Can I use MOTOR for mongoengine? - pymongo

I want to know, is there a possible way to use Motor with mongoengine(not motorengine because this library is not supported)? If not, is there another way to use Models for pyMongo like in mongoengine?

No, MongoEngine strictly support pymongo as driver as explained here


direct inclusion of lammps commands in PyIron

I want to impose reflecting BCs at the non-periodic direction of my simulation box. To this end I need to use fix wall/reflect
Is there any way for direct inclusion of this command in PyIron?
Best regards
wall/reflect is currently not natively supported by pyiron, but if you know the LAMMPS command, you can include it for example via:
job.input.control['fix___fixname'] = 'all wall/reflect xlo EDGE xhi EDGE'
(I took the first example on the LAMMPS page you shared). If your LAMMPS input is not too complicated, this pyiron should be able to place this command in the appropriate position.
Sams's solution is definitely the easiest way if you just want to insert one fix. But you can even load full LAMMPS scripts inside pyiron, here is an example:
The important part is to keep the read_data structure.inp and the include potential.inp to use the structure and interatomic potential defined by pyiron. Finally if you also copy the dump, dump_modify and thermo part you can use the pyiron parsers, otherwise you can always parse the output yourself, like I demonstrated in the above example.

How is Groovy hot-swap agent "gragent.jar" is supposed to work in Intellij Idea?

It seems doesn't add anything to the regular java hot-swapping. I'd like to get the groovy class hot-swapped in a case of method adding/removing/signature changing. Is it possible with this agent?
Dany's answer is correct, but doesn't answer the question fully. No, this agent doesn't help you to hot-swap when fields or methods are changed. You might want to consider using DCEVM for that.
Removes all timestamp-related Groovy fields on class loading
Also clears Groovy's call site cache
As stated in

Tensorflow Documentation

I am increasingly irritated and frustrated by the Tensorflow documentation. I searched on google for documentation regarding
I'm getting directed to a generic page like here. I want to see the details of tf.reshape and not the entirety of the documentation.
Am I doing something wrong here?
Do not Google about Tensorflow documentation, use the TensorFlow Python reference documentation and ctrl + f
The probably fastest way is to use the Tf documentation is:
Just type tf.reshape and you are done.
which can be also used offline and automatically updates the docs.
edit: even typing only res shows you the documentation.
Update for posterity:
With the new TensorFlow, the website is now indexed with Google, and it should also soon be indexed by other search engines.
I would suggest you use the GitHub repo as your documentation instead.
For example tf.reshape is in a single Markdown file
To search for the document you want, you could use the GitHub search under that functions_and_classes folder.
An example is
tf.reshape() path:tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes language:Markdown✓&q=tf.reshape%28%29+path%3Atensorflow%2Fg3doc%2Fapi_docs%2Fpython%2Ffunctions_and_classes+language%3AMarkdown&type=Code
which search for tf.reshape() under the documentation folder.
I use the non-official Dash/Zeal docset for TensorFlow:
It is a very convenient way of browsing the TensorFlow documentation offline and it solves the problem you are describing.
Is this what you are looking for? Using the search functionality of the browser helped me find it.
I suppose that you have installed tensorflow in your computer and that you know the name of function that you may want to use.
So if you use some Python IDE, I think you can directly jump to the declaration or definition of this function and see the usage and explanation. That is the same documentation as online (although for some functions it is not very clear).
You can use the url for tensorflow documentation and add what you want to search..
The base url is:
You can add what_ever_you_want_to_search after the /
Since Tensorflow r1.1 a search on google for items like 'tf.shape' now lists the appropriate page at the top of the search results.
This didn't work back in r0.10 and r0.11, maybe because there were many markdown formatting issues in the Tensorflow docs themselves.
Since you tf is developing best way is to go through the tf API. And it's good if you can follow these slides in

How to use Distributed Entry Iterator feature with RemoteCache on Infinispan +7.1 version?

I use keySet() api in production. But I know it's not recommended.
So I'd like to change it to new api over version 7.x
It's introduced on official blog.
But I can't figure it out how to use it in Hotrod RemoteCache.
Anyone already tried successfully?
Thanks a lot.
This was answered at
Radim Vansa said:
Regrettably, this feature is not available yet over Hot Rod. Remote clients have certain lag after embedded-mode features. Map/Reduce and DistributedExecutors over HR are quite close on the roadmap, distributed entry retrievers should follow.
William Burns said:
I also wanted to make sure you are aware that the keySet method is fine to use in the API as outlined [1]. The Cache Javadoc has some more specifics [2]. Basically the methods you should never use are the toArray methods on the collections returned from keySet, entrySet or values. The other methods are done lazily. Note this means the collection isn't a copy like before as well.
Also to note if you do end up using any of the iterators from these bulk methods, you need to make sure to close them properly.
However as Radim pointed out Hot Rod does not have this support yet (embedded only), but should be coming to a new version soon.

Matplotlib for SUMO

Is it possible to create plots of vehicles let through on a lane using matplotlib in the Python script that acts as as the controller for SUMO ?
What if an OSM map were to be used?
I'm asking if this could essentially replace the use of NS-2 dependent Xgraph.
I don't see why this shouldn't be possible, but you need to do it on your own. You might consider existing scripts as partyrender.
Maybe a better idea is to use a screenrecorder to make movies out of the animations of the eWorld frontend: