Is it possible to clear IntelliJ clipboard history - intellij-idea

I want to clear IntelliJ's clipboard history. I've looked into the documentation but I couldn't find a way to do it.
The reason why I want to clear the clipboard history is I'll be recording a video where I'll be invoking the clipboard history and I don't want the viewer to see unwanted content from the clipboard history. How can I do it?
Help is very much appreciated.

On mac, hitting fn + detele removes items from the clipboard history list.

If you press Shift + Command + V (on mac) / Ctrl + Shift + V (on Windows)
the Paste from History dialog appears.
On the dialog, you can select each item in the history and press the delete button to remove it from the dialog.
You can also select all the lines in the dialog and press the delete button to remove them all at once


Navigating project files in intellij idea

I want to jump through files in the project window using the up / down buttons. Now I press the down button, then press the enter button and the focus goes to the code editor window. But I do not want the focus to go away, I want to continue jumping through the files, pressing the down button and enter when I want to open the file. I can do this using this combination: down arrow, enter, F12, down arrow, down arrow, enter, F12 ...
Is there any way to tweak this to avoid using F12?
I'm using Intellij idea 2020.3
I'd suggest reassigning shortcut combination Main Menu | Window | Active Tool Window | Jump to Last Tool Window to anything more suitable for you, e.g. ESC and be sure that you don't use the same shortcut for other actions and operations.

How to use Column selection mode Intellij IDE via holding Alt + mouse select?

In previous verions of InteliiJ IDEs it was possible just to hold Alt button and column-selection mode was ON (at least MacOS). Right now to enable it you have to switch mode every time on & off by pressing Alt+Shift+8.
How to use column selection only by holding Alt + mouse select? is there any config?
If you want to highlight several separate chunks of code (or place multiple carets) at once, you can drag (or click) the mouse while holding Alt+Shift. IDEA action name: 'Add or Remove Caret'
Dragging the mouse while holding Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Meta+Alt+Shift on Mac) will produce a rectangular selection that will also stack with the previous selections. IDEA action name: 'Add Rectangular selection on Mouse Drag'
You can also press Ctrl twice, and then without releasing it, press Up or Down arrow keys.
This help page has a lot of related useful information on the subject.
On Windows it's Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Click, no matter whether you are already in column mode or not.
If you want the keybinding to be ⌥ALT + mouse drag then you can change the keybindings in Preferences > Keymap > Editor Actions like so:
Create Rectangular Selection on Mouse Drag to ⌥ Click (clears old cursors)
Note that it should be Create instead of Add, and if you like you could set
Add Rectangular Selection on Mouse Drag to ⌥ ⇧ Click (keeps old cursors)

Can I open a file in a new split screen tab with a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ?

In VS Code I can press command + P to search for files and then when I find the one I'm looking for I can press Command + Shift + Enter to open the file in a new tab that adds a split pane to the window.
I can browse in a similar way in IntelliJ pressing Shift twice, but I can't figure out how to open the file in a tab in a split pane, just in a new tab in the same pane on pressing Enter. Is there a way to do it?
On the tab line, where all of your files are tabbed and opened, you can right click and see the option Split Vertically and Split Horizontally. They will split your window as needed. You can bind these options to a macro and automatically have anything split in a second.
Then you can just open any file with your explorer, and then run your key combination to split it!
Edit: you can create key mapping from the Settings -> Keymap menu.
Mr. Robot
I think, it's too late to answer this question.
But anyways, there is already a predefined keymap binding as per your requirement to open a new file in a split window.
keymap is Shift + Enter
After searching any file, you just have to press this combination and it will open that new file in a split window.
*This keymap is for Mac, it may be different for other OS.

What are the bigquery keyboard shortcuts?

Google's bigquery editor has keyboard shortcuts. For example ctrl+space composes a new query. I suspect there are more shortcuts, but I haven't found an useful list of them. Does anyone know them?
Ctrl + Space: If no query is open: compose new query. If query editor is open: autocomplete current word.
Ctrl + Enter: Run current query.
Tab: Autocomplete current word.
Ctrl: Highlight table names.
Ctrl + click on table name: Open table schema.
Ctrl + E: Run query from selection.
Ctrl + /: Comment current or selected line(s).
Ctrl + Shift + F: Format query.
(on Mac, replace Ctrl with Cmd)
This is the list from the official documentation:
You can see the shortcuts on the UI.
I found myself constantly refreshing bq page by accidentally hitting F5 as it is commonly used shortcut in many data tools for query/script execution. So in recently published Chrome Extension - BigQuery Mate - I have added F5 to execute query while in query editor.
Just Added:
I realized (a little ago) that one more shortcut is available now that i didn't know or see anyone mentioned before and was not available at a time this question was asked:
While your mouse is over Query Editor - pressing Alt - enters you into mode of copy of any rectangular part of your code. Quite useful!
July, 7 2016 Refresh:
I thought it also can be helpful to refresh this post with some BgQuery Mate keyboard shortcuts:
F5 – run query
Ctrl + F5 – run selection
F1 – help on selected or under-cursor-position keyword/function - opens respective documentation (SQL Version sensitive - Legacy / Standard)
Ctrl + Alt + / and Shift + Ctrl + Alt + / - comment/uncomment outside selection
Contextual Menu
Right Click > BigQuery Mate > Help on selected keyword/function – opens respective documentation (SQL Version sensitive - Legacy / Standard)
Right Click > BigQuery Mate > Preserve Format anywhere in Editor – Preserve Format – adjust Query Text such that further copy/paste preserves casing
I don't know all of them, but this seems a good place to share those I know:
ctrl+enter: runs the query
tab: autocomple
keep ctrl pressed: highlights the tables, clicking on them takes you to it
(note that in Apple ctrl might be the command key - I didn't know about ctrl+space, but it might be overloaded by mac os)
Continuing from Felipe Hoffa's answer above, the following keyboard shortcuts work on the Mac:
ctrl+enter: runs the query (same as Windows)
tab: autocompletes
keep the command key pressed: highlights the tables, clicking on them takes you to it.
Apparently, in the new tabbed view UI, there's two new keyboard shortcuts:
Alt+↑: move line of code up
Alt+↓: move line of code down
There might be others. I found them by accidentally hitting these keys. I can't find any documentation on these shortcuts, or I would include it.

Move file from one editor window to another (split mode)

Is it possible to move a file (already opened) from one editor to another in split mode without using mouse and without using tabs (I have tabs disabled).
Example of what i want to accomplish. I enabled split mode (vertical) and opened file X in left editor. I want to move this file X to right editor because I already have file Y int left editor.
I found the command Move to opposite group which works fine only when tabs are enabled. When tabs are disabled (my case) call Move to opposite group force split mode to disappear.
Goto File->Settings
Then Keymap
Type in the searchbox "Move To Opposite Group"
Assign a shortcut
Also useful is "Goto Next Splitter" which allows you to switch between your Splitter.
But you'll hardly find a shortcut which is not already occupied.
I used Ctrl + NumPad+ for "Move To Opposite Group" and Ctrl + ArrowRight for "Goto Next Splitter"
You'll be notified that this shortcut is already in use, but you can ignore that. I had no conflicts so far
I agree with David Viehtauer and would add to his setup. This also won't work with tabs disabled, but has become essential to my workflow.
My prefered setup under Preferences > Keymap:
Move Right: ⌃ + ⌘ + ↓
Move To Opposite Group: ⌃ + ⌘ + ↑
Goto Next Splitter: ⌃ + ⌘ + →
Goto Previous Splitter: ⌃ + ⌘ + ←
Move Right will create a new splitter and send your current tab to it (if you have more than one tab on your current splitter). Once your file is in a new splitter you can go between your splitters with the Goto Next Splitter and Goto Previous Splitter shorcuts above. Now, using the Move To Opposite Group shortcut you can move your active tab to the preferred side.
Once you get familiar with this setup, you can quickly manage your tabs.
Action Open in opposite group is the closest solution I found.
Example of what i want to accomplish. I enabled split mode (vertical) and opened file X in left editor. I want to move this file X to right editor because I already have file Y int left editor.
After Open in opposite group action X will be opened in both editors. My workflow is "move" X to right editor and keep working in left editor.
My choice in this case was to use CTRL-SHIFT-a. I felt the command was not important enough to dedicate a shortcut to it.
As soon as the dialog appears, it is sufficient to type open opp and then you can already hit ENTER.
Here is another way to do this:
Put the cursor in the editor you want the class to display in
Bring up the search for class dialog (alt-o in my mac keymap, can't
remember if I customized this or not)
Search for your class
Select it then hit cmd-shift-enter, it will open in the editor your
cursor is in even if it is already open in another editor pane