Need help. An error occurs during import:
By default, JavaScript assumes imports without a file extension to end in .js
So you're looking for a file at './src/pages/HomeContainer.js'
This file doesn't exist.
Changing the file extension of HomeContainer to .js will fix the issue or by changing your imports to include the .jsx file extension.
import React from 'react';
import HomeContainer from '.src/pages/HomeContainer.jsx';
If you don't want to add .jsx on your import you could add resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.jsx'] } to your webpack.config.
(From Francesco Orsi's answer
// ...
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
include: path.join(__dirname, '/client/src'),
// loader: 'babel',
loader: 'babel-loader',
query: {
presets: ["react", "es2015"],
plugins: ["transform-class-properties"]
test: /\.css$/,
loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx']
// ...
Attempting to load SCSS files from the relative path within Vue component fails.
Config details:
Using "mochapack": "^2.1.2",
Using "sass-loader": "^10.2.0",
$ node -v
const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals');
const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader');
const { alias } = require('./webpack.config.js'); // webpack.config.js is our main, this config is for testing.
module.exports = {
target: 'node', // webpack should compile node compatible code
externals: [nodeExternals()], // in order to ignore all modules in node_modules folder
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.vue$/,
loader: 'vue-loader'
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader'
test: /\.css$/,
use: [
test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
use: [
loader: 'vue-style-loader',
options: {
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapContents: false
loader: 'css-loader',
options: {
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapContents: false
resolve: {
alias: {
extensions: ['.js', '.vue']
plugins: [
new VueLoaderPlugin(),
As you can see, attempting to use URL rewriting per webpack recommendation still fails.
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
SassError: Can't find stylesheet to import.
126 │ #forward "../settings.scss";
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Debugging attempts:
Checked settings.scss for errors, even when the file is empty it still can't find it.
It def has something to do with the relative path, but the plugin that is supposed to resolve that doesn't seem to work. I'm hoping this is just me not using it right. But I followed their instructions.
I had a similar error, turned out there was a space in the name of a parent directory of the project that was causing the settings.scss to not be found. Try removing the whitespace from all parent directories.
I'm creating a project in Rails with vue, for this I'm working with webpack, what happens and my text editor, atom IDE, does not process the .vue files, I've tried the steps that the documentation recommends, but I do not know what I'm doing wrong
I provided loading the vue-loader by npm, but I still can not see the .vue files in my project, then I did it by configuring in the webpack.config.js file, and nothing. Then I leave the links of the things I did that did not work.
import ExtractTextPlugin from 'extract-text-webpack-plugin';
import OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin from '../../../src/';
module.exports = {
entry: './index',
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
fallback: { loader: 'style-loader' },
use: {
loader: 'css-loader',
options: { minimize: true }
vue: {
loaders: {
sass: 'style!css!sass?indentedSyntax',
scss: 'style!css!sass'
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin('file.css'),
new OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin({
assetNameRegExp: /optimize-me\.css/g
I hope to be able to work the .vue files
I am working on a Vue project where I'm attempting to use VuexORM. Upon initial install, I was getting an odd error:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../uex-orm/core'.
It should instead be ../#vuex-orm/core (notice it's missing the # and 'v' character).
I double-checked that I hadn't mistyped my imports. Then I realized that I'd implemented an alias so that I could import from the src/ directory with an # symbol, which I believe explains the odd-looking import. I must have misconfigured my webpack or .babelrc (very possible because I suck at both).
How should I go about setting up my webpack.config.js and/or .babelrc so that I can both use an alias for imports as well as import libraries such as #vuex-orm?
const path = require('path');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');
module.exports = {
mode: 'development',
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.vue'],
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.vue?$/,
exclude: /(node_modules)/,
use: 'vue-loader',
test: /\.js?$/,
exclude: /(node_modules)/,
use: 'babel-loader',
test: /\.css$/,
use: [{ loader: 'style-loader' }, { loader: 'css-loader' }],
test: /\.sass$/,
use: [
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
indentedSyntax: true,
test: /\.svg$/,
loader: 'svg-inline-loader',
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: './src/index.html',
new Dotenv(),
devServer: {
historyApiFallback: true,
externals: {
// global app config object
config: JSON.stringify({
apiUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
"presets": [
"plugins": [
["babel-plugin-root-import", {
"rootPathSuffix": "src/",
"rootPathPrefix": "#"
I went through the docs again for babel-plugin-root-import and either missed it or it was recently edited, but they mention:
If you don't like the ~ syntax you can use your own symbol (for
example an # symbol or \ or anything you want). Using # is not
recommended, as recent versions of NPM allow # in package names. ~ is
the default since it's very unlikely to conflict with anything (and
wouldn't be expanded to HOME anyway).
So going through and changing my imports from #/_components/User' to ~/_components/User works!
Hope this helps someone else!
I am trying to use the following code in my vue.config.js file, but it is giving me errors that module is not allowed. I am aware that there are configureWebpack and chainWebpack options, but I have no idea how to convert the following to use them. Any help would be appreciated
var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
// Putting module in here does not work
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.vue$/,
loader: 'vue-loader',
options: {
loaders: {
'scss': [
loader: "sass-loader",
options: {
includePaths: [
path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules/#syncfusion")
and in my vue file
<style lang="scss">
#import 'subfolder-inside-syncfusion/some-file.scss';
Link to code I found:
You dont have to tap into the webpack config, if all you need is to include a global SCSS file. To import #syncfusion from node_modules, you can setup your vue.config.js like so:
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
data: `#import "~#syncfusion";`
For more info, see the Vue docs "Working with CSS".
I use MiniCssExtractPlugin in a project which has some problem when I import css file inside node modules in a vue file. Import statement:
import '../../../node_modules/video.js/dist/video-js.css
Webpack config:
test: /\.css$/,
use: [
loader: 'css-loader',
options: { url: false }
No style has been applied using the above setting. I tried to create a test.css file and put around in different folder. All directory will work except inside node_modules folder. Please help.
Extra info:
If I replace MiniCssExtractPlugin with style-loader, everything will be ok.
test: /\.css$/,
use: [
{ loader: 'style-loader' },
loader: 'css-loader',
options: { url: false }