can anybody suggest a package for neural ode for tensorflow? - tensorflow

I tried this :,
but had an issue and cannot proceed further -

Tensorflow Probability has differentiable ODE solvers here.
You will get used to TFP solvers soon because the interface is much similar to tfdiffeq.
(But it also has some issues and I'm having trouble too😥)


How to integrate a pytorch model into a dynamic optimization, for example in Pyomo or gekko

Let's say I have a pytorch-model describing the evolution of some multidimensional system based on its own state x and an external actuator u. So x_(t+1) = f(x_t, u_t) with f being the artificial neural network from pytorch.
Now i want to solve a dynamic optimization problem to find an optimal sequence of u-values to minimize an objective that depends on x. Something like this:
min sum over all timesteps phi(x_t)
s.t.: x_(t+1) = f(x_t, u_t)
Additionally I also have some upper and lower bounds on some of the variables in x.
Is there an easy way to do this using a dynamic optimization toolbox like pyomo or gekko?
I already wrote some code that transforms a feedforward neural network to a numpy-function which can then be passed as a constraint to pyomo. The problem with this approach is, that it requires significant reprogramming-effort every time the structure of the neural network changes, so quick testing becomes difficult. Also integration of recurrent neural networks gets difficult because hidden cell states would have to be added as additional variables to the optimization problem.
I think a good solution could be to do the function evaluations and gradient calculations in torch and somehow pass the results to the dynamic optimizer. I'm just not sure how to do this.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Tensorflow or Pytorch models can't be directly integrated into the GEKKO at this moment. But, I believe you can retrieve the derivatives from Tensorflow and Pytorch, which allows you to pass them to the GEKKO.
There is a GEKKO Brain module and examples in the link below. You can also find an example that uses GEKKO Feedforward neural network for dynamic optimization.
GEKKO Brain Feedforward neural network examples
MIMO MPC example with GEKKO neural network model
Recurrent Neural Network library in the GEKKO Brain module is currently being developed, which allows using all the GEKKO's dynamic optimization functions easily.
In the meantime, you can use a sequential method by wrapping the TensorFlow or PyTorch models in the available optimization solver such as scipy optimization module.
Check out the below link for a dynamic optimization example with Keras LSTM model and scipy optimize.

Is there a tf.keras.optimizers implementation for L-BFGS?

Does anybody have a Tensorflow 2 tf.keras subclass for the L-BFGS algorithm? If one wants to use L-BFGS, one has currently two (official) options:
TF Probability
SciPy optimization
These two options are quite cumbersome to use, especially when using custom models. So I am planning to implement a custom subclass of tf.keras.optimizers to use L-BFGS. But before I start, I was curious, whether somebody already tackled this task?
I've implemented an interface between keras and SciPy optimize.
I'm using 'cg' by default but you should also be able to use 'l-bfgs'. Take a look at the unit tests for example usage. I will add documentation as soon as possible.
Does anybody have a Tensorflow 2 tf.keras subclass for the L-BFGS algorithm?
Yes, here's (yet another) implementation L-BFGS (and any other scipy.optimize.minimize solver) for your consideration in case it fits your use case:
This package has a similar goal to Pedro's answer above, but I would recommend it over the keras-opt package if you run into issues with memory consumption during training. I implemented kormos when trying to build a Rendle-type factorization machine and kept OOMing with other full-batch solver implementations.
These two options are quite cumbersome to use, especially when using custom models. So I am planning to implement a custom subclass of tf.keras.optimizers to use L-BFGS. But before I start, I was curious, whether somebody already tackled this task?
Agreed, it's a little cumbersome to fit the signatures of tfp and scipy into the parameter fitting procedure in keras, because of the way that keras steps in and out of an optimizer that has persistent state between calls, which is not how most [old school?] optimization libraries work.
This is addressed specifically in the kormos package since IMO during prototyping it's a pretty common workflow to alternate between either a stochastic optimizer and a full-batch deterministic optimizer, and this should be simple enough to do ad hoc in the python interpreter.
The package has models that extend keras.Model and keras.Sequential:
These can be compiled to be fit with either the standard or the scipy solvers; it would look something like this:
from tensorflow import keras
from kormos.models import BatchOptimizedSequentialModel
# Create an Ordinary Least Squares regressor
model = BatchOptimizedSequentialModel()
# compile the model for stochastic optimization
model.compile(loss=keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(), optimizer="sgd")
# compile the model for deterministic optimization using scipy.optimize.minimize
model.compile(loss=keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(), optimizer="L-BFGS-B")

Numerically Stable Tensorflow

Tensorflow has been used to compute images but I want to use Tensorflow to compute Biological Models. However, the biological model requires big division and this causes numerical instability. I want to have TensorFlow that supports more numerically stability. Are there any hacks to allow Tensorflow to be more numerically stable? I will follow up with more codes in the near feature but if there are any options please tell me.
Please refer to the below paper on Tensorflow Distributions and see if it helps answer your question.
If not, please elaborate your issue.
Mention any code snippet of what you have tried, or any limitations you faced while implementing your model.

About the difference between XGBoost and GBRT

I'm trying to understand the algorithm of XGboost.
I have several qestions below:
What are the fundamental differences between XGboost and gradient boosting classifier(from scikit-learn)?
I learned that XGboost uses newton's method for optimization for loss function, but I don't understand what will happen in the case that hessian is nonpositive-definite.
I would be so happy if you help me.

tensorflow embedding projector t-sne algorithm difference from other implementation?

I've been playing with the tensorflow standalone embedding projector ( and found it a very helpful tool for visualization. However, when I try to replicate the t-sne result using other implementations (e.g., Rtsne, sklearn.manifold.tsne), the low dimension projection seems to be very different. Particularly, the clusters are much more spread-out in the embedding projector than that learnt using R or python packages.
I used the same perplexity, learning rate and momentum parameters. And tried both spherizing or not spherizing the data as implied in the projector.
Could anyone help to shed light on the difference between the tensorflow projector implementation of the t-sne algorithm and other implementations like Rtsne? For example, is there a similar 'exaggeration' parameter used in the projector as in Rtsne? What is the optimization algorithm? Or is there anything special in generating the visualization?
I believe the source code of the tensorflow projector is the oss_demo_bin.js file in Unfortunately I'm not familiar with javascript and found it hard to interpret.