Looking to see if a column of long strings contains any item from a list of shorter strings [duplicate] - sql

So I have to search for a bunch of names in a BigQuery table which I collect periodically in another dataset. The dataset is too large at this point containing almost ~60k names and I no longer can do
SELECT * FROM base.table WHERE name LIKE '%name1%' OR name LIKE '%name2%.....
As I tried it using a python script with:
SELECT * FROM base.table WHERE name LIKE({' OR '.join([f'ulv4.full_name LIKE %{name}%' for name in names])})
But the character limit for query exceeds for this many names. I tried looking at solutions like this and other answers to the same question but no answer seems to work for BigQuery Standard SQL. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.

You should keep the names in another table and then join to it:
FROM base.table t1
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM other.table t2
WHERE t1.name LIKE CONCAT('%', t2.name, '%'));
Then, any record in the base.table would only match if it contains some substring name from the other table.


How to check for multiple patterns in Google BigQuery SQL? (LIKE + IN)

So I have to search for a bunch of names in a BigQuery table which I collect periodically in another dataset. The dataset is too large at this point containing almost ~60k names and I no longer can do
SELECT * FROM base.table WHERE name LIKE '%name1%' OR name LIKE '%name2%.....
As I tried it using a python script with:
SELECT * FROM base.table WHERE name LIKE({' OR '.join([f'ulv4.full_name LIKE %{name}%' for name in names])})
But the character limit for query exceeds for this many names. I tried looking at solutions like this and other answers to the same question but no answer seems to work for BigQuery Standard SQL. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
You should keep the names in another table and then join to it:
FROM base.table t1
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM other.table t2
WHERE t1.name LIKE CONCAT('%', t2.name, '%'));
Then, any record in the base.table would only match if it contains some substring name from the other table.

SQL: Return records containing a word where the last letter is anything except K

Suppose I have a table containing a column by the name "Query". I have to display the records where the string in this column has used noloc instead of nolock. Note that noloc can be followed/preceded by ) or space etc. I just need all records that have anything before and after noloc except nolock. Is there a way to do it in SQL?
I tried:
select * from table1
where Query LIKE '%noloc%'
but this includes queries containing nolock. I tried variations of the above like putting space before and/or after % but none of them fills all the criteria.
You can use both conditions in the where clause
select * from table1
where Query LIKE '%noloc%' and Query NOT LIKE '%nolock%'
You want anything + noloc + any one char but k + anything. Here:
select * from table1
where Query LIKE '%noloc[^k]%'

SQL UPDATE part of a string with value from other table

I need to replace part of a string with a value from another database table. Actually I need to replace the userids with emails.
1 |johndoe; janedoe;
2 |otherguy; johndoe;
1 |johndoe |johndoe#test.com
2 |janedoe |janedoe#test.com
3 |otherguy|otherguy#test.com
my query
How can I specify the "part of the string" thing ?
There are a number of comments about changing your schema...which would be the best way forward.
It looks like what you are storing in table1.email is actually a list of UserId from table2. So you'll need to break out these ids in order to join to the tables together.
If you absolutely must follow this path, then there are existing Q+As on the site that will help you:
(I've taken a leap of faith that you are using SQL server ... but if you search I'm sure you can find similar answers for other RDBMSs)
Turning a Comma Separated string into individual rows
Multiple rows to one comma separated value
I guess you need the following

select query to perform data existance in other table where data need to split and each part need to check

I dont want to use any function or any procedure.
I want simple select query to check the existance of the each part of string.
like i have one table dummy which have name column
Id name
1 as;as;as
2 asd;rt
and child table
child_id name
23 as
24 asd
25 rt
so any i can do that
i have tried like
select substr(first_name,1,instr(first_name,';')-1) from dummy;
select substr(first_name,instr(first_name,';')+1,instr(first_name,';')-1)
from dummy;
Which is giving only first/second part but other part
how to get other part
If I've got it right - You need to join these tables if child's NAME is included in a DUMMY.Name
SQLFiddle example
select t1.*,
t2.name as t2name
from t1
left join t2 on (';'||t1.name||';' like '%;'||t2.name||';%')
I would need more information on this question. We do not know if you have to detect more than one of the possible strings on just one field.
You could use three like clauses for the three possible scenarios
LIKE column_name ||'%;'
LIKE '%;'|| column_name
LIKE ';%'|| column_name ||'%;'
But it would probably work better for the future learning about building regular expressions. Here is a webpage that helped me a lot: txt2re.com

Is there any way to combine IN with LIKE in an SQL statement?

I am trying to find a way, if possible, to use IN and LIKE together. What I want to accomplish is putting a subquery that pulls up a list of data into an IN statement. The problem is the list of data contains wildcards. Is there any way to do this?
Just something I was curious on.
Example of data in the 2 tables
Parent table
ID Office_Code Employee_Name
1 GG234 Tom
2 GG654 Bill
3 PQ123 Chris
Second table
ID Code_Wildcard
1 GG%
2 PQ%
Clarifying note (via third-party)
Since I'm seeing several responses which don't seems to address what Ziltoid asks, I thought I try clarifying what I think he means.
In SQL, "WHERE col IN (1,2,3)" is roughly the equivalent of "WHERE col = 1 OR col = 2 OR col = 3".
He's looking for something which I'll pseudo-code as
WHERE col IN_LIKE ('A%', 'TH%E', '%C')
which would be roughly the equivalent of
WHERE col LIKE 'A%' OR col LIKE 'TH%E' OR col LIKE '%C'
The Regex answers seem to come closest; the rest seem way off the mark.
I'm not sure which database you're using, but with Oracle you could accomplish something equivalent by aliasing your subquery in the FROM clause rather than using it in an IN clause. Using your example:
select p.*
(select code_wildcard
from second
where id = 1) s
join parent p
on p.office_code like s.code_wildcard
WHERE field1 REGEXP('(value1)|(value2)|(value3)')
Same in Oracle:
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(field1, '(value1)|(value2)|(value3)')
Do you mean somethign like:
select * FROM table where column IN (
SELECT column from table where column like '%%'
Really this should be written like:
SELECT * FROM table where column like '%%'
Using a sub select query is really beneficial when you have to pull records based on a set of logic that you won't want in the main query.
something like:
SELECT TableA_IdColumn FROM TableB WHERE TableA_IDColumn like '%%'
update to question:
You can't combine an IN statement with a like statement:
You'll have to do three different like statements to search on the various wildcards.
You could use a LIKE statement to obtain a list of IDs and then use that in the IN statement.
But you can't directly combine IN and LIKE.
Perhaps something like this?
My_Table T
INNER JOIN My_List_Of_Value V ON
T.my_column LIKE '%' + V.search_value + '%'
In this example I've used a table with the values for simplicity, but you could easily change that to a subquery. If you have a large list (like tens of thousands) then performance might be rough.
select *
from parent
where exists( select *
from second
where office_code like trim( code_wildcard ) );
Trim code_wildcard just in case it has trailing blanks.
You could do the Like part in a subquery perhaps?
Select * From TableA Where X in (Select A from TableB where B Like '%123%')
tsql has the contains statement for a full-text-search enabled table.
CONTAINS(Description, '"sea*" OR "bread*"')
If I'm reading the question correctly, we want all Parent rows that have an Office_code that matches any Code_Wildcard in the "Second" table.
In Oracle, at least, this query achieves that:
FROM parent, second
WHERE office_code LIKE code_wildcard;
Am I missing something?