Typing keys when using with t useTranslation hook - react-i18next

I'm trying to bring type safety to usage of the t function, from the useTranslation hook. I've seen the following thread which expands on the Resources interface but I think it's not exactly what I'm trying to do.
What I would like to do is the following:
// namespaces - A, B, both have key "hello"
import { useTranslation, TranslationKeys } from 'react-i18next';
export function Blah() {
const { t } = useTranslation();
return <div>{t(TranslationKeys.hello)}</div>;
I don't want us as developers to be aware of different namespaces, just to deal with a single merged set of keys. Any help would be really appreciated.

As per: https://react.i18next.com/latest/typescript#create-a-declaration-file
We have 3 namespaces - sport, common and stuff in order of important to least important.
For the TS typings we just merged the contents into the sport namespace which is also the default and this has done fine.
declare module 'react-i18next' {
interface Resources {
'sport': typeof sport & typeof common & typeof stuff;


TypeScript safe route names?

Consider the following code:
const router = useRouter()
await router.push({
name: 'NonExistingRoute', // no typescript error ):
A non existing route name was given, but no TypeScript error happens. Instead the issue will only be noticed on runtime. Any way to get a compile-time error on this?
Perhaps you could wrap this in a utility function that only accepts typed route strings
const router = useRouter()
export type NamedRoute = "login" | "logout" | "user-profile";
export async function goToNamedRoute(name: NamedRoute): Promise<void> {
return router.push({name});
In short no.
For a compile error to exist there would need to be something explicitly wrong with the code, referencing an non-existent file, syntax error, etc.
It does sound like you are trying to solve some other issue here...i.e. why do you have the names of non-existing routes in your app?
In any case, perhaps you can avoid your errors programmatically, e.g.
let r = router.resolve({name: 'NonExistingRoute'});
if (r.resolved.matched.length > 0){
// exists
} else {
// doesn't exist
If you want to rely on Typescript for detecting wrong routes you might just use enums or closed types maybe?, although that will surely require some composition. Probably one way to go could be:
enum Cities {
function routeCreator(city: Cities, restOfPath?: string){
//combine paths somehow, e.g.
if(!restOfPath) return `/${Cities[city]}/`;
return `/${Cities[city]}/${restOfPath}`

Enforcing read-only attributes from the metaclass

Yes, still going with this. My impression is that there's this powerful facility in Raku, which is not really easy to use, and there's so little documentation for that. I'd like to kind of mitigate that.
In this case, I'm trying to force attributes to be read-only by default, to make immutable classes. Here's my attempt:
my class MetamodelX::Frozen is Metamodel::ClassHOW {
method compose_attributes($the-obj, :$compiler_services) {
my $attribute-container = callsame;
my $new-container = Perl6::Metamodel::AttributeContainer.new(
$new-container.compose_attributes($the-obj, $compiler_services);
my package EXPORTHOW {
package DECLARE {
constant frozen = MetamodelX::Frozen;
I'm calling that from a main function that looks like this:
use Frozen;
frozen Foo {
has $.bar;
method gist() {
return "→ $!bar";
my $foo = Foo.new(:3bar);
say $foo.bar;
I'm trying to follow the source, that does not really give a lot of facilities to change attribute stuff, so there seems to be no other way that creating a new instance of the container. And that might fail in impredictable ways, and that's what it does:
Type check failed in binding to parameter '$the-obj'; expected Any but got Foo (Foo)
at /home/jmerelo/Code/raku/my-raku-examples/frozen.raku:7
Not clear if this is the first the-obj or the second one, but any way, some help is appreciated.

make a method globally available in Vue.js

In several Vue files this computed property checks if this.data is not an empty object:
computed: {
isLoaded() {
return !(this.data && Object.keys(this.data).length === 0 && this.data.constructor === Object); // checks if this.data is not empty
Then isLoaded is used to conditionally display content in the browser.
I'd like to refactor the code and create a global method somehow that can check if an object is empty so all the files that use this method can get it from a central spot.
Even after doing some reading on Vue mixins and plugins I'm not clear which one best fits this use case. Which one should be used for this? Or is there an altogether different approach that would be better to create a global method?
There are several ways to do it and it and approach depends on particular case. For your case I'd suggest you to create a separate folder for utils functions, where you could have smth like common.js. There you can just export your functions e.g.
export const emptyObj = (obj: any): any => Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
and import it in your component:
import { emptyObj } from "src/utils/common";
In this case it easier to organize your shared functions, easier to test them and have typescript support.

Writing an attribute trait

I'm about to choose what language to use for a new project: Perl5 or Perl6. 6 wins so far except that it is missing Moo's lazy attributes. The two implementations I found in modules are missing the key functionality. Hence, my attempt write my own implementation.
Role vs. Class
First problem I've got into is the content of attribute's .package for one declared in a role. Consider the followin:
role HOW1 {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
note "HOW1.compose";
role HOW2 {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
note "HOW2.compose";
multi trait_mod:<is> (Attribute:D $attr, :$mooish!) {
note "Attribute's package.HOW: ", $attr.package.HOW;
$attr.package.HOW does HOW1;
class Foo {
has $.bar is mooish;
role FooRole {
has $.baz is mooish;
The output of the script follows:
Attribute's package.HOW: Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
$*PACKAGE.HOW: Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
Attribute's package.HOW: Perl6::Metamodel::GenericHOW.new
$*PACKAGE.HOW: Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOW.new
As it is clearly seen from the output, applying a role to a metaclass always works for classes and only works for $*PACKAGE.HOW with roles. Use of $*PACKAGE instead of .package could be considered a solution, but not the one I'd really like to use. (Though, if there is no better way...)
I would like to provide lazy functionality for private attributes too. Yes, this will be availabe with self!bar syntax only, but this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. 😉 The problem is that all the examples of custome-made accessor I found so far are using Attribute.set_value() method which is way too low-level. I'd like to have something like this:
role MooishHOW {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
my $accessor = $class.^add_private_method( 'bar1',
method () is rw {
note self.WHO, ".bar1";
FETCH => -> $o {
STORE => method ( $val ) {
note "Storing";
$!bar1 = $val;
multi trait_mod:<is> (Attribute:D $attr, :$mooish!) {
$attr.package.HOW does MooishHOW unless $attr.package.HOW ~~ MooishHOW;
class Foo {
has $.bar is mooish;
has $!bar1 is mooish;
method to-bar1 {
note "bar1 val:",self!bar1;
my $inst = Foo.new;
But $!bar1 notation doesn't compile because of the scope (MooishRole). Are there a trick I'm missing which would allow referencing a private attribute on self?
Tricky one
Perhaps it is possible to make an attribute to be a Proxy container? This would greatly simplify the overall logic of laziness implementation.
I have answered all my questions by finally achieving the target and released AttrX::Mooish module.
So far, the answer for the first question is: no. $*PACKAGE is currently the only way.
Second question: have no answer, but the final code has to rely on set_value() anyway.
The tricky one happened to be possible: set_value() does binding of an attribue to a container making it possible to bind to a Proxy object. No need to for sacrifices, private attributes can be accessed directly with lazyness working on them.
Thanks everybody, your answers let me work around some rough edges!

Object oriented design patterns for parsing text files?

As part of a software package I'm working on, I need to implement a parser for application specific text files. I've already specified the grammar for these file on paper, but am having a hard time translating it into easily readable/updatable code (right now just it passes each line through a huge number of switch statements).
So, are there any good design patterns for implementing a parser in a Java style OO environment?
Any easy way to break a massive switch into an OO design would be to have
pseudo code
class XTokenType {
public bool isToken(string data);
class TokenParse {
public void parseTokens(string data) {
for each step in data {
for each tokenType in tokenTypess {
if (tokenType.isToken(step)) {
parsedTokens[len] = new tokenType(step);
Here your breaking each switch statement into a method on that token object to detect whether the next bit of the string is of that token type.
class TokenParse {
public void parseTokens(string data) {
for each step in data {
switch (step) {
case x:
case y:
One suggestion is to create property file where you define rules. Load it during run time and use if else loop (since switch statements also does the same internally). This way if you want to change some parsing rules you have to change .property file not code. :)
You need to learn how to express context free grammars. You should be thinking about the GoF Interpreter and parser/generators like Bison, ANTRL, lex/yacc, etc.