I am trying to display the image from firebase storage. Below is the file location copied from firebase storage. It is a jpeg file
My following code returned error.
useEffect(() => {
function geturl(){
const filename = "profile/"+userid+"/profilepic.jpeg";
var ref = firebase.storage().ref(filename);
// This returns the exact file name
ref.getDownloadURL().then((url)=> {
}, []);
I got this error [object Object]. After that, I tried the following code async await
useEffect(() => {
async function geturl(){
const filename = "profile/"+userid+"/profilepic.jpeg";
var ref = firebase.storage().ref(filename);
console.log("inside geturl");
const downloadurl = await ref.getDownloadURL();
}, []);
Now Im getting the following error.
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 29):
"code_": "storage/object-not-found",
"message_": "Firebase Storage: Object 'profile/2186uPKjgo4pMOQNm0Cm/profilepic.jpeg' does not exist.",
"name_": "FirebaseError",
"serverResponse_": "{
\"error\": {
\"code\": 404,
\"message\": \"Not Found. Could not get object\",
\"status\": \"GET_OBJECT\"
Please let me know how I can get the url?
here you go you can use this function it uploads image to firebase storage and get the image uri at the same time
const uploadImage = async () => {
const response = await fetch(image);
const blob = await response.blob();
let filename = image.substring(image.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
const ext = filename.split('.').pop();
const name = filename.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.');
filename = name + Date.now() + '.' + ext;
try {
var ref = firebase.storage().ref().child('post-images/'+filename);
await ref.put(blob)
.then(snapshot => {
return snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();
.then(downloadURL => {
console.log(`Successfully uploaded file and got download link');
return downloadURL;
return null;
} catch (error) {
return null;
I'm having trouble saving a .DOC file using expo-file-system.
I'm getting the following feedback:
[Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Invalid argument "localUri". It
must be a string!]
This is my current code:
useEffect(() => {
const saveFile = async () => {
const { granted } = await Notifications
.then((response) => response)
.catch((error) => error);
if (granted) {
data.map(async (index) => {
const date = new Date(index.synchronization)
const formattedDate = date.toISOString().split('T')[0];
const fileUri = `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}${formattedDate}.doc`;
await FileSystem.writeAsStringAsync(
"Hello World, i'am saving this file :)",
encoding: FileSystem.EncodingType.UTF8
const asset = await MediaLibrary.createAssetAsync(`${fileUri}`);
await MediaLibrary.createAssetAsync(asset);
}, [data]);
The error is probably occurring on this line:
const asset = await MediaLibrary.createAssetAsync(`${fileUri}`);
await MediaLibrary.createAssetAsync(asset);
Okay, I did!
It's a boring prank these promises
const { uri } = await MediaLibrary
.then((response) => response)
.catch((error) => error);;
await MediaLibrary.createAssetAsync(uri);
Necessita do uso de then and catch
How to post a file to Amazon S3 using node and react and save it path to mongoDB. with mongoose and formidable.
private async storeFile(file: { buffer: Buffer, fileId: string }): Promise<string> {
try {
const awsConfig = new AWS.Config(storageConfig);
const s3 = new AWS.S3(awsConfig);
let storageLink = undefined;
fs.readFile(file.buffer, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
const params = {
Key: `${storageConfig.s3Prefix}${file.fileId}`,
Body: data,
s3.upload(params, (s3Err: Error, s3Data: AWS.S3.ManagedUpload.SendData) => {
if (s3Err) {
throw s3Err;
storageLink = s3Data.Location;
return storageLink;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
In your Service file where you wanna call this function, update with record in collection
const storageLink = this.storeFile({ buffer, fileId });
const file = await file.updateOne({ _id: fileId }, {
status: fileStatus.UPLOADED, // just a flag
fileId: storageLink,
Im trying to find an efficient way to get the url of an image in firebase right after ive uploaded it.
Id like to avoid writing a totally separate function to this....and instead Id like to include it in the promise chain. See code below
import storage from '#react-native-firebase/storage';
.then(() => {
//Id like to use getDownloadUrl() function here;
You can create chain of promises using await and then easily get your download url as below :
* Upload the image to the specific firebase path
* #param {String} uri Uri of the image
* #param {String} name Name of the image
* #param {String} firebasePath Firebase image path to store
const uploadImage = async (uri, name, firebasePath) => {
const imageRef = storage().ref(`${firebasePath}/${name}`)
await imageRef.putFile(uri, { contentType: 'image/jpg'}).catch((error) => { throw error })
const url = await imageRef.getDownloadURL().catch((error) => { throw error });
return url
Now you can call this function as below :
const uploadedUrl = await uploadImage('uri/of/local/image', 'imageName.jpg', 'path/to/remote/folder');
Now uploadedUrl will contains url of the uploaded image.
Good answer from Kishan but did not work for me....below includes some minor modifications so would work for me.
const localUri = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? imgPickResponse.uri.replace('file://', '') : imgPickResponse.uri;
this.uploadImageAndGetUrl(localUri, '/profilePics/' + this.props.userId)
.then(url => {console.log(url);});
uploadImageAndGetUrl = async (localUri, firebasePath) => {
try {
const imageRef = storage().ref(firebasePath);
await imageRef.putFile(localUri, {contentType: 'image/jpg'});
const url = await imageRef.getDownloadURL();
return url;
} catch (err) {
In my case, uri threw an error with Android permissions. So following function worked for me. Instead of uri, I passed response.path from the ImagePicker. Tip: you can use uuid to generate random file name.
this.uploadAndReturnFirestoreLink(response.path, 'images/' + 'example.jpg')
uploadAndReturnFirestoreLink = async (loaclPath, folderPath) => {
try {
const imageRef = storage().ref(folderPath);
await imageRef.putFile(loaclPath, { contentType: 'image/jpg' });
const url = await imageRef.getDownloadURL();
alert('Upload Success', url)
} catch (e) {
I need way to upload image to firebase
i tried to use react-native-fetch-blob library
but I think there is something wrong with installing the library
No need to use react-native-fetch-blob. Here is how I do it on my project.
Install both react-native-firebase and react-native-image-picker. Follow the installation steps from their documentation guide.
Then implement 2 small functions to do image pick and upload to firebase. Here is the sample code.
// 1. Import required library
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';
import ImagePicker from 'react-native-image-picker';
// 2. Create a function to pick the image
const pickImage = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ImagePicker.showImagePicker(pickerOptions, response => {
if (response.didCancel) return;
if (response.error) {
const message = `An error was occurred: ${response.error}`;
reject(new Error(message));
const { path: uri } = response;
// 3. Create a function to upload to firebase
const uploadImage = async (fileName, uri) {
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject) => {
Then simply firing both function as you need, here is the sample to pick and immediately upload it.
const pickImageAndUpload = async () => {
const uri = await pickImage();
const fileName = 'someImage.jpg';
const { state, downloadURL } = await uploadImage(fileName, uri);
async function uploadImageAsync(itemImage, passedParameter, ItemName, ItemDesc, ItemPrice, ItemWeight) {
const response = await fetch(itemImage);
const blob = await response.blob();
console.log("uri of the elements ius", blob)
var storageRef = firebase.storage().ref();
var file = blob
var metadata = {
contentType: 'image/jpeg',
const timeStamp = Date.now();
var uploadTask = storageRef.child('CategoryDescription' + "/" + `${passedParameter}` + "/" + `${ItemName}`).put(file, metadata);
//For image pick
pickImage = async () => {
const { CAMERA, CAMERA_ROLL } = Permissions;
const permissions = {
[CAMERA]: await Permissions.askAsync(CAMERA),
[CAMERA_ROLL]: await Permissions.askAsync(CAMERA_ROLL),
if (permissions[CAMERA].status === 'granted' && permissions[CAMERA_ROLL].status === 'granted') {
let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
allowsEditing: false,
quality: 0.5,
// console.log(result);
if (!result.cancelled) {
this.setState({ itemImage: result.uri });
My goal is to retrieve a file from Google Storage and then send it back via response. The problem is that, when I launch this function for the first time it crashes with Error [ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END]: write after end. The next executions work fine.
exports = module.exports = region(defaultRegion).https.onRequest(async (req, res): Promise<void> => {
const [authError] = await to(handleAuth(req, res));
if (authError) {
const { assetId, contentType, path } = req.query;
const file = bloqifyStorage.bucket().file(`assets/${assetId}/${path}`);
const fileExists = (await file.exists())[0];
if (!fileExists) {
res.status(404).send(`${path} was not found`);
const fileStream = file.createReadStream();
fileStream.pipe(res).on('end', (): void => {
res.setHeader('content-type', contentType);
What am I missing here?
Edit: removing the set header doesn't solve it. Ex:
const fileStream = file.createReadStream();
// res.setHeader('content-type', contentType);
fileStream.pipe(res).on('error', (e): void => {
It will print the same error.