Display date from Firestore React native - react-native

I try to display the picked event date för my posts from Firestore using moment. Right now it just print The current day, so I display the date but not ont he right way. I get no error message. I have tried to change the timestamp to "dateUpload". but it gives me a print in my Text component "invalid date". Do any have clue of what I can do?
This is how display it my flatlist:
In my redux Action.js
export function fetchFollowingUsersPosts(uid) {
return ((dispatch, getState) => {
.orderBy("creation", "asc")
.then((snapshot) => {
const uid = snapshot.query.EP.path.segments[1];
const user = getState().usersState.users.find(el => el.uid === uid);
const posts = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => {
const { data: firebaseTimestamp, ...rest } = doc.data()
const id = doc.id;
const data = firebaseTimestamp ? moment(firebaseTimestamp.toDate()) : null
return {
dispatch({ type: USERS_POSTS_STATE_CHANGE, posts, uid, })
Image on my database:

Instead of const data = firebaseTimestamp ? moment(firebaseTimestamp.toDate()) : null, try this const data = firebaseTimestamp ? firebaseTimestamp.toDate() : null , so you'll be having a javascript Date object, instead of a Moment object.
Then, you can use it as you did postDate={moment(item.timestamp).format("ll")}, assuming that item.timestamp is the Date object from above


Prevstate in reactJs

This might be a silly question, but how do I get data if I saved the state using prevState.
I am trying to retrieve data from database and send that data through navigation.
const [dataFromDatabase, setDataFromDatabase] = useState('');
const retrieveFromDatabase = () => {
tx => {
tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM PreLoveeedTable",
(_, { rows }) => {
console.log("ROWS RETRIEVED");
// clear data currently stored
let entries = rows._array;
entries.forEach((entry) => {
setDataFromDatabase(prev => prev + `${entry.id}, ${entry.image}, ${entry.title}, ${entry.price}, ${entry.description}\n
(_, result) => {
console.log('SELECT failed!');
{dataFromDatabase} will give me the whole entire data in the database.
But wanted to have each entry in the Database. For example entry for title.
I have been stuck on this for a while now and would be appreciated it if i can get a hint.

item.match is not a function in React Native

im having this error every time i type even one letter in my search bar and i dont know how to fix. sorry noob dev
const [dataList] = useState(data)
const [filtered, setFiltered] = useState(dataList);
const onSearch = (text) => {
if (text) {
const temp = text.toLowerCase();
const tempList = dataList.filter(item => {
if (item.match(temp))
return item
else {
here is the error i get
hi maybe item is not a String, it needs to be.
and another syntax advice.
change to return item.match(temp)

Mobx state tree observe not working as expected

const Player = types.model({
game_object: types.frozen()
const Zone = types.model({
players: types.map(Player)
.actions(self => ({
addPlayer(params) {
const playerGameObject = new PlayerGameObject(params);
const newPlayer = Player.create({ game_object: playerGameObject })
self.players.set(params.socket_id, newPlayer)
Later on I have
observe(store.zone, "players", change => {
console.log("Store zone players changed!!", change)
I am not sure why this isn't working. I've tried a similar thing with a string field instead of a Player and it did work!
Here's the code sandbox!

Suggestion for fetch the data in database and set progress bar

I have already stored the student id and number of books read in the database. now, I have implemented the method to get the details of books count read by the students. but the function progressbardata() doesn't return the data fetched from query. I have tried to assign a value manually inside the db.transaction() and returned it but no luck.
Could you please let me know where i am doing wrong. also this method looping multiple times. how can we sort this out.
import * as Progress from 'react-native-progress';
import { openDatabase } from 'react-native-sqlite-storage';
var db = openDatabase({ name: 'UserDatabase.db' });
let progressbardata = (id) => {
var totalItems=0;
db.transaction((tx) => {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM student where id = ?', [id], (tx, results) => {
totalItems = results.rows.item(0).percent;
return (totalItems);
const _renderContent = (item, index) => {
return (
<Progress.Bar color='#68FF33' progress={progressbardata(item.id)}/>
My guess would be that the request to fetch the data is asynchronous and this code does not seem to wait for a response to continue. Therefor the code would continue while the fetch requests has not returned a value yet. If this is the case, I would suggest that you let the request set the State of the component, and make the state the input of the Progress.Bar component. This way, when the fetch requests finishes asynchronously, the state will be set and the progress bar will be updated. This would look something like this:
import * as Progress from 'react-native-progress';
import { openDatabase } from 'react-native-sqlite-storage';
import { useState } from 'react'
var db = openDatabase({ name: 'UserDatabase.db' });
const renderContent = (props) => {
[progress, setProgress] = useState(0)
let progressbardata = (id) => {
var totalItems=0;
db.transaction((tx) => {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM student where id = ?', [id], (tx, results) => {
totalItems = results.rows.item(0).percent;
return (
<Progress.Bar color='#68FF33' progress={progress}/>

When state changes for graphql variable, result stays the same on react-native

I'm trying to create an app using shopify graphql api to create an ecommerce app on react native expo.
I have an onPress that calls a setState to change the state of the graphQL variable but the results don't change from the initial state of 'currentSubCategories'
const [currentSubCategories, setSubCategories] = useState(Categories[0].subCategory[0].handle);
let {
} = useCollectionQuery(currentSubCategories, first, priceRange);
const [currentCategory, setCategory] = useState({categories: Categories[0]});
const onSubCategorySelect = (subCategory) => { setSubCategories(subCategory.handle) }
onPress={() => onSubCategorySelect(item)}
function useCollectionQuery(
collectionHandle: string,
first: number,
priceRange: [number, number],
) {
let [isInitFetching, setInitFetching] = useState<boolean>(true);
let [isReloading, setIsReloading] = useState<boolean>(true);
let [collection, setCollection] = useState<Array<Product>>([]);
let isFetchingMore = useRef<boolean>(false);
let hasMore = useRef<boolean>(true);
let defaultCurrency = useDefaultCurrency().data;
let { data, loading, refetch: refetchQuery } = useQuery<
variables: {
sortKey: ProductCollectionSortKeys.BEST_SELLING,
presentmentCurrencies: [defaultCurrency],
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
let getMoreUntilTarget = async (
targetAmount: number,
cursor: string | null,
handle: string,
filter: [number, number],
) => {
let result: Array<Product> = [];
let moreData: Array<Product> = [];
let { data } = await refetchQuery({
collectionHandle: handle,
after: cursor,
useEffect(() => {
if (!loading) {
isFetchingMore.current = false;
if (isInitFetching && !!data && !!data.collectionByHandle) {
let newCollection = mapToProducts(data.collectionByHandle.products);
hasMore.current = !!data.collectionByHandle?.products.pageInfo
}, [loading, isInitFetching]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
return {
loading: isReloading,
hasMore: hasMore.current,
isFetchingMore: isFetchingMore.current,
I'm using flatList to show the result
renderItem={({ item }) => (
According to docs you have to pass new variables to refetch otherwise refetch will use initial values.
In this case (custom hook) you have 2 ways to solvethis problem:
return variables from your custom hook (taken from useQuery),
return some own refetch function.
1st option needs 'manual' variables updating like:
refetch( { ...variablesFromHook, collectionHandle: currentSubCategories } );
In 2nd case you can create myRefetch (and return as refetch) taking collectionHandle parameter to call refetch with updated variables - hiding 'complexity' inside your hook.
Both cases needs refetch call after updating state (setSubCategories) so you should use this refetch inside useEffect with [currentSubCategories] dependency ... or simply don't use state, call refetch directly from event handler (in onSubCategorySelect).