redis how to get first key-value pair of hash map - redis

I would like to have something like the following table in redis.
host name
back queue
As far as I know, the best way to implement this is to use redis hashes (with host name as key and back queue as value). However, in my use case, I also want to get the first key-value pair present in the hash map.
How can this be implemented? Are there any redis datatypes specifically for this?


Add Version/Flavor to Keys in Redis

We are storing path's to data in redis as following:
KEY: `/pathOfUniqueAsset/v11/`
VALUE: `/disk1/pathOfUniqueAsset/path/v/11/`.
As you can see, the v which stands for version, will grow over time. I was wondering if there is a way to store flavors/versions of a key/value pair?
You can use a Hash instead of a String, as the key's value type. In the Hash, you can have a field per version/flavor and have the value as the associated path.
HSET /pathOfUniqueAsset v11 /disk1/pathOfUniqueAsset/path/v/11/
What are you trying to achieve? Do you need to keep older versions? If not, overwrite the key. If yes, what would 'version' of the key give you? You already know your version from the key. If you arrange your keys as pathOfUniqueAsset.v11, you can later issue KEYS pathOfUniqueAsset.* (or better SCAN) to get all versions. This way you can set EXPIRE individually. If you'll use HSET like #ItamarHaber suggests you can only delete values manually, but iterating a set is much faster than KEYS lookup (EDIT: actually, it depends on some factors, mostly the amount of other keys).
If you instead want a list of assets for each version kept together, you can use dedicated set of all keys associated to this version. Like
SET /pathOfUniqueAsset/v1 ...
HSET assets.v1 pathOfUniqueAsset /pathOfUniqueAsset/v1

How can I let multiple nodes to store one hash map in Redis

In cluster mode of Redis, is a piece of data with a specific key has to be stored in a specific node, no matter what data structure the it has (e.g. List/Hash)?
For example, I have a hash map:
HMSET website google yahoo
The key of the hash map is "website", and the hash map has data {,}. In my understanding, the hash map is stored in only one node of the cluster. It will be not efficient when the hash map is large (e.g. 400M key-value pairs in one hash map).
My question is: is there a way to automatically distribute the contents of the hash map of the same key among the cluster? For example, store pair {} in node 0 and store pair {yahoo} in node 1, when the key of the hash map is still "website"?
In cluster mode of Redis, is a piece of data with a specific key has to be stored in a specific node, no matter what data structure the it has (e.g. List/Hash)?
Yes - every key is mapped to a hash slot, that a single cluster instance manages.
My question is: is there a way to automatically distribute the contents of the hash map of the same key among the cluster?
No - data is distributed between nodes at key level. A given key's data structure cannot be distributed between multiple shards. To distribute the data, you'll have to model it using more keys.
Correctly modeling your needs requires knowing what type of operations you'll be performing against your distributed "hash map" and their respective frequencies. Feel free to add this information to the question, or open a new one that is more focused on your requirements.

Query on non key in Redis

I am storing objects as hash ,for example: key-> customer:123 ,email->,mobile->828212,name->darshan etc...
Now is it possible in redis to query customers based on email without storing the cross relationship as set which is more of a workaround.
like for example,at the time of insertion of customer storing Set as key-> value->customer:123 and so on.
Lets say if I have 100 fields in a hash, and i need to query 20 of them(like email)
it increases the count of keys in redis instance significantly if we create each entry of those fields in Sets as well.
Is there any other alternative or better approach?
Redis doesn't have inbuilt indexing/searching by fields because it is not a database but more like a data structures server(each key holds a data structure like set/list/map/sortedset/number of unique values etc), but if you are using redis 4.0 you can use the search module to accomplish it. The link is here.

Copy one key from one redis instance to another

I have a Redis implementation with 6 nodes (3 masters 3 slaves - cluster enabled). I have load in every master an amount of keys.
So, my question is:
Is it possible to actual copy one key from to
For example lets say that my key has the name "testkey". If i copy this key from 30001 to 30002, when i want to get the key from 30001 or from 30002 the response must fetch the value of "testkey" in both calls.
No, that not how it works.
Keys in the cluster are assigned to hash slots and slots are assigned to master nodes. The keys' assignment is done by hashing their names (or the hash tag in them) so it is consistent, meaning that a given key name always hashes to the same slot.
A key can exist only once in the keyspace, but the slot it belongs to can be moved between masters. To scale reads from that key you can use the slave of the applicable master.
A good point to start understanding how the cluster works is by referring to the [tutorial](].

Redis: how to use it similar to multi-tables

It seems that Redis has no any entity corresponding to "table" in relational database.
For instance, I have to store:
(token, user_id)
(cart_id, token, [{product_id, count}])
If it doesn't separate store those two, the get method would search from both, which would cause chaos.
By the way, (cart_id, token, [{product_id, count}]) is a shopping cart, how to design such data structure in redis?
It seems that Redis has no any entity corresponding to "table" in relational database.
Right, because it is not a relational database. It is a data structure server which is very different and requires a different approach to be used well.
Ultimately to use Redis in the way it is intended you need to not think in relational terms, but think of the data structures you use in the code. More specifically, how do you need the data when you want to consume it? That will be the most likely way to store it in Redis.
In this case there are a few options, but the hash method works incredibly well for this one so I'll detail it here.
First, create a hash, call it users:to:tokens. Store as the key in the hash the user id, and the value the token. Next create the inverse, a hash called 'tokens:to:users'. You will probably be wanting both of these - the ability to look one up from the other - and this foundation will provide that.
Next, for your carts. This, too, will be a hash: carts:cart_id. In this hash you have the product_id and the count.
Finally up is your third hash token:to:cart which builds an index of tokens to cart id. I'd go a step further and do user:to:cart to be able to pull carts by user as well.
Now as to whether to store the keynote in the map or not, I tend to go with "no". By just storing the ID you can easily build the Redis cart key and not store the key's full path in the data store as well the saving memory usage.
Indeed, if you can do so use integers for all of your IDs. By using integers you can take advantage of Redis' integer storage optimizations to keep memory usage down. Hashes storing integers are quite efficient and very fast.
If needed you can use Redis to build your IDs. You can use the INCR command to build a counter for each data type such as userid:counter, cartid:counter, and tokenid:counter. As INCR returns the new value you make a single call to increment and get the new ID and get cartid:counter will always give you the largest ID if you wanted to quickly see how many carts have been created. Kinda neat , IMO.
Now, where it gets tricky is if you want to use expiration to automatically expire carts as opposed to leaving them to "lie around" until you want to clean things up. By setting an expiration on the cart hash (which has the product,count mapping) your carts will automatically expire. However, their references will still be hanging out in the token:to:cart hash. Removing that is a simple periodic task which treats over the members of token:to:cart and does an exists check on the cart's key. If it doesn't exist delete it from the hash.
Redis is a key-value storage. From
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure
store, used as database, cache and message broker. It supports data
structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with
range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with
radius queries.
So if you want to store two diffetent types (tokens and carts) you will need to store two keys for different datatypes. For example:> hset tokens.token_id#123 user user123
(integer) 1> hget tokens.token_id#123 user
Where tokens is a namespace for tokens only. It is stored as Redis-Hash:
Redis Hashes are maps between string fields and string values, so they
are the perfect data type to represent objects
To store lists I would do the following:> hmset carts.cart_1 token token_id#123 cart_contents cart_contents_key1
OK> hmget carts.cart_1 token cart_contents
1) "token_id#123"
2) "cart_contents_key1" # cart_contents is a list of receipts.
cart_contents are represented as a Redis-List:> rpush cart_contents.cart_contents_key1 receipt_key1
(integer) 1> lrange cart_contents.cart_contents_key1 0 -1
1) "receipt_key1"
Receipt is Redis-Hash for a tuple (product_id, count):> hmset receipts.receipt_key1 product_id 43 count 2
OK> hmget receipts.receipt_key1 product_id count
1) "43" # Your final product id.
2) "2"
But do you really need Redis in this case?