I need to write function that will split my large string into arr of max size 30. I tried something like this:
byte packetNumber;
String Text = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.";
void loop(){
void convertData(String toSlice) {
packetNumber = ceil((float)toSlice.length() / 30);
byte mod = toSlice.length() % 30;
char Arr[packetNumber][30];
byte buf = 0, buf2 = 30;
for (byte x = 0; x < packetNumber; x++) {
for (byte y = buf; y < buf2; y++) {
Arr[x][y] = toSlice[y];
if (x == packetNumber-2){
Serial.print("\nilosc pakietow: ");
But the output is:
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy te⸮⸮xt of the printing and typesetJ
I think it s because it takes too much memory because it overrides my other variables with this data. Do you know any good solution for this?
I'm trying to convert this objective-c code. I want to create the same value as Java.
long value = 165500000;
for (int i = 8; i-- > 0; value >>= 8) {
data[i] = (byte) value;
The code below is the code I converted to Objective-c. But the data is different from Java.
How do I get the same data as Java?
long time = 165500000;
char cData[8];
for (int i = 8; i-- > 0; time >>= 8) {
cData[i] = (char)time;
As part of my final year project, I am testing the Bouncycastle library on SHA-3.
I have found the source code to calculate the hash value of a string:
String input = "hello" ;
SHA3.DigestSHA3 digestSHA3 = new SHA3.Digest256();
byte[] digest = digestSHA3.digest(input.getBytes());
System.out.println("SHA3-256 = " + Hex.toHexString(digest));
but i want to calculate the hash value of a matrix, Anyone who can help me with this?
You need to uniquely convert matrix to byte array. One of the possible solutions:
private static byte[] intToBytes(int value) {
return new byte[] {
(byte)(value >>> 24),
(byte)(value >>> 16),
(byte)(value >>> 8),
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int[][] matrix = new int[3][5];
SHA3.DigestSHA3 sha3 = new SHA3.Digest256();
int height = matrix.length;
int width = matrix[0].length;
sha3.update(intToBytes(height)); // add height of the matrix
sha3.update(intToBytes(width)); // add width
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
sha3.update(intToBytes(matrix[i][j])); // add all values
byte[] digest = digest.digest();
I am trying to copy unsigned short from native code to managed code, but I get a heap corruption when calling memcpy.
INPUT: unsigned short* input
OUTPUT: array<unsigned short> output
I have the following code and if I set testDataSize is 100 then I don't see corruption.
Could someone please shed some light ?
typedef unsigned short uns16;
// DLL Entry Point
void main()
int testDataSize = 600;
int frSize = testDataSize / 2;
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
uns16* input;
array<uns16>^ output1;
array<uns16>^ output2;
input = new uns16(frSize);
output1 = gcnew array <uns16>(frSize);
output2 = gcnew array <uns16>(frSize);
// initialize
for (int i = 0; i < frSize; i++)
input[i] = i;
//test 1
Stopwatch^ sw1 = Stopwatch::StartNew();
array<short>^ frameDataSigned = gcnew array<short>(frSize);
Marshal::Copy(IntPtr((void*)(input)), frameDataSigned, 0, frameDataSigned->Length);
System::Buffer::BlockCopy(frameDataSigned, 0, output1, 0, (Int32)(frSize) * 2);
auto res1 = sw1->ElapsedTicks;
//test 2
Stopwatch^ sw2 = Stopwatch::StartNew();
cli::pin_ptr<uns16> pinnedManagedData = &output2[0];
memcpy(pinnedManagedData, (void*)(input), frSize * sizeof(uns16));
auto res2 = sw2->ElapsedTicks;
int frSize = 300;
input = new uns16(frSize);
This doesn't allocate an array. It allocates a single uint16_t, and sets its value to 300. You need to use square brackets to allocate an array.
input = new uns16[frSize];
hi i am working on arm controller lm3s8962 i m not able to understand the code below as per my understanding it is checking if the character is from the array or not, which he created using the ascii characters{i.e in the while loop : while(*pcStr != 0) },
i am not able to get what he is doing in the code after the line "Build and display the character buffer" plz can anyone explain this
RIT128x96x4StringDraw(const char *pcStr, unsigned long ulX,
unsigned long ulY, unsigned char ucLevel)
unsigned long ulIdx1, ulIdx2;
unsigned char ucTemp;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulX < 128);
ASSERT((ulX & 1) == 0);
ASSERT(ulY < 96);
ASSERT(ucLevel < 16);
// Setup a window starting at the specified column and row, ending
// at the right edge of the display and 8 rows down (single character row).
g_pucBuffer[0] = 0x15;
g_pucBuffer[1] = ulX / 2;
g_pucBuffer[2] = 63;
RITWriteCommand(g_pucBuffer, 3);
g_pucBuffer[0] = 0x75;
g_pucBuffer[1] = ulY;
g_pucBuffer[2] = ulY + 7;
RITWriteCommand(g_pucBuffer, 3);
// Loop while there are more characters in the string.
while(*pcStr != 0)
// Get a working copy of the current character and convert to an
// index into the character bit-map array.
ucTemp = *pcStr++ & 0x7f;
if(ucTemp < ' ')
ucTemp = 0;
ucTemp -= ' ';
// Build and display the character buffer.
for(ulIdx1 = 0; ulIdx1 < 6; ulIdx1 += 2)
// Convert two columns of 1-bit font data into a single data
// byte column of 4-bit font data.
for(ulIdx2 = 0; ulIdx2 < 8; ulIdx2++)
g_pucBuffer[ulIdx2] = 0;
if(g_pucFont[ucTemp][ulIdx1] & (1 << ulIdx2))
g_pucBuffer[ulIdx2] = (ucLevel << 4) & 0xf0;
if((ulIdx1 < 4) &&
(g_pucFont[ucTemp][ulIdx1 + 1] & (1 << ulIdx2)))
g_pucBuffer[ulIdx2] |= (ucLevel << 0) & 0x0f;
// Send this byte column to the display.
RITWriteData(g_pucBuffer, 8);
ulX += 2;
// Return if the right side of the display has been reached.
if(ulX == 128)
He is doing some bit manipulations to build up bytes.
x |= y is the same as x = x | y, which keeps all the 1s in x and also changes some of the 0s to 1 if y has a 1 in the same position.
1 << i is a byte with a single 1 bit in the ith position from the right.
x = y & 0xf0 copies only the left 4 bits of y into x.
So he is looking up values in an array, checking particular bits of those values, then filling up another array with number created from those bits. You will have to work out the particulars for yourself.
i am trying to increment ipv6 address based on mask.
i am getting problem when there is F in place of increment.
could any one plz check this
public String IncrementIPV6ForPrefixLength (String IPv6String, int times) throws UnknownHostException
int result , carry = 0, i;
int bits;
int mask=0;
int index=IPv6String.indexOf("/");
mask=Integer.parseInt(IPv6String.substring(index+1, IPv6String.length()));
IPv6String=IPv6String.substring(0, index);
InetAddress iaddr=InetAddress.getByName(IPv6String);
byte[] IPv6Arr=iaddr.getAddress();
if(mask > 128 || mask < 0)
return null;
i = mask/8;
bits = mask%8;
result = ((int)(IPv6Arr[i]>>(8-bits))) + times;
IPv6Arr[i] =(byte) ((result << (8-bits)) | (IPv6Arr[i] & (0xff >> (bits))));
carry = (result << (8-bits))/256;
times /= 256;
result = ((int)IPv6Arr[i]) + ((times + carry)& 0xFF);
IPv6Arr[i] = (byte)(result % 256);
carry = result / 256;
if(carry == 0)
String s=iaddr.toString();
if(s.indexOf('/') != -1){
s = s.substring(1, s.length()).toUpperCase();
StringBuffer buff =new StringBuffer("");
String[] ss = s.split(":");
for(int k=0;k<ss.length;k++){
int Differ = 4 - ss[k].length();
for(int j = 0; j<Differ;j++){
return buff.toString()+"/"+mask;
times /= 256;
return null;
input like this:
output like this
if increment by 1
if increment by 2
can u plz find where i am doing wrong.
Disregarding the posted code, try to model the operation as a direct numerical operation on the 128-bit number that the IPv6 address really is. Convert to BigInteger and use BigInteger.add.