Create Installer for Application that passes parameters to application - selenium

So I have an application that has dependencies, web drivers for Selenium. I want to include the drivers in my program, or optionally just ask the user what browser they would like to use this application with, and include the proper driver. But during install, I would like to save the file path of the driver to load the selenium web driver. I thought about creating a .txt file when the user specifies their path into that folder, and using that. But all the "create an application installer" guides I've come across just use another app to create their installer. There is really no installation, there is just a light weight .exe main program, and then the web drivers. But I need to configure the web driver in the program.


serve oracle service cloud Customer portal locally?

I am working on customizing the oracle service cloud customer portal, but since OSvC provides only WebDAV to connect to it. It is very time-consuming to edit files and then upload them to WebDAV even for a single word change.
I am looking for a solution to serve it locally make desired changes and then upload the desired code to webDEV.
But after searching the file structure I can not make which framework it uses, I tried to use websites like and WhatRuns but they are also not able to find anything useful.
Although after searching in the file structure, I find some files of CodeIgnitor but the structure is way more different than the CodeIgnitor folder structure.
The short answer is no, you will not be able to run Customer Portal locally. While it is a fork of CodeIgniter from many years ago, there are server-side dependencies that will prevent you from running it in a local sandbox.
That said, it is possible to automate many of the manual tasks of interacting with WebDAV for change testing. If you edit locally, then you can use scripting hooks or event RPA robots to automate some of the manual file movement. Personally I have a flow to edit remotely in my test environment with an editor (like VSCode or Nova) that can connect to a remote server via WebDAV and edit files directly in the development area of a site. Then, when finished, I have a script that pulls down the latest version of all files and then allows me to commit changes to Git for SCM.
Another option is RPA. You can develop a robot that can be run to automate the manual tasks that you face in your workflow. Personally, I think that scripting is a better solution than RPA since you can automate all of the actions via scripting or a shell. But, it's another option to consider.
Another way of "Live editing" the OSvC CP code is to connect to WebDav via a software that supports it like Mountain Duck which uploads your code to OSvC on save.
OR use the better solution Windows Explorer which supports connecting to WebDav and treating it like a network drive, by going on My Computer -> Computer -> Map Network Drive then put click Next then you'll be promoted to login using your OSvC login.

How are url scheme and file types handlers found/registered on macOS?

I am creating a plug-in in Objective-C to a third-party macOS app. I want to register and handle url scheme (like myscheme://somedatahere) and file types - for example, when a user double click on a file our plug-in should be notified.
As my product is just a plug-in to a third-party app, the code has no access to the app's NSApplication instance nor to its events. As such, I need to create a helper app and bundle it inside the plug-in bundle/package to register and handle that. Please let me know if these presumptions are incorrect.
The plug-in bundle is being installed inside the Library/Application Support (the user typically downloads the plug-in into the Downloads folder, double click it and then the host app's handler copies the plug-in into the Application Support folder). The app handling urls and file types will be placed inside the plug-in bundle. The location was chosen by the host app.
I have several uncertainties I failed to find answers for:
How does the macOS finds apps capable of handling a particular url scheme and file types?
Does macOS finds it somewhat automatically or should I call something?
If it is found automatically, will it work even if the app is located inside a plug-in package outside of the Applications directory?
You can find the answers you are looking for the in the Launch Services documentation.
If you check the section "Application Registration", you will see that:
A built-in background tool, run whenever the system is booted or a new user logs in, automatically searches the Applications folders in the system, network, local, and user domains and registers any new applications it finds there.
The Finder automatically registers all applications as it becomes aware of them, such as when they are dragged onto the user’s disk or when the user navigates to a folder containing them.
So, if your helper app is installed into /Library/Application Support by the user manually dragging-and-dropping, it looks like Launch Services will see it and register the URL scheme.
Otherwise, the documentation continues to cover the manual case:
In spite of these automatic registration utilities, it may sometimes be necessary to register an application explicitly with Launch Services. For example, although developers are encouraged to package their applications so that they can be installed by simply dragging them onto the user’s disk, some applications may require more elaborate custom installer software. In such cases, the installer should call one of the Launch Services registration functions LSRegisterFSRef or LSRegisterURL to register the application explicitly.

How to make dojo work offline

I have a project that loads, I want to be able use this project offline
I tried to download dojo.xd.js and link to it locally but this still doesn't work offline
In firebug, on the net tab I can see that there are a lot more .js files that load
Is there a simple way of making this work offline?
The way of integration depends on your way of using it.
I assume you have webserver running locally (without inet access)?!
At the dojo website there are several ways of dojo integration available. Just download one of them (do not use CDN) and put the file on your local web server. Then it is available through the local url (can be relative to your site).
If you wan't to build an "offline" app without a webserver then take a look at Adobe AIR and interation of the dojo toolkit with Dojo Extensions for Adobe AIR.
Another option might be the integration together with PhoneGap or Cordova to build an offline App, e.g. for an IPhone etc. with HTML/Javascript. Win8/RT Applications for the M$ AppStore does support HTML/Javascript, too (have not tested this with Dojo).
Keep in mind there are also some security restrictions (e.g. loading and execution of JavaScript) if you plan to "release" your app as simple html file (click to open in browser). - keeping program updated?

I'm looking for suggestions on keeping a program that is running on a network updated. Installation consists of 15 users, each have the program on their local pc, but they all access same date from sql server.
I am looking for a clean method that would allow me to update one folder on the network and for each computer to get updated when they run the program and the programs sees a later ver on that folder on the network. (Obviously I can do this inside the program itself since it won't allow being overwritten while opened.)
You should have a look at
ClickOnce is a deployment technology
that enables self-updating
Windows-based applications that can be
installed and run with minimal user
Using ClickOnce Deployment in
ClickOnce - A new VB.NET 2005 Deployment Tool
ClickOnce Deployment for Windows Forms Applications
ClickOnce Deployment in .NET Framework 2.0
Another option is to create a second program that will check the network for an updated version of your application. Let's call this program "updater.exe".
You can run updater.exe on system startup like Adobe Reader or Sun Java do.
Or, when your application is started it can load updater.exe. If updater.exe finds an update, it can close/unload your application, download the newer version, restart your application and close itself.
astander's answer above is correct, you can use ClickOnce for this. Another option is creating this application as a web application.
Web applications basically work the way you described, the application's files reside in a web server, all the users connect to it using a browser, and to update the application you only need to update the files in the server.

how do i get subtext source code without Web platform installer?

I check all over the net and i can't find a way to get the new version of subtext without using the Web platform installer? Why do we need to install a installer in order to get the source code? what's the purpose of this additional hoop? does anyone know how to get any of the web app on the web gallery without using the web platform installer?
edit: ok, i find it on the link text
still what is the purpose of the web installer? why not just give us the source?
The Web Platform Installer is used to download and install the product on your machine. It can handle things like applying the appropriate IIS settings, setting permissions on the file system, etc...
So it's great for getting a running instance of Subtext or other web software working on a server.
If you want the source code, go to