Video call automatically end exactly in 60 minutes when using agora call -

I have the issue is when I create a call between 2 devices, at the 60 minutes of that call the app will crash.
I'm following the docs agora videos call but can't find any solution for this.

I see Hải Trần has posted the response already in the comments.
But for anyone looking into this, you can use the delegate callback methods to be notified either when a token will expire soon, or has already expired.
This method will notify you 30 seconds before the current token expires:


Synchronous XMLHttpRequest broke website today

I got into work today and got a telling off from my boss because the company website wasn't loading properly on mobile. I looked in the console and saw the following error... Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check I clicked the link and the update was made yesterday (7th June 2016). How do I fix this error?
Usually the message you provided should not break a page from being rendered.
It just states that you should not use Synchronous XMLHttpRequest.
Synchronous requests will slow down rendering since the site has to wait for each request to complete in an iterative manner.
To "fix" that all your AJAX requests must be set to be async.

Objective C - depended asynchronous requests

I'm working on an app, where I have lot of async calls to our server.
My problem is that many of these calls uses a token, and for everytime I call the server with a token, I will receive a new token. This means that my async calls get synchronized because they new the newest token.
I'm using Jonathan Willings code from here:
This is ok, but it blocks my UI and I cannot figure out why.
Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance!
Sorry for the unclear question. I'm using the ASIFormDataRequest. I got it working by using a semaphore answered in this It's important though to reset the semaphore everytime, so that the signal doesn't increment for every time no calls are waiting.

iOS 7 multitasking and completionHandler

I am familiarising myself with this new feature on iOS 7 and I have a question regarding 'completionHandler'. As documentation states your app must call 'completionHandler' and pass either
once you have finished otherwise, your app will be suspended.
My question is, how's every one of these properties above is affecting the system? I mean, if for example your update failed and pass
then is your app placed on a 'High' priority queue or something in order to try again in a short period of time or has just no effect?
Thanks in advance.
this results trigger the further handling.
On UIBackgroundFetchResultFailed the task will later running again.
This WWDC 2013 Video will explain the details:
Session 204 - What's New With Multitasking

Shopify API call limit for private apps

We are developing a private app for use with our Shopify store. To ensure we don't cross the API limits, we've implemented a basic configurable delay per API call.
We started with the documented API limit of 500 calls every 5 minutes, which mapped to a delay of 600ms per call. However, after 50 calls the server doesn't respond to the HTTP GET.
Even after we increased the delay to 1200ms per API call, it still fails after 50 calls.
We are using the Shopify4J on a store that is in a trial period (myfirststore-3).
I've looked at the wiki, api docs, forums and SO - but there is no mention of any other limit except the official 500/5min limit.
Are we running into a different call limit for private apps or trial stores ?
It seems the problem is in the java client implementation itself. We figured this out by adding all initializations inside our loop.
After making that change, we were able to make up to 500 API call per 5 minutes as documented.
We had added the apache httpclient library to the Shopify4J package to make it work on our backend servers, and it probably needs some tweaking. Ofcourse this is not a long term solution to our problem but it does answer this question.
Once we figure out the problem in our code, will post a comment here.

Spotify App API calls failing to return

I'm building an app which requests data for several albums and playlists when it first loads.
For each of these I am calling either
models.Album.fromURI(uri, function(album){});
models.Playlist.fromURI(uri, function(playlist){});
For the majority of the time these work fine and I can get info from the album or playlist from within the callback function, however, occasionally (5% of the time) the callback function is never called and I'm left with an incomplete data set for my app to display.
I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered similar problems or has any insight into what might be causing it (API bugs, request rate limiting, etc)
Unfortunately, the Spotify Apps API 0.X lacked an error callback function that could be called when something went wrong when calling models.Album.fromURI or models.Playlist.fromURI.
This has been greatly improved in the Spotify Apps API 1.x through the use of Promises:
.done(function(track) { console.log(; })
.fail(function(track, error) { console.log(error.message); });