How to pass dynamic props to vue's render function? - vue.js

I try to render components dynamically based on descriptions.
{component: 'customComponent', props: {value: "val1"}, ...}
I'd render
<custom-component :value="val1" #input="v=>val1=v" />`
I aim to do this for arbitrary events and dynamic props.
I have no idea though how to pass dynamic props to render.
Partial solution:
A solution that works but re-renders everytime val1 changes, based on ( is
render: function(h){
const template = "...building up the html here..."
return Vue.compile(template), h);
My attempt using the VueJS docs
I could not find in the docs on render how I could pass dynamic variables.
In the minimal implementation you can see how far I've got, if you can help me finish it, it would be awesome!
Minimal implementation so far
I expect to see 'hello' instead of 'values.value1' and values.value1 should update once I change the text in the text box.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="q-app">
The text input should say 'hello' instead of 'values.value1'
<custom-component :descriptor="mainComponent"></custom-component>
<script src="^2.0.0/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
Vue.component('custom-component', {
props: ['descriptor'],
render: function (createElement) {
const attributes = {
props: this.descriptor.props
return createElement(
const app = new Vue({
el: '#q-app',
data: function(){
return {
mainComponent: {
component: 'q-input',
props: {
value: 'values.value1'
events: {
input: value => this.values.value1 = value
values: {
value1: 'hello'

I guess, I have fixed your example.
Of course, you can watch the value in the main app. But it is better to sent an input event with the value.
Added the reference to the component
and the input event binding
Vue.component('custom-component', {
props: ['descriptor'],
render: function (createElement) {
const attributes = {
props: this.descriptor.props
return createElement(
const app = new Vue({
el: '#q-app',
data: function(){
return {
mainComponent: {
component: 'q-input',
props: {
value: 'hello'
events: {
input: value => {
this.values.value1 = value;
// with ref="mc"
this.$$emit('input', value);
// or over the list of children
this.$children[0].$emit('input', value);
values: {
value1: 'hello'
watch: {
'values.value1': (newVal) => console.log(`1. watcher: ${newVal}`),
// or deeply
values: {
handler(newVal) {
console.log(`2. watcher: ${newVal.value1}`)
deep: true,
methods: {
logEventValue(value) {
console.log(`logEventValue: ${value}`);
<div id="q-app">
<custom-component ref="mc" #input="logEventValue" :descriptor="mainComponent"></custom-component>
<script src="^2.0.0/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>


listen to events from dynamic vue components

How would you listen to an event emitted by a dynamically created component instance?
In the example, the top component is added in the DOM, while the second is dynamically created in javascript.
Vue.component("button-counter", {
data: function() {
return {
count: this.initial_count
props: ['initial_count'],
methods: {
add: function() {
this.$emit('myevent', this.count)
template: '<button v-on:click="add">You clicked me {{ count }} times.</button>'
let app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
initial_count: 10,
mounted: function() {
let initial_count = this.initial_count
let ButtonCounterComponentClass = Vue.extend({
data: function() {
return {}
render(h) {
return h("button-counter", {
props: {
initial_count: initial_count
let button_counter_instance = new ButtonCounterComponentClass()
button_counter_instance.$on('myevent', function(count) {
methods: {
say: function(message) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button-counter initial_count=20 v-on:myevent="say"></button-counter>
<div ref='container'></div>
If I've understood what you want then you just need to listen for the event on the inner component and pass it on.
I've used arrow functions in a couple of places to avoid problems with this bindings. Otherwise I've tried to leave your code unchanged as much as possible. Changes marked with ****.
Vue.component("button-counter", {
data: function() {
return {
count: this.initial_count
props: ['initial_count'],
methods: {
add: function() {
this.$emit('myevent', this.count)
template: '<button v-on:click="add">You clicked me {{ count }} times.</button>'
let app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
initial_count: 10,
mounted: function() {
let initial_count = this.initial_count
let ButtonCounterComponentClass = Vue.extend({
data: function() {
return {}
render(h) {
return h("button-counter", {
props: {
initial_count: initial_count
// **** Added this ****
on: {
myevent: count => {
this.$emit('myevent', count);
// ****
let button_counter_instance = new ButtonCounterComponentClass()
// **** Changed the next line ****
button_counter_instance.$on('myevent', count => {
methods: {
say: function(message) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button-counter initial_count=20 v-on:myevent="say"></button-counter>
<div ref='container'></div>
It's important to understand that button_counter_instance is not an instance of your button-counter component. You've wrapped it in another component, albeit a component that doesn't add any extra DOM nodes. So listening on the wrapper component is not the same as listening on button-counter.
Docs for what you can pass to h:

Passing data-attribute from Vue instance html tag

Is it possible to declare and pass a data-attribute value from a html tag of the Vue instance, and then have it available in the data object?
<div id="app" data-title="My app title"></div>
data () {
return {
appTitle: // whatever is declared in data-title
This code works for me:
<div id="app" data-id="123"></div>
(function (el) {
new Vue({
render: h => h(Module),
data: () => Object.assign({}, el.dataset) ,
export default {
name: 'Module',
data() {
return {
id: this.$,
Yes it is:
data () {
return {
appTitle: document.getElementById('app').dataset.title
However, it is possible that the DOM is not available on component initialization. So you should probably put that code into the mounted hook of your component:
export default {
data () {
return {
appTitle: null
mounted () {
this.appTitle = document.getElementById('app').dataset.title
Here's a different approach that doesn't rely on the DOM API, but cannot be used to get data-attributes from the root (#app) element:
el: '#app',
template: `
<div ref="mydiv" data-attribute="data attribute">
Hello from template
Hello from {{attribute}}
return {
attribute: ''
this.$data.attribute = this.$refs.mydiv.dataset.attribute;
Here's a pen with a working example

VueJs Nested props coming through undefined

I am trying to access an array which is part of a prop (event) passed into a component, but when in created() or mounted() the array part of the event prop (the rest is fine) comes through as undefined.
As can be seen below, when I inspect the props in the vue chrome plugin, the registration_fields are there.
I can add a watcher to the event prop and can access the registration_fields that way, but this seems very awkward to have to do this to access already passed in data.
This is from the Chrome vue inspector:
address1_field:"Some Address 1"
address2_field:"Some Address 2"
This is what part of my vue file looks like:
export default {
props: ['event'],
data() {
return {
regFields: []
created() {
this.regFields = this.event.registration_fields // Undefined here!
watch: {
event() {
this.regFields = this.event.registration_fields //Can access it here
I am using Vue 2.4.4
This is how the component is called:
<tickets v-if="event" :event="event"></tickets>
import tickets from './main_booking/tickets.vue'
export default {
created() {
var self = this;
this.$http.get('events/123').then(response => {
self.event =
}).catch(e => {
alert('Error here!');
data: function () {
return {event: {}}
components: {
tickets: tickets
Thank you
It actually works fine without the watcher.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
event: undefined
components: {
subC: {
props: ['event'],
data() {
return {
regFields: []
created() {
this.regFields = this.event.registration_fields // Undefined here!
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.event = {
registration_fields: [1, 3]
}, 800);
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<sub-c v-if="event" :event="event" inline-template>
If, as Belmin Bedak suggests in the comment below, event is populated asynchronously, it comes in as undefined because it's undefined. In that case, you need a watcher, or, somewhat more elegantly, use a computed:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
event: {}
components: {
subC: {
props: ['event'],
computed: {
regFields() {
return this.event.registration_fields;
// delay proper population
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => { this.event = {registration_fields: [1,2,3]}; }, 800);
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<sub-c :event="event" inline-template>

Vue.js change template data

I have the following code:
Vue.component('greeting', {
template: `<h1>{{ greeting }}</h1>`,
data: function () {
return {
greeting: app.text
var app = new Vue({
el: '.app',
data: {
text: 'Hello'
methods: {
changeText: function () {
this.text = 'Goodbye'
So when I call changeText method it changes text but greeting in the component is not updated. I didn't understand if I should use props, watcher or computed property in this case.
You need to pass it as a prop to the component:
Vue.component('greeting', {
template: `<h1>{{ greeting }}</h1>`,
props: ['greeting']
and the html:
<greeting :greeting="text"></greeting>

Dynamic html elements in Vue.js

How is it possible to add elements dynamically to the content? Example below:
{{{ message | hashTags }}}
export default {
filters: {
hashTags: function(value) {
// Replace hash tags with links
return value.replace(/#(\S*)/g, '<a v-on:click="someAction()">#$1</a>')
Problem is that if I press the link no action will fire. Vue do not see new elements.
Based on this answer, you can do a similar dynamic-template component in Vue 2. You can actually set up the component spec in the computed section and bind it using :is
var v = new Vue({
el: '#vue',
data: {
message: 'hi #linky'
computed: {
dynamicComponent: function() {
return {
template: `<div>${this.hashTags(this.message)}</div>`,
methods: {
someAction() {
methods: {
hashTags: function(value) {
// Replace hash tags with links
return value.replace(/#(\S*)/g, '<a v-on:click="someAction">#$1</a>')
setTimeout(() => {
v.message = 'another #thing';
}, 2000);
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="vue">
<component :is="dynamicComponent" />
Vue bindings don't happen on interpolated HTML. You need something Vue sees as a template, like a partial. However, Vue only applies bindings to a partial once; you can't go back and change the template text and have it re-bind. So each time the template text changes, you have to create a new partial.
There is a <partial> tag/element you can put in your HTML, and it accepts a variable name, so the procedure is:
the template HTML changes
register new partial name for the new template HTML
update name variable so the new partial is rendered
It's a little bit horrible to register something new every time there's a change, so it would be preferable to use a component with a more structured template if possible, but if you really need completely dynamic HTML with bindings, it works.
The example below starts out with one message, link-ified as per your filter, and after two seconds, changes message.
You can just use message as the name of the partial for registering, but you need a computed that returns that name after doing the registering, otherwise it would try to render before the name was registered.
var v = new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
message: 'hi #linky'
computed: {
partialName: function() {
Vue.partial(this.message, this.hashTags(this.message));
return this.message;
methods: {
someAction: function() {
hashTags: function(value) {
// Replace hash tags with links
return value.replace(/#(\S*)/g, '<a v-on:click="someAction()">#$1</a>')
setTimeout(() => {
v.$set('message', 'another #thing');
}, 2000);
<script src="//"></script>
<partial :name="partialName"></partial>
I just learned about $compile, and it seems to fit your need very nicely. A very simple directive using $compile avoids all the registrations.
Vue.directive('dynamic', function(newValue) {
this.el.innerHTML = newValue;
var v = new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
message: 'hi #linky'
computed: {
messageAsHtml: function() {
return this.message.replace(/#(\S*)/g, '<a v-on:click="someAction()">#$1</a>');
methods: {
someAction: function() {
setTimeout(() => {
v.$set('message', 'another #thing');
}, 2000);
<script src="//"></script>
<div v-dynamic="messageAsHtml"></div>
In Vue.js 2 it's easier:
new Vue({
computed: {
inner_html() {
return ...; // any raw html
template: `<div v-html='inner_html'></div>`,
The best solution I found which works fine with custom html is looks like this, it's like you kind of create new component each times the html property changes. No actually one did this, we just use computed property for creating new component.
That is how it looks:
new Vue({
el: "#root",
data: {
value: '',
name: 'root',
htmlData: '<div><input #input="onInputProxy($event)" ' +
'v-model="value" ' +
'v-for="i in 3" ' +
computed: {
// our component is computed property which returns the dict
htmlDataComponent () {
return {
template: this.htmlData, // we use htmlData as template text
data() {
return {
name: 'component',
value: ''
created () {
// value of "this" is formComponent
console.log( + ' created');
methods: {
// proxy components method to parent method,
// actually you done have to
onInputProxy: this.onInput
methods: {
onInput ($event) {
// while $event is proxied from dynamic formComponent
// value of "this" is parent component
console.log( + ' onInput');
// use refs to refer to real components value
<script src="">
<div id="root">
<component ref="htmlDataComponent"
I did not check it for memory efficiency, but it looks like works just fine.
Modified version of #RoyJ's answer, works in Vue.js v2.6.10
new Vue({
computed: {
inner_html() {
return ...; // any raw html
directives: {
dynamic: {
bind(el, binding) {
el.innerHTML = binding.value;
update(el, binding) {
el.innerHTML = binding.value;
template: `<div v-dynamic='inner_html'></div>`,
Since partial has been removed from VueJS 2 (
A better way may be to create a component which processes its content and create appropriate DOM elements
The above component will replace hashtags by clickable links
<process-text>Hi #hashtag !</process-text>
Vue.component('process-text', {
render: function (createElement) {
var hashtagRegex = /(^|\W)(#[a-z\d][\w-]*)/ig
var text = this.$slots.default[0].text
var list = text.split(hashtagRegex)
var children = []
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var element = list[i]
if (element.match(hashtagRegex)) {
children.push(createElement('a', {
attrs: {
href: '' + element,
target: "_blank"
domProps: {
innerHTML: element
} else {
return createElement('p', {}, children) // VueJS expects root element