Changes to rpt file (Crystal report) not getting deployed through vb.Net -

We have crystal reports viewed from a application. We have made changes to one of the reports. The .rpt file is in resources folder. When we publish the application and install it on user machine the changes done to the report (design related) are not reflected in the file as if no change was made.
Visual Studio - 2010 / 12.

Please check your reportoptions. There is a setting that is called "Save data with report". You have to uncheck this option. Otherwise the report will show the state it was last executed in the reportdesigner.
Maybe this will help?


Skin theme designer issue ( express 2015)

I'm using custom theme (Net seal by Aeon Hack).
I opened a form, dragged NStheme from toolbar to the form. Project builds successfully.
But when I simply close form and then try to open it in designer mode, I get error:
To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the
following errors must be resolved:
The designer cannot process the code at line XX, please see the Task
List for details. The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is
generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please
remove any changes and try opening the designer again.
What am I doing wrong?
I managed to get it working on Visual Studio 2012

Crystal Report Viewer

Previously I use vb6 with crystal report and i use the crystal report viewer with vb6 to preview the report.
now i moved to 2010 where i cannot find the crystal report viewer Activex control? i specially want to use crystal report Activex viewer in because it will allow the user to edit the report as user has need,
if the crystal report activex viewer cannot support then give me way to modify the crystal report file after the exe has been build in 2010?
.NET uses .Net DLLs, not Active X controls. When in .Net will be looking for the DLL's that support run time operations...NOT an ActiveX. Dig back into your documentation and should be covered there.
As Juan said you need to look for .Net DLLs in order to use CrystalReportViewer.
From your question I am assuming you already have installed Crystal Report 13 for Visual Studio 2010. If you haven't this is the link from where you can download it.
Now coming to your question of not being able to find dll of CrystalReportViewer You need to follow these steps:
First in your menu bar go to project and go to properties of the project.
Go to Compile section, then to advanced compile options.
Go to Target Framework by default it will be on ".NET Framework 4 Client Profile" set it to ".NET Framework 4".
Restart your Visual Studio.
Voila you can see it.
Link to download .net Framework 4
Mark it as Accepted Answer if it works for you.

Where is the SQL File Template in Visual Studio 2010?

I notice in VS2010's Tools > Options dialog, there is a section on how to format the SQL:
I am working with a very large stored procedure on our server that is not formatted well at all. I was thinking it would be great to create a new SQL File in my project, copy and paste the text from the stored procedure in there, and have the text editor apply auto formatting to all of the SQL.
When I call "Add > New Item" and get that dialog, there does not seem to be any Installed Template with the .sql extension.
I see the SQL Server Database template, but that is not what I need. The LINQ to SQL Classes is not right, either.
What template do I need to use to use the auto formatting built into the VS2010 interface?
Judging from your screenshot, you have a C# project (e.g. a library dll) open. This won't show an option to add a .sql file as those files are not normally associated with a C# kind of projects.
One way around it is:
In VS2010 main menu, go to File -> New -> File. In General tab, there's a SqlFile file type.
Add a file and save it to the disk in the location of your project.
Right-click on your project and select Add -> Existing Item. In the open file dialog, change the extension to *.* to show your .sql file.
Add file to the project. If needed, change "Build Action" and "Copy to Output Directory" properties to control how it behaves during the build.
What you are looking for shows up when you create a SQL Server Database project.
File > Add > New Project
Then when you add items you see options that should work:
*Note my screenshots are from VS2012 - but I think it is the same.
I hate Visual Studio's T-SQL designer, even with SQL Data Tools installed. I opt to open my project's .sql files in Management Studio.
Right-Click any .sql file in VS.
Navigate to "Open-with"
Choose "Add"
In the Program dialog type "explorer.exe"
Type whatever you want for the friendly Name, I use Management Studio
Click "OK"
Highlight the new record and choose "Set as default".
Now double clicking any .sql file in VS will open up whatever program opens when you double click a .sql file outside of VS. Using this method, I'm able to edit, add, and modify my sql files in management studio and save them back to the project seamlessly.
Hope this helps.

Modifying Crystal Report via Visual Studio project?

When I open a Crystal Report in Visual Studio I can view options for how the fields are formatted such as the date and numbers. I'm running a crystal report in a project, is it possible to edit these settings through code?
Try setting the NumericFieldFormat values of the objects.
See an example here:

Can't see or add Website Data Sources in RDLC report in ASP.NET MVC

In the RDLC report, in Design view in Visual Studio 2008, we don't see anything in the Website Data Sources tab and the button to Add New Data Source is grayed out. Only the Refresh button is enabled, and clicking it doesn't do anything. Our business logic layer returns Lists of business objects and the business logic and business object projects are both referenced by the MVC project. This is an MVC app, so there is no App_Code folder.
How do we get our business objects to appear in the Website Data Sources list so we can drag and drop fields from the object onto our RDLC report?
I think I suffered the same problem as this.
I solved this by closing all open VS windows, cleaning, rebuilding the solution then adding a new WebForms page (yes I know its MVC) but it then seemed to trigger a refresh in something and the data sources showed up when we reopened and editted the rdlc file.
I have also been frustrated by this, using VB.NET, but this should fix it:
In addition to the reference to:
Microsoft.ReportViewer.Winforms or
You need to also add a reference to:
The Data Sources panel is still blank, but when you select Add Dataset, you'll see the correct options.
Try this...
On the menu bar, choose View, Other Windows, Data Sources (or choose the Shift+Alt+D
I had the same problem in Visual Studio 2008. The solution I accidently found was to do the following:
1 - Launch VS 2008
2 - Open Solution
3 - Open report file (rdlc) and make sure "Website Data Sources" pane is showing
4 - Close VS 2008 (with the rdlc "having focus"
5 - Launch VS 2008
6 - Open Solution
You should now see the data in the Website Data Sources pane
One of the problems I had was that my DataSource class didn't have a parameterless constructor...after the parameterless constructor was added "the class" showed up in the DataSource list.
Small detail, but lost some time to figure it out. :)