playwright integration with Selenium Grid - selenium

I have started using playwright automation tool from last few weeks, I want to understand, Is it possible to run playwright test using selenium grid? how I can point my test cases to grid hub endpoint using playwright?
In case of selenium we simply use RemoteWebdriver but I am not finding similar option in playwright.

Yes it is. You can use BrowserType.connect_over_cdp() to connect to your existing Chromium browsers over the Chrome DevTools Protocol. But this has the downside that you can't use WebKit or Firefox with it.


MicrosoftWebDriver 16299, 15063 doesn't work when I minimise Edge browser window

When I execute tests using MicrosoftWebDriver for Edge all works fine, but when I minimise the window all tests become failed. Does Edge or MicrosoftWebDriver have any options to avoid that behavior?
As you have been trying to minimise the Browser Window while your Test Execution is In Progress it will be against all the Best Practices. At this point it is worth to mention that as Selenium mocks the User Actions hence Selenium needs Browser focus. If the focus is lost Selenium won't be able to execute the lines of code. Consider the following steps while your Test Execution :
Browser Maximize : While you execute your tests always keep the Web Browser maximized so majority of the elements are within the Viewport
As per best practices, you should try to execute your Test Scripts / Automation Framework in an isolated Test Environment away from Manual Intervention with all the required Software and Hardware configurations and setup.
You can find a detailed discussion in How to run chrome driver in background using selenium with Ruby for Mac OSx?
You also have an option to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox in Headless version.
For Firefox you can find a detailed discussion in How to make firefox headless programatically in Selenium with python?
For Chrome you can find a detailed discussion in selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH error with Headless Chrome
For Ghost Browser you can find a detailed discussion in Which drivers support “no-browser”/“headless” testing?

is possible run selenium with headless browser to handle functionalities?

My objective is running automation based selenium webdriver from Jenkins, but jenkins cannot open browser when build job. so I modified my code to run in headless mode. since implementing headless browser, having some big question
is possible to handle end to end business on headless browser? cause end to end need inspect element as the process
if headless browser cannot handle, do you have some suggestion?
thanks, I'm very low to integrate automation
You don't have to change the code to run a Selenium test with Jenkins in headless mode.
You can use a Jenkins plugin of a headless X server to run your tests on an installed browser. You will even get screenshots.

Does Behat started to use selenium webdriver?

I know , behat framework uses Selenium stand alone server to run the files which is not very effective. Has it been updated to use selenium webdriver ??...
"uses Selenium stand alone server to run the files which is not very effective. Has it been updated to use selenium webdriver"
Using the stand-alone server is irrelevant. The stand-alone server has both Selenium RC and Selenium WebDriver built in. It all depends on which classes you are extending from.
So to your question:
Has it been updated to use selenium webdriver?
Behat is just a DSL of sorts... If you are using Behat with Selenium, then it depends on what you are extending your classes from.
Behat itself has nothing to do with selenium.
Web automation is implemented in Mink, which is used with Behat via the MinkExtension.
All the drivers supported by Mink out of the box are listen in their docs:
As you probably noticed there are two selenium drivers - SeleniumDriver supports the old SeleniumRC protocol - while Selenium2Driver supports the webdriver.

Selenium Junits on headless browser

I have recorded scripts through Selenium IDE and converted them to JUnit 4 Webdriver scripts.
Of course converted scripts had to be changed to run smoothly as Junits. Now my next goal is to make these scripts run on CI, So obviously I need some headless browser for this purpose. I found some threads, but I am looking for Junits specifically.
What could be the best solution/approach for this, any help in this regard is appreciated.
Take a look at PhantomJS. It is a headless WebKit-based browser and there is Selenium WebDriver for that called GhostDriver.
That's what i use and is OK but there is also the option of using a headed browser like Firefox or Chrome and then use Xvfb to ignore screen output.

Run Geb tests with chromeDriver without opening the browser

I want to run my Geb specs with chrome driver without having to watch the tests on the browser? can this be done?
P.D.: I know I can use the HtmlUnitDriver, but this driver sometimes gives my errors (caused mainly by timeouts) that the chrome driver don't.
There is currently no way to do this with Chrome, Safari, Opera or FireFox, however there are multiple options you can do. First is to pipe the "window" into a virtual frame buffer (if you're using Linux). This process will pop open the browser, only in memory. I talk about this in my blog post ( during the maven pre-integration phase
The other option is to use the brand new GhostDriver. GhostDriver is a WebDriver implementation of PhantomJS which is a headless WebKit. This is WAY better than HtmlUnit but still has some features being built out. GhostDriver is currently not in Maven Central, so you will need to manually add it to the common repository. You can then use it as a WebDriver. This has worked for me with moderate success (90% of my test cases dropped in without any changes needed).
Read this first:
Then refer to the GitHub README and code: