SUMO mobility model - sumo

By default, SUMO used the Krauss Car-following model, is it possible to change the parameter, and how? Secondly, how can I also change from the default car-following to the lane-changing model in SUMO? Thank you in anticipation of your answer.

Changing the car following model or adapting the parameters can be done by defining a new vehicle type such as
<vType id="idmAlternative" minGap="2" carFollowModel="IDM" tau="1.0" />
The lane change model is independent of the car following model so there is always a car following and a lane changing model active. also the lane changing model parameters are described on the page


Is there a way to distinguish sub process activities in lanes on BPMN using camunda modeler?

I have a dummy camunda model I'm attaching as an image. The model has a multi instance expanded sub process, in which I have two activities shown in different lanes.
Current Model
In the resulting .bpmn text I want it to show these activities as part of a lane, and not just as part of a sub process.
Is there any way to make the program display it like that in the file text?
The current resulting .bpmn file displays this:
<bpmn:laneSet id="LaneSet_1ibo785">
<bpmn:lane id="Lane_02zfiqn" name="house">
<bpmn:lane id="Lane_08xtoyw" name="invitee" />
As you can see the lane "invitee" has no activity included even though it graphicaly shows one activity as part of it. doesn't understand entities but on_off instead?

I have defined an entity "team" with value "FC Barcelona" and the alias "Barcelona". The language of the app is set to German. Any idea why "Barcelona" is recognized as a wit/on_off entity? Actually for every sentence (doesn't matter what) I enter, the wit/on_off entity is recognized with some random word as the value.
A strange thing is also that I have the wit/on_off entity twice there.
That's an app that I imported from the export of another app. Can I delete one on_off? But which one?
You can simple delete the mistakenly recognized on_off entity and add your team entity. After some samples it should improve the recognition.

How do I use the query parameters in the Dark Sky Forecast API ?(

I'm using the Dark Sky Forecast API to retrieve some weather information.
When I read the official doc, I found that the "option" section describes the usage of query parameters.
For example,
The API request may optionally be modified through the use of query parameters. It will respond to the following:
callback=[callback]: Return the API response as JSONP. Please use
caution when using this, since exposing your API key to the public is
a security hazard and, if abused, will result in the revokation of
your API key. However, if developing a personal- or internal-use app,
this is a convenient method of doing so.
units=[setting]: Return the
API response in units other than the default Imperial units. In
particular, the following settings are possible:
us: The default, as outlined above.
si: Returns results in SI units. In particular, properties now have the following units:
I know how to get the weather information by take advantages of the call,LONGITUDE
But I don't know how to combine the query parameters with it.
Any ideas?
2015/10/23 UPDATE
Thank to Logan Kearns, using ? parameter solved my question. Make sure the query parameters are in lowercase.,LONGITUDE?lang=zh-tw&units=si
This is how you change the units. I assume that other query parameters would be set in a similar manner, using the '?' to separate them.,LONGITUDE?UNITS=us
Just an update, since url changed and with few other parameters:
You can add units to mention the type of unit conversion required
You can add exclude for excluding certain data in the response like hourly updates.,LONG?units=si&exclude=minutely,hourly,daily,alerts

Neo4j embedded: filter on node properties using graph algorithm

I am using Neo4j embedded from eclipse and want to navigate through a network of trips and stations. They are connected the following way:
(t:Trip)-[:STOPS {arrival:"10:12:00", departure:"10:13:00"}]->(s:Station)
As a trip has several stops and there are several trips which stop at one station there are many connections. Sometimes it is not possible to get from one station to another without changing to a different trip. For that reason I use the following graph algo
PathFinder<Path> finder = GraphAlgoFactory.shortestPath(PathExpanders.forType(RelTypes.STOPS), depth);
ArrayList<Path> path = (ArrayList<Path>) finder.findAllPaths(source,target);
But I can't find if there are ways to filter on my properties arrival and departure because I want to find only trips which depart after a given time.
Instead of PathExpanders.forType() you need to use your custom implementation of PathExpander.
Your implementation would basically filter path.endNode().getRelationships(RelTypes.STOPS) for those having correct arrival and departure properties.

Adding new field on Odoo Product Variant

I am trying to add new field to product.product model.
What I've done so far is:
Add new field on the following model (From Settings > Database Structure > Models):
with the following details:
Name: x_product_cost
Field Label: Product Cost
Field Type: Float
and leave the rest to default.
The problem is i am unable to show it on the form. This is the only code that is generated when I tried to edit Form:
View Name: product.product.form
Object: product.product
Inherited View: product.template.common.form
Product Variant
I can't use product.template model, since that inherits to product.product
Am i missing something here?
PS: I am trying to temporarily fixed assign-different-cost-on-product-variant bug as specified here
Can anyone help me with this?
Actually instead of modifying the model from the Odoo configuration, you should create a custom module, in which you will add the new fields and the new behaviors that you need.
To do so you will have to inherit from the models in the python files to extend them, and you will surely have to modify the views as well, so that your custom fields get displayed.
For reference on how to extend models, create a custom module and create the views, you should refer to the Odoo documentation that you can find here.
As an additional note in case you didn't know, but their is a new API that appeared in the version 8 of Odoo, if you can use it, it is much easier and much nicer.