Fixing error in a SHOW TABLES IN DATABASE name query - sql

I am trying to list all the table in a database in Amazon AWS Athena via a Python script.
Here is my script:
data = {'name':['database1', 'database-name', 'database2']}
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
for index, schema in df.iterrows():
tables_in_schema = pd.read_sql("SHOW TABLES IN "+schema[0],conn)
There is an error running this
When I run the same query in the Athena query editor, I get an error
SHOW TABLES IN database-name
Here is the error
DatabaseError: Execution failed on sql: SHOW TABLES IN database-name
An error occurred (InvalidRequestException) when calling the StartQueryExecution operation: line
1:19: mismatched input '-'. Expecting: '.', 'LIKE', <EOF>
unable to rollback
I think the issue is with the hypen "-" in the database name.
How do I escape this in the query?

You can use the Glue client instead. It provides a function get_tables(), which returns a list of all the tables in a specific data base.

The database, table or columns names cannot have anything other than an underscore "_" in its name. Any other special character will cause an issue when querying. It does not stop you from creating an object with the special characters but will cause an issue when using those objects.
The only way around this is to re-create the database names without the special character, hyphen "-" in this case.


What does this error mean: Required column value for column index: 8 is missing in row starting at position: 0

I'm attempting to upload a CSV file (which is an output from a BCP command) to BigQuery using the gcloud CLI BQ Load command. I have already uploaded a custom schema file. (was having major issues with Autodetect).
One resource suggested this could be a datatype mismatch. However, the table from the SQL DB lists the column as a decimal, so in my schema file I have listed it as FLOAT since decimal is not a supported data type.
I couldn't find any documentation for what the error means and what I can do to resolve it.
What does this error mean? It means, in this context, a value is REQUIRED for a given column index and one was not found. (By the way, columns are usually 0 indexed, meaning a fault at column index 8 is most likely referring to column number 9)
This can be caused by myriad of different issues, of which I experienced two.
Incorrectly categorizing NULL columns as NOT NULL. After exporting the schema, in JSON, from SSMS, I needed to clean it
up for BQ and in doing so I assigned IS_NULLABLE:NO to
values should've been reversed. This caused the error because there
were NULL columns where BQ expected a REQUIRED value.
Using the wrong delimiter The file I was outputting was not only comma-delimited but also tab-delimited. I was only able to validate this by using the Get Data tool in Excel and importing the data that way, after which I saw the error for tabs inside the cells.
After outputting with a pipe ( | ) delimiter, I was finally able to successfully load the file into BigQuery without any errors.

Presto failed: com.facebook.presto.spi.type.VarcharType

I created a table with three columns - id, name, position,
then I stored the data into s3 using orc format using spark.
When I query select * from person it returns everything.
But when I query from presto, I get this error:
Query 20180919_151814_00019_33f5d failed: com.facebook.presto.spi.type.VarcharType
I have found the answer for the problem, when I stored the data in s3, the data inside the file was with one more column that was not defined in the hive table metastore.
So when Presto tried to query the data, it found that there are varchar instead of integer.
This also might happen if one record has a a type different than what is defined in the metastore.
I had to delete my data and import it again without that extra unneeded column

Specify multiple delimiters for Redshift copy command

Is there a way to specify multiple delimiters to Redshift copy command while loading data.
I have a data file having the following format:-
1 | ab | cd | ef
2 | gh | ij | kl
I am using a command like this:-
FROM 's3://s3-file-path'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::ddfjhgkjdfk'
gzip delimiter '|';
Fields are separated by | and records are separated using newline. How do I copy this data into Redshift. Because my query above gives me a delimiter not found error
No, delimiters are single characters.
From Data Format Parameters:
Specifies the single ASCII character that is used to separate fields in the input file, such as a pipe character ( | ), a comma ( , ), or a tab ( \t ).
You could import it with a pipe delimiter, then perform an UPDATE command to STRIP() off the spaces.
Your error above suggests that something in your data is causing the COPY command to fail. This could be a number of things, from file encoding, to some funky data in there. I've struggled with the "delimiter not found" error recently, which turned out to be the ESCAPE parameter combined with trailing backslashes in my data which prevented my delimiter (\t) from being picked up.
Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help you narrow down the issue:
stl_load_errors - This system table contains details on any error logged by Redshift during the COPY operation. This should be able to identify the row number in your data file that is causing the problem.
NOLOAD - will allow you to run your copy command without actually loading any data to Redshift. This performs the COPY ANALYZE operation and will highlight any errors in the stl_load_errors table.
FILLRECORD - This allows Redshift to "fill" any columns that it sees as missing in the input data. This is essentially to deal with any ragged-right data files, but can be useful in helping to diagnose issues that can lead to the "delimiter not found" error. This will let you load your data to Redshift and then query in database to see where your columns start being out of place.
From the sample you've posted, your setup looks good, but obviously this isn't the entire picture. The options above should help you narrow down the offending row(s) to help resolve the issue.

Redshift drop/create/select query failing in Data Pipeline

I'm trying to run a daily migration script in Redshift using Data Pipeline.
The script works as expected when I run it directly using SQL Workbench/J, but fails when triggered through Data Pipeline.
I have reproduced the problem with this simple code:
drop table if exists image_stg;
create table image_stg (like image_full);
select * from image_stg;
When I run it in Data Pipeline, I get this error:
[Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: relation "image_stg" does not exist;
I also got this error once, for the exact same code, without changing anything:
[Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: Relation with OID 108425 does not exist.;
Here's a screenshot of the two error messages:
I've found this thread on the AWS forums, but it didn't help: Pipeline started failing on simple Redshift SqlActivity and temp table
What is causing this error? Is there a workaround?
I've contacted Amazon, and it looks like a problem in Data Pipeline.
They did suggest a workaround that seems to work in my case: Change the JDBC connection string from jdbc:redshift://… to jdbc:postgresql://… .
I had the same problem when creating a temporary table in Redshift via Pipeline but the workaround of changing the connection string from jdbc:redshift://… to jdbc:postgresql://… didn't work for me though. My last resort is to create the table as physical table and drop it after use - through Pipeline.

Bigquery: invalid: Illegal Schema update

I tried to append data from a query to a bigquery table.
Job ID job_i9DOuqwZw4ZR2d509kOMaEUVm1Y
Error: Job failed while writing to Bigquery. invalid: Illegal Schema update. Cannot add fields (field: debug_data) at null
I copy and paste the query executed in above jon, run it in web console and choose the same dest table to append, it works.
The job you listed is trying to append query results to a table. That query has a field named 'debug_data'. The table you're appending to does not have that field. This behavior is by design, in order to prevent people from accidentally modifying the schema of their tables.
You can run a tables.update() or tables.patch() operation to modify the table schema to add this column (see an example using bq here: Bigquery add columns to table schema), and then you'll be able to run this query successfully.
Alternately, you could use truncate instead of append as the write disposition in your query job; this would overwrite the table, and in doing so, will allow schema changes.
See this post for how to have bigquery automatically add new fields to a schema while doing an append.
The code in python is:
job_config.schema_update_options = ['ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION']