowledge about USB interfaces to properly debug this driver.
I have published my test program here.
#include "mbed.h"
#include "USBSerial.h"
//Virtual serial port over USB
USBSerial serial;
DigitalOut thisLED(LED1);
char temp[1];
void receiveSerial()
while (serial.readable())
temp[0] = serial._getc();
//serial.writeBlock((uint8_t *) temp,1);
int main(void) {
thisLED = !thisLED;

Atmel SAM D21 DMA stuck in busy state when using USB

I'm using the SAMD21 xPlained pro with a prototype to acquire a signal, using the internal ADC and DMAC which configured to collect 5500 samples.
The samples then transferred to a PC application via the target USB.
The firmware that I wrote for that is working, but I noticed that from time to time the DMA get stuck in busy state.
To debug that I canceled the transfer part to the PC via the USB.
I noticed that DMA works fine and transfers the samples to the memory, but if I connect the USB cable to the PC (without transferring data through the USB), the DMA gets stuck from time to time;
but once I disconnect the (target) USB cable, the DMA works continuously without getting stuck in busy state.
I suspect that it has something with the interrupt and priorities of the USB and the ADC, which are both using the DMA.
I thought I should set the ADC sampling at top priority so the USB won't cause the DMA stuck in busy state, but I couldn't find how to configure that in the code (I'm using ASF).
Any idea why plugging the USB causes the DMA occasionally stuck in busy state?
Should this problem relates to priorities as I suspect, any idea how to reduce the USB interrupt priority?
void GSWatchMainProcess(void)
static int i=0;
GSPacket PacketToStream;
switch (KnockKnockStateMachine)
case InitKnockKnock:
KnockKnockStateMachine = KnockKnockStandby;
case KnockKnockStandby:
if (StreamADC && !RequestForAcknowledge) KnockKnockStateMachine = WakeupAphrodite;
KnockKnockStateMachine = WakeupAphrodite; //this line was added to skip waiting for a command from the PC
case WakeupAphrodite:
if (dma_is_busy(&example_resource))
KnockKnockStateMachine = AbortKnockKnock;
port_pin_set_output_level(PIN_PB09, true);
port_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, false);
transfer_is_done = false;
KnockKnockStateMachine = AbortKnockKnock;
KnockKnockStateMachine = WaitForBurstToEnd;
i=200000; //this counter is used as work-around to reset the DMA when it get stuck after timeout
case WaitForBurstToEnd:
if (!dma_is_busy(&example_resource))
KnockKnockStateMachine = ProcessBurst;
if(!--i) // work-around to reset DMA when it get stuck
KnockKnockStateMachine = AbortKnockKnock;
case ProcessBurst:
for (i = 0; i<(ADC_SAMPLES); i++)
PacketToStream.Content[PacketToStream.ContentLength++] = adc_result_buffer[i] / 256;
PacketToStream.Content[PacketToStream.ContentLength++] = adc_result_buffer[i] % 256;
//if(PacketToStream.ContentLength>0) SendViaGSWatchLink(PacketToStream);
RequestForAcknowledge = true;
KnockKnockStateMachine = KnockKnockStandby;
case AbortKnockKnock:
port_pin_set_output_level(PIN_PB09, false);
port_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, true);
transfer_is_done = true;
dma_add_descriptor(&example_resource, &DMA_ADC_descriptor);
dma_register_callback(&example_resource, transfer_done, DMA_CALLBACK_TRANSFER_DONE);
dma_enable_callback(&example_resource, DMA_CALLBACK_TRANSFER_DONE);
KnockKnockStateMachine = WakeupAphrodite;
void transfer_done(struct dma_resource* const resource )
transfer_is_done = true;
port_pin_set_output_level(PIN_PB09, false);
port_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, true);
void setup_transfer_descriptor(DmacDescriptor *descriptor)
struct dma_descriptor_config descriptor_config;
descriptor_config.beat_size = DMA_BEAT_SIZE_HWORD;
descriptor_config.block_transfer_count = ADC_SAMPLES;
descriptor_config.dst_increment_enable = true;
descriptor_config.src_increment_enable = false;
descriptor_config.source_address = (uint32_t)(&adc_instance.hw->RESULT.reg);
//descriptor_config.destination_address = (uint32_t)adc_result_buffer + 2 * ADC_SAMPLES;
descriptor_config.destination_address = (uint32_t)adc_result_buffer + sizeof(adc_result_buffer);
dma_descriptor_create(descriptor, &descriptor_config);
void configure_dma_resource(struct dma_resource *resource)
struct dma_resource_config config_dma;
config_dma.peripheral_trigger = ADC_DMAC_ID_RESRDY;
config_dma.trigger_action = DMA_TRIGGER_ACTON_BEAT;
config_dma.priority = DMA_PRIORITY_LEVEL_3;
dma_allocate(resource, &config_dma);
void configure_adc(void)
struct adc_config config_adc;
// config_adc.gain_factor = ADC_GAIN_FACTOR_DIV2; //TODO: check if we need this feature
config_adc.clock_prescaler = ADC_CLOCK_PRESCALER_DIV32; //TODO: check whether it possible to work with 8
config_adc.positive_input = ADC_POSITIVE_INPUT_PIN8;
config_adc.negative_input = ADC_NEGATIVE_INPUT_GND;
config_adc.resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_12BIT;
config_adc.sample_length = 0; //4
config_adc.differential_mode = false;
config_adc.freerunning = true;
adc_init(&adc_instance, ADC, &config_adc);
I experienced a very similar issue. My SPI workes fine although I plugged in the USB but started with this Issue when I start it from a specific USB-CDC command.
I am working with asf 3.34 on as 7 and a L21 (very similar).
My workaround which is not clean but works:
After starting the DMA transfer I continiusly(while-loop) check for the transfer done bit(REG_DMAC_CHINTFLAG should be 0x2) and when it is I set the status to ok.
In Code:
while (!transfer_tx_is_done) {
/* Wait for transfer done */
if (SPI_done())
where SPI_done() checks the register and transfer_tx_is_done would be set by the interrupt (works sometimes [I said it is dirty])
I am no expert in USB and this is possibly unrelated to you case but I got also issues with USB-CDC and occasional freezing on UC3A3 chips I found out 2 separate reasons:
USB interrupt and tasks must have enough free MCU time
I am setting test bits on entering and exiting of each interrupt I got (USB included) and if they are too close to overlap weird things start to happen like freezing, output signal jitter (way bigger then all ISRs together), sync and acknowledge errors etc even if USB has the highest priority. If I re-time all the stuff I use so the interrupts are firing not at the same times all works good.
beware GPIO toggling is slow operation so you need to take that into account too.
Each version of Host OS (windows) has different timing
I use my MCU for full duplex synchronous bulk transfers and got 3 layers of FIFO (2 on Host and 1 on MCU) to keep up the sync (contnuous 24/7 ~640KByte/s in and ~640KByte/s out). With each new version of Windows (w2k -> Xp --> w7) something changed in either scheduling of threads or driver services and re-timing was necessary changing transfer times and timeouts so the lock less multi threads for RT synchronous USB transfers still work as should.
Latest thing I discover in W7 (they added new "feature") is that some USB controllers (like Intel) on Host side have either freezes on their own or different priorities of data transfers (either based on pipe or direction) and sending/receiving ratio 1:1 no more works on some machines causing freezes on the MCU side from 1ms up to few seconds due to blocked FIFOs. The workaround for that is to fully fill MCU receiving FIFO's (or increase MCU FIFO size which is not possible in my case as it takes almost all memory already) which should be done anyway but in my case I work in RT and do not have many packets ahead so I find out I need to send at least 3 times more packets then receive until the FIFOs full-fill over time (and each time the Host sending freezes which is for some machines all the time) just not to lost sync and all the half full FIFO mechanism on those machines not work anymore.
So in case your USB transfer is synchronized with host or the other way around it is worth to check different OS (like Xp) if the problem is also there. If not there is a high chance you got similar problems I was dealing with so you can try the workarounds ...

Write UART on PIC18

I need help with the uart communication I am trying to implement on my Proteus simulation. I use a PIC18f4520 and I want to display on the virtual terminal the values that have been calculated by the microcontroller.
Here a snap of my design on Proteus
Right now, this is how my UART code looks like :
#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000
#define _BAUDRATE 9600
void Configuration_ISR(void) {
IPR1bits.TMR1IP = 1; // TMR1 Overflow Interrupt Priority - High
PIE1bits.TMR1IE = 1; // TMR1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0; // TMR1 Overflow Interrupt Flag
// 0 = TMR1 register did not overflow
// 1 = TMR1 register overflowed (must be cleared in software)
RCONbits.IPEN = 1; // Interrupt Priority High level
INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; // Enables all low-priority peripheral interrupts
//INTCONbits.GIE = 1; // Enables all high-priority interrupts
void Configuration_UART(void) {
TRISCbits.TRISC6 = 0;
TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 1;
RCSTAbits.SPEN = 1; // enable serial port pins
RCSTAbits.RX9 = 0;
TXSTAbits.BRGH = 1; // fast baudrate
TXSTAbits.SYNC = 0; // asynchronous
TXSTAbits.TX9 = 0; // 8-bit transmission
TXSTAbits.TXEN = 1; // enble transmitter
void WriteByte_UART(unsigned char ch) {
while(!PIR1bits.TXIF); // Wait for TXIF flag Set which indicates
// TXREG register is empty
TXREG = ch; // Transmitt data to UART
void WriteString_UART(char *data) {
unsigned char ReceiveByte_UART(void) {
if(RCSTAbits.OERR) {
RCSTAbits.CREN = 0;
RCSTAbits.CREN = 1;
while(!PIR1bits.RCIF); //Wait for a byte
return RCREG;
And in the main loop :
while(1) {
WriteByte_UART('a'); // This works. I can see the As in the terminal
WriteString_UART("Hello World !"); //Nothing displayed :(
}//end while(1)
I have tried different solution for WriteString_UART but none has worked so far.
I don't want to use printf cause it impacts other operations I'm doing with the PIC by adding delay.
So I really want to make it work with WriteString_UART.
In the end I would like to have someting like "Error rate is : [a value]%" on the terminal.
Thanks for your help, and please tell me if something isn't clear.
In your WriteByte_UART() function, try polling the TRMT bit. In particular, change:
I don't know if this is your particular issue, but there exists a race-condition due to the fact that TXIF is not immediately cleared upon loading TXREG. Another option would be to try:
The issue is due to the fact that the PIC18 utilizes two different pointer types based on data memory and program memory. Try changing your declaration to void WriteString_UART(const rom char * data) and see what happens. You will need to change your WriteByte_UART() declaration as well, to void WriteByte_UART(const unsigned char ch).
Add delay of few miliseconds after line
TXREG = ch;
verify that pointer *data of WriteString_UART(char *data) actually point to
string "Hello World !".
It seems you found a solution, but the reason why it wasn't working in the first place is still not clear. What compiler are you using?
I learned the hard way that C18 and XC8 are used differently regarding memory spaces. With both compilers, a string declared literally like char string[]="Hello!", will be stored in ROM (program memory). They differ in the way functions use strings.
C18 string functions will have variants to access strings either in RAM or ROM (for example strcpypgm2ram, strcpyram2pgm, etc.). XC8 on the other hand, does the job for you and you will not need to use specific functions to choose which memory you want to access.
If you are using C18, I would highly recommend you switch to XC8, which is more recent and easier to work with. If you still want to use C18 or another compiler which requires you to deal with program/data memory spaces, then here below are two solutions you may want to try. The C18 datasheet says that putsUSART prints a string from data memory to USART. The function putrsUSART will print a string from program memory. So you can simply use putrsUSART to print your string.
You may also want to try the following, which consists in copying your string from program memory to data memory (it may be a waste of memory if your application is tight on memory though) :
char pgmstring[] = "Hello";
char datstring[16];
strcpypgm2ram(datstring, pgmstring);
In this example, the pointers pgmstring and datstring will be stored in data memory. The string "Hello" will be stored in program memory. So even if the pointer pgmstring itself is in data memory, it initially points to a memory address (the address of "Hello"). The only way to point to this same string in data memory is to create a copy of it in data memory. This is because a function accepting a string stored in data memory (such as putsUSART) can NOT be used directly with a string stored in program memory.
I hope this could help you understand a bit better how to work with Harvard microprocessors, where program and data memories are separated.

FTDI Communication with USB device - Objective C

I'm trying to communicate with the Enttec USB DMX Pro. Mainly receiving DMX.
They released a Visual C++ version here, but I'm a little stumped on what to do to convert to Obj-c. Enttec writes, "Talk to the PRO using FTDI library for Mac, and refer to D2XX programming guide to open and talk to the device." Any example apps for Objective-C out there? Is there an easy way to communicate with the Enttec DMX USB Pro?
I've done a significant amount of work with the FTDI chips on the Mac, so I can provide a little insight here. I've used the single-channel and dual-channel variants of their USB-serial converters, and they all behave the same way.
FTDI has both their Virtual COM Port drivers, which create a serial COM port on your system representing the serial connection attached to their chip, and their D2XX direct communication libraries. You're going to want to work with the latter, which can be downloaded from their site for various platforms.
The D2XX libraries for the Mac come in a standalone .dylib (the latest being libftd2xx.1.2.2.dylib) or a new static library they started shipping recently. Included in that package will be the appropriate header files you need (ftd2xx.h and WinTypes.h) as well.
In your Xcode project, add the .dylib as a framework to be linked in, and add the ftd2xx.h, WinTypes.h, and ftd2xx.cfg files to your project. In your Copy Bundled Frameworks build phase, make sure that libftd2xx.1.2.2.dylib and ftd2xx.cfg are present in that phase. You may also need to adjust the relative path that this library expects, in order for it to function within your app bundle, so you may need to run the following command against it at the command line:
install_name_tool -id #executable_path/../Frameworks/libftd2xx.1.2.2.dylib libftd2xx.1.2.2.dylib
Once your project is all properly configured, you'll want to import the FTDI headers:
#import "ftd2xx.h"
and start to connect to your serial devices. The example you link to in your question has a downloadable C++ sample that shows how they communicate to their device. You can bring across almost all of the C code used there and place it within your Objective-C application. They just look to be using the standard FTDI D2XX commands, which are described in detail within the downloadable D2XX Programmer's Guide.
This is some code that I've lifted from one of my applications, used to connect to one of these devices:
DWORD numDevs = 0;
// Grab the number of attached devices
ftdiPortStatus = FT_ListDevices(&numDevs, NULL, FT_LIST_NUMBER_ONLY);
if (ftdiPortStatus != FT_OK)
NSLog(#"Electronics error: Unable to list devices");
// Find the device number of the electronics
for (int currentDevice = 0; currentDevice < numDevs; currentDevice++)
char Buffer[64];
ftdiPortStatus = FT_ListDevices((PVOID)currentDevice,Buffer,FT_LIST_BY_INDEX|FT_OPEN_BY_DESCRIPTION);
NSString *portDescription = [NSString stringWithCString:Buffer encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
if ( ([portDescription isEqualToString:#"FT232R USB UART"]) && (usbRelayPointer != NULL))
// Open the communication with the USB device
ftdiPortStatus = FT_OpenEx("FT232R USB UART",FT_OPEN_BY_DESCRIPTION,usbRelayPointer);
if (ftdiPortStatus != FT_OK)
NSLog(#"Electronics error: Can't open USB relay device: %d", (int)ftdiPortStatus);
//Turn off bit bang mode
ftdiPortStatus = FT_SetBitMode(*usbRelayPointer, 0x00,0);
if (ftdiPortStatus != FT_OK)
NSLog(#"Electronics error: Can't set bit bang mode");
// Reset the device
ftdiPortStatus = FT_ResetDevice(*usbRelayPointer);
// Purge transmit and receive buffers
ftdiPortStatus = FT_Purge(*usbRelayPointer, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX);
// Set the baud rate
ftdiPortStatus = FT_SetBaudRate(*usbRelayPointer, 9600);
// 1 s timeouts on read / write
ftdiPortStatus = FT_SetTimeouts(*usbRelayPointer, 1000, 1000);
// Set to communicate at 8N1
ftdiPortStatus = FT_SetDataCharacteristics(*usbRelayPointer, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_1, FT_PARITY_NONE); // 8N1
// Disable hardware / software flow control
ftdiPortStatus = FT_SetFlowControl(*usbRelayPointer, FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0);
// Set the latency of the receive buffer way down (2 ms) to facilitate speedy transmission
ftdiPortStatus = FT_SetLatencyTimer(*usbRelayPointer,2);
if (ftdiPortStatus != FT_OK)
NSLog(#"Electronics error: Can't set latency timer");
Disconnection is fairly simple:
ftdiPortStatus = FT_Close(*electronicsPointer);
*electronicsPointer = 0;
if (ftdiPortStatus != FT_OK)
Writing to the serial device is then pretty easy:
__block DWORD bytesWrittenOrRead;
unsigned char * dataBuffer = (unsigned char *)[command bytes];
//[command getBytes:dataBuffer];
ftdiPortStatus = FT_Write(electronicsCommPort, dataBuffer, (DWORD)[command length], &bytesWrittenOrRead);
if((bytesWrittenOrRead < [command length]) || (ftdiPortStatus != FT_OK))
NSLog(#"Bytes written: %d, should be:%d, error: %d", bytesWrittenOrRead, (unsigned int)[command length], ftdiPortStatus);
return NO;
(command is an NSData instance, and runOnMainQueueWithoutDeadlocking() is merely a convenience function I use to guarantee execution of a block on the main queue).
You can read raw bytes from the serial interface using something like the following:
NSData *response = nil;
DWORD numberOfCharactersToRead = size;
__block DWORD bytesWrittenOrRead;
__block unsigned char *serialCommunicationBuffer = malloc(numberOfCharactersToRead);
ftdiPortStatus = FT_Read(electronicsCommPort, serialCommunicationBuffer, (DWORD)numberOfCharactersToRead, &bytesWrittenOrRead);
if ((bytesWrittenOrRead < numberOfCharactersToRead) || (ftdiPortStatus != FT_OK))
return nil;
response = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:serialCommunicationBuffer length:numberOfCharactersToRead];
At the end of the above, response will be an NSData instance containing the bytes you've read from the port.
Additionally, I'd suggest that you should always access the FTDI device from the main thread. Even though they say they support multithreaded access, I've found that any kind of non-main-thread access (even guaranteed exclusive accesses from a single thread) cause intermittent crashes on the Mac.
Beyond the cases I've described above, you can consult the D2XX programming guide for the other functions FTDI provides in their C library. Again, you should just need to move over the appropriate code from the samples that have been provided to you by your device manufacturer.
I was running into a similar issue (trying to write to the EntTec Open DMX using Objective-C), without any success. After following #Brad's great answer, I realized that you also need to toggle the BREAK state each time you send a DMX packet.
Here's an example of my loop in some testing code that sends packets with a 20 millisecond delay between frames.
while (1) {
ftdiPortStatus = FT_Write(usbRelayPointer, startCode, 1, &bytesWrittenOrRead);
ftdiPortStatus = FT_Write(usbRelayPointer, dataBuffer, (DWORD)[command length], &bytesWrittenOrRead);
Hope this helps someone else out there!