Oracle Apex - selecting date with different hours - sql

We have a web application which we store a date from the user. The date is stored on an Oracle 19c database as a date field.
The problem we have is that when we select the date it's coming with different hours, like it's taking into account the timezone or something. So, for example one person can see the date 2021-05-20T13:00:00Z while another somewhere else can see 2021-05-20T12:00:00Z.
Is there a way to prevent this behavior, and have everybody get the same date and time?
Most likely the problem resides in Oracle Apex, not Oracle database!
We use a very old version of Apex, 1.x it seems so maybe this problem doesn't happen on newer versions.

That is often problem when you use, for example, java.util.Timezone,java.sql.Date or java.util.Date type in java instead of oracle.sql.Date


Convert Julian Date to Normal System Date in Silverlake(USing SQL statement)

I am trying to convert Julian Date to Gregorian/Normal Date(mm/dd/yyyy) in SilverLake DB.
I am using Oracle SQL statements to query SilverLake db. I tried it with:
But SilverLake DB is throwing me an error:
Argument 1 is not valid for TO_CHAR function
Would appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
I am not allowed to post a reply to the previous comment since I am a new user, but this answer also responds there. What you refer to as SilverLake DB is actually a specific vendor implementation (Jack Henry & Associates) of the Db2 for i database, for their SilverLake core banking system. This is the database that comes with the IBM iSeries, a midrange computer also known with it's older name AS/400 (think of a mainframe, just smaller). While antiquated this is still used for legacy reasons, especially in banking systems such as SilverLake.
ORACLE specific commands will NOT work there, other than by coincidence of IBM also using them, and any research you are doing should be referring to Db2 for i, I doubt you will find much content for SilverLake specifically unless you reach to the vendor directly.
I have had luck with the following statement with what you are trying to do:
this will convert the data type to an ISO Date format, in my humble opinion this should be the only date format used on databases.
If you still need to convert this to the American notation for presentation purposes, you can wrap this with a to_char statement:
to_char(COGSUP.JDTODATE(<myfieldname>), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
Just use to_date() to turn the julian date to a date:
to_date(col, 'j')
Then if you need to represent the date in a given format, you can use to_char():
to_char(to_date(col, 'j'), 'mm/dd/yyyy')

Teradata JDBC 16.20 returns wrong date in Datagrip

I am using Teradata JDBC 16.20 in Datagrip.
Whenever I try to do anything with date, it returns 1 day less.
For instance: SELECT date'2017-08-01' returns 2017-07-31 in Datagrip and in Teradata SQL Assistant it returns correctly 01/08/2017.
Does anyone know why?
We have the same issue using DataGrip with a Vertica database. My hunch is that the date is being shifted twice. When I select current_timestamp (which on Vertica is timestamp with timezone) the date is correct (typically one day earlier than the current date), but when I select current_date, I get the previous day (my timezone is US/Pacific). What I think is happening is the JDBC driver is adjusting the date based on the two timezones, and then DataGrip is then adjusting it a second time.
We don't have issues using the same Vertica database with the same JDBC driver, but a different SQL Client (DbVisualizer).
The only workaround I can offer using DataGrip is to install a much older version. DataGrip 2016.3.4, Build #DB-163.13906.13, built on February 21, 2017 seems to handle date columns correctly.
Adding -Duser.timezone=UTC to VM options seems to solve the problem.

Oracle SQL table history

So this is the problem, I have a Oracle table, just a normal table with let's say 300 rows of data.
I need to figure out how that data looked like at least 100 days before, who made changes and timestamp would be nice also.
Thing is, I do have a schedule backup, but I believe someone changed data and removed backup, so I am trying to find out this change over system records.
I did google this and for results I got now, I didn't got what I needed.
select * from dba_hist_sqltext - it gives me results for current session only
SELECT SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(ORA_ROWSCN) - specified number is not a valid system change number
Oracle SQL info -
Java(TM) Platform 1.7.0_51
Oracle IDE
Versioning Support
Do you guys have any other idea?
Thank you in advance
You may use flashback: Using Oracle Flashback Technology
With that, you can query using the AS OF TIMESTAMP clause, like this:
SELECT * FROM yourtable
This has to be enabled though, and there is a certain (configurable) size limit, so there is no guarantee that you can still query those records of 100 days ago. On a busy database the history may go back only a couple of minutes.

how to change datetime format for the whole database?

My application is based on format: mm/dd/yyyy
After deploying the database to the customer's side, it is based on: dd/mm/yyyy
I dont want to change all of my queries, so how can I change all the datetime format for the whole database?
It is MSSQL Server 2005
Thanks in advance.
If you wanted to you could write a class which would interoperate the date() function (which produces a timestamp) into a real date, which you could then insert into the database.
But you should be more specific, ie, what languages are you using to code in, if you are, etc?
You'll need to change the default language for the database and then change the default language for all of your logins. I have a blog that explains this:
Setting a standard date format
look at :Change default date time format on a single database in SQL Server
If question is related with SQL server only, it should be closed. If no, it should be moved to C# topic.

MS SQL 2005: Any way to temporarily set the system date for a T-SQL script to a different date?

We have a bunch of T-SQL scripts dependent on today's date and when they run. If one doesn't run on the week it should, we end up temporarily setting the system time a day before, run the script, then set it back.
Is there anyway to temporarily set the system date for a script without changing the original script, like when you execute it or only for that session?
You could store the actual date in a table / temp table.
THen retrieve or update that date rather then making a call to GetDate().
I've found an answer by someone else, here I share it: "The date is tied to the OS date and time. See here:".
You could refer to this other question Simulate current date on a SQL Server instance?