Trouble loading nanoFramework app onto STM32F429I-DISC1 board - nanoframework

I am trying to run a simple .NET nanoFrameork HelloWorld application on STM32F429I-DISC1 board (
I followed the steps from here:, but I cannot see my board in the Device Explorer window.
I installed nanoFramework using the ST-Link utility following the steps here:
What can I do to troubleshoot this issue?
Thank you in advance.

You have to use the target name that's used in the build. For this board that's ST_STM32F429I_DISCOVERY.
The target names are in the targets list in the home repo in github. From your question I can see that should be also mentioned on the target description page. Another improvement to add to the todo list...


Add FreeRTOS Kernel to an existing project in AtmelStudio

I want add FreeRTOS Kernel to an existing project, the references I consult shows that this can be done using ASF Wizard.
However in the ASF 3.30.1 (the version i have in my PC) I cannot find FreeRTOS module
I am not sure I undrestand why the freeRTOS module doesn't exist. Also I do not want to import freeRTOS source files from another project(this will be the last choice).
I am using Atmel Studio version 7.0.1006
Thank you in advance
If you do need to add the code in manually then there are instructions here: . The Atmel Studio demo projects in the FreeRTOS download have the code added manually so you can use those as a reference - you will find a list here

How to compile ios example in tensorflow

I just realized the tensorflow has supported ios now. But how to compile the example in contrib/ios_examples directory?
We're still finishing off all the documentation, but here's a draft of the README I'll be adding to the ios_examples directory. I'd be interested to hear if this helps, and if you have ideas for improvements.
TensorFlow iOS Examples
This folder contains examples of how to build applications for iOS devices using TensorFlow.
Building the Examples
You'll need Xcode 7.3 or later, with the command-line tools installed.
Follow the instructions at tensorflow/contrib/makefile to compile a static library containing the core TensorFlow code.
Download Inception v1, and extract the label and graph files into the data folders inside both the simple and camera examples.
Load the Xcode project inside the simple subfolder, and press Command-R to build and run it on the simulator or your connected device.
You should see a single-screen app with a "Run Model" button. Tap that, and you should see some debug output appear below indicating that the example Grace Hopper image has been analyzed, with a military uniform recognized.
Once that's been successfully run, make sure you have a real device connected and open up the Xcode project in the camera subfolder. Once you build and run that, you should get a live camera view that you can point at objects to get real-time recognition results.
If you're hitting problems, here's a checklist of common things to investigate:
Make sure that you've run the and scripts before you run compile_ios_tensorflow.
Check that you have version 7.3 of Xcode.
If there are Eigen errors, look inside the build settings of your Xcode project. In the Search Paths section, you'll see an Eigen include directory that changes with each version of the framework. You may need to update this to may the version in your tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads folder.
If there's a complaint about no Session's registered, that means that the C++ global constructors that TensorFlow relies on for registration haven't been linked in properly. You'll have to make sure your project uses force_load, as described below.
Creating your Own App
You'll need to update various settings in your app to link against TensorFlow. You can view them in the example projects, but here's a full rundown:
The `' script builds a universal static library in tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/lib/libtensorflow-core.a. You'll need to add this to your linking build stage, and in Search Paths add tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/lib to the Library Search Paths setting.
You'll also need to add libprotobuf.a and libprotobuf-lite.a from tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/protobuf_ios/lib to your Build Stages and Library Search Paths.
The Header Search paths needs to contain the root folder of tensorflow, tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads/protobuf/src, tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads, tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads/eigen-eigen-, and tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/proto.
In the Linking section, you need to add -force_load followed by the path to the TensorFlow static library in the Other Linker Flags section. This ensures that the global C++ objects that are used to register important classes inside the library are not stripped out. To the linker, they can appear unused because no other code references the variables, but in fact their constructors have the important side effect of registering the class.
The library doesn't currently support bitcode, so you'll need to disable that in your project settings.

How to make expandable list for Windows10 Universal App?

I am newbie to windows universal app development and I need an expadable list. In the past I did it with WPToolkit for Windows Phone 8 but I read that it is not available for UWP. I see ExpanderRT project and tried to use it but I couldn't be successfull. I add Shared project of ExpanderRT as an existing project to my solution and use as in the screenshot. Now I'm taking the namespace error.
I have a time limit. I need fast and easy working soluton for expandable list. Thank you all for your help.
I tried as #Osman said. But I'm not sure if it is the right decision. Because I see the expandable list and it works but project build throw error as in the screenshot below. I install it via nuget. It wasn't installed in the first place. I run as a administrator and changed project.json 's Copy to Output Directory value to Copy always. Then it was installed.
So my questions; Is this error important? Will it create problems when I want to put the app on store? I don't know how to act to this error, please help!
You can use the library given in the link above. I used it on our UWP project.It works great.
Hope this helps,

Can't use background task in Windows Phone 8.1 (the ID_CAP_NETWORKING required, but it's included in the manifest)

I need to update my Windows Phone application tile by downloading and parsing JSON. So I'm using Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.
And I've always got the exception Use of networking APIs requires the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to be defined in the application manifest when I'm trying to debug background task.
But my manifest included ID_CAP_NETWORKING as required (screenshot
I don't know what to do. I tried rebuild or recreate the app, but this didn't help. Also I can't find any documentation or an answer on the internet.
Can you please write, what can I do to solve this problem?
This is demo project with reproduced problem (project's name is 'Meduza. Windows Phone').
I debug my application on Lumia 720 (if it can help).
I re-downloaded your project and now I get your error. So I thought, I must of done something before launching your project that fixed it.
It took me while, but I can get your project to work by doing this
Unzip project to directory
Open Project
Clean Project
Add Internet (Client and Server) in Package.appxmanifest file (make sure you save it before exiting)
Put the break points in your background task
And it works. So a combination of Clean Build + editing the Package.appxmanifest did the trick for me.

Appcelerator Titanium Module - Verification issue, unlicensed module(s)

I had found a module in the appcelerator marketplace to allow for the rotate gesture called gesture recogniser but unfortunately it's now been removed when i went to purchase but it looks like the developer has also released the module as a 'skeleton' version on github here:
Now i followed the instructions on the readme file and built the project which created the module for me, when putting this into an app though i get the following error message and red screen:
Verification issue
Unlicensed module(s) detected.
You must be a subscriber to use one or more of the modules included with this project
Is there something i have missed to get this and how to i go about resolving the issue? Sorry i have no clue when it comes to github and modules so apologies if i am trying to use this in my app when i shouldn't but if anyone can help explain how and if i am allowed to get this working?
p.s the original link for the marketplace link that is now not found is:
You need to follow steps as follows:
Open Terminal and run “uuidgen”
Copy the code you see on the terminal
Open tiapp.xml, replace what’s in the “guid” tag with the the code you copied.
In Titanium Studio, do Project –> Clean
Concept is to change GUID of module which is mentioned in manifest.
If you have the source code, just go the the manifest file, change the guid in the manifest to a new one, and build the module again. Probably better to increase the version and include it in your project again. Clean and build and it will work.
I guess the Titanium studio checks if you have licence for the modules you use. In case a module is on the marketplace with the same guid and you have no licence for that, it triggers it as unlicensed module.