Is there a way to customize API Platform Admin screens without writing pages and components from scratch? - react-admin

Does the lack of decorator support prevent this? I'm hoping to customize certain fields with the prebuilt pages (e.g. instead of an IRI for a subresource field, I want to provide a composite : <resource_description> inside of a chip).
It appears by building my own App.js and components, it is fully customizable, but we also lose all of the prebuilt resources.
I can't seem to find any documentation on simply enhancing the existing prebuilt codebase rather than recreating each show screen, edit screen, list screen, etc. by hand.


Xamarin - How to view rendered Xaml

Our team is working on an effort to improve the accessibility of our mobile application developed with Xamarin. One area we're having trouble tackling is Focus Path (i.e. tab order). Research examples suggest that the focus path should naturally be top down if the layout is created correctly. However, the examples are often simple and not real-world with respect to complex layouts and navigation (or whatever Marketing dreams up). We have several re-usable 'controls' and templates the get injected as part of the layout like main navigation, search, etc. The focus path, or tab order, is all over the place.
Tools that offer live preview/xaml edit only work against the opened xaml file which in many of our cases is just part of the overall xaml that makes up the screen.
Looking for a way to view 'rendered xaml' that makes a up a given screen in a xamarin mobile app. We need to see the final xaml that includes all of the dynamic controls, templates, etc. that get mashed together. This may help us understand what's happening to our focus path.
EDIT: we've found that forcing/setting tabindex does not help.
Is there such a tool or process?
I was using for such a purpose.

How to change in template through the Shopify application

I am trying to write a Shopify application and I want to add a section to the product page when the store owner installed my app. I tried this by adding a custom script tag in the shop template and this tag will load and inject my desired HTML into the page. It's work but it needs to force the store owner to change the product page template and its not user-friendly.
I see some apps in the Shopify app store that can change the product page after you install them without needs add any part to the product page template. How they do this work? I can't find the correct way in the Shopify documents.
You can change the Shopify theme of the shop using The API for Assets:
However as drip mentioned this is not a good idea:
If you change the theme auto-magically via code, you are looking for trouble. A lot of things can go wrong - simply you cannot cater for all themes and their changes over time! So you could possibly leave a broken page after the change. The e-shop owner won't be impressed! Actually a lot of the 1* reviews of apps are for that reason!
What would happen if the eshop owner removes your app? He won't know what code to remove.
So, most apps ask the user to add the app code. They provide detailed instructions of course.
Fyi, another problematic approach is the following:
Some apps may attempt to change the DOM "on the fly", by first locating an existing DOM element (a lot of theme-specific if statements to do that with any degree of success) and, then insert the app's DOM elements.
That's very messy and problematic as well, but at least you do not risk ruining the owner's theme files. In the worst case he can uninstall your app and he 'll be ok.

Easy digital downloads - Form custom (add / remove / hide fields)

I want to create an e-commerce shop with : WP, Easy digital downloads and Frontend submissions.
To do so, I need to customize forms. As an example: I need to add & remove (or hide) fields on the fes_registration_form without breaking functions behind it.
I don't have a good vision of how the easy digital downloads plugin works so I don't know where to do my updates (don't want to break everything).
Could you please tell me how to proceed to add and remove fields on the fes_registration_form ?
I need to do the same job on the profile form and on the new product ones.
thank you
You can easily add and remove form fields for the profile and product submission via the built in form builder. There is a simple drag and drop system.
For further custom work you would need to get your hands dirty. I have just completed a major project in totally changing some functions within the forms. This involves a combination of hooks, filters and extending some of the classes provided by the FES extension.

Separate webapp for custom components in Moqui

I have read this in many places "You will eventually want to create your own runtime directory and keep it in your own source repository...". Can anyone tell me how to do that? What if I don't want to lose some of the OOTB components?
Currently I am just planning to have a separate webapp for custom developed components. Let's say, I want to have "ootb" mount point for the OOTB components and blank "" mount point for custom developed components. How should I do that? This is what I have tried without success:
<webapp name="webroot" http-port="8080" https-enabled="false">
<root-screen host=".*/ootb" location="component://webroot/screen/webroot.xml"/>
<webapp name="customroot" http-port="8080" https-enabled="false">
<root-screen host=".*" location="component://customroot/screen/customroot.xml"/>
If this does not work then one other solution that I can think of is to just have the "customroot" entry, and add the "webroot" as SubScreenItem in it. The "customroot" screen will just be blank, and my custom decorator will be present in the "customapps" screen which will be a counter part of the "apps" screen. And all my screens will use the "customapps" screen.
Although I haven't tried what I wrote above, but that somehow feels like a hack. I believe there should be some better way to do this.
And yes, I have read the article, I want to use localhost and there should be some way to do it with localhost too.
As explained in the other StackOverflow question you linked to (on the word "article") the webapp element used at runtime is selected based on the "moqui-name" context-param from the web.xml file for the webapp (in or out of a WAR file). Unless you are deploying multiple WAR files or other forms of webapps this is not useful.
What you are describing would be handled by adding subscreens in the screen hierarchy at the desired points. The general idea with the screen hierarchy in Moqui is that you can have root screens of "applications" mounted through various means (see the annotations on the subscreens element or the Making Apps with Moqui book for details on the 3 ways of doing this). Part of the point of this is to AVOID multiple webapps mounted in the servlet container because that makes things more complicated, including: handling authc and sessions, configuration and deployment, and so on.
Generally for an application in a component you'll want to use a database record to add a subscreen to an existing screen in the hierarchy, mainly from the "webroot" component. Here is an example of that from the example app in Moqui (this adds an "example" path elements under the "apps" path element, where the apps.xml screen is mounted under the root screen, putting it at /apps/example):
<moqui.screen.SubscreensItem screenLocation="component://webroot/screen/webroot/apps.xml"
subscreenName="example" userGroupId="ALL_USERS" menuTitle="Example" menuIndex="8" menuInclude="Y"
Here is an example from PopCommerce to mount the root screen of the application under the root screen instead of the "apps" screen (i.e. making it located at /popc instead of /apps/popc; note that this means the decoration in the apps.xml screen will not be used because it's not in the render path):
<moqui.screen.SubscreensItem screenLocation="component://webroot/screen/webroot.xml"
subscreenName="popc" userGroupId="ALL_USERS" menuTitle="POP Commerce" menuIndex="9" menuInclude="N"
I think I might have asked a confusing question, but thanks for your time David. If I try to rephrase my question, it would be: "How to have a decorator screen which will not use any HTML from the webroot or apps screens?"
I think I found the answer. I just added my customroot screen as SubScreenItem under webroot screen, and mentioned the attribute standalone="true" in it. Now my URL: localhost:8080/customroot/foo does not use anything mentioned in webroot or apps screens.
Just that, now if I want to have all my components to be at root level in URL like: localhost:8080/foo
I think the only way to do that would be to shift the OOTB components to some other URL like: localhost:8080/ootb/apps/AppList
To do that I will have to add webroot as SubScreenItem of the customroot screen, and replace the webapp entry of webroot with that of customroot.
Damn, I tried so hard and it still is confusing.

Create and use global view in C# WP8 XAML

I was trying to digg something on this topic before, but have no luck. What I'm trying to achieve is pretty simple, but seems to be hard to achieve :-)
I have a WP8 app (C# XAML) and I need to implement global messages (something like toasts) which could be displayed across whole application no matter of current navigation processes. Such toast message(s) should be displayed even while user is navigating between pages. To use the built in toasts is not a way (in case some other solution exists) since I'm possibly in need to have more than one message displayed at the same time (each one is independent of another) and should disappear after specified period of time.
So, my question is. Is there any way how to implement and use some kind of global view instance which sits above all pages and can be called from any page?
All I found until now is the possible ability to use PhoneApplicationFrame, but I would like rather avoid that if possible. I'm still unsure if this is even the way it can be done, but I suppose so. Do you have any alternatives or assurance this is possible and only way to achieve this goal?
Thank you all for your time and answers.
You can have UerControl for the Functionality you are looking for. It is Control that has its own Seprate Xaml and cs file. You can call it from any page into your Project. UserControl provides the base class for defining a new control that encapsulates related existing controls and provides its own logic. You have a XAML file and C# class file for a user control. The class file extends the UserControl class and adds additional behaviours and properties. The XAML file encapsulates the composing controls, the styles, the templates, animations and whatever necessary to form the UI. Since it is a just composition, it is really easy to create. for more Reference you can go here Why and how to create a User Control in Windows Phone
I have ended up rolling my own custom navigation using a single master page. As such any global controls are instantiated once at startup. Navigations are called from my viewmodels and result in usercontrols being removed and added to the visual tree as necessary (using transition animations to give the impression of page navigation) This works but im not sure whether it is best practice and would appreciate some opinions and comments on this. Certainly it solves the problem of global views described.