Select query to return no records - sql

I have Table 1 : EMP as below
1 sajani Bangalore 20
2 Prashanth Bangalore 10
3 Jayvin Bangalore 10
Table 2: EMP1
1 Sajani Bangalore 10
1 Sajani Bangalore 10
2 Prashanth Bangalore 10
3 Jayvin Bangalore 10
ID is the Key and is common in both the files. I want a Select SQL statement which states table 1 = table 2 and once select query is executed, it should return 0 records.

Use MINUS operator

Thanks, I figured out the solution
Select * from emp
where amt <>(
select sum(e1.amt1)
from emp1 e1


joining 2 tables in sql which has no dependency on each other

I have 2 tables in the following way
Table 1:
e_id e_name e_salary e_age e_gender e_dept
1 sam 95000 45 male operations
2 bob 80000 21 male support
3 ann 125000 25 female analyst
Table 2:
d_salary d_age d_gender e_dept
34000 25 male Admin
56000 41 female Tech
77000 35 female HR
I want the output something like this:
e_id e_name e_salary e_age e_gender e_dept d_salary d_age d_gender e_dept
1 sam 95000 45 male operations 34000 25 male Admin
2 bob 80000 21 male support 56000 41 female Tech
3 ann 125000 25 female analysts 77000 35 female HR
There is no dependency between the tables. No common columns. No primary or foreign key.
I tried using cross join that results in duplicate rows because it works on M X N
I am new to this SQL thing. Can someone help me, please? Thanks in advance
Though I didn't get the reason behind your desired output but you can get that with below query:
select a.e_id ,a.e_name ,a.e_salary ,a.e_age ,a.e_gender ,a.e_dept,b.d_salary ,b.d_age ,b.d_gender ,b.e_dept
(select e_id ,e_name ,e_salary ,e_age ,e_gender ,e_dept, row_number()over(order by e_id)rn
from table1)a
inner join
(select d_salary d_age d_gender e_dept,row_number()over(order by d_salary) rn
from table 2) b
on a.rn=b.rn
Generally you can create a row count using the row_number() window function on both tables and use this as join criterion. But this requires a certain order for both tables, which means that you have explicitly tell the query why is the Admin record ordered first and must be joined on the first record of table 1:
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY e_id) as row_count -- assuming e_id is your order criterion
FROM table1
) t1
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY /*whatever you expect to be ordered*/) as row_count
FROM table2
) t2
ON t1.row_count = t2.row_count

Reconciliation Automation Query

I have one database and time to time i change some part of query as per requirement.
i want to keep record of results of both before and after result of these queries in one table and want to show queries which generate difference.
For Example,
Consider following table
emp_id country salary
1 usa 1000
2 uk 2500
3 uk 1200
4 usa 3500
5 usa 4000
6 uk 1100
Now, my before query is :
Before Query:
select count(emp_id) as count,country from table where salary>2000 group by country;
Before Result:
count country
2 usa
1 uk
After Query:
select count(emp_id) as count,country from table where salary<2000 group by country;
After Query Result:
count country
2 uk
1 usa
My Final Result or Table I want is:
column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 |
2 usa 2 uk
1 uk 1 usa
...... but if query results are same than it shouldn't show in this table.
Thanks in advance.
I believe that you can use the same approach as here.
select t1.*, t2.* -- if you need specific columns without rn than you have to list them here
select t.*, row_number() over (order by count) rn
-- query #1
select count(emp_id) as count,country from table where salary>2000 group by country;
) t
) t1
full join
select t.*, row_number() over (order by count) rn
-- query #2
select count(emp_id) as count,country from table where salary<2000 group by country;
) t
) t2 on t1.rn = t2.rn

How to select only details of min value only in SQL?

I could get the minimum percentage of two values, but I need only the name, and ID in the select.
2 Morales Los Angeles 40 10
1 John New York 60 20
4 Mary San Diego 10 10
I need to get the min value of one/two, and to only appear this as a result:
4 Mary
Select ID, NAME
where least(ONE,TWO) = (select min(least(ONE,TWO)) from MYTABLE);
If you don't want Morales, then you can do this :
Select ID, NAME
where id =
(select id from
(select id from MYTABLE order by least(ONE,TWO), ONE*TWO)
where rownum <= 1);

Duplicating multiple records in table with primary key

I am working with duplicating multiple records in table 1 with primary key which has a reference with table 2 (foreign key)
Consider table employee with columns (eid(primary key),ename,dept,dept_code).
Table 2 employee_address with columns (eaid(primary key), eid(foreign key), city, country)
Now the task is the table 1 (ie. employee) may have number of values with different department codes.
Suppose dept_code may be 1 or 2 like so and so.
Now with both the table with some data look like this
Eid(pk) ename dept Dept_code
100 Sss Cse 1
101 Aaa Cse 1
102 Bbb Cse 1
103 Ccc Eee 2
104 ddd it 3
Eaid (pk) Eid (fk) city country
1 100 NY Us
2 100 NY Us
3 100 NY Us
4 101 CALIF Us
5 102 DC Us
6 102 DC Us
7 103 NJ Us
now the thing is i have to duplicate all the records in employee table where dept_code=1 and duplicate records dept_code should be = 5.
And the foreign key referencing to employee address table (ie. here in the current document 100,101,102) in the table 2 has to be duplicated number of times those foreign key value present in table 2.
I have to get the output like this
Employee table
Eid(pk) ename dept Dept_code
100 Sss Cse 1
101 Aaa Cse 1
102 Bbb Cse 1
103 Ccc Eee 2
104 ddd it 3
**105 sss cse 5
106 aaa cse 5
107 bbb cse 5**
Employee Address table
Eaid (pk) Eid (fk) city country
1 100 NY Us
2 100 NY Us
3 100 NY Us
4 101 CALIF Us
5 102 DC Us
6 102 DC Us
7 103 NJ Us
**8 105 NY Us
9 105 NY Us
10 105 Ny Us
11 106 CALIF Us
12 107 DC Us
13 107 DC Us**
Now I have to get the output like this.
Conditions for this task is,
no for loop
hitting a database should be as minimal as possible
can use java or if posssible in sql query itself.
I tried with various ideas nothing worked out.
Help me out in this.
If I understand your question, these two queries will work. They use tSql window functions, if you are not using Sql Server then you will need to find the equivalent.
Edited to answer comment from OP-
If you want to create new tables:
Select * Into EmployeeNew From (
Select *
From Employee E
Union All
Select Row_Number() Over (Order By eid) + (Select Max(eid) From Employee),
ename, dept, 5 dept_code
From Employee
Where Dept_Code = 1) A
Select * Into EmployeeAddressNew From (
Select A.*
From Employee E
Join EmployeeAddress A On A.eid = E.eid
Union All
Select A.eaid + (Select Max(eaid) From EmployeeAddress),
Dense_Rank() Over (Order By E.eid) + (Select Max(eid) From Employee),
City, Country
From Employee E
Join EmployeeAddress A On A.eid = E.eid
Where E.Dept_Code = 1) A
If you only want to insert 'new' records into the original tables:
Insert Employee
Select Row_Number() Over (Order By eid) + (Select Max(eid) From Employee),
ename, dept, 5 dept_code
From Employee
Where Dept_Code = 1
Insert EmployeeAddress
Select A.eaid + (Select Max(eaid) From EmployeeAddress),
Dense_Rank() Over (Order By E.eid) + (Select Max(eid) From Employee),
City, Country
From Employee E
Join EmployeeAddress A On A.eid = E.eid
Where E.Dept_Code = 1

How does select query works?

I having trouble with this query
it is executing quit well but I cannot make out
how is this select statement working.
Any help or explanation on this problem will be appreciated ..
thank you
these are my tables and query
here am looking for the employee who lives in same city as the the company for which they work
eid name street city
----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------
1 yeman asd vasai
2 aksh adssd mumbai
3 chintan ghfgh mumbai
4 samual ghfdgh bandra
5 ddlj fghfgh andheri
6 jack fghnfg Bandra
7 bridge gfhfgh vasai
8 rahim ghfgh mumbai
9 chirag fghfghfg bandra
10 mistry hhhty bandra
11 ravi tytey andheri
Table:- company
cid companyname city
----------- ------------------- ------------
1 Vasai Industries vasai
2 Mumbai Pharmacy mumbai
3 bandra loft bandra
4 andheri tactics andheri
Table:= works
eid cid salary
----------- ----------- -----------
1 1 200
2 3 4831
3 4 4457
4 2 20001
5 1 32221
6 2 224
7 3 784
8 1 336
9 3 2489
10 2 4789
11 1 22541
select * from emp
where eid
IN (select eid from works
where cid=(select cid from company
why not use this query with joins and its easy to understand then a bunch of subqueries.
select * from emp
inner join works on works.eid = emp.eid
inner join company on
Explanation: cid from company where
Here you are getting city id regarding cities which are same in emp and company
select eid from works
where cid=(select cid from company
Here you getting collection of id's from works table which cid is same in emp and company
select * from emp
where eid
IN (select eid from works
where cid=(select cid from company
here you are getting all records based on emp id's whose cities are same in emp and city