Jboss EAP7.3, Migration RestEasy 3.0.x to 4.x, jaxrs-api - migration

Jboss EAP7.3, Migration RestEasy 3.0.x to 4.x, jaxrs-api
I found
Should with Jboss EAP 7.x only used RestEasy3, or can also be used RestEasy4 ?
How to migrate following ?


Weblogic javax.interceptors issue

In weblogic 12.1.x usage of #Interceptors(SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.class) worked fine since javax.interceptor.Interceptors was part of wlfullclient.jar.
But in weblogic it is an issue as wlfullcient.jar is deprecated. I do not find javax.interceptor.Interceptors in wlthint3client.jar. How to use interceptors at the EJB level in weblogic Is there an alternative to #interceptors in weblogic
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
javax.interceptor.Interceptors is part of JavaEE since JavaEE 5. Add the missing dependency to your project.
eg. with maven and JavaEE7

jax-rs ClientBuilder in MobileFirst adapter on IBM Liberty

My goal is to use the jax-rs client to connect to a back-end inside the MobileFirst Java adapter, but I'm really stuck and need help.
The code that throws the exception:
javax.ws.rs.client.Client client = javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder.newClient();
The Exception that was thrown:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyClientBuilder`
The code is inside the Java adapter on MobileFirst server version 8.0 deployed on IBM Liberty server.
jaxrsClient-2.0 and jaxrs-2.0 features are enabled in the server feature manager in server.xml.
The application class is loaded configured like this:
<application id="mfp" name="mfp" location="mfp-server.war" type="war">
<classloader delegation="parentLast" apiTypeVisibility="spec, ibm-api, third-party"></classloader>
Here is the exception trace:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyClientBuilder
at javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder.newBuilder(ClientBuilder.java:103)
at javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder.newClient(ClientBuilder.java:114)
at com.ibm.ws.tcpchannel.internal.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.complete(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:83)
at com.ibm.ws.tcpchannel.internal.WorkQueueManager.requestComplete(WorkQueueManager.java:504)
at com.ibm.ws.tcpchannel.internal.WorkQueueManager.attemptIO(WorkQueueManager.java:574)
at com.ibm.ws.tcpchannel.internal.WorkQueueManager.workerRun(WorkQueueManager.java:929)
at com.ibm.ws.tcpchannel.internal.WorkQueueManager$Worker.run(WorkQueueManager.java:1018)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyClientBuilder
at com.ibm.mfp.server.core.shared.ParentLastClassLoader.findClass(ParentLastClassLoader.java:192)
at com.ibm.mfp.server.core.shared.ParentLastClassLoader.loadClass(ParentLastClassLoader.java:165)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:356)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:186)
at javax.ws.rs.client.FactoryFinder.newInstance(FactoryFinder.java:113)
at javax.ws.rs.client.FactoryFinder.find(FactoryFinder.java:206)
at javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder.newBuilder(ClientBuilder.java:86)
... 69 more
Please, help!
I was working on a similar requirement, I did try out a number of combinations before resolving the exception.
I am not sure why liberty is not providing with client implementation classes..
you could try including jersey-client through maven pom.xml..
In Server.xml remove the features
and just add below feature.
Liberty IS providing a client implementation, but the parentLast classloader delegation is preventing it from being used.
It would appear that MobileFirst is packaging Jersey, in which case, the Liberty's JAX-RS features should be disabled so that Jersey is used instead. This may require you to change how dependencies are declared in the maven/gradle artifacts.
This looks like a bug in WebSphere Liberty that was fixed in If the classes that are creating a new instance of the JAX-RS client is packaged in an OSGi bundle (either in an OSGi application or as part of a Liberty feature), then the JAX-RS client runtime cannot find the META-INF/services file that specifies Liberty's JAX-RS client implementation class (based on CXF) -- and so the JAX-RS runtime will fall back to the Jersey implementation, which won't be found unless you package it with your app.
The fix for this issue is described here. Basically, Liberty makes the META-INF/services file available to OSGi bundles.
The fix from Suresh worked. I just needed to add more dependencies in my pom.xml though. I don't think I need Moxy here.. will optimize further.

Latest maven dependency version for pentao kettle

I want to mavenize pentaho kettle plugin development, and using below xml code in pom.xml to upgrade the current version 4.4.0 stable to the latest one.
I Used , but 6.1 is stable latest according to pentaho site. Then what is the corresponding maven dependency for the same?
Here http://repo.pentaho.org/content/grou...e/kettle-core/ I can see the list of kettle maven dependencies . But which one is latest and stable version ? Please help me understand
AFAK you should use the maven dependency corresponding to the PDI version installed in your system. So if you are using Kettle version of then use the same maven dependency. Now from the above link, it seems that the latest version is If you are looking for the latest version, it is
POM link: http://repo.pentaho.org/content/groups/omni/pentaho-kettle/kettle-core/
Hope it helps :)

SmartGwt 2.4 with Maven on Eclipse

Could Smartgwt 2.4 be usable with maven.
I take “Missing artifact com.smartgwt:smartgwt:jar:2.4:compile” error When give smartgwt version “2.4″. “2.0″ is ok but 2.2 and above gives error.
Download the desired version of smartgwt.jar and smargwt-skins.jar and upload them to your own repository, such as nexus (http://nexus.sonatype.org/) and configure maven to use the resources from that repository as well.

Which maven2 artifacts are necessary to build a WS with CXF and Spring?

I'm trying to build a WS with Spring 3.0 and CXF. I'm following the steps of this article http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-pojo-springcxf/
But in that article, the authors assume that you have cxf installed. I'd like to embed CXF in my .war.
Thanks in advance.
Normally, just depend on cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws and cxf-rt-transport-http. Pretty much the rest of the stuff needed would be pulled in transitively from those. (might not even need cxf-rt-transport-http) That would cover 90% of the usecases.
For more advanced things like WS-Security and WS-RM and JAX-RS, you would need to add additional modules.