bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress - Invalid amount - bitcoin

Does something know what's exactly validation of amount parameter for bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress command?
bitcoin-cli -testnet sendtoaddress tb1ql7w62elx9ucw4pj5lgw4l028hmuw80sndtntxt 0.0105122802
error code: -3
error message:
Invalid amount
If I send amount with less symbols after comma (0.010512280) it works.

Bitcoin supports only 8 decimal places, you are using 10
If I send amount with less symbols after comma (0.010512280) it works.
It works because it ends with 0, so it is basically 8 decimal places, but if you set something like 1 for sample you will have the same issue


GDAL version 3 and higher does not work with Mapinfo and Decimal Fields

I'm having a problem trying to convert a MapInfo file from MID/MIF format to TAB format.
This problem occurs from version GDAL 3.0.4 and higher. On version 2.1.2, everything works without problems.
I use the following command
ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo file" "" "test.mif"
Error following
ERROR 1: Cannot format 1234.1 as a 20.16 field
ERROR 3: Failed writing attributes for feature id 1 in
ERROR 1: Unable to write feature 1 from layer test.
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
translation of layer test (use -skipfailures to skip errors)
Here example of MapInfo file MID/MIF format
Can anyone explain what is the reason for this error?
Im trying to use GDAL version 3.5, but still getting this error.
If I change the column type to Float than everything works fine.
But I can't just change the format of the existing file
Your value "1234.1" is to big.
From the documentation:
Decimal fields store single and double precision floating point values.
Width is the total number of characters allocated to the field, including the decimal point.
Precision controls the precision of the data and is the number of digits to the right of the decimal.
Your decimal definition "Decimal (20,16)" leaves only 3 digits for the integer part. Try a lesser value, i.e: 999.4 or change the decimal format to Decimal (20,15)

REGEX Extract Amount Without Currency

REGEXP_EXTRACT('-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?', ocr_text)
FROM temp
I am trying to extract amounts from a string that will not have currency present. Any number that does not have decimals should not match. Commas should be allowed assuming they follow the correct rules (at hundreds marker)
56 no (missing decimals)
56.45 yes
120 no (missing decimals)
120.00 yes
1200.00 yes
1,200.00 yes
1,200 no (missing decimals)
1200 no (missing decimals)
134.5 no (decimal not followed by 2 digits)
23,00.00 no (invalid comma location)
I'm a noob to REGEX so I know my above statement already does not meet the criteria i've listed. However, i'm already stuck getting the error (INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT) premature end of char-class on my REGEX_EXTRACT line
Can someone point me in the right direction? How can I resolve my current issue? How can I modify to correctly incorporate the other criteria listed?
Here is a general regex pattern for a positive/negative number with two decimal places and optional thousands comma separators:
Your updated query:
REGEXP_EXTRACT(ocr_text, '(?<!\S)(?:-?[0-9]{1,3}(,[0-9]{3})*(\.[0-9]{2})|-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{2}))(?!\S)')
FROM temp;
From the Presto docs I read, it supposedly supports Java's regex syntax. In the event that lookarounds are not working, you may try this version:
REGEXP_EXTRACT(ocr_text, '(\s|^)(?:-?[0-9]{1,3}(,[0-9]{3})*(\.[0-9]{2})|-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{2}))(\s|$)')
FROM temp;
REGEXP_EXTRACT('^[-]?(\d*.\d*)', ocr_text)
Pattern: ^[-]?(\d*\.\d*)
^ - Start of line
[-]? - With or without negative dash (-)
\d* - 0 or more digits
\. - a decimal (escaped, because in regex decimals are considered special characters)
\d* - 0 or more digits (the decimal part);
$ - End of the line.
Bonus tip: There are helpful tools online to test your regex!
The Below code works to extract the value like all numbers but it catches all, only specific to certain alphabets its not working well. Anyone, please suggest well.
I have done work on NLP using Regex.

Teradata SQL - Replacing special characters

I'm using Report Builder 3.0 for my reports. My report runs, however, if a user exports the results to Excel (xlsx) instead of Excel 2003 (xls), they get an "illegal xml character" message when the file is open.
4 of the columns contain "&" and / or " ' "; so I'm trying to replace these special characters; which I believe are causing the issue.
I've tried to update this line:
j.journal_desc AS "Jrnl Description",
with this line:
oreplace(oreplace(j.journal_desc, ’&’, β€˜and’),'''','') AS "Jrnl Description",
and it works fine. However when I do this on a second line I get the message: "SELECT Failed. [9804] Response Row size or Constant Row size overflow".
I've tried "otranslate" and it works on 2 columns. However, when I try it on the 3rd column, I get the same overflow message.
Is it possible to use oreplace or otranslate on multiple columns? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to replace these special characters? t
Thanks for the help......
oreplace and otranslate when used the result string will have length of 8000 unicode characterset.each of otranslate will make much longer by 8000. Try to cast to smaller length should fix problem.
CAST(oreplace(journal_desc,'&','and') AS VARCHAR(100))

Fortran does'nt end when obtain unexpected value?

I've got a program, which compute a several variables and then these variables are writing in to the output file.
Is it possilbe, that when my program can't get a correct results for my formula, it does'nt terminate?
To clarify what I do, here is part of my code, where the variable of my interest are compute:
call PBC(dx,dy,dz)
call PBC(dx,dy,dz)
do ii=1,nk-1
do jj=ii+1,nk
call PBC(dx,dy,dz)
if( rspani=dxs
end do
and then in to the output I just write these variables:
870 FORMAT(3(f15.7,3x),f15.7)
The x, y, z are actully generate via a random number generator.
The problem is that my output contains, correct values for lets say 457 lines, and then a one line is just "*********" when I use mc viewer and then the output continues with correct values, but let's say 12 steps form do cycle which compute these variables is missing.
So my questions are basic:
Is it possible, that my program can't get a correct numbers, and that's why the result is not writing in to the program?
Could it this been caused due to wrong output formating or something related with formating?
Thank you for any suggestion
********* is almost certainly the result of trying to write a number too large for the field specified in a format string.
For example, a field specified as f15.7 will take 1 spot for the decimal point, 1 spot for a leading sign (- will always be printed if required, + may be printed if options are set), 7 for the fractional digits, leaving 6 digits for the whole part of the number. There may therefore be cases where the program won't fit the number into the field and will print 15 *s instead.
Programs compiled with an up to date Fortran compiler will write a string such as NaN or -Inf if they encounter a floating-point number which represents one of the IEEE special values

Read input in NASM, and store it whole into a variable

what is the method by which I can read the input of the user, say the input is "500"
then store this number in a variable?
The only method I know would be to store them character by character with possibly the need of register offsets.
Is there any other way, preferably storing the number directly?
i.e. something like:
mov var1, inbuffer
Details on environment:
32 bit Assembly w/ DGJPP
Thank you.
Ahhh... DJGPP, that'd be dos I guess. Look into int 21h/0Ah (0Ah in ah). Or you might be better off with the readfile subfunction (3Fh ???) on stdin. Look it up in Ralf Brown's Interrupt list.
In any case, what you're going to get is the characters '5', '0', and '0' - 35h, 30h, 30h. It will take some processing to get the number 500 out of this. If you're reading numbers from left to right, zero up a register to use as "result so far". Read a character from your input buffer. If it's a valid decimal digit, subtract '0' to convert character to number, multiply "result so far" by ten, and add in your new number. Repeat until you run out of characters.