How do I setup Birthdates using Yii3 and its Cycle-ORM integration? - orm

mySql database client_birthdate field set as DATE and nullable if user does not enter date.
User inputs Client's Birthdate on __form textbox as a string in mySql format YYYY/MM/DD or not.
Yii3's ClientForm gets the string or empty string and converts to DATETIME so that Cycle Orm can process it.
Yii3's ClientService saves the date using Cycle's Client Entity's getter and setter methods and annotations.
Php 7.4.9
Typed property. Previously php allowed this variable declaration below a class public $var; now inserting typed property between public and $var ie public ?string $var = '' excludes other types. Question mark before type allows for null value input. So only two alternatives.
Understanding mySql's '0000-00-00' for non date input.
Download fork of
dateHelper.php (adapted from Invoiceplane)
* #return string|null
public function date_from_mysql($date, $s)
//if previous input was not a date mySql would have input '0000-00-00'
if ($date <> '0000-00-00') {
//CYCLE converts all dates to DateTimeImmutable
$date = DateTime::createFromImmutable($date);
//$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $date);
//eg. $date->format('Ymd')
return $date->format($s->setting('date_format'));
return $date;
return '';
__form.php caption
<div class="mb-3 form-group has-feedback">
<label form-label for="client_birthdate"><?= $s->trans('birthdate'); ?></label>
$bdate = $body['client_birthdate'] ?? null;
if ($bdate && $bdate != "0000-00-00") {
//use the DateHelper
$datehelper = new DateHelper();
$bdate = $datehelper->date_from_mysql($bdate, false, $s);
} else {
$bdate = null;
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" name="client_birthdate" id="client_birthdate" placeholder="1900/12/01"
class="form-control data-datepicker"
value="<?= Html::encode($bdate); ?>">
<span class="input-group-addon">
<i class="fa fa-calendar fa-fw"></i>
namespace App\Invoice\Entity;
use \DateTime;
* #Entity(
* repository="App\Invoice\Client\ClientRepository",
* mapper="App\Invoice\Client\ClientMapper",
* constrain="App\Invoice\Client\Scope\activeScope"
* )
* #Table(
* indexes={
* #Index(columns={"client_active"}),
* }
* )
class Client
* #Column(type="date", nullable=true)
private $client_birthdate = '';
//CYCLE converts all date formats ie. DATE, DATETIME, to DateTimeImmutable so
work with DateTimeImmutable
public function __construct($client_birthdate = '')
public function getClient_birthdate() : ?DateTimeImmutable
if (isset($this->client_birthdate) && !empty($this->client_birthdate)){
return $this->client_birthdate;
if (empty($this->client_birthdate)){
return $this->client_birthdate = null;
public function setClient_birthdate(?\DateTime $client_birthdate): void
$this->client_birthdate = $client_birthdate;
namespace App\Invoice\Client;
use Yiisoft\Form\FormModel;
use Yiisoft\Validator\Rule\Required;
use \DateTimeImmutable;
use \DateTime;
final class ClientForm extends FormModel {
private ?string $client_birthdate = null;
public function getClient_birthdate(): ?\DateTime
if (isset($this->client_birthdate) && !empty($this->client_birthdate)){
return new DateTime($this->client_birthdate);
if (empty($this->client_birthdate)){
return $this->client_birthdate = null;
namespace App\Invoice\Client;
use App\Invoice\Entity\Client;
use App\User\User;
final class ClientService
private ClientRepository $repository;
public function __construct(ClientRepository $repository)
$this->repository = $repository;;
public function saveClient(User $user, Client $model, ClientForm $form): void

Things to look out for:
Ensure _form 'id' and 'name' values eg. client_birthdate correspond to Entity #column and Database tables fields. ie Use field names consistently
through Entity, Annotations. The ClientForm's getter method will receive data from the __form which is a string or null. The getter will convert this to a DATETIME or null so that CYCLE ORM (Spiral Framework) can process it.
Ensure initialization in Entity/Client.php instantiation area ie. BEFORE construct and IN construct.
Annotations above function are read by Cycle's annotations.
use \DateTime; before Annotations. Don't forget backslash to indicate DateTime is a php class not in current Namespace.
mySql type DATE in database and 'date' included in annotation below. ie. * #Column(type="date", nullable=true) otherwise Cycle will not be able to read it.
I have elected to use a simple untyped, nullable string.
public function getClient_birthdate() : ?\DateTimeImmutable
public function setClient_birthdate(?\DateTime $client_birthdate): void
* #Column(type="date", nullable=true)
private $client_birthdate = '';
The value accepted from coalface __form uses a string so initialize ClientForm.php's private ?string $client_birthdate = null with a string
not a DateTime function.
Question mark before ?\DateTime allows for null value. Use consistently in function declaration as well as seen below.
public function getClient_birthdate(): ?\DateTime
if (isset($this->client_birthdate) && !empty($this->client_birthdate)){
return new DateTime($this->client_birthdate);
if (empty($this->client_birthdate)){
return $this->client_birthdate = null;
The above code can be reduced to:
public function getClient_birthdate() : ?\DateTime
// convert the input string on the form received by means of '$this->client_birthdate'
// back into DateTime so that Cycle can deal with it and
// save it in 'date' format in mysql behind the scenes
return new DateTime($this->client_birthdate);

Update 21 September 2022
Attributes are preferred now to annotations so above code has changed.
Essentially, to represent a DateTimeImmutable on a form it must be presented with the ->format() command. A suitable style of date must be between the brackets eg. Y-m-d or even d-m-Y. To accomplish this, additional code may be used eg.
<div class="mb-3 form-group has-feedback">
$bdate = $datehelper->get_or_set_with_style($body['client_birthdate']);
<label form-label for="client_birthdate"><?= $s->trans('birthdate') .' ('.$datehelper->display().')'; ?></label>
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" name="client_birthdate" id="client_birthdate" placeholder="<?= ' ('.$datehelper->display().')';?>"
class="form-control input-sm datepicker" readonly
value="<?= null!== $bdate ? Html::encode($bdate instanceof \DateTimeImmutable ? $bdate->format($datehelper->style()) : $bdate) : null; ?>" role="presentation" autocomplete="off">
<span class="input-group-text">
<i class="fa fa-calendar fa-fw"></i>
Include the following datepicker jquery code in your layout file.
$js1 = "$(function () {".
.'", firstDay:'.$datehelper->datepicker_firstDay()
.', changeMonth: true'
.', changeYear: true'
.', yearRange: "-50:+10"'
.', clickInput: true'
.', constrainInput: false'
.', highlightWeek: true'
.' });'.
echo Html::script($js1)->type('module');
Here is reference to the styles.

A Database Error Occurred Error Number: 1525 Incorrect DATE value: '0000-00-00' fix error 58 El error se debe al modo sql, que puede ser un modo estricto
solution permanent to Incorrect DATE value: '0000-00-00' change thsis data example > 1970-01-01
or temporal solution mysql SET GLOBAL sql_mode = '';
ubuntu 20.04
mysql 8


prestashop 1.7 add a field to checkout process (and save it)

Good day, I've created a module that adds a new field (ask for invoice) during the checkout, I've added it in the payment selection hook.
How I save the field value (it is a checkbox) once the page is submitted? I mean after a payment is been selected and the submit button is pressed?
public function hookDisplayPaymentTop()
$sql = 'SELECT vat_number FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'address WHERE `id_address` = '.$this->context->cart->id_address_invoice;
$vat_number = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql);
if ($vat_number == false) {
$message = $this->l(' your VAT number is invalid or ');
$vat_status = 0;
$message = $vat_number;
$vat_status = 1;
'foo' => 'bar',
'usrId' => $this->context->customer->id,
'vat' => $vat_number,
'vat_status' => $vat_status,
'cartId' => $this->context->cart->id
return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/front/doyouinvoice.tpl');
and the TPL is like:
<h5>Do you need an invoice?</h5>
<div class="ggAskInvoiceError {if $vat_status == 1}hideThisMessage{/if}">
{l s="You need to add your VAT number in the billing address." m="ggaskinvoice"}
<div class="ggAskContainer">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="askInvoice" id="askInvoice" {if $vat_status == 0}disabled='disabled'{/if} data-cartid="{$cartId}" > {l s="I need an invoice for this order" m="ggaskinvoice"}</label>
Maybe try to use Tools::isSubmit
I'm not sure if this can work for you,
Try to create a controller in your module like this: in yourModule/controller/controllerName,
class yourModuleNameModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
public function initContent(){
if(Tools::isSubmit('askInvoice')){ //askInvoice is your name button
//Your php code
And for the DisplayHook i think you only need to do this
return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/front/doyouinvoice.tpl');

Product autocomplete input on module (Prestashop)

I'm developing a prestashop module that has to make lists of existing products.
For the configuration panel of the module, using renderForm() and getContent(), I'm trying to replicate the "accesories" capability, where you start writing some info of a product on an input, and it shows the products that are a match. When selecting that product, it gets added on a list. Like this:
This a screenshot of Catalog / Products / Associations tab.
I'm trying with PS and PS1.6.1.0RC3. How would I replicate this functionality to get lists of products on a module configuration panel?
I tried looking here Prestashop AdminProductsController.php but I don't really understand where half of that info is coming from.
There is an autocomplete plugin in prestashop you got to use that for this. Its in js->jquery->plugins you got to add this plugin into your module to make it work.
I think that to achieve that functionality, the renderForm() function won't be enough since you have to bind some javascript and some custom html.
The process of writing a fully functional module is a bit long but by taking the accessories functionality as a starting point it wont be so hard and you will always have a reference on "how-to-do-it".
I would go with this:
1) first create your
function to be able to show the custom template and the product associated by your module so we will have something along:
public function getContent(){
//post process part to save the associations
... //we will see it later
$my_associations = MyModule::getAssociationsLight($this->context->language->id,Tools::getValue('id_product')); //function that will retrieve the array of all the product associated on my module table.
'my_associations' => $my_associations,
'product_id' => (int)Tools::getValue('id_product')
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/admin/admintemplate.tpl'); //custome template to create the autocomplete
//our little function to get the already saved list, for each product we will retrieve id, name and reference with a join on the product/product_lang tables.
public static function getAssociationsLight($id_lang, $id_product, Context $context = null)
if (!$context)
$context = Context::getContext();
$sql = 'SELECT p.`id_product`, p.`reference`, pl.`name`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'my_associations`
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p ON (p.`id_product`= `id_product_2`)
'.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').'
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (
p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`
AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').'
WHERE `id_product_1` = '.(int)$id_product;
return Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);
2) create a template that will be able to show the automplete and the list.
Here we will loop trough the saved associations to create our autocomplete list, and we will do it with some hidden field to keep track of the ids/name and also a visible list were we will have a delete button for each row.
<input type="hidden" name="inputMyAssociations" id="inputMyAssociations" value="{foreach from=$my_associations item=accessory}{$accessory.id_product}-{/foreach}" />
<input type="hidden" name="nameMyAssociations" id="nameMyAssociations" value="{foreach from=$my_associations item=accessory}{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}¤{/foreach}" />
<div id="ajax_choose_product_association">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" id="product_autocomplete_input_association" name="product_autocomplete_input_association" />
<span class="input-group-addon"><i class="icon-search"></i></span>
<div id="divMyAssociations">
{foreach from=$my_associations item=accessory}
<div class="form-control-static">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default delAssociation" name="{$accessory.id_product}">
<i class="icon-remove text-danger"></i>
{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{if !empty($accessory.reference)}{$accessory.reference}{/if}
<input type="submit" name="submitMyAssociations" id="submitMyAssociations" value="Send"/>
<input type="hidden" name="productId" id="productId" value="{$product_id|escape:'html'}"/>
3) Now we can add the javascript to bind an autocomplete on the main input and perform all the logic for each action
//our function wrapper.
var initMyAssociationsAutocomplete = function (){
//initialize the autocomplete that will point to the default ajax_products_list page (it returns the products by id+name)
.autocomplete('ajax_products_list.php', {
minChars: 1,
autoFill: true,
matchContains: true,
formatItem: function(item) {
return item[1]+' - '+item[0];
//as an option we will add a function to exclude a product if it's already in the list
extraParams: {
excludeIds : getAssociationsIds()
//function to exclude a product if it exists in the list
var getAssociationsIds = function()
if ($('#inputMyAssociations').val() === undefined)
return '';
return $('#inputMyAssociations').val().replace(/\-/g,',');
//function to add a new association, adds it in the hidden input and also as a visible div, with a button to delete the association any time.
var addAssociation = function(event, data, formatted)
if (data == null)
return false;
var productId = data[1];
var productName = data[0];
var $divAccessories = $('#divCrossSellers');
var $inputAccessories = $('#inputMyAssociations');
var $nameAccessories = $('#nameMyAssociations');
/* delete product from select + add product line to the div, input_name, input_ids elements */
$divAccessories.html($divAccessories.html() + '<div class="form-control-static"><button type="button" class="delAssociation btn btn-default" name="' + productId + '"><i class="icon-remove text-danger"></i></button> '+ productName +'</div>');
$nameAccessories.val($nameAccessories.val() + productName + '¤');
$inputAccessories.val($inputAccessories.val() + productId + '-');
extraParams: {excludeIds : getAssociationsIds()}
//the function to delete an associations, delete it from both the hidden inputs and the visible div list.
var delAssociations = function(id)
var div = getE('divMyAssociations');
var input = getE('inputMyAssociations');
var name = getE('nameMyAssociations');
// Cut hidden fields in array
var inputCut = input.value.split('-');
var nameCut = name.value.split('¤');
if (inputCut.length != nameCut.length)
return alert('Bad size');
// Reset all hidden fields
input.value = '';
name.value = '';
div.innerHTML = '';
for (i in inputCut)
// If empty, error, next
if (!inputCut[i] || !nameCut[i])
continue ;
// Add to hidden fields no selected products OR add to select field selected product
if (inputCut[i] != id)
input.value += inputCut[i] + '-';
name.value += nameCut[i] + '¤';
div.innerHTML += '<div class="form-control-static"><button type="button" class="delAssociation btn btn-default" name="' + inputCut[i] +'"><i class="icon-remove text-danger"></i></button> ' + nameCut[i] + '</div>';
$('#selectAssociation').append('<option selected="selected" value="' + inputCut[i] + '-' + nameCut[i] + '">' + inputCut[i] + ' - ' + nameCut[i] + '</option>');
extraParams: {excludeIds : getAssociationsIds()}
//finally initialize the function we have written above and create all the binds.
//live delegation of the deletion button to our delete function, this will allow us to delete also any element added after the dom creation with the ajax autocomplete.
$('#divMyAssociations').delegate('.delAssociation', 'click', function(){
4) now you just need to save the associations made by your module autocomplete, and i suggest to perform it by first deleting any association made on a given product and then saving all of them. so you don't have to care about inserting or updating an entry
public function getContent(){
//post process part
$product_id = (int)Tools::getValue('productId');
// see the function below, a simple query to delete all the associations on a product
if ($associations = Tools::getValue('inputMyAssociations'))
$associations_id = array_unique(explode('-', $associations));
if (count($associations_id))
//insert all the association we have made.
$this->changeMyAssociations($associations_id, $product_id);
protected function deleteMyAssociations($product_id){
return Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'my_associations` WHERE `id_product_1` = '.(int)$product_id);
protected function changeMyAssociations($associations_id, $product_id){
foreach ($associations_id as $id_product_2)
Db::getInstance()->insert('my_associations', array(
'id_product_1' => (int)$product_id,
'id_product_2' => (int)$id_product_2
I hope it can help you to go through all of this.

Method not receiving attributes from shortcode call, general OOP problems

The method OpenMods that you see below, is supposed to take an array generated by an fgetcsv function, and put it into an HTML table. __construct is supposed to, as is typically the case, define the attributes for the class, and shortcode is supposed to take two attributes from the shortcode, and if mods comes back, it is supposed to call another function in the class.
OpenMods did function when it was outside of a class, without the class attribute calls, so I'm fairly certain that isn't the source of my problem. My problem most likely lies within __construct and shortcode; However please don't overlook OpenMods as it may contain errors that are contributing to the problem, I'm just giving my estimation which isn't worth much since I'm having to ask to for help.
This is an example of the shortcode I'm trying to make work:
[priceguide file=’test.csv’ type=’mods’]
class CsvImporter
private $parse_header;
private $header;
private $delimiter;
private $length;
function __construct($parse_header=false, $delimiter="\t", $length=8000)
add_shortcode( 'priceguide', array( $this, 'shortcode' ) );
$this->parse_header = $parse_header;
$this->delimiter = $delimiter;
$this->length = $length;
public function shortcode($atts) {
$attributes = extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'file' => '',
'type' => '',
), $atts ));
if ($attributes['mods'])
function OpenMods($file) {
$fp = fopen(plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . $file , "r" );
if ($this->parse_header)
$header = fgetcsv($fp, $this->length, $this->delimiter);
// table header and search html
echo('<input type="text" class="search" id="search" placeholder="Search">');
echo('<table id="table"> <tr class="hidden">
// integer for drop down/price submit
$a = 1;
// set values for table data
while ($header !== FALSE) {
$name = $header[0];
$quanid = $header[2];
$table = $header[3];
$cssId = 'row-'.$a;
//generate HTML
foreach ($header as $index=>$val) {
echo htmlentities($val, ENT_QUOTES);
// query to get item prices
$sql = "SELECT ItemID, Price
FROM {$table}
WHERE ItemID = %d
global $wpdb;
$results = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $quanid));
// put the results in the table
// HTML for hidden row/price submission
<button class="toggler" data-prod-cat="' . $cssId . '">Vote</button>
echo('<tr class="cat' . $cssId . ' hidden" style="display:none">');
echo('<td colspan="4" style="white-space: nowrap">Enter ' . $name . ' Price:
<form action="" name="form' . $quanid . '" method="post"><input type="text" id="' . $quanid . '" maxlength="4" name="' . $quanid . '" value="price_input" class="input" />
<button id="submit" name="submit" class="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">Submit</button></form>
return ob_get_clean();
Based on OP comment, the problem is, the object can not created and in this case, __constructor() will not run, and add_shortcode( 'priceguide', array( $this, 'shortcode' ) ); will never triggered.
There are two solutions. One, if you are make the shortcode method to static, and add this in your functions.php file:
add_shortcode( 'priceguide', 'CsvImporter::shortcode' ) );
The second option, if you do not want to make it static if you instantiate an object from your class, before anythings happens. In your functions.php
add_action('init', 'my_init');
global $CsvImporter;
function my_init() {
global $CsvImporter;
$CsvImporter = new CsvImporter();
In this case, when no output send to the buffer, you create a new CsvImporter object, so the __construct() will run, so shortcode will registered.

how to check already exist entry in database

My default controller function
public function actionAddNewCategories() {
$model = new AddNewCategory();
$test = ' <option value="">Select Category</option>';
foreach($category_list as $value ){
$test .= "<option >{$value['category_name']}</option>";
echo $test;
Model function
public function getCategoryName() {
$id = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->from('add_new_category c')
return $id;
You can add unique rule into your AddNewCategory model like below:
By now, You have a rule, which denies to insert new record with existing value.
Another alternative way would be using exist() like below:
Which $exist variable holds a Boolean value which means whether a record exists with entered condition or not.

How to get file tmp_name using JInput

I'm a bit stuck with this. I have this bit of code which manages to get the filename of my file:
class AControllerA extends JControllerForm
function save()
//Upload file
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$store_form = $jinput->get('jform', null, 'array');
$file = $store_form['img_url'];
echo $file;
*The file field has a name of jform[img_url];
However I cannot seem to get the 'tmp_name' for the file. Anyone know what I'm missing out? I'm a bit confused as to how jinput works...jrequest worked quite easily. Thanks!
<form enctype="multipart/form-data">
How about like this:
$files = $input->files->get('jform', null);
$filename = $files['img_url']['tmp_name'];
echo $filename;
Check out documentation for Retrieving file data using JInput
Supposing you are using JForm and the file input type, then you can access the file using this:
$files = $jinput->files->get('jform');
$file = $files['img_url']['tmp_name']
Also make sure your form has the enctype="multipart/form-data" set, otherwise it will not work.
In your model you should have sth like this
public function getForm($data = array(), $loadData = false)
* Get the Form
$form = $this->loadForm('com_mycomponent.mycomponent', 'mycomponent',
array('control' => false, 'load_data' => $loadData));
if (empty($form)) {
return false;
return $form;
Note that $loaddata and 'control' is set to false, when 'control' is false you can get file parameters as according to the name specified in your xml i.e the output form is like:
<input name="name in xml file" type="file" />
If 'control' => 'jform'
<input name="jform[name in xml file]" type="file" />
$loaddata= false means you dont need to fetch any data from the database to the form.
in your view.html.php you should have sth like this
public function display($tpl = null)
$this->formData = $this->get('Form');
Lets suppose I'll receive the requested file in "upload" method of "mycomponent" controller then it should have sth like this:
class MycomponentControllerMycomponent extends JControllerAdmin
public function upload()
//Retrieve file details from uploaded file, sent from upload form
$file = JFactory::getApplication()->input->files->get('name in xml
**$tmp_name** = $file['tmp_name'];
$tmp_name is Your required name