How to export and import Nexus repositories? (without a Pro account) - repository

I was wondering if it is possible to export and import my nexus-repositories without using the task which sonartype provides to its pro-users. This way it would be possible to backup and restore one specific repository.

I used this script (had to work out some kinks) to download the artifacts from Nexus3.
The author also describes Nexus import scripts that can be used to upload the artifacts to another repository.


Importing a specific folder from a GIT Erlang repository in IntelliJ

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2
Erlang plugin 0.11.1144
SDK: Erlang OTP 25, erts-13.0
Folder To be Imported:
I am able to import the complete project in IntelliJ. But, I am interested in a specific module common_test. I checked File->New->ProjectFromVersionControl, but did not find any option to clone a specific folder. Does IntelliJ support such cloning? Please let me know the procedure if available.
One option could be to clone the specific folder outside IntelliJ as explained in How do I clone a subdirectory only of a Git repository? & then import it using File->New->ProjectFromExistingSources in IntelliJ.
With Git, cloning a specific folder is a bit tricky. In fact, you can't clone only the folder, as you clone the entire repository.
What you can do is actually to use partial-clone in combination with sparse-checkout git features. See How do I clone a subdirectory only of a Git repository?
These options are currently not supported in IJ UI, unfortuantely

Import existing playbooks in ansible ui semaphore or awx

Team we are having almost 100+ playbooks already written,now we need to play the playbooks from GUI,we have to import this in GUI(semaphore or AWX).
In semaphore ui there is no option ,to import the existing playbooks
how can we import the existing playbooks in ansible GUI.we are looking only opensource GUIS
Thanks for your help in advance.
Quoting from 10. Setting up a Project
You can manage playbooks and playbook directories by either placing them manually under the Project Base Path on your Tower server, or by placing your playbooks into a source code management (SCM) system supported by Tower, including Git, Subversion, and Mercurial.
Details are available at AWX Project

How to migrate two Matomo installations into just one installation?

Matomo offers the possibility to manage multiple websites in just one installation and I would like to merge two separate Matomo installations into just one Matomo installation. How can I handle this? - Is there a best practice way?
Now: Two existing Matomo Installations:
Plan: just one Matomo Installation:
How can export / import the data from the two existing installations and import it into just one installation? - Is there a export / import functionality?
There is a new Plugin for Matomo that allows to to move single sites to another existing Matomo instance:

Nexus: removing repository

I accidently removed a hosted snapshot repository from Nexus containing a few artifacts needed by other developers on my team. Fine, I'll be able to recreate it fairly easy, but when I tried to add the repository again with the same name as the one I removed, the "Upload Artifact" tab did not show. I tried to clean the cache and reindex the public and public snapshot repos, but that didn't help. I also tried setting an alternative storage path by entering an alternative path on "Override Local Storage Location", same result.
Will I have to create a brand new repository with a different name and change all repository reference in my projects?
You should be able to create the new repo without any problem. It's possible you where inheriting permissions to this repo via a group and when you made the new repo you didn't add it to the group.
Also, all delete operations in Nexus simply move files to the sonatype-work/nexus/trash so you could have just copied all those files back directly on the disk after recreating the repo.
I think I noticed that snapshot repositories do not have the Artifact Upload tab, so possibly you created it as a snapshot repo?

Nexus supports Mass upload of artifacts?

I wanted to know if we can have mass upload of artifacts to the repository in Nexus.
You can do it in a variety of ways:
Use the Nexus artifact upload page (note this only works for multiple artifacts with the same groupId and artifactId).
Set up a script, with multiple invocations of the maven-deploy-plugin's deploy-file goal, one for each artifact.
If you have access to the file system, you can copy the files directly into [sonatype-work]/storage/[repository-name]. If you do this, set up scheduled tasks to rebuild the metadata and reindex the repository.
Use the Nexus Repository Conversion Tool to create Release and Snapshot folders based on your local .m2 folder and then move the contents of those folders into [sonatype-work]/storage/[repository-name].